05/20/2002-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 20, 2002 7:00 P.M. * 201 BOLIVAR 1. an Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: May 7, 2002 - Special Called May 6, 2002 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Tax Exemption for the Bolivar Masonic Lodge #418. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #OS-13-02 -Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of City of Sanger, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2002, in the Principal Amount of $2,360,000, Approving an Official Statement, Making Provisions for the Payment and Security Thereof and Ordaining Matters Related Thereto. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #OS-14-02 -Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2002, in the Principal Amount of $2,540,000, Approving an Official Statement, Making Provisions for the Payment and Security Thereof and Ordaining Matters Related Thereto. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #05-08-02 -Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Sanger. (Abstract 29, Tr. 113) 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #OS-Q9-02 -Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Sanger. (Abstract 29, Tr.120) 9. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #OS-11-02 -Amending the Sanitation Ordinance and Increasing the Rate by $1.00. 10. %f 1. 2 Consider and Possible Action on AppointiM ng embers to the Downtown A rea Committee. Discussion on Building Permit Fees. Consider and Possible Action on City Council members) Attending the 2002 AMCC Conference in EI 13. Adjourn. 2002. Date &Time Posted This facility is wheelchar `,ce" aa}dessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or inte1pretive51191RI,zutit e made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL -SPECIAL CALLED MAY 7, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Councilman Craig Waggoner OTHERS PRESENT: City Manger Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City manger Rose Chavez, Mike James 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Canvass Votes from the Saturday, May 4, 2002 City Election. Mayor canvassed votes as follows: Mayor: Votes Tommy Kincaid 272 Glenn Ervin 187 Jerry Jenkins 1W Place 4• Mike James 154 Pat Golden, Jr 51 Jay Parr 87 Carol Martin -Roberts 44 Councilman Evans moved to accept the Canvass. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. a) Issued Statements of Elected Officer b) Issued Oaths of Office c) Issued Certificates of Election 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MAY 69 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Councilman Craig Waggoner OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Code Enforcement Officer Ken Wilson, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Nel Armstrong, Bobby Swan, John Springer, Liz Springer, Allen Sweeney, Anthony Sweeney, Fran Abelson, Mike James 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order and led the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: April 15, 2002 b) Disbursements Councilman Higgs moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Al Bobby Swan,111 Colonial Heights, addressed the Council regarding concern with street repair. He asked how these repairs were prioritized. Mayor indicated they look at the streets with heaviest traffic that are in bad shape first, then go from there. There is a street program that should be started some time in June. Mr. Swan indicated he lived on Colonial Heights and that a year ago a contractor bore the street and there was a pot hole there for a year. He is not understand who pays for the repair. If the contractor pays for the repairs, they should be done. He indicated he has filled out numerous work orders and there has been some asphalt put there. He felt that when they have a nice street in town they should maintain it and keep it nice. He wanted to see some type of program to prioritize street repairs. This is the time for street repairs, and he has not seen repairs done. Mayor indicated they would look into it, and if it was not done within two weeks to let him know. B) Allen Sweeney, present at meeting representing the Masonic Lodge. They had requested a tax exemption. C�t�00 City Secretary explained they had called the Appraisal District and had been advised that the City had no authority over the exemption process. Samantha Renz explained that she had spoken to Linda at the Appraisal District who informed her that the Appraisal District would make the decision whether or not they would be exempt, and that the City did not have any input at all. Allen Sweeney explained to the Council that Masonic Lodges were now going to be exempt if they get the taxing authorities approval. He had spoken to Mr. Clerhye at the Appraisal District and had been advised that he needed to contact the City and the School District and get approval from them. Discussion. Mayor indicated staff would get with the Appraisal District and find out what needs to be done. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Designating a Committee to Oversee New Construction in the Downtown Area. Nel Armstrong, 216 Diane Dr., addressed the Council regarding this item. She indicated she had spoken to Mr. Smith regarding new construction in the downtown area. The Historical Society felt that the downtown area should be maintained as a historical area, and felt that new construction should be regulated. At that time, Mr. Smith indicated that perhaps the downtown area could have its own zoning ordinances. She continued to explain that she felt perhaps a committee could be appointed to oversee the development of these ordinances and bring them to Council as a recommendation and Council could decide on them. The committee could include 2 Council members, 2 Planning and Zoning members, 2 members of the Historical Society, and 2 of the downtown merchants. Mayor asked what streets would they like to include in this. Nel indicated that she felt the choice of which streets could be one of the recommendations of the committee if appointed. John Springer, 802 N. Keaton Rd., indicated he had grownup in Sanger along with the Mayor and Councilman Higgs. He remembered when the downtown streets were full and you could hardly get down them. Then about fifteen years ago some of the buildings were deteriorated, he purchased one of the buildings and had begun renovation on it. In the past, Mayor Armstrong had invited him to one of the meetings because he was so interested in maintaining Sanger's Heritage. The City of Denton had used the Main Street Program, but the more he looked into it he did not feel it would benefit Sanger. He has seen downtown areas designated as a Historic Area, and felt this would be good for Sanger. He felt there were several individuals who would be willing to serve on the committee if it was created. He felt Sanger had a great history and would like to see it preserved. Polly Dwyer,113 Diane Dr., addressed the Council and indicated that Sanger should be promoted and be aesthetically pleasing. She would bring the brochure that the Historical Society has worked on to the Council that contains all of the historical sites in town. She did not know much about Sanger's history until approximately 4 years ago when she began to study it. She indicated the downtown are reflects that history, 00003 and that the buildings have amazing architecture. She indicated the history of Sanger is there for the purpose of promoting Sanger's future. Discussion. Councilman Higgs moved to designate a committee to oversee new construction in the downtown area. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #05-06-02 -Annexing the Following Properties. ABSTRACT 1241A7 TRACT 77, BEING 9.87 ACRES (AMYX) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 299, BEING 3.283 ACRES OF WHICH 1.36 ACRES ARE CURRENTLY IN THE CITY. (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 59, BEING 95.00 ACRES (RUTH MARSHALL) ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 61A, BEING 0.918 ACRES (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 329, BEING 3.00 ACRES (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 305, BEING 0.159 ACRES (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 328, BEING 16.12 ACRES (CITY) Councilman Ervin moved to approve Ordinance #05-06-02. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #05-07—not -Regarding Infiltration on Private Property. Eddie Branham, 4553 Belz Rd., indicated the reason this is on the agenda is that when they do the smoke tests to determine where the infiltration problems are, most of them are on private property. Currently we do not have anything requiring the property owners to repair these lines. This will give us the authority to ask them to fix it and something to enforce. There is also a fine included if they don't fix it. We don't usually have a problem, this will just be a back up in case we need it. Councilman Evans moved to adopt Ordinance #05-07-02, Councilman Higgs seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Revision of Local Agreement with Denton County Regarding Asset Seizure and Forfeiture Cases. Curtis Amyx, Police Chief, addressed this item and advised that this is basically an agreement between the City and the Denton County Sherif s Department. When property is seized in Denton County there is a numerous amount of paperwork that has to be done. This is just an update to the agreement that we currently have. This is an agreement that Denton County will do the paperwork. The County gets 33.3% of the profit from the sale of seized property and the City will get 66.6%. Councilman Ervin asked why the County received any of the funds. Chief Amyx indicated that seizures are Civil cases and these funds also pay for their time in court. Councilman Evans moved to accept the agreement, Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried 3 to 1. Councilman Ervin voted no. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Agreement for Mutual Aid in Fire Protection By and Between Cooke County, Valley View, Denton County and the City of Sanger Fire Departments, Assistant Fire Chief, Eddie Branham, addressed this item. He indicated this was brought to them by Valley View. They will lose their funding if they don't have a mutual aid agreement. The City currently provides mutual aid to them and they provide it to us. The City Attorney did review it and recommended removing items #2 and #4. Valley View has agreed to this as well. Councilman Evans moved to adopt the agreement and strike #2 and #4 on the agreement. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Interlocal Agreement Between the Sanger Independent School District and the City of Sanger. Mayor indicated the agreement contains the word "intersection" in three different places. He realized the intersection on the South end at McReynold's belonged to the City; however, on Exhibit "A", the intersection mentioned had nothing to do with the City. He felt "intersection" should be removed from the agreement to keep the City from being liable. Councilman Ervin asked if this was going to be a City street. City Manger indicated it was. Councilman Ervin indicated that the City would still be liable then. Mayor indicated this agreement was strictly during construction, and the city would not have liability during the construction phase. City Secretary indicated the agreement states that they want payment within fifteen days, and currently we do not have $200,000.00 for this. This is included in the bond issue and we should have those funds some time in June. Discussion. Councilman Ervin asked if the City Attorney had reviewed the agreement. Staff indicated he had not. Discussion regarding changes. Item tabled for City Attorney Review. 9. City Manager's Progress Report. a) City manger indicated some staff will be out of the office part of this week because the Yarborough case is coming to trial. b) The bid packet for the two feeder exits are being put together and may be ready by the next meeting. c) There is a delay on the new well. Eddie is running tests and will get the necessary people to conduct the required testing on the well. Eddie indicated they were here today, and the testing has been done. d) City Manager indicated they are working on an agreement with Wal-mart for them to furnish electricity to the beacon on top of the tank. Discussion. e) On the Parks Grant it is about another month out. We are working on the bond package. f) Sportsman should open June 1. g) On Acker Street, the daycare is almost completed and the gymnasium has been started, there are four houses started in that subdivision. h) Discussed repairs on Holt Road. i) Latham and Chicken Express are still on track. j) City Manger indicated a developer had contacted him regarding development of Joe Falls property. k) Councilman Evans indicated this discussion under City Manager's Report may be illegal. He felt they shouldn't do it if it were. City Manger indicated he could give them the same report in writing with more detailed information under Non -Agenda items. Councilman Garza expressed concerns about not receiving the information in the past and would like to see it remain on the agenda if it is not illegal. City Secretary indicated it was the recommendation of the City Attorney to not discuss any item that was not detailed on the agenda. The purpose of the report is to get information to the Council, and if they have questions, they can address them with the City Manager one on one. Discussion. 10. Meeting Adjourned. PM VENDOR SET; 99- PsHN i VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPIION 99-008560 AIERICAN KIDS INV 37519728 BOOKS G/L ACCOUNT 0101 Q-6OX, VENDOR TOTALS PAlhiNiENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE 2ANK CHECK S I AT DUE D T DISC DT GPJ899 AMOUNT 80.35 BOOKS REG, CHECK R 5/E1IcGk? 990007G ANIMAL HOSPITAL INV 36537 EUTHANSIA OF POUNCE ANIMALS GNB99 R 5/21/2'002 G/L ACCOUNT A+i0LINT GO1 22-5L48 157,'95 EUTHANSIA OF POUND ANIMALS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-00450 DURRUS INV 36451 PAPER PLATES G/L ACCOUNT 00088 51v-5,`15 VENDOR TOTALS 99—GG47G C�H ,7APdITORAL � SUc'F'LY INV213G7 CLEANING SUPPLIES G/L ACCOUNT 008 15— 5245 001 �.-,,,5 VENDOR TOTALS 99—!�G57G CHENCO GN899 R ir`E1%cBGE: A iOL 1N I 10.83 PAPER PLATES REG. CHECK Gtd899 R 5!C:1/E:O>�C ANOUNT 19.c3 CLEANING SUPPLIES 19.CE CLEANING SUPPLIES REG. CHECK INV 1896L�E CHARCOAL/TORKfi1EVON 77 APJTIB GN899 R 5iL1/C'OOL G/L ACCOU�dT ANOUNT 001 32-5S23 444.54 CHARCOAL/TORN/MEVON 77 ANTIBAC VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK GFiOSJ L�ALAhdCE 8� . 35 i57.95 157.9 157,'95 f57.95 1t�. 83 1C7, 83 38.45 38.45 38.45 38.45 444,54 444.54 444.54 444.54 �'AY 1ENI DISCOUNT 8��. 35CR 8�3.35CR 157,95CR 15`!. 95CR f r�. 83GR 1�eT. 83C'R G. OC 38.45CR 38.45CR 444.54CR 444.54CR F'FEiGe i u(ITSIHNDIN'0 C, E7G 5-14 2002 OGZ08 PH A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SETS 99— PANf;: VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION PAIN; CHECK; STAT DUE DT DISC DT 99-04590 CHIEF SUPPLY CORPV INV 177774 MT 2000 RADIO BATTERIES GNB99 R 5/21/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT OOi 20-5260 157.95 PST 2000 RADIO BATTERIES VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK `39-00580 CINTRS COPR¢ �492 INV 19281913 SHOP TOWELS G/L ACCOUNT 001 36 5265 008 36-5265 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 R 5r`21f2002 RP COUNT 11.78 SHOP TOWELS 11,77 SHOP T0WELS REG. CHECK 99-03730 COLLIi� COUNTY COLLEGE INV C4420 INTERVIEWING INTERRIGATION GNB'll9 R 5/21/20��2 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20-5240 35¢00 INTERVIE4lING & INIERRIGRIION INV G4445 INT CHILD ABUSE CLASS GNB99 R 5/2112002 G/L ACCOUNT ACCOUNT 001 205240 25¢00 INT CHILD ABUSE CLASS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-0332t0 COLONIAL LIFE INSURANCE INV COL4/3R0 HEALTH INSURANCE G/L ACCOUNT 001 00�210'9 INV COL5/03O HEALTH INSURANCE G/L ACCOUNT 001 00-2109 INV COLP0417 HEALTH INSURANCE G/L ACCOUNT 001 00-2109 GNP99 R 4f30/2002 A�IC�UN I 22.72 HEALTH INSURANCE GNB99 R 5f30/2100 OUN T 22.72 HEALTH INSURANCE GNB99 R 413012002 A�10UNT 22.72 HEALTH INSURANCE GROSS BALANCE 157.95 i57,95 157.95 157¢95 23¢ 55 cam¢ 55 23¢55 JJ. Y1� 35. �ry� 25e 00 25¢00 FJL. 00 60¢00 22.7E 22¢72 cL¢7c 22. f2 22e 72 22¢72 PRY ENT DISCOUNT i57,95GR f 57.9:;CR �¢ 0 23¢55CR 23.55GR 35e00CR 60.O�I�CR l`!s 00 22.72CR 22¢ 72CR 22e 72GR OUTS I