05/06/2002-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 69 2002 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: April 15, 2002 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Designating a Committee to Oversee New Construction in the Downtown Area, 5. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #05-06-02 -Annexing the Following Properties: ABSTRACT 1241A, TRACT 77, BEING 9.87 ACRES (AMYX) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 299, BEING 3.283 ACRES OF WHICH 1.36 ACRES ARE CURRENTLY IN THE CITY. (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 59, BEING 95.00 ACRES (RUTH MARSHALL) ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 61A, BEING 0.918 ACRES (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 329, BEING 3.00 ACRES (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 305, BEING 0.159 ACRES (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 328, BEING 16.12 ACRES (CITY) 6. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #OS-07-02 -Regarding Infiltration on Private Property. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Revision of Local Agreement with Denton County Regarding Asset Seizure and Forfeiture Cases. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Agreement for Mutual Aid in Fire Protection By and Between Cooke County, Valley View, Denton County and the City of Sanger Fire Departments, 9. Consider and Possible Action on Interlocal Agreement Between the Sanger Independent School District and tkoVlf't' kT fftijger. 10. City Manager's 1gress R4�p0rt;�, 11. Adjourn. ,!Ar Rosalie Chavez, City Se tary ° Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair acce sib'l&% `aird accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL APRIL 159 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Craig OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, City Engineer Mark Owens, Jeff Crannell, Mark Angele, Ralph Cain, Dan Almon, Jerry Jenkins 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, Councilman Waggoner led the Invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: April 1, 2002 b) Disbursements Councilman Waggoner moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 224. Property is located at 1305 S. Stemmons Rd. Public Hearing Opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing Closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 224. Property is located at 1305 S. Stemmons Rd. Councilman Evans moved to approve the request. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Quail Run, Being 359 Residential Lots. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. Jeff Crannell, Crannell Engineering, indicated they had prepared the plat and were ready to proceed with a final if approved. They were requesting a variance on side yard setbacks. They wanted to have five-foot setbacks instead of eight -foot setbacks. Mayor indicated they did not want five-foot setbacks. It restricts emergency or city vehicles from being able to get to the back of the property if needed. Mark Owens, City Engineer, addressed the R.O.W. width and easement requirements for water and sewer lines. Discussion regarding the sidewalks and the R.O.W. Mark Owens, also expressed concerns regarding the sewer. Mr. Crannell indicated they have met with surrounding property owners regarding possible easements. Discussion continued regarding the sewer and the existing lift station. Mark Angele, Developer, indicated they were not sure on the actual price range on the homes at this point, some of the other developments have been between $110,000.00 and $150,000.00. The minimum house size will be 1200 square feet per the ordinance. The other developments have homes from 1200 square feet to 3000 square feet. Discussion regarding the lot sizes. Councilman Evans expressed concerns regarding the increased traffic. Discussion regarding ownership of the road and if it belongs to the City or the State. Ralph Cain,1010 Cowling Rd., addressed the City Council and indicated the Planning aIIId Zoning Commission did not like the five-foot setbacks. He felt this would set a precedence, and felt they should stick with the eight -foot setbacks. He also expressed concerns regarding increased traffic. Discussion continued regarding the Plat. Mr. Crannell indicated he would prefer the plat be denied rather than accepted with stipulations. Councilman Higgs moved to deny the Preliminary Plat, Councilman Garza seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 7. Conduct Second Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations: ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 61A, BEING 0.918 ACRES ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 329, BEING 3.00 ACRES ABSTRACT 12419 TRACT 3059 BEING 0.159 ACRES ABSTRACT 12419 TRACT 3289 BEING 16.12 ACRES Public Hearing Opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing Closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Authorizing the Publication of the Notice of Intent to Issue Utility Revenue Bonds, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation (CO's) and to Authorize Southwest Securities to Proceed With the Issuing Process. Dan Almon, Southwest Securities, addressed the Council and gave an update on the current bond market. He indicated the market has been fairly stable for the last thirty years. Mr. Almon continued to explained the changes that have been made since the City last sold bonds. He indicated the bonds could be sold over the Internet. This has made the bidding process more convenient. He briefly touched on the bond insurance requirements and the interest rates. Mr. Almon indicated the current sale date is scheduled for May 20, 2002, and the City should receive the funds approximately 30 days later. Mr. Almon continueoil, explain the suggested schedule of events. He indicated the bond issue is a little over 2.5 million dollars, and the increased payment will be approximately $204,000.00. Discussion continued regarding the bond process. Mr. Almon indicated he and City staff collectively felt like they should analyze the notes and leases that are at the bank and possibly look at refinancing them. Discussion continued. Councilman Evans moved to proceed with the Publication of the Notice of Intent to Issue Utility Revenue Bonds, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation (CO's) and to Authorize Southwest Securities to Proceed With the Issuing Process. Councilman Waggoner seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #03-07-02 -Authorizing Submission of an Application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for 2002 Texas Recreation & Parks Account Small Communities Grant Program Funds, City Secretary indicated she and the Parks Superintendent had discussed upgrading the parks. They are trying to get this grant which will be a matching funds grant. The City's portion will be about $50,000.00 of which In -Kind Services can be included. City Engineer showed a drawing of the plan for the park by the community center. He indicated that John, Parks Superintendent, would like to put in a multi -activity place, covered tables, and other equipment. Discussion regarding the parks and the grant. Grantworks Representative explained the process and discussed the matching funds. Deadline for application is April 30, 2002. Councilman Ervin moved to approve Resolution #03-07-02. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bid on Rehabilitation of the Duck Creek Lift Station. Discussion regarding the bid. The only bid received was from Bil-Mik, Inc at $74, 000.00. City Engineer, Mark Owens, explained some of the procedures that will be done to the pump. Councilman Evans moved to accept the bid from Bil-Mik in the amount of $74,000.00. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Miscellaneous Board Appointments, Brief Discussion. Jerry Jenkins, 2507 Chippewa Trail, indicated the Board ofAdjustments has requested that any recommendations for the board come from the board members. They feel this will allow them to choose someone that they feel will be affective and attend the meetings. City Secretary indicated staff does request recommendations from the board members. Councilman Evans moved to appoint Gordon Lurry to the 4A Board, Thomas Muir to the Beautification Board, and Helen Giese to the Beautification Board. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #03-05-02 -Regarding the E.T.J. Jurisdiction Area Agreement with Cooke County and Denton County. City Manager indicated this agreement basically states that the City of Sanger will not go any further North than the Cooke County line and that the Town of Valley View will not go any further South than the County line. It will give the Town of Valley View jurisdiction over any area located within Cooke County. Discussion regarding the E.T.J. in the area between Sanger and Valley View. Discussion regarding City of Sanger annexations in that area. Mayor indicated he felt this agreement was needed. Councilman Garza moved to approve Ordinance #03-05-02 and the E.T.J. Jurisdiction Area Agreement. Councilman Ervin seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 14. Meeting Adjourned. D VENDOR SET! 99- BArNK VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION 9'0-09930 ADIRONDACf Ih1U ;I1+11 BGGI; SHELVES G/L ACCOUNT 001 15-5310 008 f5 53I0 VENDOR TOTALS 9'3-00240 AMiERICAid PUBLIC PO<�ER INV 201102 DUES G/L ACCOUNT Ojos 5$-5235 VENDOR TOTALS 99-0$$I0 AhdiM3�AL CARE Ei�UIF' u 5'tjS A/F' F'AYhiENT RE%'ORT G'EtvDuR �EOUENCE BANK CHECK Sip iAT DUE DT DISC DTI GN899 R 5/07/2002 AMOUNT 22$.50 BOOT{ SHELVES 2O8050 BOOR SHELVES REG. CHECK GNB99 AMOUNT I, 05`3014 DUES REG. CHECK R 5/07/2002 GROSS BALANCE 457.00 1+57. GG 457.00 457.atm I � 059.14 059.14 1, 059. I4 iNU 10046O5 iNTERiC`R LIGHTING/300AIR COh1 GNB99 R 5i07/2002 I1�1$6,00 G(L ACCOUNT ANOUh1T I141$6.0O 001 22-6020 11,1$6.00 INTERIOR LIGHTING/300AIR COND, VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK Ii,IB6.00 115186.00 99-00270 ANIMAL HOSPITAL INV 31125 DRUG DOG YET BILL GNB99 R 5107l2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20-5265 1$2156 DRUG DOG YET BILL INV 362$3 EUTHANASIA ANINAL SHELTER GNB99 R 5/07/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 22-524$ 1$$.50 EUTHANASIA ANIMAL SHELTER VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 1$2.56 1 B2.56 PAY6�EP1 T DISCOUNT 457.00CR 457.00CR 0.00 1�059.I4CR 1,059,14CR f1,1$6.00CR 11,i$6:00CR 0.00 182.56CR 1$$. 