04/01/2002-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 1, 2002 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements Citizen's Input. CONSENT AGENDA March 18, 2002 Conduct Second Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations: ABSTRACT 1241A, TRACT 77, BEING 9.87 ACRES (AMYX) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 299, BEING 3.283 ACRES OF WHICH 1.36 ACRES ARE CURRENTLY IN THE CITY. (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 59, BEING 95.00 ACRES (RUTH MARSHALL) Conduct First Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations: ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 61A, BEING 0.918 ACRES ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 329, BEING 3.00 ACRES ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 305, BEING 0.159 ACRES ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 328, BEING 16.12 ACRES Consider and Possible Action on Proclamation #03-02-02 -Designating April 2002 as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month". City Manager's Pro��g��e�o. Adjourn. y y. �9 1 Date &Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL March 18, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Craig Waggoner ASSENT: Joe Higgs OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Code Enforcement Officer Ken Wilson, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Mary Belle Sims, Richard Sims, Steve Noah, Nel Armstrong, Shelley Ruland, Katy Waggoner, Rheba Marshall, Joe Falls, John R. Porter, Greg Edwards 1. Mayor called meeting to order, led the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: March 4, 2002 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin asked about the expense for Sanger Industrial Park. Staff advised it was reimbursed by John Porter. Councilman Waggoner moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Plaque for the Sullivan Senior Center. Councilman Ervin asked what the total cost was. Nel Armstrong indicated $500.00. Councilman Ervin moved to approve $500.00 for a plaque for the Sullivan Senior Center to be expensed out of the Hotel/Motel Tax funds. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat of the Sims Addition, Lot 1R and 2R, Block 1, Being 1.00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Fifth Street, Public Hearing opened. No discussion. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat of the Sims Addition, Lot 1R and 2R9 Block 1, Being 1.00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Fifth Street. Councilman Ervin asked what the reason for the Replat was. Mayor indicated that Richard Sims has been approved for a HUD home; however the property needed to be legally his. Councilman Evans moved to approve the request. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Sanger Industrial Park. Council discussed the plat. Councilman Garza asked if this had been platted before. Staff indicated it had been preliminary platted. Councilman Ervin asked what had changed since the original plat. Greg Edwards, Engineer on the project, indicated the preliminary plat that was previously approved had the street in a different location and an open area for a detention pond and recreational facility. After meeting with the City Staff, they felt the tax benefit to the City for Industrial Use would be more of a benefit to the City than the Parks plan. They made some changes and are bringing it back before the Council. Brief Discussion. Councilman Evans moved to approve the Preliminary Plat. Councilman Garza seconded. Shelley Ruland, Planing and Zoning member, indicated the Planning and Zoning Members had concerns about the drainage and felt the R.O.W. should be 60 feet from centerline on F.M. 455. 00002 Discussion. Councilman Evans amended his motion to include the stipulation of the 60 foot R.O.W. Discussion regarding the existing sewer line Greg Edwards indicated the existing 8" line will be removed and potentially done away with all together. Eddie Branham indicated they need to make sure they are getting rid of the clay the line. Lengthy Discussion regarding the sewer line among the Council, Mark Owens, and Eddie Branham. City Manager indicated the Planning and Zoning wanted Greg Edwards and Mark Owens to look at the drainage. Mark Owens indicated he was concerned that when the water came down to F.M. 455 that it might hit lot 19 and cause problems. Councilman Evans pulled his motion. Mayor indicated the motion needs to reflect the changes in the sewer line and R.O.W. Discussion regarding drainage, Mark Owens indicated the ditch is designed to carry the 100 year storm, there was some storage but he was not sure now much. It was his understanding that they were going to carry the 100 year storm across this property, but that F.M. 455 would be improved to handle the water without it backing up. He also recommends that before any Final Plats are approved that there be a detailed CLOMR study done. Shelley Ruland indicated this would dump all the water from the North and from this property onto the property South of this, she felt there may need to be some retention. Joe Falls, 4489 McReynolds Rd., indicated he was on the Planing and Zoning Board, but as a property owner down stream from this property he has development plans and has a 100 year flood plain map. He expressed concerns that this would change the flood plain on his property. If this is not a detention it will change the downstream flood plain. He indicated some of the downstream property is platted and this will affect it. Greg Edwards, Surveyors and Engineers of North Texas, indicated the City of Sanger's subdivision ordinance does not have a detention requirement in it, he indicated flood plains are very dynamic and something to be concerned about. He indicated along with FEMA, they will provide a flood plane elevation study and allow the future downstream people to do the same type of development that these people have done. When you do a detention system depending on the geometry of the basin there are cases where a �11 detention pond will actually add more now to a stream than it would without a detention basin. A study was recently done in Greenville with approximately the same type situation, the flow was sped up and the initial flow was down stream before the peak of the upstream flow hit that location. He explained in detail how the drainage will flow and indicated he felt this was the best pIan for this area, and indicated that when they do the Final Plat they can show a detail drainage study. Mr. Edwards also indicated that the City could decide to change the ordinance and make it a zero increase ordinance. Mayor indicated that what Mr. Edwards was saying is that if we build a detention pond and the run off fills it up, by that time downstream has filled up the remainder already. Then suddenly you will get an influx from the pond. Essentially the initial flow should be moved through faster and when the upstream water catches up it should already be moved out of there. Discussion. Mark Owens indicated he agreed with Greg in that using concrete the water will move more quickly and be gone. If you take one basin out it drops that curve down,. We have a flood plain that has not been studied, we do not have a flood way or a studied flood plain, and that is why we need a study done. We need a base to work with and we don't have a base right now. Mayor asked if this can be done on the Final Plat. Mark indicated that per his recommendation before any Final is approved they need to do a detailed drainage study. Greg Edwards indicated Mr. Porter would have a problem if they said no lot can be final platted without the drainage study, but if they said any lot impacted by the flood plain cannot be platted without a study they wouldn't have a problem. Mayor indicated they had previously allowed him to plat the lots individually, but now they will most likely require them to Final Plat the whole thing. Councilman Waggoner moved to approve the Preliminary Plat with the stipulation that the R.O.W. width on FM 455 be 60 feet from the centerline, and the sewer line construction being correct, and that the drainage study be completed before any final plats are approved. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Conduct First Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations: ABSTRACT 1241A9 TRACT 77, BEING 9.87 ACRES (AMYX) ABSTRACT 12411 TRACT 2999 BEING 3.283 ACRES OF WHICH 1.36 ACRES ARE CURRENTLY IN THE CITY. (CITY) ABSTRACT 12411 TRACT 599 BEING 95.00 ACRES (RUTH MARSHALL) Public Hearing Jr No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Approving the Expenditure of Funds to Complete the Kammie Patten Park Project. Councilman Evans moved to expend the $2,000.00 to complete the basketball court at Kammie Patten Park. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #03-06-02 -Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations. (Misc. City Properties) City Secretary indicated these are all the City owned properties that are for some reason outside of the City limits. Councilman Ervin moved to approve Resolution #03-06-02. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Election Judge and Alternate. Councilman Evans moved to appoint Teresa Gannon as the Election Judge and Jennifer Noah as the Alternate Judge. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Procedure for Getting Information to All Council Members. Councilman Ervin asked how this would be done. Councilman Evans asked if he wanted to know how far along a certain project was, how would he find out if he didn`t have the time to come to City Hall and find out. Mayor indicated he could call City Hall. City Manager indicated if you want an item on the agenda, call in and we will put it on the agenda. If it does not have to be on the agenda, staff can get the information to them under Non -Agenda items. Discussion regarding that they cannot elaborate on non agenda items in the Council meetings. Councilman Ervin indicated he had mentioned three years ago that he wanted a City Manager's Report giving the members updates on what is going on. City Secretary indicated a report could be done periodically, but if Council had items that needed answers, they could submit that to City Hall and staff would write a memo and send them the answers in the next packet. Mayor asked if instead of waiting for the next meeting, could they send the information as soon as possible to all Council members. Discussion. City Secretary indicated we could put "City Manager's Report on Projects" on the agenda and list the ongoing projects to be addressed. City Secretary indicated it will not be a discussion item it will be an informational Report from the City Manager. Councilman Garza indicated he sometimes felt out of the loop and felt there should be some type of an update so they know what's going on. Staff indicated they will take care of it. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #03-04-02 -Amending Parking Requirements in All Zoning Districts to Require Paved Parking Spaces. City Manager indicated the current Ordinance explains that certain businesses must have certain parking regulations, they will need to decide if they will allow asphalt or concrete or just concrete. Mayor felt it should be concrete. Shelley Ruland indicated the City does not have to maintain the parking lot. Asphalt can be done at a reasonable cost and it is personal property. Councilman Evans indicated he would go with concrete if he was the business owner. Councilman Waggoner indicated that asphalt is an improvement over gravel, and he felt it would be fine. Councilman Garza asked if we required residences to put in concrete driveways. Staff indicated we did. City engineer indicated if they go with Asphalt he felt they should add a curb to it. City Secretary explained that her only concern regarding asphalt was that the garbage trucks drive into the parking lots to empty the dumpsters. She was concerned about them damaging the parking lot and the property owners possibly having complaints. Discussed requirement for or best way to handle the trash truck situation. Councilman Evans moved to adopt Ordinance #03-04-OZ and to amend the Ordinance to require curbs where appropriate. Councilman Garza asked if they could require businesses to sign a waiver that the City is not responsible for the damage by the truck. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of a New Parks Board Member. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Ron Watson to the Parks Board, Councilman Waggoner seconded. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Changing Time Designation on One -Way Signs in Front of Tenderfoot Elementary School on Hughes Street. Police Chief Curtis Amyx indicated they had a request form the school to change the one way sign so that it would be one way from 7:45 to 8:30 in the morning, and they requested that it be one way from 3:00 to 3:45 in the afternoon. Councilman Ervin asked why they don't change it to one way all the time. Police Chief indicated he did not feel that was feasible due to the traffic on that street. Discussion regarding the traffic and the signs. Mayor did not see any reason for not changing it if the school felt it would be better. Councilman Ervin moved to change the school zone one way signs on Hughes Street to 7:45 to 8:30 A.M. and 3:00 to 3:45 P.M. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 16. Consider and Possible Action on Placing No Parking" Signs on Keaton Road. Curtis Amyx indicated he thought there may be a problem with the new houses on Keaton in that there may be cars parked on the street, but he found out they have deed restrictions that will not allow them to park in the street. There is sometimes a problem with cars parked in the street in the morning South of Holt Rd. Do we want "No Parking" signs on Keaton Rd. Councilman Evans felt it should be "No Parking" all the way on Keaton. Discussion regarding the "No Parking" signs and where they should be placed. City Secretary expressed concerns regarding parking at the school during special events. Discussion continued. Councilman Evans moved to make it "No Parking" on both sides of Keaton Road from the Flashing Light to Duck Creek Road. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion Carried 5 to 1, Councilman Ervin voted no. 17. Meeting Adjourned. 