03/18/2002-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. 4. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2002 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements Citizen's Input. CONSENT AGENDA March 4, 2002 Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Plaque for the Sullivan Senior Center. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat of the`Sims Addition, Lot 1R and 2R, Block 1, Being 1.00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Fifth Street. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat of the Sims Addition, Lot 1R and 2R, Block 1, Being 1.00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Fifth Street. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Sanger Industrial Park. 8. Conduct First Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations: ABSTRACT 1241A, TRACT 77, BEING 9.87 ACRES (AMYX) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 299, BEING 3.283 ACRES OF WHICH 1.36 ACRES ARE CURRENTLY IN THE CITY. (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 59, BEING 95.00 ACRES (RUTH MARSHALL) 9. Consider and Possible Action on Approving the Expenditure of Funds to Complete the Kammie Patten Park Project. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #03-06-02 -Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations. (Misc. City Properties) 11. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Election Judge and Alternate. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Procedure for Getting Information to All Council Members. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #03-04-02 - Amending Parking Requirements in All Zoning Districts to Require Paved Parking Spaces. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of a New Parks Board Member. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Changing Time Designation on One -Way Signs in Front of Tenderfoot Elementary School on Hughes Street. 16. 17. Consider and Possible Action on Placing "No Parking" Signs on Keaton Road. Adjourn, Rosalie Chavez, City Secreta Date &Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL, March 4, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Craig Waggoner OTHERS PRESENT: City Manger Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Code Enforcement Officer Ken Wilson, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Rick Hall, Jay Parr, Mike Lawler, Bob Snyder, Sharon Miler, Jeff Miller, Don Jost, Christine Waggoner, Shelley Ruland 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, Councilman Higgs led the Invocation, and Councilman Evans led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: February 25, 2002 - workshop February 25, 2002 b) Disbursements Councilman Evans moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman Garza seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Discussion on Presentation by Ben Snyder Regarding Completion of the Kammie Patten Park Project. Ben Snyder, Troop 19, Church CCU 0 + in Sanger, indicated that a little over a year ago, John Henderson let them know that Kammie Patten Park needed to be restored. He decided to take on the task. They met with the Beautification Board and discussed what was needed. Some of the equipment needed repair, they sanded and painted some of the equipment and rebuilt the teeter -totter. He recently met with Kammie Patten and she was very enthusiastic about the project. They received funds from local businesses and individuals and did fund-raising. They feel the basketball park should be expanded. They looked at prices and Redi-Mix will give them a discount and charge $55.00 a yard for the cement. The total for the basketball goal, labor and the slab should be about $2,000.00. They wanted to see if the city could help with funding the project. City Manager indicated John Henderson was in EMS classes and apologized for not being at the meeting. 9 Council agreed to fund the project and advised to put on the next Council agenda. Mayor moved up item #6. 