50CR WAGE: 1 OUTS i Ai�L=It�G 0.00 371.06 371.06CR 0.00 5-03-2002 03800 PM A/P PAYMEN! REPORT PAGE$ VENDOR SET: 99- aANK; VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-09950 B&G CHEMICAL & EDIPMENT INV 3639E REGISTRATION FOR SCHOOL GNB99 R 5/07/2002 75.00 75.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 75.00 0101 30-5235 755.00 REGISTRATION FOR SCHOOL VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 75.00 75.00CR 0.00 oloo 99-09940 BACRAC INV 247976 3/05/8 SPEED RATCHETS GNB99 R 5/07/200E 34.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 34.00 008 58-5c50 34.00 3/4X5/8 SPEED RATCHETS INV 31939 POCKET KNIFE/HEX KEY SET/TAP GNB99 R 5/07/2002 1,479.55 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1,479.55 008 58�5250 1,479.55 POCKET KNIFE/HEX KEY SET/TAPES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 1,513.55 f , 513.55 99-03330 BAKER P� IAYLQR INV 50036255 BOOKS & PROCESSING G/L ACCOUNT 001 4E-6050 VENDOR TOTALS 99-00390 BILL UTTER FORD, INC. MV 150783 DQQR HANDLE G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-5325 VENDOR TOTALS 34.00CR 1, 479.55CR 1,51s.55CR 0.0�9 GNa99 R 5/071e00L 33.65 33.E,5CR A�tuUN � 33.6� 33.65 BOOKS & PROCESSING REG, CHECK 33,65 33L 65CR 0. 00 33;, 65 00 GNB99 R 5/07/EOOR 5.59 5.59CR AMQU1dT 5.59 5.59 DOOR HANDLE REG. CHECK 5.59 5.59CR 0.00 5.59 0.00 :;-03-C c 03:00 F'M R/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 3 VENDOR SET: 99- BANK : VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NOS DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-00450 BURROS INV 36C23 BLK MARKER/FROSTING/BREAD GNB99 R 5/07/2002' 16.78 16<78CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT I6.78 001 40-5c70 I6.78 BLK MARKER/FR051ING/BREAD INV 36226 BURROS GIM R 5l07/a` 00 8.07 8.07CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 8.07 008 34-5210 8.07 BURRUS IMV 36281 CLEANING SUPPPLIES GNB99 R 5/07/2002 24cC: S4a22CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 34=E2 008 58-5310 E4.62 CLEANING SUPPPLIES INV 36338 BLEACH/COFFEE FILTERS/SPRAY GNB99 R 5/07/2002 17.11 17.i1CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 17.11 001 15-5045 8.56 BLEACH/COFFEE FILTERS/SPRAY BT 008 15-5245 8.55 BLEACH/COFFEE FILTERS/SPRAY BT INU 510c78 OFFICE SUF'F'LIES GNB9`9 R 5/07lc002 30.?3 3c.c3CR G/L AGCO�J1dT Ai�OUtdT 3C'. C3 008 54-5210 3G. 3 OFFICE SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 98.41 98.41CR 0.00 98.41 0.00 99-00470 C&H JANITORAL & SUPPLY INV 21037 JANITORIAL SUPLLIES GNB99 R 5/07/E002 185.05 185.05CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 185.05 008 50-5245 37.0f JANITORIAL SUPLLIES 001 E0-5245 37.01 JANITORIAL SUPLLIES 001 15 5245 l8.50 JANITORIAL SUPLLIES 00B 15-5545 18.50 JANITORIAL SUPLLIES 001 40-5245 37.01 JANITORIAL SUPLLIES 001 W21d 37.0E JANITORIAL SUPLLIES INV Gil'c'3 CLEANING SUPPLIES GNB99 R 5/0712002 8c.40 82.40CR G/L ACCOUNT RMOUPdT 8G.40 008 15-5345 4i.L0 CLEANING SUPPLIES 001 15 5245 41.c0 GLEANING SUPPLIES INV 01219 CLEANING/JANITORIAL SUPLLIES GNB99 R 5/07/2002' 16c.i0 162olOCR 00008 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 16e,i0 001 20-5845 40.52 CLEANING/JANITORIAL SUPLLIES 001 44.-5213 40.52 CLEANING/JANITORIAL SUP'LLIES 5-03-2002 03:00 PM VENDOR SET: 99- BAidK: VENDOR ITEM NG� DESCRIPTION 008 15-5245 VENDOR TOTALS 99--00580 CiNTAS CGPR. �492 INV 49280731 SHOP' TG1lELS G/L ACCOUNT 008 36-5265 INV 49281169 SHOP TOWELS G/L ACCOUNT 008 36-5265 VENDOR TOTALS A/P' GAYMEPdT REPORT BANK CHEGEi STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT BALANCE 40.54 GLEANING(jANITORIAL SUPLLIES REV. GHE�1'f GN899 R 5i07/2002 AMOUNT 22.40 SHOP TOWELS GN899 R 5(011�®k�C+c Ai 1GUNT 22.40 SHOP TOWELS REG. CHECK 99-03730 GGLLIN CGUNIY GGLLEGE INV C 4396 C.E. FIRE SCHOOL GNB99 R 5/07/2002 G/L ACCOII14T AMOUNT 001 24-5235 35.00 C.E. FIRE SCHOOL INV C 4403 DRUb LAB CLASS 2 OFFICERS GNB99 R 5/07(2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20-5240 70.00 DRUG LAB CLASS 2 OFFICERS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES INV 36066 APRIL LEASE ON ICE h1AKER GN899 R 5/07/2002 GiL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5420 25.00 APRIL LEASE ON ICE MAKER 008 50-5310 25.00 APRIL LEASE ON ICE MAKER 001 28-5310 25.00 APRIL LEASE ON ICE MAKER OOi 30-5310 25.00 APRIL LEASE ON ICE MAKER 001 24-5420 100.0t0 APRIL LEASE ON ICE MAKER 001 44-5310 100.00 APRIL LEASE ON ICE MAKER VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 4c:9.55 429.55 22, 40 8 40 c2.40 cc. 40 44.80 44.80 35.00 35.00 105.00 105.00 300.00 P'A4'MENT DISCOUNT 0.00 22.40CR 22.40CR 44.80CR 0.00 35.00CR 70.00GR i05.00CR 0.00 300.00CR 300.00GR 0.00 l='AGE: 4 OUTSTAPdDING 300.00 5-U3-EDDR k��zkik F��i A/P' i='AY��ENT REPaCtT PAGES 5 uENDaR SET; ��- E+Aldl{: VENDaR ITEM Nadel DESCRIP'TIGN `39-k�GAS!� CaNNUNITY ('HARt�ACY INU �6G74 HEP. B ShaTS G/L ACCOUNT aaI �&-5�taa VENDOR TOTALS 1. . thlilili�� UENDaR SEDUENCE BAhdK CNECWi STAT DUE D I DISC DT GN899 R 5/�7/'c�U� ANaUNT �4D.G�� MEP. B SNaTS REG. t�HEGFi INV 65�G37-�+ NAX DISK LSIB�+ IL�P9D GN889 R 5iD7/c�1Uc G/L ACCOUNT ANaUPdT GO1 cD-S�IO 49.55 NAB DICK L51cD 1cON8 INU E58463-t� OFFICE SUPPLIES G�dBGD R S/�7/BGDR G/L ACCOUNT A�fiaUN T GOI IO-5Ril� 54.�8 EP5 GLa55Y F'HOTCG i='APER ��8 IO-521� 34.97 EP5 GLASSY PHOTO PAPER GGi O� SEIG �. �9 KEROGRAC°FDIC BXSfiII UiAB f9-Sci� i.37 PAPER REINFORCEf�ENTS INU C584b�-I OFFICE BUPPPPLIES GNB'3G R 5/�7/'2GOG G/L ACCOUNT APiaUNT UU1 c8-581C� c8.3D EF'S INKsET C6!J AUI L6-S�:Ik� 59.�9 GLARE SCREEN INU 6585G8_G GP'R BXIG CLASP ENVELOPES GN89� R S/�7/2D8 G/L ACCOUNT Ai�OUNT �81 ID-5eI4� t.IG SPR 'D�ic CLASP ENVELOPES OMB IB°ScIA c..G9 5F'R D;{i4 cLA5P ENUELaPEs INU 6SDiQ�B-�7 OFFICE SUPLLIES G/L ACCOUNT �aI I5 �BIU ��B I5-5811�, ��� i_�'J�RW INU GGL658-� aFFiCE SUPPPLIES GfLACCaUNT ��1 IS-ScI� A�8 i5-SBI� GPI RD-5R1P� INU b6cF,58-I OFFICE SUPPLiEu GN85y R 5/UilL84�c Ar�auNT I8.'3� Irvl{JET PRINTER PAPER I8.9N INKJET PRINTER PAPER ,:,go-. B� INKdET PNOTa PRINTER PAPER GN899 R SlO7/cO�Ac AWiOUNT 7.95 CD-RW 65�M8 DISK i. S5 CD-R!� 55AiiI+ DISW, �66,55 BINDERS/HPG JT PRINTER/HEF! INW, GN8�9 R 5/G7/G�38G GRa85 BALANCE c4�. t�� �4�i. CMG G��. as L4�,A� 4"D. 5S 4 3.55 75.31 75.31 ,: 4.1`D 4.ID 7`. 6F` 7c. 6c t8�. 45 �8L.45 I85.5E� tnc cr PAYMENT DISCaUNT L4A.GACR a���. a�cR Oo�� 4�.55CR i5. JICR 88.38CR 4. iSCR 7L.6GCR �88.45CR I8S.56CR aUTSTANDING �. a� AG1 EG-5�'iG 84.8� GN�i !�l�f� FAX CRI 5-G3-cGlb� �93oGD PN uENDGR 5E i : ��-- BANN, a UENDGR ITEM NG# DESGRIPTIGPd GG1 EB-5E1G GGi LEI-Sci� INU 663557�-G GREY FGLDERS G/L ACCGUNT GG1 15-5c1� GGB i.J JG(1 j�'� UEPdDGR TG � ALS 'JS-�J14�+ DATA FLGW INU �:G46B BANK DRAFTS G/L AGGGUNT GGS 1S-5RG5 VENDGR TGiALS A/P PAYMENT REPGRT VENDGR SEQUENCE BANK GHEGK STAi DUE DI DISC DT 55.46 �iAX DISK LS1LG icGfi1B 41.5� AUE LABELS 4 1/cX 4XE GNB9S R 5lk�7/LG�c ANGUN T 1G.5� GRE1` FGLDERS iG.SG uREY FGLDERS REG, GHEL"K GafidB9`J R 5/Gi/cG2c At�GUNT 1�4.49 BANK DRAFTS REG. GHEGN, S9-GGicUi DATANA T IG. GGfi�� LTD. iNV G4GG16 MGNTHLY €DETER READIN{3 NAINTE GNB9S R 51G7/E�GR G/L AccouNT Afi�GUNT GG9 19--5:,15 21G.9a MGNTHL'd fi�ETER READINu NAINTEN VENDGR TGTALS REG. GHEGK S9-GG7S�1 DENiGN CG BUILDERS SUPF�LY INU 4,it3G6 GGUPLING PUG/PADDLGGK tSNB9S R 51G7/cG�1L G/L AGGGUNT AMGUNT GG1 as-5?45 9.44 GGUPLIPdG Puc/PADDLGGF� INU 4aS41 FAINT PAN/BRUSHES/ GNB39 R 5/�37/S:GGS GfL AGGGUNT AfifiGUNT GG1 U�-5S:45 6c.7� PAINT FANIBRUSHES/ INU �+4AS7 {R�G)LLER aLtGVES/RGLLERfBtR�iJSHES GN899 R 5iG71GG�E V / L AGGG UI� 1 1'9fi�G�NT �Gf 3G-5�;7� 1�.SL RGLLER GLGVES/RGLLER/BRUSHES INV 44G9S RGGF iARiGfi..GUESiBRUSH GNBS9 R 5/�71LDA2 t't 31 nnn� t IAIT n:dtil IAIi' GRGSS BALAhdGE i79.S6 !7`�. 6B iG4.49 iG4.43 iG4.49 iG4.49 �:1 G. 96 E1�. afi1 c1G.SS c1�.S6 '�. 44 9.44 BS:. 7G 6E. 7G ic7.3L 12• JLr 45.G6 f�C 171C F'AYfi<1ENT DISGGUNT L1.G��GR %��pp. '�PP��„GR �b'. PJ Va iG4.49CR 1�4.49GR G. k��3 E1G.96GR c1G.'3SCR G. GA 9.44GR E12.7GGR ic.3eGR 45.G6GR RAGE: S GUTSTANDING G. ��G ����� 1._ 001 20--5310 45.36 ROOF TAR/GLOVES/BRUSH 5 O3-2002 03:00 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGER 7 VENDOR SETo 99— BANKD VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 129.52 129.52CR 0800 1r9.5B O.00 99-03710 DENTON CO SHERIFF'S DEPT INV 3637E ,TAIL LAY OUT FEE(WOMACK) GNB99 R 5/07/2002 60.00 60mOOCR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT G&W .�l 86-5379 6G.00 JAIL LAY OUT FEE(WOMACK) VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 60.00 6040EICR 0400 6O. 0400 �J'03990 DENTON VACUUM INV 12836 BERNINA VACUUE MODEL 6300 GNB99 R 5/07/2002 E99.99 99.99CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 2199.99 001 42-6040 299.99 BERNINA VACUUE MODEL 63010 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 0299.99 299.99CR O.CO 299. 