HOWING PAYMEti REPORT VENDOR SET; - DANK: VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION IPdV LIFO/3RO LIFE INSURANCE G/L ACCOUNT 001 00-21109 008 00-R1A9 INV LIFE/03O LIFE INSURANCE G/L ACCOUNT 001 00-02109 008 00-2109 INV LIFP0417 LIFE INSURANCE G/L ACCOUNT OO1 OO-'109 008 010-0109 VENDOR TOTALS VENDOR SEQUENCE BANE; CHECK; STAT DUE DT DISC DT GNB99 R 4/30/42002 AMOUNT LisOG LIFE INSURANCE 76,55 LIFE INSURANCE GNB99 R 5/30/20042 AMOUNT E3.OG LIFE INSURANCE 7E.55 LIFE INSURANCE GNB99 R 4/30/2002 AMOUNT Or LIFE INSURANCE 76.55 LIFE INSURANCE REG. CHECK 99'"O��64O COMMERCIAL SERVItES INV 36434 RENTAL ON ICE MACHINE GNB99 R 5/21lck%E G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5420 c5,O0 RENTAL ON ICE MACHINE 008 50-5310 c5.00 RENTAL ON ICE MACHINE 001 30-5310 25800 RENTAL ON ICE MACHINE 001 42,8-5310 C5,00 RENT AL ON ICE MACHINE 001 E4-5310 100.00 RENTAL ON ICE MACHINE 001 44-53i0 100.00 RENTAL ON ICE MACHINE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK, 9`�-0685O COM[1UNITY PHARMACY INV 36419 GLOVES G/L ACCOUNT 001 24-5375 VENDOR TOTALS GPdB99 AMOUi11T 2'41.13 GLOVES REG. CHECK, R 5iR1/EOOE GROSS BALANCE 9G.G1 98.61 98.61 98, 6i 98.61 98.6I tp�f7} JGJt 99 300.0O 300,OO c41.13 c41.13 F:41,13 �41,13 Af�Y(1ENT DISCOUNT 98.GiCR 98,6iC% 30O.00CR 300,0OCR 0.00 L41.13CR S:4f.13CR 0.00 OUTSTANDING O.Ot9 r 5-14-c><�9c 06%#08 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET: 99- BANK, VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NOR DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 90M8770 COMPUDATA PRODUCTS INV 659IOM PRINTERS GNB99 R 5/21/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 GG-ci15 99.99 PRINTERS 001 2M210 99.9'9 PRINTERS INV 664754-1 FOLDERS/BLK & COLOR CRT GNB99 R 5/21/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 IM210 122o 81 FOLDDERS/BLK & COLOR CRT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-036�'O GOPdSUMER REPORTS INV 36264 SUBSCRIPTTION G/L ACCOUNT 71 425CC5 VENDOR TOTALS _a2-O965G t:OPdTIPSEPdTAL BATTERIES INV 53367 UIL BATTER`{ G/L ACCOUNT 0@8 54" 5325 VENDOR TOTALS 99-4�8BO GoSertve Eiectr��e INS? 36573 STREET LIGHTS G/L ACCOUNT 0108 2 5515 001 3M515 VENDOR TOTALS Gid899 R 5Ic1%c:GAc AMOUNT 2.6.00 SUBSCRIPTTION REG. CHECK t,I�B99 R 5IG1/�O'��' AiiOUF�T 25.95 iT I L BATTERY REG, CHECK GNB99 R �/G1/cGOB AMi7UN I 504.420 STREET LIGHTS 183.94 STREET LIGHTS REG. CHECK; PAGE€ 4 GROSS PAYNtNT OUTSTANDING BALANCE DISCOUNT f99.98 199.'98CR 199.98 1Bc.81 1Lc.8iGR lc .81 3rvE. 79 3Ec. 79GR ki. �;it�t 3M 79 0400 c6.GG c6.GGGR t6.GG G6. Gz L6.00i:R �z. GA c6. GAO �. rI�A E5.95 c5.95CR L5.'95 �5a 95 c5.95GR A, k!� 688.f4 688.14CR 688.14 688.14 688.14CR G.:�G 688.14 G.GG AiI 5" i 4-2002 @G c J(' PIN r _' F'AtMENT REPORT rtrrc. r J VENDOR ;�E (0 9` - BANKa VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION DANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. INV 19779200 CITATION HOOK/FILE JACKET/CO GNB99 R 5/21/2002 669.77 GG9,77CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT GG177 001 26-5210 669077 CITATION HOOK/FILE JACKET/COMP VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 669.77 6G9,77CR 0.00 669. 77 0400 99-00790 DENTCIi CO HUILDERS SUF'PL`{ !NY 36479 PLUGS & STAKES GNB99 R 50/2002 55,02 55,02CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 55.0E 001 32-G015 0,78 PLUGS & STAKES 008 50--6020 34624 PLUGS & STAKES 008 50®6020 20.00 PLUGS & STAKES INV 44092 DUCT TAPE G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT GNB99 R 5/211/c002 11.37 1I.37 11,37CR 008 58-6020 11.37 DUCT TAPE INV 44119 24" & " STAKES G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT GNB99 R 5/21/2002 50.00 ,, 00 5100CR 001 30-5370 50,00 24 " STAKES INV 44139 ELECTRIC PLUGS/ 1/2 SET SCRE GNB99 R 5/21/2032 2,77 2.77CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 2,77 008 58-6020 2,77 ELECTRIC PLUGS/ 1/2 SET SCREW INV 44140 PORTLAND GNB99 R 5/21/:21002 7,49 7,49CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 7,49 001 wlo-1570 7.49 PORTLAND INV 44187 4 1/2 BAR TIES/6"BAR G/L ACCOUNT TIES AMOUNT GNB`99 R 5/2I/2002 1& 10,17 17 10,17CR 001 30-5370 1& 17 4 1/2 BAR TIES/G"BAR TIES INV 44211 ROOF COATING/PUTT`{ KNIFE/TUB GNB99 R 5/21/2002 34429 34,29CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 34,c9 001 20-5310 34,29 ROOF COATING/PUTTY KNIFE/TUBS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 171.11 171,11 171,11CR 0.00 0.00 5-14-800c 06t08 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 6 VENDOR SET: 99- BANKa VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM WOE DESCRIPTION DANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DI BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-100840 DENTON PUBLISHING CO. INV 30409E ADVERTISING GNB99 R 5/E11c690 110.45 110.45CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 110.45 008 15-5E30 55.223 ADVERTISING 001 I5-5c30 55.E` ADVERTISING VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 110.45 1i0.45CR 0.00 I10.45 0.00 '99-09G90 DESIGNS ETC. INV 306638 ROYAL TEES N/2PRINi GNB99 R 5/21/2002 422'.45 4L2.45jCR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 4e2.45 001 3�-5L55 4EIJ ROYAL TEES W/'PRINT INV 106640 SHIRIb W/LOGO CODE EPlFURCER GNB99 R 5/ 1/L096 185.25 185.25CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 185.c15 001 G8-5255 185.r5 SHIRTS W/LOGO CODE ENFORCER VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 607.70 607c70CR 0.00 607. 70 0a 010 0889'0 DFW MARKETING, INC INV 7141 ADD CITY/COUNTY MAPS CHAMBER GNB99 R 5/2'1/c00c 149.50 149.50CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT I49.50 008 58�5450 149.50 ADD CITY/COUNTY MAPS CHAMBER VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 149.50 149.50CR 0.00 149.50 0.00 99-08650 DIRECT ACTION UNIFORMS LidV 2036862 UNIFORMS/LEHGTSi',Y & CHAMBERW GNB�3 R ,�/cii�0�' L.;0.83 �J0.89CR G/L ACCOUNT AMGUPdT �30.89 001 20-5255 E30.89 UNIFORMS/LEHOTSKY CHAMBERS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 230.89 230.89CR 0.00 Dow 9 0.00 V J—�$0V -02sW18 Pit I'!nr ).- 'A VENDOR SET., 9'9- BANK: VENDOR SECUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DTI DISC DT 99-09960 DUFFY DESIGNS INV 329 SHIRTS ,x EMBROIDERY GNB99 R 5f21l2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT GOB 50-5255 110,00 SHIRTS EMBROIDERY VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-03150 VICTORIA ELIESON INV 36546 TRAVEL TO TEXAS LIBRARY ASSO GNB99 R 51c1lS002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 42 5240 150,93 TRAVEL TO TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOC VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-0575� FISH td CHIRPS INV 36570 40LBS SCIENCE DIET G/L ACCOUNT 001 20-5265 VENDOR TOTALS 99�01070 GALL'S IidC. INV 554752:16 FLASHLIGHTS G/L ACCOUNT 001 24-5260 VENDOR TOTALS uP1B99 R 5/211w00c AMOUNT 41.98 40LBS SCIENCE DIET REG. (CHECK GNB99 R 5IL11R00L AMOUNT 202,97 FLASHLIGHTS REG. CHECK 99-03340 GENE GOHLKE INV 10114 ATHELETICS FIELD MARKER GNB99 R 5151l2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 32-5343 252.00 ATHELETICS FIELD MARKER VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK GROSS BALANCE 110.00 110.00 110.00 150.83 15. 63 f 50.8,E 41.98 41.98 EOC:. 97 6JL•W� LJG. PAYMENT DISCOUNT i i0.00CR 110.00CR 0,00 150.83CR i50. B3CR 0, 0%l 41.98CR 41.98CR c0c. 97CR c0c.97CR �'SS. 00CR �:SS. 00CR OUTSTANDING 0.00 0.00 5-14 2002 06:03 PM VENDOR SET: 99— BANK V VENDOR ITEM NO+# DESCRIPTION 99-03660 GOHLKE POOL SUPPLY INV 36400 CALCUIM HYDRO G/L ACCOUNT 001 34-5223 VENDOR TOTALS P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK GTAT DUE Di DISC DT u�dB99 R 51c11�'UOd AMOUNT 249.98 CALCUIM HYDRO REG, CHECK 99�-G914O GREEN EL�UIPNENT CONR'ANY INV 347E LOCATER & ACCESSORIES GNB99 R 5/E1/20LE G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT OGB 58-5250 61250a 0G LOCATER & ACCESSORIES VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99—0115N HART I�dFORMATIOPd SERVICES INV 859432 ELECTION SUPPLIES G/L ACCOUNT 3i 1G—SSiG e308 1G--5210, VENDOR TOTALS 99—��7�:4G HI—PERFC�RN PRODUCTS INV 003262 COLD PATCH G/L ACCOUNT 001 30� 537G VENDOR TOTALS 99—O775G HOi1E DEPOT/GECF INV 36433 PLUG OUTLET G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-6020 INV 81318B SHELF BRACKET.:, G/L ACCOUNT 008 5B-6GSG uNB99 R 5rclicGOS AMOUNT 129.78 ELECTION SUPPLIES 159.77 ELECTION SUPPLIES REu. CHECK GNB99 R 5rL1rLOOS At�O! NT 1,883.70 COLD PATCH REG. CHECK GNB`a9 R 5/L1/���t�L AMOUNT 5.97 PLUG OUTLET GN21113 R 5121/2002 AMOUNT 47.G7 SHELF BRACKETS uROSS BALANCE `49.98 c49.98 L49.9B E49.9B 6, DSO. uO 64 LSk,. uG 6, SSO. 010 �:59.55 559.55 c59.55 C59.55 1, BB3.7O 1, BB3.7u 1, BB3.7a� 1, BB3.7O 47.