6. Presentation and Action on TXU Gas Distribution Rate. Rick Hall, TXU Gas Distribution, indicated a year ago they came before the City with a rate change request. At that time it was a decrease, now they are asking for an increase in the base rates. The way the company has requested to file the rate case in the past was to go City to City and file it separately, this year they are making it a system wide type filing. This will allow cities to form coalitions and group together. The State requires them to file the rate case with them. It amounts to a 10.9% increase. On a residential bill it will be $3.00 or $4.00 a month, and about $5.00 on a commercial bill. In the past when they brought a rate change before Council they requested approval. They are asking suspension of the rate increase for 90 days. If the Council will suspend the increase for 90 days, they will work with the coalitions and try to negotiate a rate. Mayor indicated in Ft. Worth the Industrial customers will have the largest increase. In Sanger the Residential customers have the largest increase. Discussion regarding the rate case. Mayor Read Resolution Caption as follows: A RESOLUTION SUSPENDING THE PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULES OF TAU GAS DISTRIBUTION, PROVIDING THAT THE RATE SCHEDULES OF SAID COMPANY SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED DURING THE PERIOD OF SUSPENSION, PROVIDING FOR NOTICE HEREOF TO SAID COMPANY, AND FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS RESOLUTION IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW, Councilman Ervin asked why was the Resolution even necessary. Mr. Hall indicated it was required by TXU. Councilman Higgs moved to approve Resolution #03-OS-02, Councilman Evans seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 5. Discussion form Citizens Concerning Holt Road. D.L. Johnson, 201 S. Keaton Rd., asked what it cost to dig up Keaton Road to put the sewer in. Eddie Branham indicated about $15,000.00. Mr. Johnson indicated he has lived there for thirty years and the road has never looked that bad. City Manager indicated each home owner owns up to half the road. He asked that if the City gets the engineers to lay out the exact property that belongs to each home owner along the street, will the citizens dedicate it to the City. Discussion regarding the road. Mayor indicated the City would fix it as soon as it was deeded to the City. Mayor indicated they would talk to the Engineer and see what could be done, then go to the ordinances and see what is required and come back to the citizens. City Manager indicated it is a public road because it has been open so long, it does not mean it is a City dedicated street. Once it is dedicated the City can use funds and fix it. Discussion regarding the road. Mayor indicated the City will find out what can be done. Mr. Johnson asked if they will make it top priority. City Manager indicated he would. Councilman Evans asked if the City agrees to fix the road, will the residents give the R.O.W. Don Jost asked for a commitment on the repair of the road to prevent the heavy dust and rock. City Manager indicated it would be done as soon as the weather permits. Mr. Johnson indicated they wanted a time line. City Manager indicated they will make repairs as soon as possible to the area where the City put in the sewer lines. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #03-03-02 -Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations. Councilman Waggoner moved to accept Resolution #03-03-02, Councilman Evans seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Amending the Contract with the Chamber and Dissolving the Tourism Board. 