99 99-08650 DIRECT ACTION UNIFORMS INV 2035975 UNIFORM PANTS POLICE DEPT. GNB99 R 5/07/E002' 2,600.53 E1600.53CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT" 21GOO.53 091 20-5255 2,600.53 UNIFORM PANTS POLICE DEPT. INV 2036551 UNIFORM PPANTS GNB99 R 5/07/2002 118.74 118.74CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 118.74 001 20565 118.74 UNIFORM PPANTS VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK c1719.27 E1719.27CR 0400 cq 719.t1 OR00 99-09960 DUFFY DESIGNS IpJV 3c6 IdTR DEFT SHIRTS/ANIM.CONT. PA GNB99 R 5/B7/LGi�B 309.59 3G9.5�CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 389.50 0 0 A 008 50-5255 309.50 WTR DEPT SHIRTS/ANIM,CONT.PATC VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 309.5309.50CR oloo VENDOR GET% 99- BAidK VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION 99-a919a ECI',ERD CORD"ORATION INV 36311 PHOTOS DEVELOPED G/L ACCOUNT 001 20: 5375 VENDOR TOTALS (�iP PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR GET9UENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC ET GNB99 R 5Ja7J�aa� AMOUNT 6i.3G PHOTOS DEVELOPED REG. CHECK 99-a66aa EMP' INU 283396 GLOVES/REBREATHER MASK GND99 R 5/a7/caa2' G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT aai 24-5375 20J.50 GLOVESJREBREATHER MASK VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-aa93a ENDERBY GAG COMPANY INU 133196 84.7 GALS TRUCK #3Ea GNB99 R J/a7fcaac G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT aal 30-5320 13E.a5 84.7 GALS TRUCK 3La VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-a41ca FIRE ENGINEERING INV 36407 RENE4iAL Gt�B99 R 5Ja7icaac GJL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 24-5235 3®.Ja RENEWAL VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK '�`�-a84aa FRANI'fLIN LEGAL PUBLISHING INU 2000189 CODE ON CDROM 4 LICENCES GNB99 R 5/a7/EaaO G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 10®5420 62O.50 CODE ON CDROM 4 LICENCES 008 10-5400 622.50 CODE ON CDROM 4 LICENCES GROSS BALANCE 61.3c G1.32 GaJ.Sa EaJ.Ju caJ,Ja La5.5a 13c. aJ i3c.a5 3cvJa 1, c45. as 1, E45. as PAYMENT DISCOUNT 61.3cCR ca5.5aCR CaJ.SaCR a. as 13c. aSCR 13c. aSCR a. as 3c.5aCR d L•�acR a. as i,L4J.aaCR P'HGE: 8 OUTGIANDING I�iU E!��+Air�3 SLrE. � TONING ORIi FOR PAX-EO GNE�3g R 5?�r`liE��l�e 45��. ��� GiL ACCOUNT ANOE�CdT 450. AO [COI 10-54cG c25. GG S+JE. � [.ONICdG ORU FOR F'u�[-EOA 45A. GOCR 5-03-�kTOL Ov:GO P�j A!F' PAYCiEPdT REPORT PAGE: S UENEOR SET: 5'S- EANK: VEPdi�OR SEL�IIENCE UENEOR ITEC� NOS DESCRIF'TIOCd SANK CHECK BTAT EtJE T)T GR055 PA�'P�iENT OiJiSTAhdlliNG DISC ET EALANCE EISCOCCNT OOE 10-54c� SES. GG SLlE. � ZONiPdG ORD FOR F'�Z-EOA UENEOR TOTALS REGa CHECK, i, �95.0� I, �'�5. fdGwR O.00 C.�655.�JA �.A"� 99-0397C� GfT TROCI',ING INU IG15 FLEX RASE � SAND GNE35 R 5/6`r'/EOGc l3E.64 731�.64CR G1L ACCOl1t�T AC�Ot1NT 7:;E. k,4 GO1 30-5ufi0 r�;F,.64 FLEX EASE tI SANC UENEOR TOTALS REG. CHECi', 7,s6.G4 7GG.64CR G.GG 7;�6. G4 G. it!� SS-i�1G7G GALL'S INC. INU 55560fY8 FLASHLIGHT GNESS R 5/�b`liGOGc 256.'36 E58.36CFi GIL ACCOUNT ACROt1Pd I c`�E. `36 OAg 5G-5v�'S 598.9b FLASHLIGHT INV 5559cccF, LIFE VEST GNE'39 R 5!l�rlc�Oc �:?4.3fi LJ4a96CR G/L ACCOI{�!T A�iOL1PdT 534.96 1+GI c4--566G cJ4a96 LIFE VEST INU 556cE955 E-SK076 SPEAKER GPdE99 R 5l07/LGkE IGI.98 I6f.'�ECR G/L AGCOi1Ni Ai�OUNT IGi.'38 GGi �:�� S,TES 155.98 E-SK�75 5PEAKER UtNUOR TOTALS REG. CHICK 6"35.3� 655.9!�CR 0. C��i �ES.�� A.A� 59-O'�140 GREEN EOUIPhCENT COFiPANY INU �='8IL ATTACHFIENTS FOR STRING ELOW.E GNE59 R 5/G7/LGA� 1, c5v. fi3 GIL ACCO(JN i AC�COfJNT f , c93. G3 OG8 5A-5c5� I,E93.53 ATTACHr�ENiS FOR STRING ELOVIER VENEOR TOTALS REG. CHECK i,G53.65 1, E9,�. 63 I,c93.63CR I, c9;;, 63CR k�. V10 —._�_._��a OA _______________ 99-OB76G GT uISTRIEUTORS iNC INU GG57G3i XT3A El1LLET PROOF VEST GhlE59 R 51A7I:�AE 5, 7I0.55 5, 710.5EGR �C��a� �� a01 20-5260 5,710.56 XT3A BULLET PROOF VEST 5-a3-2aa2 a3:aa PPi VENDOR SET: 99- HANKv VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION VENDOR TOTALS 99-a349a H. E�, 4�ILSOPd CO. INV 362GO SUBSRIPTION G/L ACCOUNT aai 42-5225 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT UENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT REG. CHECK GNB99 R 5/a712aa2 AMOUNT 175.00 SUBSRIPTION REG. CHECK a;-�,722a HALL SIGNS INV 128957 STREET SIGNS GNB99 R 5/07/2aa2 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT aai 30-5380 482,36 STREET SIGNS INV 129182 NO TRESPASSING SIGN GNB99 R 5/07/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58 5310 72.49 NO TRESPASSING SIGN VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99�a775a HOME DEPOT/GECF INV 36243 4"X2"X4" TAPE G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-6020 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 R 5/a7/2aa2 AMOUNT 6,81 412"W' TAPE REG. CHECK 99-a74aa I05 CAPITAL IN�1 54648754 COE'Y MACHINE RENTAL GNB99 R 5/a7i2aa2 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT aai 2a-5325 181.83 COPY MACHINE RENTAL VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK GROSS BALANCE 5, 71a.56 5, 71a. 56 i75.aa as 482.36 482.36 554, 85 554.85 6.8 i 6.81 PAYPIEN i DISCOUNT 5,7fa.56CR a. as 175. aaCR i75.aaCR a. as 482.36CR 72.49CR 554.85CR a. as 6.81CR 18i.83CR WAGE: is OUTSTAS'dDIP1G 5-03-COOL 1060Oo PM AIP R'AYMLNT REl='ORT F'A6�a 11 VEPdDOR SETa 99- BANKa VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-09040 J r;APdUY THGMPSON INU 11773 UV ENHANLEING SAFETY GLASSES GNB99 R 5/07/2002 12.99 12.99CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 12,`39 001 36-5245 6.50 UV ENHANCEING SAFETY GLASSES 008 36-5245 6.49 UV ENHANCEING SAFETY GLASSES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 1et 2.99 12.99CR 0.00 99-01290 ,ILK LIGHTING � SU�'F'LY INV 2473 4' FLORESCENT PRONG TYPE LAM GNB99 R 5/07/2002 150.00 150.00CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 150.00 008 58-6020 150.00 4' FLORESCENT WRONG TYPE LAMAS INV 2488 75W 130V QUARTZ PAR30 GNB99 R 5/07/2002 161.25 161.25CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT( 161.25 008 58-6020 161.25 75W 130V QUARTZ PAR30 INV 2515 SEWER FLORECENT LIGHT GNB99 R 5/07/2002 3,303.o0 3,303.00CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 3,303.00 008 52-5315 310103.00 SEWER FLORFCENT LIGHT i INV 31731 2 LAMPS 120V HIGH OUTPUT" BAL GNB99 R 5107I2002 144.00 144.00CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 144.00 008 58-6020 144.00 2 LAMPS 120V HIGH OUTPUT BALL. VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 3,758425 31758.25CR 0.00 3, 758.25 0.00 99--01320 1.L. MATTHENS CO., INC. INV 86700 HARD RACHET CALF CUTTER GNB99 R 5/01/2002 244.05 244.05CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT L44.O5 008 58-5250 244.05 HARD RACHET CALE CUTTER VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 244.05 244.05CR 0200 244.05 0.00 99--01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO. INV 3797 HMAC PICK UP GNB'99 R 5/07/2002 865.54 865.54CR r .1 AnP Mt NIT Ammi KIT t]CC C;(i 001 30-5370 86154 HMAC PICK UP 5-03-2002 03:00 F'i'i A/F' PAYMENT REPORT F'AGE: 12 VENDOR SET: 99— BANK: VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NOS DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK. STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 865.54 861 54CR 0a00 865.54 0a0C� 99-03530 1AMES �£OOD AUTOPARK, INCa INV 161652 PULLEY/CLUTCH/COIL GNB99 R 5/07/2'We 208020 208a20GR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 208.20 001 20-5325 208.20 PULLEY/CLUTCH/COIL INV 161935 B/H DOOR HANDLE GNB99 R 5/07/2002 16a73 I6.73CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 16a73 008 50-5325 I6.73 B/H DOOR HANDLE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 224a93 E& 93CR 0aCA, 0 224.93 0.00 99-03230 JESWOOD OIL CO, INV 36467 FUEL GNB99 R 5/07/2002 2g981,14 21981a14CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 2,981,14 001 L0-5320 961303 001 2'4--53*J0 224.22 00B 50-5320 74146 001 30-5320 214a48 001 32-5320 214a48 008 58-53c0 502v 22 001 36-5320 26.27 008 36-5L@ 26.L! 001 28-5320 63a71 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 21981a14 21981a14CR 0100 21981,14 0000 99-01310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET INV 231726 STATE INSPECTION GNB99 R 5/07/2002 12a50 12950CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 12050 001 20-5325 12150 STATE INSPECTION INV 506393 MIRROR PK GNB99 R 5/07/2002 14Gs16 145.16CR � G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 146a16 008 50-5323 146.IG MIRROR PK G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 157.56 001 cO-5325 157,56 F/L HUB 5-03-2002 03000 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: i3 VENDOR SET: 99- BANKs VENDOR SEDUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK ;TAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 316.2c 316.c2CR 000G 31 E.. 22 I , Oki 99-GI4iG KIDS DISCOVER INV 36259 SUBSRIPTION GNB99 R 5/07/2002 19.95 i9.95CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1195 001 42-5225 19,95 SUBSRIPTION VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 19,95 19.95CR 0300 1195 Ov OG jJ-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS INV D22930 RESTOCK GNB99 R 5/01/2002 126al2 26.12CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1c6,10 001 cO-5325 15.77 RESTOCK 001 24-5325 1177 RESTOCK 001 28-5325 15.77 RESTOCK 001 30-5325 i5677 RESTOCK GG1 36-5325 7,89 RESTOCK 008 36-5325 7.88 RESTOCK 008 50-5325 15477 RESTOCK 008 54-5325 f5.77 RESTOCK 008 58-5325 15,73 RESTOCK VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 126.12 l26,12CR O,GG 126. is 0200 99-G156� LOVELACE LAPdDSCAPE INV 36334 FERTILIZER/2 FLATS VERBENA GN899 R 5/G7/2GG2 60,25 6O.25CR GiL ACCGUNi AMOUPdT 6�.c5 GG1 32-5"c21 60,25 FERTILIZER/c FLATS VERBENA VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 6125 6G.25CR O,GU 60.25 G, G4o 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. INV 29�r349 RED OAK 5HUNARDI 3GGAL GNB'99 R 5/O7/2GUc 115,GG G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 11500E .,... 4 . c n1a nrn nnir nc o tmAnn r - nr-m 115,GDCR IPdV c9�i3G7 GRASS PLUGS GJL ACCOUraT �iOB ;�-S,�hO G?dE�`�� R J/� l/G�.I�.�C AMOUNT 178.80 GRASS �"LUGS i7s.�� i7S, SO 178.AGCR -Ov-���� Os:O�+ Pf�� 4'ENDOR SET ; S'3- DANN: VENDOR ITEM NOS DESCRIPTION iNV 9SO14O AUGUSTINE i6�L+t GJL ACCOUNT GOD 50-536�� VENDOR TOTALS A/�' PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEC�L�ENCE BANK CHECf� STAT DUE DT DISC DT GNRSS R OJO7(ca�ic Ai�OL'F! T 19.80 AUGUSTINE 1E,Xc�t REG. CHECK', DS-�iO7�� MCCAIN'S OVERHEAD DOOR IPJU �'S9S8 DOTTOM OVERHEAD DOORJTOP ROL GNE199 R SJl�7JS���1L OIL ACCOUNT Ri�iOUN T �O1 c4-5,Sf�q c4O,�O BOTTOM OVERHEAD DOOR/TOP ROLL VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECEt SS-�'�i7OO MELTOP! SERVICES, INC. INV iJJ6 IPdSTALL c-CAT S DATALINERS GP�B99 R ;J!J7/chOc GIL ACCOUtd T AMOUNT RGi 15-5S1O ic5.00 IPiSTALL L CAT 5 DATALINEftS GOG 15-531&� 1�'5.00 INSTALL 2-CAT 5 DATALINERS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECI{ a5-�5540 MUNICIPAL SERVICE $UREAU ItJV 0�:,�9ScciG COLLECTION ON OUSTANDING I�AR GNB99 R 5JO7;cOOc Gr'L ACCOUN I AMOUiJT OOi �iO-4G�S iu9.13 COLLECTION ON OUSTANDING I�ARR VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECI', �19SG NICHOLS, JACF,SOPi, DILLARD INV 3G346 LEGAL SERVICES G/L ACCOUNT Z�O1 15-54c� GOb 1 ;-S4�:S UG�4i1fi� iitTil{ GNB9'� R 5/G7JcG4�c A{ �OJPiT 4`7.10 LEGAL SERVICES 457. iL LEGAL SERVICES GROSS DALANCE S S. BO 19. �� 313. S� 315. SO L45.00 �45.G� c45,GO 545.00 eOO.