3-c7-c00c 04153 PM A/P PAYMENT REPURI VENDOR SETa 99- E+APdKa VENDOR SEQUENCE '100R ITEM NOR DESCRIPTION BANK, CHECK, STAT DUE Di DISC DT INV 36163 CRESSY E. ROBBING r GNB99 R 4/02/2003 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 00-4910 116.75 R CRESSY E. ROBBING o VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK, '�9'�.�7@b�� ��E PiPt vUPPLYg INC INV 431454 GRASS NIPPLES COUPLINGS GNB99 R 410L/200E G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 003 50-5360 463.00 BRASS NIPPLES COUPLINGS VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK, GROSS BALANCE 75 75 1i6.75 75 463.00 463.00 463.00 463.00 99-00550 Af1ERICAN SAFETY UTILITY INV 12195131 HARD HAT LIGHTS GNB99 R 4/02/L00E 153.c:9 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 153.29 0108 58@ 5250 153, 29 HARD HIT LIGHTS INV 12193140 HAND LINE ROPE/SLEAVE FASTEN GNB99 R 4/02f42002 c191.13 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 291.13 0080 580-5250 61.13 HAND LINE ROPE/SLEAVE FASTENER INV 12195191 LIGHTS GNB99 R 4102/200c t16.54 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 216.54 001 24-5260 E16.54 LIGHTS INV 12202320 HARD HAT LIGHTS GNB99 R 4/0Gi2002 016.54 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 16.54 008 50-5260 516.54 HARD HAT LIGHTS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK, @77.50 99-03330 BAitER � iAYLOR INV 50035785 7 BOOKS G/L ACCOUNT 001 42-6050 INV 50035904 BOOKS G/L ACCOUNT 001 42-6050 GNB99 AidOU1dT @0.41 7 BOOK;S GNB99 AMOUNT 55198 B00KS R 4/0S/C00L R 4f0�fc002 @77.50 @0.47 80.47 559,9@ 'AYMENT DISCOUNT i 16a 75CR 116.75CR 0.00 463.00CR 463.00CR 0.00 153. c:9CR c91.13CR c:16.54CR @77.50CR @0.47CR 559.9@CR PAGE: I. uUTSTHiVuLN% 0.00 3—L7—LUOL 040 PM VENDOR SET: 99— BANK: ODOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTIUN UENDOR TOTALS 99—G>39� HILL UTTER FORD, INC. INV 149264 BELT TENSIONER G/L ACCOUNT 001 20-5325 VENDOR TOTALS 99—��W45O BURROS AIP PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEUUENCE DANK CHECK STAT DUE UT DISC DTI REG. CHECI; GNB99 R 4/DL/LO�1L AMOUNT 43.59 BELT TENSIONER REG. CHECK IillV 319G6 NOTEBOOK DIVIDERS/SUPPLIES GNB99 R 4/GL/GOAL G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 42-5210 14.73 NOTEBOOK DIVIDERS/SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99—UO57O CHEMGO INV 188642' CASE PEAK CARTRIDGE GNB99 R 4/02/200L G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 505223 191.99 CASE PEAK, CARTRIDGE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99—GO58G CiNTAS GOPR. #49L INV 803280 SHOP IOWELS &FENDER COVER GidB99 R 4/OL/LZ�iL G/L ACCOUNT flMOUNT 001 36-5265 i1.78 SHOP TOWELS & FENDER COVER 008 36-52165 11.77 SHOP TOWELS & FENDER COVER VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK GRO55 BALflNCE 64v . 45 640. 45 43.59 43.59 43.59 i4.73 14.73 14.73 14.73 f 91.99 19f.99 L3.55 c3.55 L3.55 c3.55 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 6440. 45CR 0400 43.59CR 43.59GR 14.73CR i4.73CR 19i. 99CR 191.99CR L3.55CR L3.55CR G.AG PAGEa L OUTSTANDING O. k�G 3-27-2002 04:53 Pit VENDOR SETo 99- DANK: .ODOR ITEM N04 99-00590 CITY OF DENTON INV 31842 DYNO DIRT G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-5245 INV 3G144 DACT. TEST G/L ACCOUNT 008 50-5377 VENDOR TOTAL S PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEUUENCE DANK, CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GND99 R 4/L`�c/200c AMOUNT 288.00 DYNO DIRT GND99 R 4/02/2002 AMOUNT 255.00 DACT. TEST REG. CHECK 99--07850 CLEAT INV CLT3r060 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE GND99 R 3/30/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 00-2113 72.00 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE INV CLT31200 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE GND99 R 3/.30/200E G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 00-2113 72.00 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-03730 COLLIN COUNTY COLL€GE INV C4225 INTRO F/F CLASS G/L ACCOUNT 001 24 5235 VENDOR TOTALS 99-04i60 COMET CLEANERS GND99 R 4r02r2002 AMOUNT 35.00 INTRO F/F CLASS REG. CHECK, INU 57615 CLEANING ELECT. DEFT. GND99 R 4r02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5255 181.i7 CLEANING ELECT. DEPT. VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK; PAG€: 3 GROSS MIM€NT OUTSTANDING DALANCE DISCOUNT 288.00 288.00CR 288.0!� �55.00 G�S.00CR 255.00 543.00 543.0OGR 0.00 72.00 72.00CR 72.00 72.00 72.00CR 7€. 00 144.00 144.00CR 0.00 i44.00 0.00 35.00 35.00CR 35.00 35.00 35.00Cft 0.00 i8i.17 181.17CR 181.i7 18i.i7 I8i.i7CR 0.00 18i. i7 0.00 3-27-2002 04,53 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 4 VENDOR SET: 99- BANK : VENDOR SEQUENCE _,ODOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE IT GROSS PAYMENT DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-08770 COMPUDATA PRODUCTS INV 31950 INV.644670-0/642977-0/644670 GNB99 R 4/02/2002 401.70 40lv7OCR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 401.70 008 19~5210 76.32 COMPUTER PAPER 06'1 10 ..,L10 76. J� COMPUTER PAPER 001 26-5210 76232 COMPUTER PAPER 008 19 �ccs ,cl0 4.30 STAPLES 008 19-5210 19.99 STAPLER 001 10-5210 8.99 1OX13 CLASP ENELOPE 008 10-5210 8.99 1OX13 CLASP ENVELOPE 001 26-5210 10.29 LABELS 4X2 008 19-5210 10.14 CORRECTION TAPE 008 19-5210 109.44 PRINTER RIBBON INV 361GI INV#652142-0 k 649007-0 GNB99 R 4/02/2002 670.1B 670.18CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT G70.18 001 20-5210 27.90 CSY DISK 3.5"DS-HD 001 20-5210 143.28 HPG PAPER JT PRNT M/PROJ. 001 10-5210 124.75 EPS PRINTER STYLUS COLOR 15E 008 15-5210 124.75 " 001 15-5210 124.75 008 10-5210 124.75 1 1 " INV 646997-1 EPS INKJT C60/LABEL TAPE GNB99 R 4/02/2002 285.36 285.36CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 285.36 001 15-5210 29.80 EPS INKJT C60/LABEL TAPE 008 15 5210 29.80 EPS INKJT C60/LABEL TAPE 001 28-5210 59.60 EPS INKJT C60/LABEL TAPE O08 50-5210 59.60 EPS INKJT C60/LABEL TAPE 001 36-5245 29.80 EPS INKJT C60/LABEL TAPE 008 36-5245 29.80 EPS INKJT C60/LABEL TAPE 008 19-5205 46.96 EPS INKJT C60/LABEL TAPE INV 6494500 OFFICE SUPPLIES GNB99 R 4/02/2002 215.29 2i5.29CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNI 215.29 008 19 5205 73.39 GL BINDERS 001 15-5210 0.99 CLIPBOARD 001 26-5210 107.96 HP CARTRIDGE 45 BLK 001 10-5210 fC.O0 RING BINDERS 008 10-5210 12.00 RING BINDERS 008 15-5210 2.30 RUBBER BANDS 001 15 5210 2.30 RUBBER BANDS 008 19-5210 4.35 CHI{ STORAGE BOX INV 650345-0 SPR FILE ECON 12X24X10.25 W GNB99 R 4/02/2002 37.71 37.71CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 37.71 008 15-5210 37.71 SPR FILE ECON 12X24X10.25 W OUTSTANDING 3-ct-c00c 04ati3 PM VENDOR SET: 99- BANF;; <DOR ITEM NO# PAYMENT REPORT DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK ;TAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REP. CHECK f9610.c4 196f0.c4CR 19610.24 0.00 99-00050 GONLEY SAND � GRAVEL iNV 31386 i/L A is ATOM BASE/T/L SAND GNB99 R 410c:/F'002 1,819.8E 19619.8`GR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 19619.8E 008 50 5360 19619.82 T/L A 10" ATON BASE/T/L SAND P'AGEc 5 OUTSTANDING VENufOR TOTALS REP. CHEGEd 19619.8E 19619.88CR 0.00 19 619, 82 0. 00 99-096c0 CONTRACT INSPECTION SERVI INV 36L819 COATING INSPECTION &MILEAGE GN899 R 4I0R/c:00c 544.00 544.