�7 47.`7 PAYMENT DISCOUNT E4'3.9BGR E49.9BCR uO 69 �:SG. uOCR 559.55CR c59.55CR i,BB3.7GCR 1, BB3.7C�CFt 5.97GR 47.�7CR PAGEa B OUTSTANDING u.OG G. u�7 5-14-2'00E 06008 PM VENDOR SET: 99� BANK 4 VENDOR ITEM NO# 99-05510 IESI DESCRIPI Wil VENDOR TOTALS INV 147311 DU�iPSTER RENTAL G/L ACCOUNT 008 34`5420 VENDOR TOTALS 99-03460 INTERNET AMERICA, INC. INV C132702 INTERNET SERVICE G/L ACCOUNT 001 E4-5c45 VENDOR TOTALS `�7400 IOS CAPITAL INV 54'J&929 COPY MACHINE LEASE GIL ACCOUNT 001 20-5345 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT REG. CHECF; GNB99 R 5fcirLAAR AMOUNT 86.69 DUMP5TER RENTAL REG. CHECK GNB99 R 5/E1/`00 Ai OUN T 65.40 INTERNET SERVICE REG. CHECK GNB99 R 5/R1/�00 AMOUNT 181.83 COPY MACHINE LEASE REG. CHECK 99-0ic90 O«F; LIGHTING « SUPPL:Y INV 2535 18V DEWALT BATTERIES GNB99 R 5I211200=' GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-6020 300.00 18V DEWALT BATTERIES INV c536 41FLORESCENT SINGLE PIN TYPE GNB99 R 5/21/20102 PAGEa 9 GR055 PAYMENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE DISCOUNT 53.24 53.24CR 0.00 53.24 0.00 86.69 86.o9CR 86.69 86.69 86.65CR Gt, 00 86. 69 0. �i0 65.40 65.40CR 65.40 65.40 65.40CR 0.00 65.40 0.00 i8f.83 18i.83CR 18i.83 181.83 181.83CR 0.00 300.00 300.00CR 150 15 .00 i50.00CR f0.00 L�{3.75 743.15 743.75CR 0.00 743.75 0.00 J-14-2002 jao P(i W/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET n 99� BANK® VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEI4 NOt DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT RUE DT DISC DTI 99-01310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET INV 506443 EXPANSION ORIFICE/AC RELAY GNB99 R 5/21/200=' G/L ACCOUNT A14OUNT 001 E0-5325 16.62 EXPANSION ORIFICEIAC RELAY VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-01370 N,-NARY INV 36c98 COFFEE POTS G/L ACCOUNT 008 54--21�! INV 36634 14ASTER LOCK G/L ACCOUNT 001 20-5860 VENDOR TOTALS 04930 KAUFFPIAN TIRE INV 160471 LT20"5/75RIB TIRES G/L ACCOUNT 008 50-5325 INV 16101c: 'ST H0//5R15 G/L ACCOUNT 008 58--5245 VENDOR TOTALS 1�N899 fi _!/L11L0�1- OJNT 19.98 COFFEE POTS t�N89'� R 5/21/2002 Ar�OUNT 9.89 PIASTER LOCI', REG, CHECK Grd899 R 51eiI300E Ar�OUrd T 274.88 LT225/75RIB TIRES GNB99 R 5/21/2002 r OUN T 191.64 ST 2"j3/75R15 REC, CHECK CROSS BALANCE 19.98 9.89 9.89 E74.88 c74x 88 466. SL 466.55 9'9-01490 LA;{!N LAND INV Jb371 WEED EATER/MOWER BLADES/AUTO GNB99 R 5/21/2002 508. 97 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 508.97 001 38-5245 508.97 WEED EATER/MOWER BLADES/AUTOCT INV 3650c BEARING/FRICION DISK/EXAUST GNB99 R 5/21/200S 300.0c G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 300.02 001 32-53c5 300.02 BEARING/FRICION DISK/EXAUSI Pi VENDOR TOTALS REC. CHECK 808.99 603299 PAY'PrEN T DISCOUNT 16.6eCR 19.98CR 9.89CR c9.87CR c74.88CR 19i. 64CR 466.5�CR 508.97CR J00.0cLR 808.9'�CR 0.00 PAG4: 10 OUTSTAP?DING 0�0�.6 PAYMENT REP10f"T r'AGt: i 1 VENDOR SET: 99-- BANK VENDOR ITEM NO# 991-016,80 MCNEILL` 6 INV 53191 DESCRIPTION VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DTI AIRCOPd`uiTIONIcJG UI1IT 's3INDON GClB99 R 5lc1/cOGE G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT G01 221-6020 738.03 AIRCONDITIONING UNIT WINDOW VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99—k88cCi NORTH TEKAS "r1EB SERVICE INV 36547 INTERNET ACCESS G/L ACCOUNT 001 42-5420 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 R 5/51/'c'GGc AMOUNT 21.20 INTERNET ACCESS REG. CHECK 99-051?G NORTHERid SAFETY INV 36453 KNUCKLE BANDAGES/1X3 BANDAGE GNB99 R 5/21/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-58GG 54.19 KNUCKLE BANDAGES/12 BANDAGES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-O869A O9REILLY AUTO PARTS INV 317166 ACCUMULATOR A/C G/L ACCOUNT GG1 u0-53c5 INV 320019 DISK PAD SET G/L ACCOUNT CCU 1 3O-53L5 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 R 5/R1icO'35 AtrOUC°dT 47.50 ACCUMULATOR A/C GN899 R 5/21/2002 AMOUNT 30.19 DISK PAD SET REGn CHECK GROSS BALANCE 738. l�O 738. GA 738.GG ?38. GG L1nLO 81.CG L1n'sG c4.13 Lon 1 � L4.19 PfaYMENT DISCOUNT 38n ki4�CR GG E1. E'CCR 51. cC�CR �4.19CR L4n19CR G. CMG 4?. SC�CR 3u�.19CR 77.69 �in;G OUTSTANDING L. Aid t!1n U! G,--14-2002 06:08 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT 9 AGE: iC. VENDOR SEi: 99- BANK VEh DOR SEPUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# CiEGCRIATIUN 99-06490 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE INU 36571 DRUG TESTING G/L ACCOUNT W1 15-5440 OC18 15-5440 VE�dDOR TOTALS 9'9-05140 RADIO SNACK 1 N!E J6L63 r{E 1 G/L ACCOUNT 001 42'�50310 INV 363336 CELLPHOCdE CHARGER G/L ACCOUNT 08 'i J5 0 INV 36455 9 'JOLT BATTERIES GIL ACCOUNT 008 54-53i0 BANK CHECK SiAT DUE DT DISC DT GN099 R 5IL1/500�' AMOUNT 84.75 DRUG TESTING 84.75 DRUG TESTING REP. CHECK GN099 R SfSilc00` Ai1OUNT 6,00 KEYS GNB99 R 5/21/12002 AMOUNT 39.99 'ELLPHONE CHARGER GN099 R SfSifG00S AMOUNT 17,98 9 VOLT BATTERIES iNV 36493 9VOLT RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES GNB'99 R 5151lE00L GfL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 50--5375 47.96 9VOLT RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES INV 36497 CASE OF CYCLE OILf9VOLT BATT GN099 R 5/Si/S00t GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 001 001 20-5325 54-53L5 28-532.5 2.'90 c.90 5.90 CASE CASE CASE OF OF OF CYCLE CYCLE CYCLE OIL/9VOLT OIL/9VOLT OIL/9VOLT BATTER BATTER BATTER 001 30-5325 2.90 CASE OF CYCLE OILI9VOLT BATTER 001 36-53125 1345 CASE OF CYCLE OIL/9VOL1 BAITER 008 36-5323) 1.44 CASE OF CYCLE OIL/9VOLT BATTER 008 50-5325 ,90 CASE OF CYCLE OIL/9VOLT BATTER 008 54-5305 23'90 CASE OF CYCLE OILI9VOLT BAITER 008 58-5355 2,90 CASE OF CYCLE OIL/9VOLT BATTER INY 36534 MIDLAND RADIOS/KEYS G099 R 5/21/2003 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-5550 202.98 MIDLAND RADIOS/KEYS iNV 36650 C BATTERIES Gtl099 R SiCi/t00L GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 c0-53i5 1� 8 C BATTERIES GROSS BALANCE 169.50 i69,50 39.99 17.98 17.98 5.98 5.98 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 169.50CR 169.5C�CR 0. 0 fi.00CR 39.99GR i7.98CR 47, 9fiCR 53.19CR c0c.98CR 5.'98CR OUTSTANDING _._: ;—�� ,��042' O6u"O'8 Pit A/F' d-'NYMci+iT hCF`[lRT Pi'Ieri: VENDOR SETO 99— BANK: VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEt4 N04 DESCRIF'TiOs BANK CHECi, STAT DUE BT GROSS F'AYCIENT !OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 344.03 344aMCR O.00 344.08 0200 99-07320 RICARDO GONZALEZ INV 36568 COURT FEES APRiL GNB99 R 5/21/2002 EG0.00 25O.00CR G/L ACCOUNT A14OUNT 250.00 001 26y5425 250.00 COURT FEES APRIL VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 250. wO �X, OOCH 0, Clio CSC. Ev�i �. Fill 9MA*23 0 SANGER COURIER INV 3G572 ADVERTISING GNB99 R 5I21I2002 545.0O 545.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 545.0ltl 008 5M450 50.00 ADVERTISING 008 i5-5230 247.50 ADVERTISING 001 15-5230 247.50 ADVERTISING VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 545.00 545.00CR O.00 545.00 0,12N 9M2350 SCHLUTER ENG. & COI4i4. INV 16479 RADIO GNB99 R 5I21f2002 260.00 260.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 260.00 008 5M25; 2M O'O RADIO VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 260.00 260.C�OCR 0.00 99-02380 ROBERT A. SINGLETAR'd4 P.E INV 02-01 PREPARE BIB PACK AGE FOR 120 GNB99 R 51211200c fs5C10.00 19500.00CR G1L ACCOUhdT AMOUNT 1, 500.00 OOB 5M420 1,300.00 PREPARE BID PACK AGE FOR 1205 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 1f5OO.00 1,5C3.00CR O.00 5"-1442002 06:08 PM A/P P'AY14ENI REPORT PAGE: 14 VENDOR SETa 99- BAN1 VENDOR SL?ULNCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT BALANCE 9'3-0E450 SOLOMON 1NV 00116079 225 KVA PHASE CONV, PADMOU GNB99 R 5/21/2002 G80.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT L80.00 008 58-5365 680.00 225 KVA 3 PHASE CONV, PADMOUNT UENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK; 99-02690 TECHLIPdE 680.00 68{.00 INV i412926 BSRD GUARDS G[t1B99 P, 5/21i2002 147.