�aO GUO.O2r 133.13 iu9,fw 9i�s. cL Si4.Oc � �:_ i��= PAYt��ENT DISCOUNT i°.DGCR Siu. E�GCR :�, GO O4 ;. OOCR �J�. ��cR c5O.�9SCR A, k�C� 13`�,1uGR 1:�9,1�;CR E+. GO �a14.ccCR C°AvEo 1=¢ NUTSiANDING a.00 +�, OO k�, l�k 52�,;�E: C�. ��S 5-Gs-ckJ�c: A':+�'G PC�1 A/P F'AYMEP2T REF'GRT UEPaDGa SET: '��— BAI�2;; UEfaDDR SEQUEUCE BEHDGR ITEP� PaG� DESCRIPTIGtd BACaK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 95—�863G G� REILLY AUT�J FARTS iNU 3i4449 RESTGCK G�lB9S R 5/�7/SAGS GIL ACCGUtaT ASiGU�T ��B 54--�i�5 5.56 RESIGLK Gk2 3L 5vE5 5.56 RESTGC2; KGB 5G-5,S�®5 5, 56 RESTGCN, G� 2 c�-SuLS ,;. �G' RES C GCH, ii�IV 324781 DISC PAD 5ET G���B99 F 5/A71cAl�c G/L AccnuraT A�Gu�aT �jA2 3z�-5Sc5 24. L4 DISC PAD 5ET IHV 3i6336 BATTERY C}iARGER/CAi�S GF UU L GPaB`39 it 5/G7fL�AL G/L ACCGU�d i AhtGuf�T GAB 54-53�9 27.95 BATTERY CHARGER/CARS GF U4 LEA ��l cC, JJLJ 27.SB BATTERY CHARGER/CABS GF UV LEA VE�aDGR TC�TALS REG, CHECf�, 9'S--G64S� GCGUP'ATiGtaAL f�EDICi��E IHV 383�5 UDSIPHY�l�,AL Gf L ACCGUi�T GGB 25-S�o-�G G�i 25-544G UEidDGR TGTAL`a" 3S-t�G74G GFFICE f9AX i2au 36:;5G 78 LARGE TICK CART GfL ACCGiJP!"[ t�G2 ��-�cl`� UEPaDGR TGiALS GNB99 R 5,G7/SGAL AC�Gu2a T G4.5G UDSl�tHYSiCAL G4.5�c� UD5IFHYSICAL REG. CHECK G`raBSS R 5iG71LC+A� AUGu�aT 54.SS 7B LARGE iNK CART REG. CHECK GRGSS BALAPaCE �:�. SC Dk}. C:6 2�f. c4 24. �� S5.'�7 ilvio �( 7�. 47 7G. 47 259.��C� 2c1.G0 2c9. C�� 2LGv GG 5�.'3;9y 54.39 54.'�9 PAY�iE�lT DISCGU��i cG.S6CR 2`i. i:�� R 5.97CR 7u. �7CR v�. PQi 2C:S. G�iCR 2c9.�DCR �. GA 54.SSCR PAGE: 25 GUTSTANDiPaG �,. ��u 54.3'3GR A. GG ����Q 9'3-t�S2GA GUR DESIGid' S iPlC. Ifdt� 3G�42 SAFETY Et�UIP'IREF "JB5o6� Gi°aB3`3 R 5/G7/cG�c: J5.8G r :,x r;5. BC�CR 001 E4-260 65.80 SAFETY EQUIP/REF 985660 5-03-c002 03:00 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 16 VENDOR SET: 99- BANK. VENDOR SEt7UENCE VENDOR ITEM NOS DESCRIPTION DAME; CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 65.80 61 80CR ovoo 65.8E O.00 9°9-074c0 PUf,'SUIT SAFETY EQUIF'�1ENT IrdV c153 CENTER CONSOLE FOR NEl� CAR GND99 ft 5/07/F'005 6E1.00 6e1.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 621.00 001 Ekl-260 621,00 CENTER CONSOLE FOR NEW CAR VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 6c1.00 621,OOCR 0200 __ 09980 GUARIER r9ASTER INV 8850101 LA14PRO SIDE ZIP BOOT/EMS PAN GNB99 R 5/07/LOOS 87.40 87.40CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 87.40 001 30-5255 87.40 LAWPRn SIDE ZIP BOOT/EMS PANTS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 87.40 87,40CR O.00 87.40 O.00 99-081cO C�UILL iNV 2539178 l�iASTc TnNERITONER CRT/FUSER GrdD99 R 5r07/ROOL J3CIvOC7 336,O8CR G/L ACCOUNT A1nUNT 336.08 001 48-5L10 336.08 WASTE TONER/TONER CRT/FUSER 01 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 336.08 336.08CR 0.00 99-02140 RADIO SHACK INV 36D88 KEYS GrL ACnnUr�T OO8 50-5360 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 Ar�nuNT 6.00 KEYS REG, CHECK R 5/07/SOOc o.00 6, OO 6,OOCR 6,00 6.00CR O.00 , 5-03--2002 03:00 pry A!P PAYMENT REPORT F'AGE: 17 VENDOR SET: 99� BANKe VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-05290 RED WING INV 36070 WORK BOOTS FOR RONNIE GRACE GNB99 R 5/07/2002 137m70 27m70CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 137970 008 58-5255 50m00 WORK BOOTS FOR RONNIE GRACE 008 00-2111 87.70 WORK BOOTS FOR RONNIE GRACE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 1J7m10 137970CR 0200 137m 70 0.00 99-07820 RICARDO GONZALEZ INV 36340 COURT 3/002 GNB99 R 5107/20& 250m00 250.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 250.00 001 '26'5425 cJ@,00 COURT 3/12/02 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 250.00 250m00CR 0.00 250.G0 0.00 99-02190 RITE -WELD INV 068077 OZ CYLINDER GNB99 R 5/07/2002 4100 48100CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 48.00 001 24-5375 48.00 OZ CYLINDER INV 6818GB ACETYLENE REFILL/SORE' STONE GNB99 R 5/07/2002 63.89 61 89CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 63389 001 36�5245 31.90 ACETYLENE REFILL/SOAP STONE 008 36-5245 31.99 ACETYLENE REFILL/SOAP STONE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 111.89 111.89CR 0.00 111589 0.00 99-1 ROBERT SCOTT ESTER INV 36371 ROBERT SCOTT ESTER : GNB99 R 5/07/2002 18100 185.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 185.00 001 00-4642 185.00 ROBERT SCOTT ESTER ra 0 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 185.00 185.00CR 185m 00 0.00 5-03-c00c 03:00 Fib A/R PAYME1dT REPORT PRGE; 18 VENDOR SETa 99- BANK: VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION DANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT '39-Occ60 5�5 TELEMETRY INV 1760 REPAIR ON 45 LIGHTNING DAMAG GNB99 R 5/07/2002 11611.60 1,611.60CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1gG11.GO 008 50-,m 0 15611.60 REPAIR ON #5 LIGHTNING DAMAGE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 1,611.60 19611.GOGR 0.00 1,611.60 0.00 99-Oc3c0 BANGER MIRROR � GLASS INV 282 OBSCURE GLASS GNB99 R 5/0712002 368.00 368.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 368.00 001 44-5347 368.00 OBSCURE GLASS VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 368.00 368.00CR 0.00 368.00 0.00 99-09990 SCHERTZ FARM 8 SEED INV 7154 PRAMiTOL SPSfROUNDUP GNB99 R 5/07/c00c c36.80 c36.80GR GIL ACCOUNT AMGU�dT c36.80 003 SA-Scc3 236.80 PRAMITOL SPS/ROUNDUP VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK c36.80 c36.83CR.00 236,80 C1 00 '39-Oc350 SGHLUTER ENO. � COMM. INV 16468 BATTERY GNB99 R 5/07/2002 7c.00 7c.vOCR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 7c.00 001 24-5390 72.00 BATTERY INV 16469 REPAIR ON RADIO GNB93 R 5/07/200c 5c.00 Sc.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT Sc.00 Ling 58-5390 Sc.00 REPAIR ON RADIO INV 1647E RESOLDER PC BOARD & ALIGN cR GNB99 R 5/07/22002 87.00 87.00CR1 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 87.00 001 30-5310 87.00 RESOLDER PC BOARD & ALIGN 2RDO VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK c11.00 211.00CR 0.00 211.00 0.00 W3:�J F'M VENDOR SETT 99- BAtkK VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION 99-0c414� St4I T H PUMP INV 31893 RUBBER FLAPPER G/L ACCOUNT 008 54-532' VENDOR TOTALS A/F' PAYtiENT REI-'ORT VENDOR SECUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GNB99 R 5/07/500 AMOUNT SL.EO RUBBER FLAPPER REG. CHECK '99-OJ�.fO SUP�SEI PRODUCTIONS INV 15655 JR. FIRE HATS/COLORING BOOKS GNB99 R 5/07/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 C4-5c55 414.25 JR. FIRE HATSICOLORING BOOKS VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-0t690 TECHLitfE INRt 14fc957 SPRAY FOAM IN BOX el/NOZZLE GNB99 R 5/07/c005 GIL ACCOUNT AtiOUt�tT 008 58-60c0 Sp850.00 SPRAY FOAM IN BOX W/NOZ`lLE INV 14130820 RESTOCK GNB99 R 5/07/2002 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-6020 340.00 RESTOCK INV 141312JO RESTOCK GNB99 R 5/07/2002 OIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-6020 330.00 RESTOCK INV 14132300 WR159H TAP/CONNECTORS GNB99 R 5/07/2002 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-6020 44.00 WRI59H TAP/CONNECTORS INV 31825 351CLASS 5 ROOD POLES GNB99 R 5/07/c002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-60210 10y0L0.00 351CLASS 5 WOOD POLES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK GROSS PAYMEPlT OUTSTANDItdG BALANCE DISCOUNT 3L.c0 35.LOCR 3c. 0 3e. LO 0.0f0 4f4.tJ 414.c5CR 4f4.OJ 414.55 0.00 C.p 8J0.00 Lp 850.00CR isp 850.00 340.00 340.00CR J40.00 44.00 44.00CR 44.00 10p0e0.00 10p0L0.k�OCR fop 050.00 � �' 14 1,�p J84.00 f 3, 584.00CIR 0.00 f3p584.00 0.00 5—Ou cm 8 Oa.OH P°{# ArC' F'A'{`i�T RCr°CRT VENDOR SE�o 99— BANK: VENDOR SEDUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK; STAT DUE DT DISC DT 99�02`l30 TEXAS METER &DEVICE I1dV 2BBB4 TEST &REPAIR SINGLE PHASE GNB99 R 5/07/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5335 6v3aW TEST eY REPAIR SINGLE PHASE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-06930 TX ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES INV 0204002 REPAIR TRANSFORMERS G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-53E5 VENDOR TOTALS 99-05350 TX EXCAVATION SAFET`{ SYST INV T2002111 MESSAGE FEES G/L ACCOUNT OOB $B-5420 VENDOR TOTALS 99-03830 UeN.T F'OLIGE ACADEMY ONB99 R 5/07/c069c A riCUFdT 8®.6 REPAIR TRANSFORMERS REG, CHECK GNB99 R SIOIfE00L APiOUElT 33 SSAGE FEES REGa CHECK INV 04602030 FIELD TRAINNING OFFICER SCHO GNB'�9 R 5/07/2002 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20-5235 65.00 FIELD TRAINNING OFFICER SCHOOL VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK �1,>02910 UPPER TRINITY INV Wi70204 VOLUME & DEMAND CHARGE GNB99 R 5/07I200"1 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-5385 61294a60 VOLUME & DEMAND CHARGE OOB 50-5420 7§500.00 VOLUME & DEMAND CHARGE GROSS BALANCE 653a 00, 653.00 653. GO 382.63 3Bc.63 3B2a63 382.63 3da Jv`l 3Je �lJ 65.00 65e00 13,794.60 13,794.60 PA�'MEhdT DISCOUNT E5.3. �sOCR 0. �0 382.63CR 382.63CR a'Jila 3,;ER JvJo :.SJ�R 0.00 65.00CR 65e OOCR 0.00 13,794.60CR PAGE: 20 OUTSTAtlDiNG VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK, 13;794.60 13; 794.60 794, GOCR 0.00 -03-2002 03:00 VENDOR SETo 99- BANK: VENDOR IrErd N0� 99-06330 UTILIT'�` PLUS AiP PAYt i2NT i�2P'ORr VENDOR SEQUENCE DE5CRIPTIOhd BAD=,K CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT BALANCE INV 360640E HATER PIPE/GATE VALVE/zdEGA L GPdB99 R 5/07/2002 2;113.55 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 21113.55 008 5&5358 25113.55 WATER WIPE/GATE VALVE/MEGA LUG INU 3631706 ANGLE STOPS/PVC BOOTS/FLANGE GNB99 R 5/07/200�= 341.74 G/L ACCOUNT AdOUNT 341.74 008 52-6070 136.80 ANGLE STOPS/PVC BOOTS/FLANGE K 008 50-5372 2OM4 ANGLE STOPS/PVC BOOTS/FLANGE K VENDOR iOTALS 99-U2950 UERNER CH2KilCAL INU ��11U5� ROUNt7 UP G1L ACCOUNT JL-JLtaeS VENDOR TOTALS 99-03010 �dEBB AUTO PARTS REG. CHECK, i�NB99 R AiiOUNT 209.6E ROUND UP REG. CHECK IPdU 2721 RESTOCK AIR/FUEL/OiL FILTERS GNB99 R 5/07/2002 G/i ACCOUNT ArdOUPdT 001 20-5325 7.88 RESTOCK AIR/FUEL/OIL FILTERS 001 24-5325 7.88 RESTOCK AIR/FUEL/OIL FILTERS 001 28-5325 7.88 RESTOCK AIR/FUEL/OIL FILTERS 001 30-5325 7.88 RESTOCK AIR/FUEL/OIL FILTERS 001 36-5325 3.94 RESTOCK, AIR/FUEL/OIL FILTERS 008 36-5325 tM4 RESTOCK AIR/FUEL/OIL FILTERS 008 50-5325 7.88 RESTOCK AIR/FUEL/OIL FILTERS 008 54-5325 7.88 RESTOCK AIR/FUEL/OIL FILTERS 008 58-5325 7.84 RESTOCK AIR/FUEL/OIL FILTERS ' INV 2741 RESTOCK OIL FUEL AIR FILTERS GNB99 R 5/07/2002 G/L ACCOUhdT A�#OUNT 001 20-5U25 21,T0 RcvIuCK UIL FULL min FILTCRU 001 24-5u'25 21.00 RESTOCK OIL FUEL AIR FILTERS 001 28-5325 21.00 RESTOCK, OIL FUEL AIR FILTERS 001 30-5325 21.00 RESTOCK OIL FUEL AIR FILTERS mOl 36-5325 10.50 RESTOCK OIL FUEL AIR FILTERS .