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 544.00 008 54-5450 544.00 COATING INSPECTION # MILEAGE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 544.00 544.00CR 0200 544.00 0.00 99-09810 CORINTH POLICE DEPT. INV 36112 U-HALL RENTAL FOR RECOVERY GNB99 R 4/02/2002 47.72 47.72CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 47.7c 001 24'0-5265 47,72 U-HALL RENTAL FOR RECOVERY VENDOR TOTALS REP. CHECK 47.7E 47,78CR 0.00 47.7� 0.00 99-00790 DENTON CO BUILDERS SUPPLY INV 31848 TAP CONS/SCREWS/FLOAT/TAPE GNB99 R 4/02/8008 35.55 35.55CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 35.55 001 30 5245 35.55 TAP CONS/SCREWS/FLOAT/TAPE INV 31974 THINNER/YELLOW STREET PAINT GNB99 R 4/02/0"002 246.73 646.73CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 246.73 001 30-5370 846.73 THINNER/YELLOW STREET PAINT INV 31'976 REBAR/30"STAKES/PAINT MITTS GNB99 R 4/08/2002 109.54 109.54CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 109954 001 30 5370 109.54 REBAR/30"STAKES/PAINT MITTS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 391.8E 391.82CR 0.00 391. 8c 3—S7-200c 04e33 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET: 99— BAi1K: VENDOR SEQUENCE _@OR ITEM NO## DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK 51AT DUE DT DISC DT 99--08190 DTSI='LAY SALES INV 0001665 SETS OF BAGi{ UF' BRACKETS/AR�i GNB99 R 4/08fS008 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-6020 166.95 SETS OF BACK UP BRACKETS/ARMS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-06080 DONALD PADDACK FERTILIZER INV 3850 GULF RYE GRASS SEED/WEED KTL GidB99 R 4f0E/F'00F' G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 30-5545 136.95 GULF RYE GRASS SEED/WEED KILLE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-098L0 DURABLE COPiPONENT TECH INV DCT7086 COL WEATHER WP HI—VIS L/WRK 6ND99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 52-5260 605.54 COL WEATHER WP HI—VIS L/WRK GL VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-09190 ECF',ERD CORPORATION INV 36017 PHOTOS DEVELOPED G/L ACCOUNT 001 VENDOR TOTALS 99-05750 FTSH N CHTRF°S GNB99 R 4/0L/c00L AMOUNT 44.55 PHOTOS DEVELOPED REG. CHECK INV 7529 DOG FOOD FOR DRUG DOG GNB99 R 4/08/t00L G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT O01 ai 3 65 c9.99 DOG I uOD FOR DRUB DOG VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK GROSu) BALANCE 166.95 166.95 166.95 166.95 136.95 136.95 136 .95 136e95 60c 60E e 54 e54 605 .54 60L. 54 44.55 44.55 44.55 44. S5 G9.99 c9e 99 PAYf°1EN [ DTSCOUNT E 166.95CR 0.00 i36e 95CR 136.95CR 0.00 6Cce54CR 60c. 54CR 0.00 44.55CR L�. 39Ctt �9e99CR PAGE. 6 OUiSTAND�Nu UQQ� 3-c(-,O&, 04.53 PM VENDOR SET; 99- BANK: 'ADOR ITEM NOR DESCRIPTION 99-4�9830 GAG TRACTOR SI�wPLY INV 51928 TUBE/FILTER/ G/L ACCOUNT 008 545325 VENDOR TOTALS 99-�11G� GOODYEAR FlHOLESALE TIRE AfP PAYMENI REPORT VENDOR SECUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DI GNB99 R 4/k�2/20�2 AhiOiUNT 90.69 TUBE/FILTER/ REG. CHECK INV 36iGi REGATTA/EAGLE R-SA GNB99 R 4/O2/2AO2 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 22-5325 44,14 P235/7215 REGATTA 001 205325 9100 P225/60RIG EAGLE R-SA INV 36103 P225/60R16 EAGLE R-SA GNB99 R 4/02/2OG2 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 091 2005325 237.5E P225/60RIG EAGLE R-SA VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-G722O HALL SIGNS IPdV 128287 EMPOLYEES Oi1LT 18X12 SIGN GNB99 R 4/G2/2uO2 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5310 131,06 EMPOLYEES ONLT IBX12 SIGN VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-G1i5G HART INFORMATION 5ERVICES INV 855265 ELECTION BALLOTS/ G/L ACCOUNT 001 10®5210 OOB 10-5210 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 R 4/G2/cGG2 AMOUNT 53.11 ELECTION BALLOTS/ 53.1 O ELECTION BALLOTS/ REG, CHECK GROSS BALANCE 9G. 69 93.69 9A. 69 9G.69 i39.14 139.14 237.5E 376.64 376.64 1G6.21 1A6.21 1t�6.21 1t�6.21 PAti'MENT DISCOUNT 9G. 69CR 9a, 69CR 139.14CR 237.5GCR 376.64CR G. OG i31. G6CR 13i. G6CR SG6, 21CR 1G6.21CR FADE: 7 OUTSTANDING O. C� -L7-2002 04:53 PM VENDOR SET: 99- BANK: IJDUR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION 99-01170 HOLLINGSNORIH MFG CO. INC. INV 41LL TOGA METAL G/L ACCOUNT 001 301115245 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK SIAT DUE DT DISC DT GNB99 R 4/0�:/FOOL AiOUNI 75.5O 10GA METAL REG, CHECK 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF INV 36056 LOCK SET/KEY CASES/KEYS CVY/ GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-6020 69v22 LOCK SET/KEY CASES/KEYS CVY/FR INV 36058 MATERIAL FOR MEETING/BREAK R GNB99 R 4/042/c00cIII 99-05150 HORIZON FLEET SERVICES INV D8537 TRIMODE BOX FOR LITTLE BUCKE GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-53R5 391.31 TRIMODE BOX FOR LITTLE BUCKET VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-01190 HUNTER ASSOCIATES INV 81502 ENG. SERVICES G/L ACCOUNT 008 54-5450 VENDOR TOTALS GtdB99 R 4/OS/GOOL AMOUNT 3,928.78 ENG, SERVICES REG. CHECK �'AGEa 8 GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE DISCOUNT 75.50 75.50CR IJ. 50 69.cc 69aScCR 69. cc 135 204 99-05150 HORIZON FLEET SERVICES INV D8537 TRIMODE BOX FOR LITTLE BUCKE GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-53R5 391.31 TRIMODE BOX FOR LITTLE BUCKET VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-01190 HUNTER ASSOCIATES INV 81502 ENG. SERVICES G/L ACCOUNT 008 54-5450 VENDOR TOTALS GtdB99 R 4/OS/GOOL AMOUNT 3,928.78 ENG, SERVICES REG. CHECK �'AGEa 8 GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE DISCOUNT 75.50 75.50CR IJ. 50 75.50 75.50CR �.00 75.5E 0.00 69.cc 69aScCR 69. cc .16 135.16CR 135.16 .38 L04.3BCR 0.00 L oa %Do 0. 00 391.31 391.31CR 391.31 391.3E 391.31 391.31CR 391.31 391.3E 391.3ICR 0.00 391.31 0.00 3,9L8.78 3,`9t8.78CR 3, 9c8.78 3q 9L8a 18 0.00 —L7-2002 04e53 PH VENDOR SET.r 99— BANK% IDOR ITEM N0 A/P PAYMENT REPDRT VENDOR SEQUENCE DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT INV S3a069 ROLL L"iFF WWTP G/L ACCOUNT OOa 54-5420 VENDOR TOTALS 99-01290 3�N, LIGHTING �t SUPPLY INV 2500 IO"WHITE GLOBES G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-6020 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 R 4/Oc:/2002 AMOUNT 487,51 ROLL OFF WWTP REG. CHECK GNB99 R 4/02/2002 AMOUNT 162.50 10°WHITE GLOBES REG. CHECK 99-01300 ,1AGOE-PUBLIC CO. INV 3769 TONS OF HMAC PICKED UP GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 30-5370 21757.a2 TONS OF HMAC PICKED UP VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-03230 ,tESWDDD DIL CD. IrdV 36050 FUEL G/L ACCDUrdT 001 24-5320 009 50-5320 001 30-5320 001 32-5320 008 58-5320 001 36-5320 008 36-5320 001 2a-5320 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 AMOUNT 649.61 I42.44 G9a. 47 341.54 341,54 345.23 26.54 2G, 54 54. a9 REG. CHECK R 4i02/2002 GROSS BALANCE 467.5E 4a7.51 4a7.5f 4a7.51 162.50 I62.50 162.50 162.50 �y 757. aL c, 757. a2 2, 757. a2 L, 6G6. a0 PAYMENT DISGDUNT 4a7.51CR 497.51CR 0.00 16c.50CR 162.50CR �. 