0 0 d�3 City Manager indicated at the last meeting the item on the agenda was to do away with the contract, that was not the intention. The City still wants the Chamber to be the Tourist Information Center. According to the auditor, by having the Tourism Board, we basically had a board for a board. The Chamber Board can act as this board. Councilman Evans felt that if the City was creating the taxes, they should also create the board. City Secretary indicated she wanted the Chamber to get a percentage of the Hotel/Motel Tax and the other boards that need things could come to the Council to request funds to help with those projects. When the tax was created, it should have been being sent to the Chamber because they are promoting tourism. Bobby Blagg, representing the Chamber of Commerce, indicated the Chamber does basically 50% of the tourism work in Sanger, They don't want 100% of the funds. They only want the funds that the Chamber can use, and they want the people that will be requesting funds for tourism projects to come to the Council. City Secretary indicated under Section 3(d), the second part of the last sentence should be removed. She felt the Council should have some authority as to where the money gets expensed. Discussion regarding the board and how it affected the audit. City Secretary indicated the Council has to decide how much to give the Chamber and send it over there. Bobby Blagg indicated this would give the Chamber a budget to work with. Councilman Evans moved to abolish the tourism board, and enter into the contract with the Chamber for 50% of the funds and to remove the bottom line as discussed, and to bring the existing funds back to the City. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance 03-03-02 -Adopting and Enacting a New Code of Ordinances. City Secretary indicated the new code contained all of the new ordinances Councilman Evans moved, Councilman Waggoner seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to the Parks Board. City Manager indicated John Jacobs has recommended Carlos Garza. City Secretary indicated the Summer League has a new president and he is great. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Faith Sloan and Carlos Garza to the Parks Board, Councilman Garza seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #03-04-02 -Regarding Solicitation of Bids on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 298, for Collection of Delinquent Taxes. Discussed the location of the property. Councilman Ervin moved to approve Resolution #03-04-02, Councilman Evans seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Contract Between the City of Sanger and Governmental Service Agency for Administration of the HOME Grant. Councilman Evans moved to approve the agreement, Councilman Waggoner seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 13. Meeting Adjourned. 000p 3-13�—E00G 04nG3 GM A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SETa 99— BA:uK. YENDOR SCQUENCE UENDOR ITENl1 Nu# DESCRIPTION BANI{ CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DTI 99-07860 ACT G1GE SUPPLY, INC INV 401030 CASINGS/GASKETS/VALVES +GNB99 R 3/19I2002 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-5360 1,390.92 CASINGS/GASKETS/VALVES iNNV 4f1837 METER BOXES G LIDS GIL ACCOUNT 008 50-5358 003 50 372 VENDOR TOTALS 99-00�`t0 ANIMAL HUSGITAL GPdB'99 R 3lf9/c00c AMOUNT G',.61 DETER BOLES & LIDS 383.26 METER BOXES a LIDS REG, CHECK GROSS BALflNCE 1, 39�. DG 1p ou9c 41L.Br' 41.87 f, 803.7'9 INV �9740 VET BILL FOR CATTY KNOT ON L GNB99 R 31f91c00O f00.34 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 100.34 001 a0-5265 100s34 VET BILL FOR PATTY KNOT ON LEG UENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-04330 BETTER HONES & GARDENS INV 31901 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL GNB99 R 3/19/2002 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 42: 52E5 19.00 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-00390 BILL UTTER FORD, INC. INV CB7437 REPAIR ON TRUCK GIL ACCOUNT 008 58-5325 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 R 3If91E005 AMOUNT 77.75 REPAIR ON TRUCK REG. CHECK f 00.34 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 77.75 77.75 77.75 77.75 GAGE; 1 F°AYN ENT OUTSTAN!DINiU DISCOUNT 1,G9O,SCCR 1, 803.79CR 0.00 �too f 00.34CR f00,,s4CR 0.0?