�1 G/L 008 ACCOUNT 58-6020 AMOUNT 147.00 BIRD GUARDS 147.00 INV 1413176 410 G/L 15KV LOADBREAK ACCOUNT TERMINATO GNB99 AMOUNT R 3121122002 4412t� 443.20 0018 58-6020 443,20 4/0 15Kr! LOADBREAI; IERMINAIUR IrdV 14i3231 150>� HPS HLAD OPdLY GNB99 R 5121/2002 294.50 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNI 294.5p1 008 58-6020 294.50 i'i*GW HIPS HEAD ONLY IPdV 1413�8G0 �"A�UMINUN CONDUIT GNB99 R �Ic1lc00e 976.00 OIL ACCOUNT AMOUPdT 976.00 008 58-6020 976.00 3"ALUMINUM CONDUIT INV 14i34040 ALUh1INUM TIE !TIRE 25LB BOh �=idB9'a R 512i/2002 40.0�1 GiL ACCOUN I APiOUNT 40.00 008 58-6020 40,00 ALUMINUtll TIE WIRE 25LB BOX IMV 14i34520 RIVNUTS FOR STEEL POLES GNB99 R 5/21i2002 8.00 G/L ACCOUidT AiOUNT 8.00 008 58-6020 8.00 RIVNUT9 FOR STEEL POLES INV 1413455 200AMP URD METER BASE GhaB99 R 5Ic1/2002 877.50 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUPdT 877.51 008 8 M 50 200AMP URD METER BASE INl` 14134560 #€4 THHPd COPPER INSULATED NiR GNB99 R 5i2112002 115.00 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 115.q�0 008 58-6020 115.00 #4 THHN COPPER INSULATED MIRE INU 14134570 2"MALE ADAPTERS ONB99 R 5/21/2002 20.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 20.00 008 58-6020 20.00 2°MALE ADAPTERS INV 14134730 SMALL HOTLINE STIRRUPS GNB99 R 5/21/2002 1i4.9�a G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT i14.90 108 58m6020 ii4.90 QMLL HOTLI1dE STIRRUPS 4'AY�UIT DISCOUNT 680. OCR GBG. O�.iCR 0.00 147,00CR 443.20CR 294.50CR 976.00CR 8. �30CR 877, 50CR f15.00CR 20.00CR 114.90CR OUTSTANDING 4-eOGc obg08 PH VENDOR SET: 99- 'P PNYViENT REPORT PAGE; 15 BANE; VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NUR DESCRIPTION BANS; CHECK STAT DUE Di DISC DT INV 14134860 PHOTO CELL CONTROLS/RED TAPE GNB99 R 5/E1/E00E G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-6020 19Em50 PHOTO CELL CONTROLS/RED TAPE INV 141349O E"CONDUIT PVC SCH 40/EO' STI GNB99 R 5/E1/E00c G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT !008 58-60E0 81E.00 E"CONDUIT PVC SCH 40�/EO' STILE INV 14136f9 AQUA SEAL G/L ACCOUNT AMIDUNl GNB99 R SiEf/EOE�E @08 58--60E0 55.00 AQUA SEAL INV 419/418 4/0 ALUMINUM TRIPLEX UNDERGR GNB99 R 5/E1/EOOE G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 0�08 58-60E0 906.18 4/0 ALUMINUM TRIPLEX UNDERGROU VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK, 99-OE730 TEXAS METER aDEVICE INV 30304 SECONDARY GLOVES G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-5E60 VENDOR TOTALS 99-03E60 TEXAS STEEL CULVERT INV EE1653 1E" & E4" CULVERTS G/L ACCOUNT 001 �,,0_5370 VENDOR TOTALS 99-09530 TIPTON READY itlX INV 1E64 555E GRAVEL G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-'i VENDOR TOTALS Ghl89`9 R 5JE1/KOOK At iOUNT 54.04 SECONDARY GLOVES REG. CHECK GPl8�9 R arclicOL�c Ah10U�;T 1,194.6E 1E" 24" CULVERT S REG. CHECK Gfd899 R 51E1/KOOK Afi�C'�.1NT Ins 00 -,5SE GRAVEL REG, CHECK GROSS BALANCE 1°9E. 50 f9E.50 81 O1L. 00 55.00 906.18 906.18 t!, ��!af 5,00Ia78 54m 04 54.04 54.04 19194m 66 14f94m66 1P 1J4.6E 1p 194m66 fE5m00 1E5.00 1c5.00 f E5m 00 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 19E.50CR 81Em00CR 55.�iGCI=; 906.18Cn 0.00 54.04CR 54.04CR 1�f94.66CR 1,194.66CR 1E5.00CR OUTSTACI6INU 0.00 0.00 06;08 FvaB AIF P ? EN'i REPORT T VENDOR SET: BANK a 99— VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE Di DISC DT 99-06930 TX ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES INV 0E04110 REPAIR 100KVA TRANSFORMER GPdB99 R 1002 OIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-,5365 493.95 REPAIR 10OKVA TRANSFORMER VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-06880 ULTRA—CHEM, ING INV 409595 DYNOMITE G/L ACCOUNT 008 `4-52Lv VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 AMOUNT 96Ea 00 DYNOIIITE REG. CHECK R 5t011800c '99-0L910 UFFPER TRINITY INV W270605 VOLUME CHARGE DEMAND CHARGE GNB99 R 51c1/E00L G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-5385 31755,70 VOLUME CHARGE 008 50-5420 7.50& 00 DEMAND CHARGE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-03E80 US METRO INV c.05 METRO SERVICE GtL ACCOUNT 001 10-5510 VENDOR TOTALS s�NB99 R 5tL1IG00�: AMOUI,T 86a00 METRO SERVICE REG. CHECK 99-063J0 UTILITY PLUS INV J635167 MASTER METERS GNB99 R 5/E1t000L GROSS BALANCE 49J.95 4'�3a 95 493.95 49Ja95 965.00 96c.00 1`LyC:J5.7i� 11,E55.70 11, J55a 7!0 11gL55a70 86a00 86.00 86.00 41 808a00 i84.64 184.�4 PAYMENT DISCOUNT +93.95CR 49:,a 95CR 96La00CR 0a 0Of t a g �55a 7�C�t 1 z, JJ. 70CR 0a00 86.00CR 86,00CR SOb.00CR 184.64CR r'NGE � f OUTSTANDING 0a0k a S bier AI l iERi nor o VENDOR SETAX 99— BRNK: VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO' DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STRT DUE DTI GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE Bib CUUNI OOB 50-537c 9 e00 PVC BOOTS/STEEL IN5ERT5I CA 003 52-5360 44e16 PVC BOOTS/STEEL INSERTS/GCK CA INV 36407E9 MEGA LUGS/METER SPUDS GNB99 R 5/21/2002' 136e96 136e96CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 136e96 003 50—v3`tE 46.3E MEGA LUGS/METER SPUDS 003 510-5360 140464 MEGA LUGS/MDrT ER SPUDS INV 36414626 FLANGE K1IS/GASKETS /RESTOCK iGNB99 R 31121/2002 79e 14CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 279e14 003 50-5360 E79c14 FLANGE KITS/GASKETS /RESTOCK VENDOR TOTALS REGo CHECK 1s47114 1,473,74CR 0e00 1 � 473. 74 & 00 99—O344t11 `;lERMEER EOUIPe OF EE/qS 1NV 36430 STOCK GNB9j R 5/21/200*2 ig4e21 194221CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 194.E1 N1 30-5325 194e2 MOCK VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 1942e1 1949R1CR Oe00 194ec1 0000 ,a-02950 VERNER CHEMICAL INV 11253 HORNET & INSECT SPRAY GNB99 R 5/ 1/c00L O77a13 E77e13CR G/L ACCOUNT AM0UNT 2117.13 003 5052160 v11e13 HORNET tr INSECT SPRAY VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK E77.13 E7r.13CR 0.00 277e13 0.00 99—OE970 VIKiNG OFFICE PRODUCTS INV 57570 FOLDING CHAIRS GNB99 R 5/E:111200E: 30194 303,B4CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 30184 001 W6040 303.34 FOLDING CHAIRS INV 77957 FOLDING CHAIRS GNB99 R 5jIEIiR00C 335.56 335e56CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 8il56 001 44-6040 335e56 FOLDING CHAIRS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 15139.40 11139,40CR 0.00 1113140 0e 0o 1-14-2002 OG.O8 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SETt 'J9— BANK: VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK SIA! 1111E DTI DISC DT 99' 030'10 WEBB AUTO PARTS INV 2777 TIRE PLUGS/ANTI FEEZE/FREON GNB99 R 5/21/c00c G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 cG-5325 18a4G TIRE PLUGS/ANTI FEEZE/FREON 001 c4-53c5 18.4G TIRE PLUGSIANTI FEEZE/FREON 001 218-5625 18.4E TIRE PLUGS/ANTI FEEZE/FREON 001 Al-53c5 WUMAG TIRE PLUGS/ANTI FEEZE/FREON o0l 36-5325 9423 TIRE PLUGS/ANTI FEEZEIFREON COB 58-53c5 9acS TIRE PLUGS/ANTI FEEZE/FREON 00 50-5.:L5 18.46 TIRE PLUGS/ANTI FEEZE/F REON 008 54`50325 18a46 TIRE PLUGS/ANTI FEEZEIFREON 008 58-532,c5 18a48 TIRE PLUGS/ANTI FEEZE/FREON VENDOR TOTALS RE& CHECK 99—�v�Jc� I�ESCO INV 36323 B88S,8G & 8851W/ G/L ACCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS �9-'C�SGSO NILLiAMS �!ASTE�JATER LAB INV G85102 APRIL SAMPLES G/L ACCOUNT W 54-5c`Irn VENDOR TOTALS GN899 R 51c1icC4.�c A 1OUNT 1GG.5�� 888:;8uS � 885197 REG, CHECK G(d899 R 5r'c1/c!ZGc AMOI�PdT 4c5.00 APRIL SAMPLE; REG. CHECK GROSS BALANCE 147.70 14ta t°+ i AS. 5I� 146.5G jfc5a �1;.'7 4c5.00 4c5.O�9 PTLL,I'iiW i DISCOUNT 147a78CR 1TFi;a Sk�CR 1��6a S��CR . V 4c5.OGCR 4c'e;. GGCR G.Ow (LL;AiE s 18 OUTSTANDING ;-'u A tiutfv8 'i'i AfP PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET: 99- W_R E P n R T T n T A L 5 FUND DIISTRIBUTInN FUND NH FUND NA1IE 001 GENERAL FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND F TOTALS ALS NAND CFiEC'KS URAFTS �tEG-CHECKS NnN-CNEC{{S ALL CHECKS TuTAL CHECKS TG F'Ri't�T: G5 ERRnRS ____ TYPE n� CHECK TnTALs ____ AiMull i f, `341a 931CR SRC 44.55CR 4�€, �86, QCR Gr,nss PdUMBER BALANCE @. 00 G.AG O. 00 44,28G.48 445 F:86. 48 "cO. U0 0000 44,8G.48 I�AR�aiNGS. }?� F'AY��EPdT nUTSTA��DING D�SCGUNT UG G. GG o. 0fn �'4r SBG. 48CR 0400 �. 