00 cj757.a2CR 2,757.a2CR 0.00 �,6G6.a0CR 2,626.a0CR F�AGE: 9 OUTSTANDING 0.00 ©a�1 3-27-2002 04:53 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 99- BANK: VENDOR SEQUENCE .:NDOR ITEM NOR DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-01310 JIM MCNATT CWEVROLEi INV 227753 STATE INSPECTION GNB99 R 4/02/2002 12050 12.5lOCR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 12.50 001 24-5325 12.50 STATE INSPECTION INV 227852 STATE INSf-ECTIDtd GNB99 R 4/02i2002 I2.50 12.50CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 12.50 008 50-5325 12.50 STATE INSPECTION iNV 5063017 BOLT TENSIDNER GNB99 R 4/02/200L 216.58 226a58CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 26.58 001 30-5325 26.58 BOLT TENSIDNER VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 51.58 51.58CR 0.00 5I.53 0.00 99-09840 JOSW HUNTER INV 47003 1/2 COPPER CUPPLERS & TUBING GNB99 R 4/02/2002 67.41 67.41CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT G7.4i 001 34 5324 67.41 1/2 COPPER CUPPLERS & TUBING VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 67.41 67.41CR on CIO 67.41 0.00 99m01500 LANSON PRODUCTS INV 9079628 MISC. PARTS 7 SUPPLIES GNB99 R 4/02/2002 449.03 449.03CR G/L ACCOUNT flNDUNT 449.03 001 20-53425 56.13 MISC. PARTS 7 SUPPLIES 001 ,24-5325 56.13 MISC. PARTS 7 SUPPLIES 001 30-5325 56.13 MISC. PARTS 7 SUPPLIES 001 36-5325 28.07 MISC. PARTS 7 SUPPLIES 008 36-53253 28.07 MISC. PARTS 7 SUPPLIES 008 50 5325 56.13 MISC. PARTS 7 SUPPLIES 008 52-5325 56.13 MISC. PARTS 7 SUPPLIES 008 54-5325 56.13 MISC. PARTS 7 SUPPLIES 008 W5325 56.11 MISC, PARTS I SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 449.03 449.03CR 0.00 449.03 0.00 3-c7-200c 04:53 Pill VENDOR SET: 99- BANK: NDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION 99-015c0 LIBRARY STORE INV 353796 LIBRARY SUPPLIES G/L ACCOUNT 001 425210 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT CLUE DT DISC DI' GN899 R 4fOc/c00c AMOUNT 85.O2 LIBRARY SUPPLIES REG. CHECK 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. INV 287201 RED BUCKET/TENSION BAND/MAT GNB99 R 4/O2/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 36-5245 1.6 3 1./2 GAL BUCKET 008 36-5245 1.24 3 i/c GAL BUCKET 001 30-5245 ib.80 TENSION BAND 001 15 5310 16.97 DORA MAT 008 15-5310 16.97 DORA MAT 001 30-5245 4c.30 96A TENSION DIRE 001 30-5245 19.90 36"3 FENCE STRETCHER INV 784455 SHELVES FOR RECORDS GNB99 R 4/02/22002' G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 155310 279.58 SHELVES FOR RECORDS 008 15-5310 279.58 SHELVES FOR RECORDS INV 85198 TOLL BOXES GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20-5375 49.92 TOLL BOXES INV 980481 SUPLLIES GNB99 R 4/O2I2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 32Jc11 60.53 SUPLLIES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-06540 iiiUNICi1='AL SERVICE BUREAU INV 36200 COLLECTION ON OUSiANDING WAR GNB99 R 4/02E'/c002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 00-4645 421.69 COLLECTION ON OUSTANDING WARRA VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 85.Oc $5.Oc 85.Oc 85.O2 115.43 115.43 559.16 559.16 49.9c 49.9c 60.53 60.5v 785.04 785.04 4c1 .69 4ci.6'9 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 85.OcCR 85.00CR 115.43CR 559.16GR 49.9cCR 60.53CR 785.04CR 4c1.69CR 4c1.69CR 0.00 PAGE: 11 OUTSTANDING 0.00 0.00 �UQ�� 3- 27-2002 040 PM VENDOR SE`o 99- BANKs _`NDOR ITEM NOR DESCRIPTIUN 99-09850 HURRAY'S FIREHOUSE GRAPHI INV 36036 SFD LOGO G/L ACCOUNT 001 24-5255 VENDOR TOTALS 99-05i70 NORTHERN SAFETY A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE SANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GCdB99 AMOUNT 60.00 5FD LOGO REG. CHECK R 4/02/c002 iNU 31845 AVEP�GER LX RED MIRROR LENS/B GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 32-J260 113.69 AVENGER LX RED MIRROR LENS/BLK VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-08690 O4REILLY AUTO PARTS INV 284212 12280 WHT SILICONE GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 36-5245 8.99 12280 WHT SILICONE 008 3G-3245 8a9'9 12280 WHT SILICONE INV 3OG425 WIX 58955 TRANS FILTER GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20-b%0 14.20 WIX 58955 TRANS FILTER VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-02i40 RADIO SHACK INV 31900 NOKIA CHARGER GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-5520 29.99 NOKIA CHARGER INV 31992 WORK HOLSTER GNB9'9 R 4/021/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-5250 34.99 WORT{ HOLSTER INV 36030 VIDEO CORD & ADAPTOR GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 205311 10.97 VIDEO CORD & ADAPTOR PAGE: 12 GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE DISCOUNT 60.00 60.00CR 60.00 60. fJ� 6�. 00CR �q. 00 113.69 1i3.69GR 113. �9 113.69 f i3.69CR 0.00 113.69 0.00 17.98 f7.98CR 17.98 14.20 14.20CR 14ac0 32.18 32ai8CR 32.18 0.00 29.99 29.99CR 29.99 34.99 34.99CR 34.99 10.97 f0.97CR 10.97 0.00 27-2002 04:53 PM A/F' PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 13 VENDOR SET: 99- BANK: VENDOR SEUUMUL _14UOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DTI DISC IT INV 36087 12V ALARM BTRY/12 V STROBE L GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50 5250 109,96 12V ALARM BTRY/12 V STROBE LIG INV 36152 ADAPTOR FOR COUNTER SCANNER GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 19-6010 199 ADAPTOR FOR COUNTER SCANNER VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-05290 RED NINE INV 31940 WORK BOOTS DAVID is MARK GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5255 100.00 WORK BOOTS DAVID & MARK O08 002111 197.85 WORK BOOTS DAVID & MARK VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK '.43-08230 RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES INV MZC21100 COPY PAPER/LEGAL PADS GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 30-5210 24293 COPY PARER/LEGAL PADS VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-07820 RICARDO GONZALEZ INV 36028 COURT 02/12 G/L ACCOUNT 001 26-5425 VENDOR TOTALS 99-02190 RITE -WELD INV 61135 U"1 CYLINDER G/L ACCOUNT 001 24-5375 GNB99 R 4f02/2002 AMOUNT 250.00 COURT 02/12 REG. CHECK GNB99 R 4/02/200c AMOUNT 24.00 OZ CYLIiDER GROSS BALANCE 109.9E 109.96 195.90 195.90 297.85 297.85 297.85 297,85 24.93 24.93 24.93 250.00 24.00 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 109.96CR 9,99CR 195.90CR 0, 00 �97.8JCR L97.851�R 0.00 c4.93CR 24.93CR 250.00CR 250.0ecR 0.00 24.00CR OUTSTANDING 3-L7-2002 04:53 PM VENDOR SET: 99- BANKc NDOR ITEM NO# R/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT BALANCE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK c4.0O Loa 00 99--OLL60 S#S TELEMETRY INV 1560 LABOR GEN WWTP/LABOR CHK GEN GNB99 R 4/02/2002 600.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 600.00 008 54-5329 GO&OO LABOR GEN WWTP/LABOR CHK GENR INV 1749 REPAIR ON FLOW METER WELL #L GNB99 R 4/Oc/c00L 11700.63 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 11700,63 008 50-5372 11700.63 REPAIR ON FLOW METER WELL #c VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK c,300.63 L, 300. 63 99-04c90 SRNGER CHAMBER OF COMMERC INV 200 364 MEMBERSHIP DUES G/L ACCOUN i 008 58-5235 VENDOR TOTALS '�9-0�.;�0 SCHLUTER ENO. � CO�iM. INV 16394 ANTENNA FOR RADIO G/L ACCOUNT 008 50-5250 VENDOR TOTALS 99-09550 SOUTHWEST CHEMICAL INV 3326 CLL 150 CYL G/L ACCOUNT 008 50-52623 VENDOR TOTALS PAYMENT DISCOUNT c4.00CR C'v 00 600.00CR 1,700.63CR c,3O0.63CR coo PRGE: 14 OUTSTANDING 0.00 GNB99 R 4fOc/COOL L65.O0 L65.00CR RMOuNT c65.00 L65.