� 0.00 19.00CR 19.00CR 0.00 0.00 77.75CR 77.75CR 0.00 0.00 iv-r�OL 04.cs 'PH VENDOR SET, 99- BANKS "cNDnR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION 99-00470 CH JArdITORAL SUPPLY INV c0899 CLEANING SUPPLIES G/L ACCOUNT 001 44 5013 001 40-5245 008 50-5245 001 20-5245 001 15-5245 008 15-5'45 VENDOR TOTALS 99-OG4G0 CINGULAR WIRELESS INV 0E0307JV CINGULAR WIRELESS G/L ACCOUNT 008 36-5520 VENDOR TOTALS AJP' PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE DANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GNp99 R 3ii9fc00c AMOUNT 17.GO CLEANING SUPPLIES 17.60 CLEANING SUPPLIES 17.60 CLEANING SUPPLIES 17.GO CLEANING SUPPLIES 8.80 CLEANING SUPPLIES 8.80 CLEANING SUPPLIES REG. CHECK GN8'99 OUNT 1200 REG. CHECK R 4/OGJ200E 99-00580 CINTAS COPR. *492 INV 95222 SHOP TOWELS FENDER COVER GNB99 R 3ii9/200E G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 36-5265 1i.78 SHOP TOWELS FENDER COVER 008 3G-5cG5 1i.77 SHOP TOWELS FENDER COVER INV 99271 SHOP TOWELS FENDER COVER GN899 R 3/19/2008 G/L ACCOUNT A14OUNT 008 36-52G5 23.55 SHOP TOWELS FENDER COVER VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-00590 CITY nF DENTnPd INV 31844 MISC, MATERIAL G/L ACCOUNT 001 004175 VENDOR TOTALS GN899 R �/i9i�00E AMnuNT 779.98 MISC. MATERIAL REG, CHECK GRnsn r3ALANCE 88.00 88.00 ee. 00 88.00 47.10 47.10 779.98 779, 98 779.98 77'9.98 PAYr ENT DlScnLNT 88.00CR i. OOCR �3.55CR c3.55CR PAGE: OUTSTANDING 47.10CR 0.00 0.00 779.98CR 779.98CR 0.00 0.00 13-2002 04€23 PH A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET; 99- BANK: "'NDOR ITEM NOix DESCRIPTION 99-09720 CLEAR CREEP{ SAND INU 1035 SCREENED LOAM G/L ACCOUNT 001 3505310 UENDOR TOTALS 99-03"t30 COLLIN COUNTY COLLEGE VENDOR SEQUENCE BANr% CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GNB99 R 3r'19/2002 AMOUNT 90.00 SCREENED LOAM REG, CHECK iNU C 4i55 OLD � NEW DRUG UPDATE GNB99 R 3/1912002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20-5240 45.00 OLD & NEW DRUG UPDATE VEtdDOR TOTALS REO. CHECF; 99-08770 COMPUDATA PRODUCTS INU 31929 MESSAGE AOOKS/SECURITY CHEST GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G!L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 19-5210 62.29 MESSAGE BOOKS/SECURITY CHEST/ 008 15-5210 7.48 MESSAGE BOOKS/SECURITY CHEST/ 001 15 5210 7.47 MESSAGE BOOKS/SECURITY CHEST/ INU 6313620 NAME PLATES G/L ACCOUNT 001 008 10 5210 INU 6458100 HP INKJET BLf4 CRT G/L ACCOUNT 001 26-5210 INV 6469970 OFFICE SUPPLIES Gr`L ACCOUNT 008 15 5210 001 15 r ; 001 20-5210 001 10-5210 008 15-5210 001 15-5210 001 10-5210 008 10-5210 008 19`5G10 GNB99 R 3/19lc002 i1MOUNT 43.75 NAME PLATES 43.75 NAME PLATES GNB99 R 3/19/2002 AMOUNT 26.99 HP INKJET BLK CRT GNB99 R 3119/2002 AMOUNT 6.29 GNB99 R 3/19lc002 i1MOUNT 43.75 NAME PLATES 43.75 NAME PLATES GNB99 R 3/19/2002 AMOUNT 26.99 HP INKJET BLK CRT GNB99 R 3119/2002 AMOUNT 6.29 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.28 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.29 OFFICE SUPPLIES i.63 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.63 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.08 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.38 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.38 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.15 OFFICE SUPPLIES GROSS BALANCE 90.00 90.00 90.00 45.00 45.00 45,00 77.24 7 i. 24 87.50 87,50 26.99 26.99 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 90.00CR 0.00 45.0�CR 45.00CR 77.24CR 87, 50CR 26.99CR 112,40CR OUTSTANDING 1 •� 04U0�3 1-13-2002 04223 PM VENDOR SET: 99- BANI{ e "cNDOR ITEM N04 DESCRTPTIUN 008 19 5210 003 19-5205 VENDOR TOTALS 99-00050 CONLEY SAND � GRRVEL INV 2077 1 YRD CONCRETE G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-G020 VENDOR TOTALS AfP PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE BAND CHECK STAi DUE DT DISC DT 20.