00 o. 00 G. GG 0400 44g EBG. 48CI 4�. GG .A May 16, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #4 Allen Sweeney will be present at the meeting to address this item. The State Comptroller has indicated that Masonic Lodges can be designated as charitable and can be tax exempt if their taxing authorities approve the exemption. They are requesting this exemption. May 16, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Dan Almon, with Southwest Securities, will be present a the meeting to address these two ordinances. We did not put a copy of these in your packet because they are very lengthy (over 60 pages). If you would like to review the ordinance or have any questions, we do have a copy at City Hall, and you may come by to review it or call if you have questions. May 16, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Both of these Zoning Ordinances are zoning changes that have already been brought to the Council. Beginning with these zoning changes, all future zoning changes will be brought to the Council in Ordinance form so that the engineer is able to use these ordinances to update the zoning maps. ORDINANCE WS V O"02 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE CENTRAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR A ZONING CHANGE AND A ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM AGRICULTURE TO I -I SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT. WHEREAS, a Request for Change in Zoning Classification was duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described property; WHEREAS, due notice of hearing was made in the time and manner prescribed by law and the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas, duly covered and conducted a public hearing for the purpose of assessing a zoning classification change on the hereinafter described property located in the City of Sanger, Texas; and WHEREAS, and additional opportunity for all interested persons to be heard was provided by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, at an open meeting, with proper notice posted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, THAT. SECTION 1. The legal description of the property zoned herein is generally described as follows: ALL that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the R. BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 29 Denton County, Texas, and being a part of a remainder tract of a called 47.872 acre tract of land described in Deed from John W. Porter to Eagle Farms, Inc., as recorded in Volume 972, Page 1 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at 1/2" capped iron rod set in the East line of the Interstate 35 Service Road at the Southwest corner of a remainder tract of a called 91.02 acre tract of land described in Deed from Mark Kempe to Edward F. Wolski as recorded in Volume 4609 Page 1860 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, for the Northwest corner of the herein described tract; THENCE North 88 degrees 37 minutes 45 seconds East with the South line of said remainder tract a distance of 648.53 feet to a'/2" capped iron rod set for the Northeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE South 01 degrees 07 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 272.61 feet to a'/2" capped iron rod set in the North lines of a gravel road under apparent public use posted as Utility Road for the Southeast corner of the herein described tract at the beginning of a curve to the left have a radius of 330.00 feet and a chord bearing North 86 degrees 59 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 49.71 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left with the North line of said Utty Road an arc distance of 49.75 feet to a'/2" capped iron rod set for corner; TI�NCE South 88 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds West with the North line of said a distance of 599.02 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set in the East line of said Service Road for the Southwest corner of the herein described tract; THENCE North O1 degrees 06 minutes 46 seconds West with the East line of Said Service Road a distance of 268.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and enclosing 4.00 acres of land, more or less. SECTION 2. The zoning classification on the hereinabove described property is hereby changed to "I- 1" Industrial Zoning. SECTION 3. The zoning classification of this development will take effect immediately after the passage of this Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this day of , 2001. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary ORDINANCE OS-09-02 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE CENTRAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR A ZONING CHANGE AND A ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM AGRICULTURE TO I-2 SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT. WHEREAS, a Request for Change in Zoning Classification was duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described property; WIIEREAS, due notice of hearing was made in the time and manner prescribed by law and the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas, duly covered and conducted a public hearing for the purpose of assessing a zoning classification change on the hereinafter described property located in the City of Sanger, Texas; and WHEREAS, and additional opportunity for all interested persons to be heard was provided by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, at an open meeting, with proper notice posted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The legal description of the property zoned herein is generally described as follows: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the Reuben Bebee survey, Abstract Number 29, Denton County, Texas and being a part of land described in the deed to eagle Farms, Inc. recorded in Volume 972, Page I of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being a resurvey of a called 2.000 acre tract of land described in the deed to Gene Souther, et us, recorded in Volume 1869, page 147 of the real property records of Denton County, Texas, and subject tract being more particularly described as follows: BEGI]XTNING at the southeast corner of the herein described tract at a 1/2 inch capped iron rod set for the southeast corner of said Souther tract, in the north line of a tract of land described in the deed to Donald E. Sable, Living Trust, recorded in Volume 4561, page I40 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the west right of way line of A. T. & S. F. Railway bears North 88 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 533.10 feet; THENCE South 88 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds west with the north line of said Sable tract and the south line of said Souther tract a distance of 145.20 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the southwest corner of the tract being described; THENCE North 01 degrees 06 minutes 46 seconds west a distance of 600.00 feet to a'/2 inch capped iron rod set for the northwest corner of the tract being described herein in the south line of a road under apparent public use posted as Utility Road. THENCE North 88 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds East with the south line of said road a distance of 145.20 feet to a'/2 inch iron rod set for the northeast corner of the herein described trace, and being the northwest corner of a called 2.00 acre tract described in the deed to John W. Porter as recorded in the Clerk's File Number 93-R0060738 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; TI�NCE South 01 degrees 06 minutes 46 seconds East with the east line of said Porter tract a distance of 600.00 feet to the Place of Beginning and enclosing 2.00 acres of land, snore or less. SECTION 2. The zoning classification on the hereinabove described property is hereby changed to "I- 2" Industrial Zoning, SECTION 3. The zoning classification of this development will take effect immediately after the passage of this Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this day of , 2001. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary May 16, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Solid Waste Rate Increase We have tried to find the best way to handle our tree limb situation in the City. We feel, after giving it much thought, that the best way is to increase the collection fees by $1.00 on each bill. This would cover the cost of chipping the tree limbs, and the street department will no longer have to wait for a work order to be called in, and this will keep us from having to issue citations as well. Staff feels this will help our City look nicer and cleaner as well as keep our citizens happy. Attached is the proposed ordinance. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO, 05-11-02 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, AND APPENDIX ARTICLE 4.02 ,SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FEES, IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, TO PROVIDE FOR A SCHEDULE OF SOLID WASTE COLLECTION RATES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT ORDA11\TED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas SECTION I APPENDIX ARTICLE 4.200, OF THE CITY OF SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS Sec. 4.200 Collection Fees: (a) Residential Customers Two pick-ups per week $10.86 per month (b) Commercial Customers (1) One pick-up per week $19.71 /month (maximum one-96 gal container) $1.00 added to cost of service to each commercial account to cover My administrative fees (c) Container Services (1) Three (3) vd. containers. (i) One pick-up per week T Pick-up pick-ups per week xtra E $40.91 /month $69.59/month $19.44/ each $1.00 added to cost of service to each commercial account to cover city administrative fees. containers. � (i) One pick-up per week $50.89/month (ii) Two pick-ups per week $86.83/month (iii) Extra Pick-up $22.92/each (iv) $1.00 added to cost of service to each commercial account to cover city administrative fees. (3) Six (6�vd. containers. (i) One pick-up per week $69.59/month (ii) Two pick-ups per week $138.19/month (iii) Extra Pick-up $25.23each (iv) $1.00 added to cost of service to each commercial account to cover city administrative fees. (4) Ei hit (8Zyd. containers. (i) One pick -upper week $87.05/month Two pick-ups per week $156.88/month (iii) Extra Pick-up $43.58 each (iv) $1.00 added to cost of service to each commercial account to cover city administrative fees. (5) Thirt,�(30�yd. containers. (i) Commercial user. (A) Rent $71.60hnonth (B) Delivery $89.24/month (C) Pick -Up $362.67 each (D) $1.00 added to cost of service to each commercial account to cover city administrative fees. effective immediately after its passage 00 )30 SECTION II All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict hereof are, to the extent of such conflict, repealed. SECTION III It is declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, should any of the same be declared null or void by any court of competent jurisdiction, such action shall not affect the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance. SECTION IV Failure to comply with any section or provision of this Ordinance that is prohibited or is declared to be unlawful or a misdemeanor, or whenever in this Ordinance, the commission of an act is required or the omission thereof is prohibited, the violation of such provision shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($,1000.00); provided however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided under the laws of the State of Texas. Each day any violation of this Ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the 20th day of May, 2002, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary May 16, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Downtown Area Committee This is the committee the Council approved at the last meeting. Mr. Smith has indicated he will provide Council with a list of suggested names at the meeting Monday night. May 16, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Building Permit Fees Ken Wilson will address this item, he would like to discuss possibly having a separate rate for Open Warehouse Space. May 16, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: AMCC Conference This is for the annual AMCC Conference. This year it will be in El Paso. The cost for attendance is $175 per person plus the cost of any Optional tickets chosen. The hotel cost is $97.00 per night, and there will be travel expenses. Exchange --( V s_r 2002 A Paso Oicif Institute Hotels Shuttle transportation will be provided to the Airport Hilton Hotel and the El Paso Convention Center. The Convention Center is within walking distance of the Hilton Camino Real. HoeCM (14% tax not indudedj Reservation Process: Delegates are responsible for making their own housing reservations. To receive the Institute rate, reservations must by made by June 24, 2002. r 1. El Paso Conve 2. Hilton Camino 3. Airport Hilton' 4. El Paso Airpo �.��Q��� April lv, z00z TO: ALL SANGER POLICE OFFICERS It is apparent that officers are not following the policies and procedures. A number of issues need to be corrected. This department continuously receives complaints about Sanger officers parked at the north county line, the Bolivar Store, and also the Lake Ray Roberts area. Officers have no business in these areas unless you are on a dispatched call or on a backup officer situation. Sanger Police Department does not work traffic on I35. In regards to officer contacts with the public, these contacts will be made in a professional and courteous mattes Treat others as you wish to be treated. Your attitude reflects on the whole department. All contacts need to be logged as we have always done. Because of the recent increase in major crimes in our community, citizens need to feel safe and see our presence on a regular basis. Higher visibility is our goal. Increased patrol tactics on the side streets and also increased business checks will be provided. Examples of these tactics are, driving through business parking lots and checking on the store clerks. Late night shift will get out of your vehicles and check business doors to see if they are properly secured. If a business is found unsecured, then the business owner will be contacted to secure the location. Officers will stay in our city limits and the nightly trips to dispatch will stop. No one needs to leave the city limits unless authorized or the trip is for a law enforcement related mattes Visitation with dispatch is not a law enforcement mattes Complainant reports will be taken in person unless the complainant requested the call to be taken over the phone. Reports will be taken and completed before the end of each shift The passing of reports to other shifts will stop. Each officer knows their job and the proper procedures for completing each task. Use common sense, worry about your own issues and not those of other officers. Answer your call when you are dispatched. Do not pick at dispatch for minor details, respond to the call and take care of the problem. Do not pass the call to another shift unless authorized. It appears that we are worrying about the minor issues and neglecting the major problems we are facing. As we grow, we are going to be faced with an increase in time. Each of you has a job to do and failing to do your job reflects back on our image as a police department. If you look bad then the whole department looks bad, if you have a bad attitude, then the department has a bad attitude. Remember we are always being watched and judged by the decisions we make. Having a positive attitude makes not only you look good, it makes the city look good. Do your job to the best of your ability. Sincerely, Curtis Amyx MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY APRIL 2002 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The Texas Library Association conference was held in Dallas. Besides attending many informative sessions, the library director volunteered in the information booth and presented a session as part of a panel on "Using the Proposed Public Library Standards". In the exhibit hall, four vendors were found that sold equipment that scans microfilm to a digital image that can then be saved, e-mai��ed or printed. ADMINISTRATION: Completed the final report to the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board concerning the grant for wiring, switches and computers to enhance Internet access. Meetings attended: Friends of the