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES REG. CHECK 265.00 `65.00CR 0.00 0400 GNB99 R 4fOc/LOOc 1L.00 1L.00CR AMOUNT 1c.00 12.00 ANTENNA FOR RADIO REG, CHECK 1c.00 12.00CR 0.00 GNB99 R 4/Oc/L00c 93a.00 938.00CR AMOUtdT 938,00 93a.00 CLc 150 CYL REG. CHECK938.00 938.00CR 0.00 938.00 0.00 3-27 2002 04:53 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 15 VENDOR SET: 99- DAtdK: VENDOR SEQUENCE _ADOR ITEM NO## DESCRIPTION DANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DTI BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-02490 SPRINT — CENTEL INV 36127 LONG DISTANCE GNB99 R 4/02/2002 863.97 863.97CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 863.97 001 15-5510 281.4G PHONES 001 20�5510 28.87 PHONES 001 42-5510 118,40 PHONES 001 40-5510 23487 PHONES 001 34-5510 101.78 PHONES 008 15-5510 281.4G PHONES 008 54-5510 & 13 PHONES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 863.97 863.97CR 0,00 8G3.97 0.00 99-02690 TECHLIPdE INV 1412723 4/0 THHN COPPER/#2 THHN COPP GNB99 R 4/02/2002 19260.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 11260,00 008 58-6020 1,260.00 4/0 THHN COPPEW,2 THHN COPPER INV 1412816 50"X52" TRANSFORMER PAD GNB99 R 4/02/2002 190,00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 190.00 008 58-6020 190.00 50"X52" TRANSFORMER PAD INV 1412994 TECHLINE GNB'99 R 4/02/2002 15175 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 158.75 008 58-6020 158,75 42 STRAND SOFT INV 31943 MULE TAPE GNB99 R 4/02/2002 215.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 215,00 003 58-6020 215.00 MULE TAPE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 11823,75 1,823075 1,260.00CR 1'90.00CR 158.75CR 215,00CR 1,823.75CR 0.00 0.00 99-02730 IEXRS METER k DEVICE INV 2936 2NDARY & PRIMARY GLOVES GNB99 R 4/02/2002 930.92 930a92CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 930.92 008 58-5260 930,92 2NDARY & PRIMARY GLOVES VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 930.92 930.92CR 0.00 930.92 0.00 -07-E00E 04:53 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET: 99- BAPdK: VENDOR SEQUENCE .aDOR ITEM NOS DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 99-03c70 THETA LABORRTORIES I�dU 608c CAMERA �tINDO4t Ir BRACKETS GNB99 R 4/OE/c00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20-5311 5.00 CAMERA WINDOW & BRACKETS VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99`09530 TIPTOPs READY f'1Ih GROSS BALANCE 5.00 5.00 INV I183 SSfS 3000PSI 4% AEA GNB99 R 4I0L/L00L 335.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 335.00 001 30-5370 335.00 5SK 3000PSI 4% AEA INV f188 5SK 3000PSI 4% AEA ENVIRO Lr1 GNB99 R 4/02/2002 215.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 215.00 001 30-5370 c115.O0 5SK 3000PSI 4% AEA ENVIRO LOAD VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 550.00 99-02820 TRACTOR SUPPLY CO. INV 31981 RAINSUIT 2PC G/L ACCOUNT 0N1 30-5255 VENDOR TOTALS 99-04630 iX DEFT CEE WEALTH-4B460 550. �70 GNB99 R 4J03/c00c 16.99 RMOUNT f6.99 16.99 RAINSUIT 2PC REG. CHECK 16.99 16, '9'9 INV 36075 VOC METAL ROUTINE WATER SRMP GNB99 R 4!0?/c00E 1,06f.00 GIL ACCOUNT AMO+JPdT 1, 061.00 008 50-5377 1,061.00 VOC METAL ROUTINE WATER SAMPLE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK i,k6i.00 PA`dP4ENT DISCOUNT 5.00CR 5.00CR 0.00 335.00GR E15.00CR 550.00CR 0.00 16.99CR 16.99CR 0.00 1,061.00CR 1,061.0OGR PAuE: f6 OUTSTRNDING 0.00 7-E008 04 0 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 17 VENDOR SETc 9J- BANK: ,ODOR ITEM NO3# DESCRIPTION 99-0`9i0 UPPER TRitdITY VENDOR SECUENCE BANIK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GROSS BALCiNCE iNU W�70E03 VOLUME & DEMAND CHARGE GNBJJ R 4/0O/P00O iL,846.90 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1211846,90 008 50-5385 5,346.00 VOLUME & DEMAND CHARGE 008 50-5420 7,500.90 VOLUME & DEMAND CHARGE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-08990 UTILITY ENVIROMENTAL iNU 3597 SEWER RAT SYSTEM ONE GNB99 R 4f0O1800 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 52-5360 8,200.00 SEWER RAT SYSTEM ONE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK `�9-06330 UTILITY PLUS INV 3607192 8X4 SEWER TEE G/L ACCOUNT 008 52"-6070 GNB99 R 4/0cIc00O AMOUNT 48.00 8X4 SEWER TEE INU 3608083 6"APSES �910 FLG PRES REB ULU GNBJ9 R 4/0O/G00R G/L ACGOUP�T AMOUNT 008 50-5358 1,500.00 6"AMES 010 FLG PRES RED VLV iNY 3GIG988 6"MJ TEE/2" 150 4MALLABLE GL GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50 5358 194w2l 6"MJ TEE/G" 150 4MALLABLE GLV INV 3617744 208 FT PVC SEWER PIPE GNB99 R 410212O0c G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 003 52-6070 ll8.56 808 FT PVC SEWER PIPE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK J9-0LJ50 VERNER CHEMICAL INV 11055 ROUND UP 5 UAL G/L ACCOUNT 001 2o: GNB9J R 4/0c/%00c AMOUNT 130.00 ROUND UP 5 GAL iF:, 846.90 846.90 8, c00.00 $, c00.00 8,L00.00 48.00 48,00 1,500.00 1, 500.00 194.�1 194.�1 1, 860.77 1,860.77 130.00 130.00 R'AYMENT DISCOUNT iL,846.90CR ic,846.90CR 0.00 8,c00.00CR 8,c00,00CR 0.00 48.00CR I, 500.00CR 194.ciCR 118.56CR i,860.77CR 0.00 130.00CR OUTSTANBINU 0.00 3-27`-2002 04c53 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 18 VENDOR SET: 99— BANRa JADOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION UEIJDOR TOTALS 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS VENDOR SEQUENCE BANIS CHECI! STA T DUE DT DISC DT REG. CNECft INV 2652 SERVICE BULB/OIL FILTER/BELT GNB99 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT R 4l02/2002 001 36-5325 i.8o SERVICE BULB/OIL FiLTERlBELT 008 36-5325 logo SERVICE BULB/OIL FILTER/BELT 001 30 5325 2.00 SERVICE BULB/OIL FILTER/BELT 001 20tl5325 2.95 SERVICE BULB/OIL FILTER/BELT 001 30-5325 29.30 SERVICE BULB/OIL FILTER/BELT iNU 2�a7o OIL FILTERS WIPER REFILLS GNB99 R 4/02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20"5323 16.43 OIL FILTERS WIPER REFILLS 001 24-5325 16.43 OIL FILTERS WIPER REFILLS 001 28-5325 16.43 OIL FILTERS WIPER REFILLS 001 30�5325 16a43 OIL FILTERS WIPER REFILLS 001 36-5325 8.22 OIL FILTERS WIPER REFILLS 008 36-5325 8.21 OIL FILTERS WIPER REFILLS 008 50-5325 16.43 OIL FILTERS WIPER REFILLS 008 54-225 16.43 OIL FILTERS WIPER REFILLS 008 58-5325 16a39 OIL FILTERS WIPER REFILLS 99-030g0 WESTCO iPdU 360$3 99—�3680 W1iITMiRE VENDOR TOTALS REGAL BAY G!L ACCOUNT 008 50-5372 VENDOR TOTALS r REt�. GiiEi.Fi GNB99 AMOUNT 3,459.60 REGAL DAY REG. CHECK R 4/02/2002 iNU 52-1001 TREE rRiMMitJG FEB l6 2002 GNB99 R 4l02/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5420 2,531.36 TREE TRIMMING FEB l6 2002 IPdU SL 1002 TREE (RIMMING FEB 23 2002 GN099 R 4/0212002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 J8-J4LV L1J3i.J6 TREE TRINNING FEB 2J COOL GROSS BALANCE 130.00 130.00 37a g5 37.85 131.40 40 ib9.G5 169.25 3, 459.60 3, 459.60 3, 459.60 2,531.36 2, 531.36 L,v�.Jse3 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 130.0oCR 0. 00 37.85GR 131.40CR 169.25CR 3,459.6oCR ', 459.60CR 0. 00 2,531.36CR L, JJ.�a JGCR OUISTAIIDING c7-cwooa 04:5 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 19 VENDOR SETd 99— BANK ; VENDOR SEQUENCE ._,ADOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION DANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 5,062.72 510621, 2CR 0.00 51062. 