^6tiA -r -q..r- 4�a er.4 nr- lrnr+ir r5re ri in nsr rvi rnr_ 2;455.29 455. 29 20'3.62 209.62 63.00 63.00 168, 00 f68.00 F'AYidENT tJISCOUN I 2;11,s. 55t,R 341.74CR 2;455.29CR 0. k,l&i 2�.�9.621.R 209.62CR 0.00 63.00CR 168.00CR F'At�E: c1 OUTSTANDIPdG 0.00 108 50-auCa C1.00 RESTOCK =UIL FUEL AIR FILTERS `'t-03-CG�C �33.00 F'I3 UEi�DOR SET. 99- BANK: UENDOR ITEM �dO� DESCRIATIOid OOB 54-53F:5 N�Ocf 5B-53C5 i%U R7i8 DYE/AIR FILTER/BELT G/L ACCOUNT 0�:�1 �-., VO-Jv,�cc 001 `4223 001 2 8 " 5 3 2 5 001 30-53E5 OLD 365325 008 HC 5325 OOB 505325 008 54-53tt2J 008 INV 3,;SO4c 99-03680 l�HIT�iIRE INV UE�DOR TO T ALS Aid' F'AYt�ENT REAuR � UEidDOR SEQUEfdCE BAf�K CHECK STAT DUE ET DISC DT C1.00 RESTOCK OIL FUEL AIR FILTERS F:1.u;Y0 RESTOCK OIL FUEL AIR FILTERS GNB99 R 5/07/ 0Of2 A iOUNT 7.72 DYE/AIR FILTER/BELT 107" DYE/AIR FILTER/BELT 7.7c DYE/AIR FILTER/BELT 7.7f DYEiAIR FILTER/BELT 3.BG DYE/AIR FILTER/BEL'i 186 DYE/AIR FILTER/BELT 7.7F: DYE/AIR FILTER/BELT 7.72' DYE/AIR FILTER/BELT 7.71 DYE/AIR FILTER/BELT REG. CHECK INVOICE �B811P3 & #B7BBG4 GHB99 R 5i07IL00S GS/L ACCOL��!T AMOUNT OOd 5B-60c0 55.00 INVOICE 4881153 H78864 VENDOR TOTALS SE 100G TREE TRI��i�iNG G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-54E0 RErCHECE' . , GNB99 R 5107fc�5�� APrOU(d I 1} c214, 214 TREE TRIMMING GROSS BALANCE 6I.75 61.75 c t' ri C �1c. 7J c9c.75 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 L } LLYa Li INV Sc 1007 TREE TRIMMINGGNB99 R 5f071200E G/L ACCOUNT Af�1OUNT 1} 877. BO 001 30-54C0 1}B77.BO TREE TRIi4t9ING INV Sr. . 1005 TREE TRIMMINGWK ENDING 3l16 GNB99 R 5107/ 211&11307.15 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 003 58-5420 11307.12 TREE TRIMMING WK ENDING 3/1G/0 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 41409.1G 4} 409. IS PAYh1E�1 T DISCOLINT 61.75CR F:9c. 75CR 0.00 55.00CR 55.00CR 0.Ot� 1} c�4. c4CR 1, 877. BOCR 1}307.1ECR 4}409.1ECR RAGE: cc OUiS T ANDIt}!G 0.00 J`"0J'"�0 J% 0Ja00 ��� ASP i'F911'fC�$� RLFOR� VENDOR SEIs 99 DAMK: VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NOS DESCRIPTION DANK iLHECK STAT DUE DTI DISC DI 55-030ra0 �PILLIA�iS WASTLI�ATLR LAD ItJV 60SS0I i�Or�THLY U�iTLR TEST f�AR � ARI G�k�55 R s1071500c G/L ACCOUNT AHOUt?T 008 545270 530.00 MONTHLY DATER TEST MAR & ARIL VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK GROSS {�N`/i*iE�dl 2ALAPdCL DISCOUNT S3k�. CO J..tiG. 00 J4�O. OCR 4v0.00 0200 OUTSTAt�D 1 hdG G —EDGE G6.viG FN AIFFAY'riEFEi REr I F'AGEa G4 VENDOR SETal 93— E F' G R T T G T A L 5 FUND DISTRIBUT10N' FUND N04 FUND NAME 'AMOUNT HI GENERAL FUND SE{?c7a' CR 008 ENTERPRISE FUND 47,7�1a4o-CR n TOTALS 831878.68CR TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS __— NA�dD CNECKS REG—CNECk�S NON-1�NEC�tS ALL CNECi�,S TOTAL CNECK5 TG PRINTa 8� ERRORS. G GRG55 NUk RER bHLANCE t a 010 Ga«G Eta Oct, 831 878a H U�18t8. G8 0200 ka#ARNINGS: PAYIENT GUISIANDIP�G DISCOUNT oa 00 04 elk) e3a 00 Ga Oki 04 00 109 00 8 �, 878. GBCR Aa SIG ill GG oa 00 & 0G 0400 May 2, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #4 Nel Armstrong would like to address the Council regarding this item. Attached is a letter from her referencing this. SANGER AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Rol Arstrong, President P. O. BOX 245 Fran Abelson, Recording Secretary Polly dyer, First Vice President Sanger,, TX 76266 Hliaabeth Higgs, corresP. Scretary Sheba Naarshall, Second Vice President Helen Bounds, treasurer Dale Qdon, third Vice President 4ayor of *- • Sanger City Council !. Bolivar 3anger, TX 76266 3id placing `i *:.. . ... .. i ` historic buildingsthe City of s fig' . 3rder to maintain this historic atmosphere, the Historical Society would like to 3erve as an Historic Building Design Consultant on any future buildings scheduled • construction orexterior remodeling downtown area. with the Americans with Disabilities Act required by the federal. government but would serve to preserve the authentic1 ♦ - 3.kes Sanf "Someplace Special." should i.3r request • .. Presentation, - would appreciate it being placed on the agenda of an immediate forthcoming City Council meeting. Please call me at 458�7739 for your decision on this matter. Siin�erelTr May 2, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #5 Attached is the ordinance for these annexations, we are still researching the metes and bounds for these properties but will have them in the original ordinance at the meeting. City of Sanger, Texas ORDINANCE NO. OS-06-02 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the city is authorized to annex territory in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 43.021 and its home -rule charter and by statute, WHEREAS, said territory proposed to be annexed is within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction and is contiguous to the city; WHEREAS, the city has prepared a service plan for said territory which is attached as Exhibit 'A" to this ordinance; WHEREAS, the City has published notice of hearings on said annexation and held hearings as required by state law; and WHEREAS, after hearing arguments for and against the same, the governing body has voted to annex said territory into the City under the authority of Section 43.033 of the Local Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That territory hereinafter described is hereby annexed into the city, and that thIII boundary limits of the City are hereby extended to include said territory within the city limits, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and said land and the future inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said C10 ity. Section 2: That the municipal service plan for the herein annexed territory provided in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby adopted. Section 3: The City Secretary is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk and other appropriate officials and agencies, as required by estate and federal law and city annexation procedures, certified copies of this ordinance. O t; C� 3 3 PASSED by an affirmative vote of the City Council, Governing Body of the City of Sanger, this 6th day of May, 2002. APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary x EXHIBIT "A" City of Sanger, Texas ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN AREA TO BE ANNEXED INTRODUCTION This service plan has been prepared in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 43.033 and 43.056. Municipal facilities and services to the annexed area described above will be provided or made available on behalf of the city at the following levels and in accordance with following schedules: POLICE PROTECTION Patrolling, responses to calls, and other police services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. FIRE PROTECTION AND FIltE PREVENTION Fire protection and fire prevention services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Emergency medical services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of an annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Solid waste collection and disposal services will be provided within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. MAINTENANCE OF WATER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES THAT ARE NOT WITHIN THE SERVICE AREA OF ANOTHER WATER OR WASTEWATER UTILITY Maintenance of water and wastewater facilities that are not within the service area of another water or wastewater utility will be continued to be maintained immediately after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and the same level as provided throughout the city. MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND STREETS AND DRAINAGE Maintenance of roads and streets and drainage will be provided within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the City. STREET LIGHTING Street lighting will be made available within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the City. Page 3 MAINTENANCE OF CITY PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES If any city park and recreation facilities are located within the annexed area, they will be maintained within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as similar facilities are maintained throughout the city. OTHER SERVICES Other services that may be provided by the city such as planning, code enforcement, animal control, library, park and recreation, court, and general administration will be made available within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Construction of water, sewer, street, and drainage facilities will begin within two (2) years after submissions of written request by landowners and payment of any development fees and construction costs required by the city in accordance with subdivision regulations and water and sewer extension policies. Construction will be completed within four and one half (4=1/2) years after request unless the construction process is interrupted by circumstances beyond the control of the city. No impact fees will be charged to any developer or landowner within the annexed area except in conformity with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, ch. 395. Construction of other capital improvements shall be considered by the city in the future as the needs dictate on the same basis as such capital improvements are considered throughout the City. UNIFORM LEVEL OF SERVICES MAY NOT SE REQUIRED Nothing in this plan shall require the city to provide a uniform level of full municipal services to each area of the city, included the annexed area, if different characteristics of topography, land use, and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different level A service. TERM This service plan shall be valid for a term of ten (10) years unless the majority of landowners or registered voters of the area vote by petition submitted to the city for disannexation, then this service plan shall no longer be binding upon the city. AMENDMENTS The plan shall not be amended unless public hearings are held in accordance with V. I eA.C., local Government Code, Section 43.052. May 2, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #6 Attached is the ordinance for this item. Eddie Branham will address this item at the Council meeting. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE #05-Oi-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS REGARDING THE REGULATION OF THE WASTEWATER COLLECTIONS SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $2000.00; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger finds it necessary to establish that the responsibility of any homeowner, business or user connected to the city's wastewater collection system be responsible for sewer service lines from the city's main to the dwelling. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS THAT; SECTION 1 REGULATION OF WASTEWATER COLLECTION Property owners or users connected to the towns wastewater collection system shall be responsible For maintaining all sewer service lines from the city's main to the dwelling. This means keeping all clean out openings of service line where any infiltration may occur must be repaired as soon as possible. The purpose for this ordinance is to keep any surface water or run off from entering the collection system. SECTION 2 ENFORCEMENT The Water/Wastewater Superintendent of the City of Sanger is hereby directed to enforce the terms and conditions of this Ordinance. SECTION 3 PENALTY l . The City of Sanger, Texas reserves the right to remove or disconnect the owners water meter within reason for any violation of this Ordinance 2. Any owner of said property, violation any of the terms of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine, upon conviction in the Municipal Court. Such fine not to exceed $2000.00. Each day that a violation occurs shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. SECTION 4 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas hereby declares it would have enacted such remaining portions despite any such invalidity. SECTION 5 SAVINGS CLAUSE All rights and remedies of the City of Sanger, Texas are expressly save as to any and all violation of the provisions of any other Ordinance affecting waste water collection, which have secured at the time of the effective date of this Ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such Ordinances same shall not be affected by this Ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 6 ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The City Secretary of the City of Sanger is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by copying the exact Caption, and Effective Date clause in the minutes of the City Council of the City of Sanger and by filing this Ordinance records of the town. SECTION 7 PUBLICATION CLAUSE The City Secretary of the City of Sanger is hereby directed to publish in the Offtcial newspaper of the City of Sanger, the caption, publication clause and effective date clause or this Ordinance for two (2) days as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 8 EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after the date of passage and publication as provided b\for by law. AND IT IS SO ORDAINED. PASSED, APPROVED ,AND ADOPTED, this 6t'' day of May, 2002. Attest: Mayor, Tommy Kincaid Rose Chavez, City Secretary May 2, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #7 Attached is the information on this item. Chief Amyx will be present at the meeting to address this item. He has recommended approval of the agreement and indicated it is something that is necessary for the Sanger Police Department to be able to seize property. BRUCE ISAACKS CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY CIVIL DIVISION Carmen Rivera -Worley, Chief Robert Schell David L. Finney Hugh Coleman John Feldt Brody Shanklin April 18, 2002 Chief Curtis Amyx Sanger Police Department P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Proposed Revision of Local Agreement Dear Chief Amyx: 1450 East McKinney, Suite 3100 P. 0. Box 2850 Denton, Texas 76202 (940) 349-2750 Fax (940) 349-2751 My office is in the process of updating our local agreements regarding Asset Seizure and Forfeiture cases under Article 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. Our agreement with the Sanger Police Department, dated March 1993, is in need of revision and I would like to update our agreement by entering into a new contract between my office and your department. Enclosed are two original copies of the new proposed Local Agreement between the Denton County Criminal District Attorney and the Sanger Police Department. Please review the enclosed documents and providing they are satisfactory, please obtain the necessary approval, execute the documents and mail them back to my office in care of the Civil Division at the above listed address. Please note the changes to Article I, section 3 in reference to the forfeiture of motor vehicles. I have enclosed a self addressed stamped envelope for your convenience. After I have signed this agreement, I will return a fully executed original copy of this document for your records. If you have any questions, please contact my office. Sincerely, Bruce Isaacks Denton County Criminal District Attorney fl to � 4 Enclosures 2evised Local Agreement —Sanger Police Department STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON LOCAL AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this 2002, by and between the Sanger Police Department, hereinafter called "SPD" and the Criminal District Attorney of Denton County, Texas, herein called "DISTRICT ATTORNEY" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, entitled "Forfeiture of Contraband" provides for the forfeiture to the State of Texas of property found to be "contraband" as defined therein; and WHEREAS, Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure authorizes "local agreements" between the attorney representing the State and law enforcement agencies to effect the disposition of forfeited contraband; and WHEREAS, the DISTRICT ATTORNEY represents the State of Texas in forfeiture proceedings involving contraband seized pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; and WHEREAS, SPD and DISTRICT ATTORNEY desire to enter into a local agreement regarding the disposition of contraband seized and forfeited under Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; NOW THEREFORE, THIS LOCAL AGREEMENT is hereby made and entered into by SPD and DISTRICT ATTORNEY for the mutual considerations stated herein: it 0 BANGER PD- LOCAL AGRMT 1 ARTICLE I In consideration for the services provided to SPD by DISTRICT ATTORNEY associated with the forfeiture of contraband, SPD and DISTRICT ATTORNEY agree to the following disposition of contraband forfeited under Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure: 1. SPD will receive two-thirds (66.660) and DISTRICT ATTORNEY will receive one-third (33.330) of all move seized and forfeited. 2. SPD will receive two-thirds (66.66%) and DISTRICT ATTORNEY will receive one-third (33,330) of the proceeds from the sale of real property seized and forfeited. 3. SPD will receive two-thirds (66.66o) and DISTRICT ATTORNEY will receive one-third (33.33a) of the proceeds from the sale of personal property forfeited that the Sanger Police Department does not use in its law enforcement operations. If a motor vehicle is the subject of final forfeiture, SPD has the option of taking title to said vehicle and using it for law enforcement purposes in the investigation of alleged violations of the criminal laws of the State, pursuant to the requisites of Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. SPD will bear all costs of using forfeited motor vehicles including but not limited to, maintaining liability insurance, maintenance costs, license and registration fees, and taxes, and said costs shall not be deducted from any subsequent sale of the forfeited BANGER PD- LOCAL AGRMT 2 vehicle prior to division of the proceeds of any such sale between SPD and the DISTRICT ATTORNEY. At such time as SPD determines that certain motor vehicles acquired pursuant to SPD exercising this option are no longer needed by SPD for law enforcement purposes, such vehicles shall be sold by SPD and SPD shall receive two-thirds (66.660) and DISTRICT ATTORNEY shall receive one-third (33.330} of the proceeds of sale. If SPD declines the first refusal of a forfeited vehicle, then the DISTRICT ATTORNEY may claim said vehicle for Denton County. If neither SPD nor the DISTRICT ATTORNEY claim a forfeited vehicle, then the vehicle shall be sold by SPD and SPD shall receive two-thirds (66.660) and the DISTRICT ATTORNEY shall receive one-third (33.330) of the proceeds of sale. 4. SPD shall pay for court costs related to forfeiture proceedings. All costs of title searches and title policies shall be paid by SPD when the forfeiture of real property is involved. All other costs and expenses related to forfeiture proceedings, including the costs of auctions and maintenance of property held pending a final forfeiture judgment, shall be deducted from the net proceeds prior to distribution to SPD and` DISTRICT ATTORNEY. 