Library work meeting, 4/9, the Friends began working on games and puzzles to go in "StorySacks". These "StorySacks" will contain books, puppets, games and an activity sheet all related to the same theme (such as The Farm). Kidshare workshop on Programs for Babies and Parents, 4/10, Fort Worth Denton County Library Advisory Board, 4/18, Denton North Texas Regional Library System Region Meeting, 4/18, Denton PROGRAMS: "Things from Long Ago" was the Storytime theme. Weekly themes were "Dinosatu•s", "Columbus and Early Settlers", "Indians" and "Pioneers". Lynne Smiland conducted the last Storytime while the Director was at the Texas Library Association Conference. APNIL 2002 STATISTICS Apr 2001 April 2002 BORR OMER CARDS Last month 2679 2659 New cards 46 39 Cards withdrawn 0 1 Cards reactivated 16 17 TOTAL 2741 2714 CIRCILATIUN Adult Nonfiction 334 297 Nonfiction Videos 32 39 Adult friction 190 156 Interlibrary Loan 15 26 Unclassified 260 251 Junior Biog aphy 33 5 Junior Fiction 86 132 Children's Nonfiction 189 168 Children's Fiction 328 339 Paperback Fiction 149 205 AdeoS 243 275 Audio Tapes 61 39 Leased books 0 150 TOTAL 1920 2082 INTER:iVET JSI::R�> 268 359 PROGhAM3 Children's Programs 7 8 Children At':ending 72 82 Adults Attending 26 27 VOLUN'l'EERS Numbs:r of ;adults 2 5 Number of Juniors 4 2 Number of Hours 18 55 COLLECTIC7N Books 15696 15664 Paperback=iction 2595 2549 Video Materials 646 663 Audio Vlaterials 303 343 Leased books 0 208 TOTAL. COLLECTION 19240 19427 REVENUE Fines $133.41 $133.89 Copie., $90.90 $40.30 ILL Postage $14.95 $28.14 New Cards $1.25 00,75 TOTAL $240,51 $203,08 Sangehifier 11"ItIILibrary has more: hest , el�fdpr The latest best sellers will be found more often now in the Sanger Public Library. Leasing books from the McNaughton Com- pany will make it i:lossible. The li- brary started the pro„ ram with a group of 180 E-ooks. Each month l I ; the library will receive about 10 library has the option. of keepmt; books, and once a quarter will re- some of the titles that prove to be turn 30 books to the leasing of lasting appeal. agency. The titles that are cur- Krum Public Library has par- rently hot will be available more ticipated in this program for a few often. Then, when they are not so years. Debbie Lamonica, Libra- y popular,they will bereplaced. The Clerk, says that many readers make a habit of checking that sec tion first. "The fiction is always, checked out. They love it." Larger libraries, even as big as Fort Worth Public Library, also ase tbisservice. Theyuseittoget niul- tiple copies of popular;books, ,and. then just keep one or two when public interest wanes. Funding for this program is be- ing provided through the Ncrth Texas Regional Library Syst .ni. Authors represented in the current group of books as V.C. Andrew;, Mary Higgins Clark, John Grisham, Dean R. Koontz .and James Patterson. The Library also has biographies of Dale Earnh2rc t:, Rudy Guiliam, Cybill Sheperd ar.d a girl who grew up under tLe Taliban.. WALMART HELPS O'UT: Irma Mc1Vlillon, a Walui<u•t Distribution Cen- ter Representative, doiaal.ed $1,000 to the Sanger 1'ub[ic Library to assist with converting old Sanger Courier newspapers to iuicrotllm. Sanger Public Library Librarian N'icky Elieson said "This is enough to complete the project and buts a cabinet to store the film in." �) CnAo�rl e�T- Whatactually liappencd on the 114tc fill night of April 14, l'--)'2? In a=Ascinat- iiig new book, "Chos_s of t.ie'I'ic.,, author Charles R. Pellegrino examines that question. A paleontologist anc as- trobiologist who has soecialzed in deep outer space as well as deep oceanorgaphy, Mr. Pelu;yriirc is c.niquely qualified to find answers. I is archaeo- logical perspective, applied to the de iris pattern and remains on the ocean floor, provides new insight cr, events and cor- rects some commonly aald beliefs ai;out the disaster. For example, a cr a vial factor in the sinking now appears t) be an uncon- trolled fire in a boiler morn tliat be;; ii before the ship even left SouPhh«_npton. The fire has received aery tittle public- ity, either then or in the �ea.-s following. Before the departure, t oui.11, 1hrealtiny investors such as J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilts were infora.ed r,nd allowed to cancel their reservation onApril 9th. Morgan even had his atready-loaded art collection removed from the ;;hip. While the fire in itself shorn nct have de- stroyed theTitanic, itled to al, insistence by the White Star owners to increase the ship's speed beyond tl;e recommended limits. This was an attem pt to reach New York City earlier and at a.ght, when nosy reporters could not easily dDcurnent the efforts of city firefighters to exinguish the flames. The speed was Possibly un- safe under ideal conditions, and danger- ous almost beyond belief in light of the I�e�n rccciving f:;r several days. A- ter the impact caused 12 square feet o? hc.t11 dlwmage, tons of wafer poured into five watertight compartments. That water was being successfully managed by pumps until the bulk head between the two boiler rooms, partially melted by the persistent fire, collapsed and began a devastating cascade of events. One of the most exciting discov eries outlined by Pelligrino involves "r usticles" (Rusticalus titanicus), which look like icicles of rust prolif erating over the steel beams and bulkheads of the sunken ship. Origi- nally it was proposed that rusticles were produced by a double layer of bacteria which consumed or decom posed various elements in the steel. Dissection and bacteriological analy sis show a much more complex "or- ganism", more complex than the in vertebrate sponge. In the rusticle, up to 20 different bacterial species have organized to work symbiotically to break down the steel, an unusual occurrence that scientists say may illustrate a beginning stage of evolu tion into multicellular creatures. By working cooperatively, the normally opposing bacteria have created such features as artery -like ducts and the rusticle's hollow core, which increase surface area and thus increase ab- sorption of needed nutrients from the steel. All of this scientific docunnenta iceberg warnings the captain had the mo�-ing re��nllection of survivors. "Cxhosts" is primarily the story of mostly decent people vOio mostly tried to do the right thing. Pellegrino has painstak- ingly woven such personal accounts into a detailed chronology of that tragic night. The Titanic disaster had a pro- found impact in its day. The magnitude of lives lost (remember, this was pre- Worid Vlrar I and pre -influenza epidem- ics) was stunnmg in itself. But society was also forced to look at issues such as the inhumane social class system in which dogs in first-class staterooms were released to swim for life boats an hour before any of the men in third -.lass steerage were freed from the very de- liberately locked gates. Another issue was business practices that placed si- lence and cover-ups over human lives. A final issue was the danger ofmplacing blind faith in what appears to be the ul- timate technology. These issues still coinli ont our society. For those interested in further reading about the 'Titanic, the Sanger Public Library offers "Titanic," byTho- mas E. Bonsall, "Exploring the Titanic," by oceanographic explorer Robert Ballard, and the 1955 classic' "ANight to Remember," by Walter Lord. We also have several historical fiction books and James Cameron's blockbuster movie "Titanic". "Ghosts of the Titanic" is available as part of the Sanger Public Library's new leasing arrangement wirin McNaughton Book Services, lion does not distract the reader om Friends of Lilxcary Quafterly Statement 1-1-02/3 -31-02 Beginning bal;mcc;: 5,260.15 Deposits: 1/11/02 2/1/02 2/11/02 2/26/02 3/14/02 3/26/02 Total: 734.0C 90.00 (50.00 Burrus; 40.00 dues & misc.) 5.O0 :ECrejci membership 102.UC1(memorials) 80.0) (40.00 memorial; 40.00 cash) 14-9.00 (30.00 memorial; 60.00 Burrus; 5.00 dues; 47 general) 31 :5.00 (memorials) Checks writt�,n: 295 1/6/02 Tf:.Xas State Library & Archives 646.11 (regular) 296 1/6/02 Baker & `Naylor 10.39 (memorial) 297 1/6/02 Navarro Colmcil of Ail 25.00 (iriemorial) 298 2/2/02 Heritage Guest 53.90 (regular) Total: 735.40 Endingbalar.ce: $I�S,%58.75