7c of oo ULQ�� J- 7 '0 ' A4t" PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT RAGE: 20 VENDOR SET: 99- ===v=====r====__®________®_�_=®=®v===�=__ R E R O R T T O T A L S FUND DISTRIBUTION FUND NOS# FUND NAME AMOUNT 00i GENERAL FUND 10,3B6.60CR 008 ENTERPRISE FUND 521116.73CR TOTALS n 631 IG3, 3JER HAND CHECKS DRAFTS REG-CHECKS hlON-CHECKS ALL CHEi:;',S ---- TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS ---- GROSS PAYMENT EdUi BER BALANCE DISCOUNT 0.00 0.00 0.o0 0,00 0100 0. 30 0.00 0.00 63,163.33 6311G3.263CR 63, In 33 0. 00 0200 0.00 0.00 0.00 63,163.3J 0.00 ERRORS: 0 �lARNINGSa 0 OUlSIANDiN� 0.00 0.00 0.00 March 27, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #4 &Item #5 These are the required public hearings for the annexations proposed. March 27, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #6 Attached is a letter from Friends of the Family and the proposed Proclamation proclaiming April 2002 as "Sexual Awareness Month" in the City of Sanger. �Y Friends of the Family A United Way Partner Board of Directors Ray Croff Chair Sheryl Goodson 1ST Vice chair Dr. Glenda Brock Simmons 2�d Vice chair Kathy Duncan Treasurer Hon. Barbara Gailey Secretary Vicki Baker Jaime Carlin Amy Cherrnay Dr. William Crouch Eric Dankesreiter Elizabeth Gourdie Ken Harrell March 59 2002 Mayor Tommy Kincaid P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Kincaid: On behalf of Friends of the Family, I am requesting a proclamation for our " Take Back the Night" March April 25", 2002. FOF has been providing assistance to survivors of relationship violence and sexual assault for over twenty years in Denton County and surrounding communities. The March brings attention to the issue of sexual assault and promotes our agencies services. We appreciate the support that your city has given in the past for this event and we hope we can rely on that same show of support this year. Enclosed you will find a sample Mayoral Proclamation. Given your cooperation, we would like to send a representative from Friends of the Family to the city council meeting to accept this declaration of support to end sexual assault. If this is not a feasible option, please send it to us via mail service: Denton County Fric�ds of the Family, Inc. P.O. Box 640 Denton, Texas 76202 Pamela Livingston Thank you again for your consideration. If there are any questions Dr. Linda Marshall that I can answer for you, contact me at (940) 387-5131 x ext. 228. Rosemary Rodriguez Rick Salazar Barbara R. Saunders o Sarah Steen Si cerely, Executive Director Jane Ogletree Dawn Tawwater Director of Development P.O. Box 640, Denton, Texas 76202=0640 Denton outreach 940.387.5131 •Metro 972.219.2829 Fax 940.383.1816 •Lewisville outreach 972.221.0650 24 Hour Cr0sis Line - 940.382.7273 or 1.800.572.4031 Whereas, sexual assault affects every person in Sanger, either as a victim / survivor of sexual assault or as a family member, significant other, friend, neighbor or co-worker; and Whereas, this year's theme: "Take Back The Night, Take Back Your Voice" incorporates the ideals of the various groups who work collectively to help victims and end sexual assault; and Whereas, many citizens of Denton County are working to provide quality services and assistance to sexual assault survivors; and hundreds of volunteers help staff 24-hour hotlines, respond to emergency calls and offer support and advocacy during medical exams and criminal justice proceedings; and Whereas, Denton County Friends of the Family volunteers and staff promote sexual assault awareness and avoidance by offering educational programs to schools, churches and civic organizations, as well as professional training to medical, mental health, law enforcement, education and criminal justice personnel regarding sexual assault issues; and Whereas, Denton County Friends of the Family, other sexual assault programs, and other professionals and advocates of non -violence have joined together as the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) to support each other in our work and to provide Denton County and the State of Texas and our citizens a central source of information on sexual assault; and Whereas, during the month of April Denton County Friends of the Family will be intensifying efforts to promote public understanding of sexual violence and victims of sexual violence and Friends of the Family will be emphasizing the need for citizen involvement in efforts to reduce sexual assault through public education and changing public attitudes; and Whereas, Denton County Friends of the Family will also be working to publicize their services, increase community support for their agency and increasing awareness of the healing potential for survivors; Therefore, I, as Mayor of Sanger, do hereby designate Apri12002 as SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH in the City of Sanger. Mayor Tommy Kincaid ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary �U®.? March 27, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #7 Attached is the City Manager's Report. 0��33 N is A MM4 0 IN= Administration: We have one lawsuit in progress; Richard Yarborough vs. the City of Sanger will go to trial on May 13. Electric: We are preparing a bid package for the Council to approve to pull 2 feeder exits from the sub -station. 3/29. We will set the transformer for Jeff Higgs convenience store on Tree trimming for the year is finished Water/Sewer: Start up on the new well and pump station will be 3/29 We are in the process of procuring easements from Porter for a water line with fire hydrant, from Ray Stephens for a sewer line north of FM455 and from Jim Conley for the schools sewer line south of FM455. Parks: As soon as the soil is dry enough, we will clean the ditch behind Jack Richardson's house. Streets: We have finished the street inventory map and need for the Council to decide our next step; do you want the Council to decide which streets are to be overlaid, concrete w/curb and gutter, etc. or Jo you want staff to make those decisions, or do you want to appoint a street committee? Contacts/New Businesses: Sportsman Gasoline / Bar-B-Que / Car Wash Radio Shack Lathum Stairs Stair Cases replace Mantles Chicken Express Sanger General Store &Organic Depot Organic Supplies &Classes / Pond Supplies / Pool Supplies / General Merchandise Motel /Restaurant /Conference Center Auto Parts Hardware Waffle House Doctors Clinics Saw &Tool Shop Family Dollar April 1, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Response to Councilman Ervin's Inquiries 1. Holt Road This road is a private road and the only part that is not private is the area where Bryan and Jacob's Addition and the Roberts Addition have recently been platted. The City Engineer, Mark Owens, will be contacting the remaini Mng property owners and requesting dedication of the reminding R.O. W.'s. If this is accomplished we will proceed with repairing the road, and if this is not accomplished we will repair the road to the condition it was in before we put the sewer line in. 2. Attached is the report on Railroad Park. 3. Old Church/Library The Historical Society is applying for a grant to do a study on the restoration of the building. This is the only information we have concerning this. 4. New Police Department The asbestos study on the new building has been done; however, we are waiting for the results of the study. We cannot proceed with repairs until we have these results. 