5. It is further specifically agreed by the parties that, should special circumstances dictate that a different percentage than that set out in this Local Agreement be U��e4�a SANOSR PD- LOCAL AGRMT 3 awarded to the DISTRICT ATTORNEY, that this Local Agreement may be specifically modified in writing by the consent of both parties. The proceeds from the sale of all contraband forfeited under Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (including money) shall be received by SPD and deposited in the SPD CHAPTER 59 ACCOUNT. SPD will then transfer to the DISTRICT ATTORNEY money and proceeds from the sale of contraband as noted is Article I (1) above. Payments to DISTRICT ATTORNEY shall be made pursuant to Article II. In accordance with Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, all money and proceeds from the sale of contraband received by the DISTRICT ATTORNEY shall be deposited in a special fund in the County Treasury for the benefit of the office of the DISTRICT ATTORNEY to be used by the DISTRICT ATTORNEY solely for official purposes of his office. In accordance with Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, all money and proceeds from the sale of contraband received by SPD shall be deposited in a special fund in the SPD CHAPTER 59 ACCOUNT to be used by the Sanger, Texas Police Department solely for law enforcement purposes. ARTICLE II This Local Agreement shall apply to money or property forfeited on or after October 1, 2001. Money and property shall be considered forfeited once a forfeiture judgment has become - final, and no Motion for New Trial or Notice of Appeal has been BANGER PD- LOCAL AGRMT 4�"� �`� C `� ,� filed. Payments to the DISTRICT ATTORNEY shall be made quarterly based on the calendar year. Each quarterly payment shall be based upon the amount of money, if any, forfeited in that period and upon the proceeds of the sale, if any, of the forfeited property sold by SPD in that period. SPD will also pay, along with each quarterly payment to the DISTRICT ATTORNEY, 33.330 of all interest earned during said quarter on monies deposited into the SPD's Chapter 59 account during the quarter. ARTICLE III In the event that the DISTRICT ATTORNEY is required to expend significant time and effort in preseizure planning of a seizure and/or arrest, the case will be developed as a joint investigation with the percentage apportioned between parties commensurate with the time and effort required by each and an Addendum to this Local Agreement will be executed by the parties as it pertains to the particular seizure and/or arrest. ARTICLE IV The term of this Local Agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year beginning October 1, 2001. This Local Agreement shall automatically be renewed on a yearly basis after the initial one (1) year term. This local Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice thereof to the other of its intention to terminate upon the date specified in such notice. Any pending forfeiture under SANGfiR PD- LOCAL AGRMT this Local Agreement filed prior to the termination date, however, shall not be affected by such notices. ARTICLE V Any notice, payment, statement, or demand required or permitted to be given hereunder by either party to the other may be effected by personal delivery in writing or by mail, postage prepaid. Mailed notices shall be addressed to the parties at the addresses appearing its belowbut each party may change , address by written notice in accordance with this section. Mailed notices shall be deemed communicated as of three days after mailing. If intended for DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Bruce Isaacks Criminal District Attorney 1450 E. McKinney, Ste. 3100 Denton, Texas 76202 If intended for SPD: Curtis Amyx Chief of Police P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 BANGER PD- LOCAL AGRMT 6 Signed this day of CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BY: Hon. Bruce Isaacks Criminal District Attorney BANGER POLICE DEPARTMENT BY: Curtis Amyx Chief of Police BY Hon, Tommy Kincaid Mayor of the City of Sanger BANGER PD- LOCAL AGRMT May 2, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #8 Attached is the information on this item. This is an Interlocal Agreement regarding Mutual Aid for Fire Protection, The City Attorney has approved the agreement with the exception of Items #2 & #4. The Fire Chief and Assistant Chief have also approved the agreement with those exceptions. One of them should be present a the meeting to answer any questions you may have regarding it. u .r a•: �� IlA PlIPM PAIVOUROM ':il tlAN �. THE STATE OF TEXAS 5 5 KNOW ALL MF.N flY THESE PRESENTS: t:`I?UIVTY OFCtat]iCl; S ;toc;'Z 'Phis Agreement, entered into this the _4 day of ri 1, 44 by and between the J60 ke Nam _ _ Fire 1 tVi1mcni of the City/Co lnunity of V,4 !k V t 4#4001nd the _Fire Department of the CilylComtnutihy of,:rz2l1 r . is for the purpose of securing to cacti the benefits of inuhktt aid in fire prevention, in the protection and property from fire and in fire fighiing. !"C 1S AGREt:I? THAT; (1) Upon request to a neprescntativc of the Responding Firc Department try an attthori7ed representative of file Requesting Fire Department, lire fighting crpripment and personnel of tine Responding Fire Department will be dispatched to any point withinthe area for which the Requesting Fire Department normally provides fire protection as designed by Ilie representative of the Requesting Fire Delutrtmcnt. (2) Upon request to a representative of the Responding Fire Department by an authorized representative of the Requesting late Department, fire fighting equipment and personnel will be dispatched to any point within the fire fighting jurisdiction of the Requesting Fire Department as dcsigomted by the authorized representative of lite Rcqucs(log Fire Department. (3) Any dispatch of equipment and personnel pursuant to this agreement is subject to the following conditions: (a) Any request for aid hereunder shall include a statement of the amount and type of equtpn=l and number of personnel requested, and shalt specify (lie location to which the equipment and personnel to be furnished are to be dispatched, but the amount and type of equipment And number of personnel to be furnished shall be determined by a representative of lite responding organization, (b) The responding organization shall report to the officer in charge of the requesting orgam7atfon at the location to which the equipment is dispatched and shall be subject to the orders of that ofiiciai. (c) A responding organization shall be released by the requesting organization when the services of the responding organization are no longer required or when the responding organization is needed within the area for which it normally provides fire protection. (4) Each party waives all claims against every other party for compenmiion for any loss, damage, persoual injury, or death occurring as a consequence of the performance of this agreement. (5) No parry shall be reimbursed by any other party for any costs incurred pursuant to tills agreement. (6) All equipment used by the Responding Fire Dcparimeut in carrying out this Agreement, will at the time of action hereunder, be owned by it; and, all pterwmict acting for the Responding Fire Dcpadment uudcr this agreement will, at the time of such action, be an employee or volunteer member of that Fire Department, (7) That pursuant to Article 4413 (32c) of Vernon's Testis Civil Statues, each hire Department agrtxs that the act of any person or persons while fighting fires, traveling to or from tires or any manner furnishing fire pnAcctlon to the citizens of lite other Fire ucpartntent, outside the city limits of CitylConutnunity boundaries of the responding Fire Department, shall be considered as the act of the agent of the requesting Fire Department in all respects, notwithstanding, such person or persons maybe regular employees or firemen of the Responding Fire Detainment, and any liability relating to the furnishing of services is lire responsiblilly of the Requesting; Fire Department. (8) 11 is expressly understmuf and agreed ttiat, in the execution of this agreement and contract, ileiilier the City or Fire Department waives, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immunity or defetise that would otherwise be avMilable to it against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. FO THE CiTY1COMMUNITY OF 11,4 i 1 !si- W FIRE DEPARTMENT n 1'OTt THl~ CTTY/COMMT1m" OF jmj—:=� DQI?t�y r �,� l FIRE DEPARTMENT W� F1Y: NAt+SE TIT4L This agreement is aprrovcd in a resolution by the C'i1y Ca►ncit of the City/Community of dated on Cite (Ny of T19_, giving consent to the vifcers of the Fire Department of the City/Community of to enter ittto this mutual aid agmcment with the Fire Department, of the City/Community of RECORDED T3Y CITY SECRETARY DATE May 2, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #9 Attached is the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Sanger and Sanger I. S.D. for construction of intersection improvements and a new road between McReynolds Road and FM 455. Staff recommends approval. COUNTY OF DENTON BETWEEN THE SANGER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered by and between the City of Sanger, Texas, a political subdivision located within Denton County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the Sanger Independent School District, a political subdivision located within Denton County, Texas, duly organized and authorized under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "SISD." WITNESSETH that the City and SISD propose to construct intersection improvements and a new north/south road between McReynolds Road and FM 455 as described on Exhibit" A of hereinafter referred to as the "Project." WHEREAS, the City is a duly organized and political subdivision in Denton County, Texas engaged in the administration of city government and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Sanger, Texas; m WHEREAS, the SISD is a duly organized political subdivision in Denton County, Texas, engaged in the educational function and related services for the benefit of the citizens of the area serviced by the SISD; WHEREAS, the City and the SISD mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of V. T .C.A Government Code, Chapter 791, the Irnerlocal Cooperation Act; which provides authorization for any local government to contract with one or more local governments to perform governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act; and lnterlocal Cooperation Agreement ui �;i � Sanger ISD page I NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the SISD, for the mutual consideration hereinafter stated, agree and understand as follows: I. This Agreement becomes effective when signed by the last party whose signing makes the respective agreements fully executed. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving thirty (30) days advance notice in writing to the other parry. 1� The SISD and the City hereby agree that the scope of the Project shall be limited to the construction of intersection improvements on FM 455 and a new north/south road between McReynolds Road and FM 455 of approximately 4,775 linear feet. City agrees to contribute from current funds for the Project an amount not to exceed TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS {$200,MI) ) for its completion. City shall make payment for the construction of a new north/south road between McReynolds Road and the south property line of SISD. The City's payment shall be made within fifteen (15) business days of receiving an invoice from the SISD. The SISD shall not invoice the City until after the bids for the Project are awarded. FAM The SISD will oversee the construction of the Project; cooperate with Texas Department of Transportation agents to assure the Project is built and conforms to applicable specifications; and administer the timely payment of labor and materials for the Project. The SISD shall acquire all the needed right-of4ay, retain the engineering services required, and obtain all necessary permits or clearances for the Project. V. SISD understands and agrees that the SISD, its employees, servants, agents, and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of the City. hlterlocal Cooperation Agreement Sanger ISD VI. City understands and agrees that the City, its employees, servants, agents, and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of the SISD. VII. City agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all County employees and agents, subconrtractors, and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with the City. VIlI. The SISD agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all SISD employees and agents, subcontractors, and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with the SISD. IX. This agreement is not intended to extend the liability of the parties beyond that provided by law. Neither the City nor the SISD waives, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims made by third parties. X. This agreement represents the entire agreement between the City and the SISD and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either written or oral. 'This agreement maybe amended only by written instrumerrt signed by the governing bodies of both the City and the SISD or those authorized to sign on behalf of those governing bodies. XI. The validity of this agreement and of any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Further, this agreement shall be performable in Denton County, Texas. Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Sanger ISD ��WW+G5�1 XII. In the event that any portion of this agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. The undersigned officer and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. XIV. Pursuant to V.T.C.A., Government Code Section �91.011, the parties hereto agree that the purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that certain governmental functions and services in the area of streets, roads and drainage are performed. The parties hereto further agree that each of them is authorized to perform the functions and services individually. XV. This Agreement is not intended to extend the liability of the parties beyond that provided by law. Neither the County nor the SISD waives, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims arising by third parties. EXECUTED in duplicate originals this, the InterlocalCooperative Agreement Sanger ISD day of 2002. CITY OF SA UER Denton County, Texas 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 sy: Jack Smith City Manager Acting on behalf of and by authority of the Sanger City Council, Sanger, Texas. ATTEST: By: Name: Title: Interloca l Cooperation Agreement Sanger ISD SISD Sanger Independent School District P.O. Box 2399 601 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 By: Jack Biggerstaff, Superintendent of Schools Acting on behalf of and by the authority of the SISD . ATTEST: By: Name: Title: EXHIBIT "A" "PROJECT" Construction of intersection improvements on FM 455 and a new north/south road between McReynolds Road and FM 455 of approximately 4,775 linear feet in length. Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Sanger ISD Managers Prc Administration: We have one lawsuit in progress; Richard Yarborough vs. the City of Sanger will go to trial on May 7. Electric: We are preparing a bid package for the Council to approve to pull 2 feeder exits from the sub -station. Water/Sewer: Start up on the new well and pump station has been delayed. We are in contact with the company for them to finish their work so that we can get everything on line. The 100,000 gallon ground storage tank has been disinfected and is ready for running. Parks: We have finished the Parks & Wildlife grant application. If we get this grant we will have new playground equipment in the downtown park and at the community center park. Streets: The bond package is being finalized. We should be able to start repairing streets by the end of June. The school has cut the road through from FM455 to McReynolds. It should be finished by the middle of June. Contacts/New Businesses: Sportsman due to open June 1 Structure is being built for new gymnastic center Lathum Stairs in platting stage Chicken Express in platting process Saw &Tool Shop in platting process A developer has been talking to Joe Falls about his subdivision on McReynolds Road. 250 acres for future houses, 150 acres for a golf course. There are currently 31 residential building permits open, 6 remodeling permits, 4 business permits and a new high school. May 2, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Offsite Sewer through Amyx Property Attached is the letter from the engineer outlining the estimated cost on installation of the sewer line through Mr. Amyx property to service Bryan and Jacobs Addition. This cost does not include the price of the land for the easement. In all my conversations with Mr. Amyx, he has indicated that there would be a cost for the land. After Jack, staff and myself reviewed our alternatives it was decided that the lift station would be the best solution. MARK T. C)'wENS, P.E. ?ENE RAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENcjINEER April 25, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Bryan and Jacobs Addition Offsite Sewer Preliminary Layout and Cost Estimate Dear Mr. Smith: For the above referenced project I have completed a preliminary layout of an offsite sewer that could be constructed to provide service to the subdivision. A copy of the preliminary layout is included for your review. The sewer alignment as shown is on the south side of fence separating Mr. Amyx's properties. Mr. Amyx had stated to me that his preference was to place the line on the north side of the fence but the feasibility of placing the line on the north side is hampered by existing equipment, buildings, fences, telephone poles, trees and other obstacle that would make it very difficult to construct a sewerline without numerous manholes. A couple of manholes could be eliminated if at the beginning of the line instead of crossing Keaton Road to the west the sewer crosses Holt Road to the south onto private property and then proceeds west along the alignment as shown. This would save the cost of a couple of manholes but add the cost of additional easement. It would also necessitate dealing with another property owner which is not always the most desirable thing to do when a project is on a short time line. To construct the sewerline as shown on the attached drawing would cost approximately $49,000 as calculated below. • 1,380 feet 8" SDR 35 PVC sewer @ $20/ft = $27,600 • 10 each 4' dia. Precast concrete manholes @ $1,500/ea. _ $151000 • Road Repair = $27000 • 50' of 12" Dia. Ductile Iron Creek Crossing @ $25/ft = $1,250 • 20' Easement Acquisition 0.63 acres @ $10,000/acre = $3,168 at 50% value (typical for easement purchase) Total $49,018 It is my opinion that the cost is to high for the City for only 6 new customers It would take at least 15 to 20 years to recover the cost. It is my recommendation that the developer of the Bryan and Jacobs Addition continue forward with installing a lift station in accordance with the construction plans approved that were approved by City Council as part of the final plat. It is my recommendation that when the property is developed across from the Bryan and Jacobs Addition that is the time the City may want to abandon the lift station and connect to the new sewerline associated with the new development. ~� 4 MARK . OWENS, P.E. GEENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 3914845. S' cerely; Mark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer Cc: Rose Chavez —City Secretary Mark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer Cc: Rose Chavez —City Secretary