5. Sidewalks Downtown This item was not budgeted. I do not know why this was not discussed during the budget process; however, I suggest we discuss this item for the 2002-2003 budget and try to allocate funds. There are already several expense line items that are over budget in the Streets Department. 6. Concrete/Asphalt Mark Owens, City Engineer, has been trying to contact Billy Cheek, who is the engineer for Fred Gossett, and at this point has not been in contact with him. We are trying to contact him to schedule a meeting to discuss concrete versus asphalt in new subdivisions. 7. Rising Star Creek This was a difficult issue to approach. John and I went with the City Engineer, Mark Owens, out to the property. The Engineer indicated the ditch is fairly clean. There was some pipe that appeared to be put there by a property owner, and there was some blockage in the area near Mr. Gentle's property. We will need to contact Mr. Gentle to see if we can be on his property in order to clean up the area and move some of the limbs to allow the water to flow properly. There are a lot of tree limbs in that area that may be on City Property and quite a bit of other debris. Once again, we will need to give the engineer time to locate the pins on the property to verify if it is the City's responsibility. John has been advised to check into renting a piece of equipment that has arms to reach down into the culvert to clean it out. At this point we are waiting on the engineer to verify the property boundaries. 8. The breakdown of cost on the Amyx Project is attached. This includes the labor and use of City vehicles. 9. Water/ Wastewater Superintendent indicated the cost of the sewer tap on Rising Star was $300.00. The total that should have been collected was $1500.00 10. The total cost Holt Road/Sewer Project was $15,000.00. Glenn, I have had a brief discussion with the department heads regarding lunches and breaks. Employees receive 1 hour lunches and two 15 minute breaks, one in the A.M. and one in the P.M. There may be some occasion where employees may work through there lunch or breaks. Sometimes the department heads will allow them to take a later lunch. At times, a department head may allow an employee to take an additional fifteen minutes; however, this does not happen everyday. Per the City of Sanger Personnel Policy employees are required to take two 15 minute breaks. In some cases the employees work through there breaks, and when this is necessary they do not complain, but they do want to take them when possible. The issue regarding employees riding around in City trucks has been addressed to the department heads. Mr. Lanier's sewer problem is addressed in the attached memo, which was placed in the last Council packet. If you have any other questions, please let me know. City Of Sanger Marchl8th 2002 Rose, These are some of the some of the updates that I need. 1.Holt Road: How long will it take to get this resurfaced? Was it or is it a private road? 2.Railroad Park: How much do we like on it? Are we working on the next step or phase of the project? 3.Old Church/Library: Someone said they seen in paper where historic group/city is going to be redoing this building is this true? 4. New Police Dept: Where are we at on this? When do we expect to get started? When Jo we expect to get moved in? 5.Sidewalks downtown: How much time is needed to have all bad sidewalks repaired? 6.Concrete/asphalt: I have ask Jack several weeks ago to get with the engineers that he talked too and the engineers that Fred Gosset uses in Denton to come up with a street plan on redoing streets or even new streets in subdivisions. 7.Rising Star Creek: Where are we at on getting ditch cleaned out Other things ask for: 1.I want to know total cost for the Amyx project. Including labor and cost of all City trucks and employees. q. 2.Rising star sewer cost and what we should have collected. V . 3.Holt road sewer cost for the one house. Total costs include estimated cost for road. Complaints From Citizens: 1.How many Breakfast/ lunch breaks do we give to employees in an 8hr shift? 2.11ow long a lunch break do they take 1.5 to 2 hrs? 3.Riding around in City trucks seen several times a day. 4.Sewer problem @ 204 N 10th Mr. Lanier Quote: Why does he have to pay a plumber every month to clean out his sewer. Do we not have any one here that can fIx the problem? Jack please get this fixed it has been going on for several years now. Rose, This is all that was on my list from last night. I have asked before about the Internet access before. It was my understanding that at least you and Samantha had this available to you. This needs to be on all of your computers and not just in Jack's. This will be a helpful tool in communicating with City hall MEMO March 28, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: John Henderson, Streets/Parks Superintendent Re: Railroad Park (Response to Councilman Ervin's Inquiry) The final blade work on Railroad Park was completed on March 15, 2002. We have scheduled a meeting with the Parks Board for April 9,2002 to decide what type of backstops, concession stands, and sprinkler systems will be put in. At this time we will establish a cost estimate and schedule a meeting with the 4B Board to discuss bids. We are also planning to order the Back Stops and put up the fence before the end of April, and by the end of May, we will install the back stops, pour the pad dug out, see some progression on the concession stand and have the rough -end plumbing completed. (If weather allows) By the end of June the sprinkler system should be completed; at this point we will begin working on the grass for the In -Fields. We will schedule another meeting with the Parks Board in June to discuss the light poles, walk ways score boards, landscaping, and the parking lot. We are hoping to have the Park Project completed no later than September of this year. If you have any further questions, please let me know. �r14 , + �� Memorandum CMEM042 March 20, 2002 To: Tommy Kincaid Craig Waggoner Glenn Ervin Andy Garza Joe Higgs Jimmie Evans Rose Chavez From: Jack Smith Subject: Sewer Connection for Glenn Lanier Mr. Lanier, 204 N.10th, has been complaining for a while about his sewer backing up. He has spent many dollars on plumbers to fix the problem without satisfactory results. Today the City dug across 10th street and found that the service line that is tied to the sewer main is sloping the wrong direction. It's remarkable that Mr. Lanier's sewer flowed at all. We replaced the service line to flow the correct direction but when we tried to connect to his line at his property, his line was too deep. Mr. Lanier is not currently at home. We had a choice to leave the line disconnected and let Mr. Lanier get a plumber at whatever time he gets home or go on private property and fix the problem. I had the City crew go on private property and tie into Mr. Lanier's line. This will fix Mr. Lanier's problem. -1-