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.30 OFFICE SUPPLIES REG. CHECK GNB99 R 3f19f2002 AMOUNT 125.00 1 YRD CONCRETE REG. CHECK 99-00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORD INV 148287CR ODOR GRAIN GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 52-5223 11650.00 ODOR GRAIN INV 148290DC EAR PLUG CORDED FOAM #100 GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 32-5260 109,09 EAR PLUG CORDED FOAM #100 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-09620 CONTRACT INSFcCTTON 5ERVT INV 362757 COATING INSPECTION G/L ACCOUNT @048 54-5450 VENDOR TOTALS G1d899 R 3/19/2002 AMnuNr 262.00 COATING INSPECTION REG. CHECK, 99-07770 CONTROL SPECIALIST, INC INV 02-180 LABOR/MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 52-5315 1,4GO.75 LABOR/MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK. GR055 BALANCE �04. i0 304.13 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 1, 650.00 1, 650.00 10`9.09 109.09 1, 759.09 r59.09 262.00 262.00 262.00 i, 460.75 1, 460.75 1,460.75 F'RYMEN I DISCOUNT 304. iJo R 0.00 125.00CR i25.00CR 0.00 1, 650.00CR 109.09CR 1,759.�9CR �. 262.00CR �62.00LR 0.00 1,460.7SCR 1, 4F0.7SCR 0.00 PAGEo 4 OUTSTANDING O. Oil iJ�134L C,OL O'f:C3 PM VENDOR SET: 99- BANK: "cNDOR ITEM NOR DESCRIPTION: 99-00900 CoServe Eleeiri: INV 31951 STREET LIGHTS G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-5515 008 52 5515 VENDOR TOTALS 99-04500 DENTON CENTRAL APPR. DIET INV 31956 LOCAL SUPPORT REV. G/L ACCOUNT 001 60-5420 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEUUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GNB99 R .,/19/c00c AMOUNT 17k 2G STREET LIGHTS 354.79 STREET LIGHTS REG. CHECK GNB99 R 3f19/c002 AMOUNT 11948.38 LOCAL SUPPORT REV. REG, CHECK 99-00790 DEMON CO BUILDERS SUPPLY INV 43360 1 GAL MINERAL SPIRITS GNB99 R 3ii9/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 36-5245 1.50 1 GAL MINERAL SPIRITS 008 36 5245 1.49 1 GAL MINERAL SPIRITS INV 43367/98 BOLT CUTTERS/9X300 POLLY/RED GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 30-5370 86.70 BOLT CUTTERS/9X300 POLLY/REDNID INV 43392 DRILL BITS/GLUE GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 36-5245 5.07 DRILL BITS/GLUE 008 36-5245 5.06 DRILL BITS/GLUE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-05690 DON A SMITH, Ph.D. INV 31925 PSYCH. EXAM POLICE RESERVE GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20`3430 190.00 PSYCH, EXAM POLICE RESERVE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK: GROSS BALANCE 529. k�5 529.05 5�9.05 529.05 i, 948.38 f , 948.38 1, 948.3a 1r 94B.38 2.99 2.99 86.70 86.70 99.82 99.82 i90.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 PA4'MENT DISCOUNT 529.05CR 5�9.05t.R 0.00 1,948.38CR 1,946.38CR 0.00 �.99CR 86.70CR 99. a2CR 0.00 190.00CR 190.00CR 0.00 OUTSTANDING 0.00 3-13-2002 O4e23 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET. 991- BANKv VENDOR SEQUENCE KNDOR ITEM NOR DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 99-00920 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC INV 19858170 PVC COUPLINGS/MALE ADAPTORS/ GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 584020 25.73 PVC COUPLINGS/MALE ADAPTORS/ VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK; 99-05750 FISH N CHIRFS INV 31931 DOG FOOD G/L ACCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 AMOUNT 60.08 DOG FOOD REG. CHECK R 3/19/2OO2 99-OSO7O GALL'S INC. INV 31880 FLASH LIGHT/MINI LIGHTBAR GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 W5325 298.96 FLASH LIGHT/MINI LIGHTBAR VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-03660 GOHLKE POOL SUPPLY INU T6O8O5 lO0 LBS BUCKETS CHLORINE GNB99 R 3/19/2k�O2 G/L ACCOUtdT AMOUNT 008 50-5223 279.98 100 LBS BUCKETS CHLORINE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-01100 GOODYEAR WHOLESALE TIRE INV 126O38 P205/70R15 REGATTA,��'S/6nR1 GNB9j R .;/S9/COOL G/L ACCOUPdT RMQUNT 001 20-5325 136.26 P2O5/70R15 REGATTA/P225/GOR16 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK F'AGE� 6 GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE DISCOUNT �J.73 CJ.73CF� 25.73 25.73 0.00 6O.�a 6O.OacR 60. 8 298.96 298.96CR 298.96 29a.96 298.96CR 0.00 298.96 �.00 c79.98 c79.98CR 279.9a 279.9a 279.98CR 0.00 136. c6 i,j6. c6CR 136.26 S36.c6 136eL6CR 0.0�� 136.C6 0.00 00011 ml 3 13®L00204*22 PM VENDOR SET: 99- BANK: 1":NDOR ITEM N04 99-07E20 HALL SIGNS amilm'ilmiltsil; VENDOR SEQUENCE DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT INV 1674'3 SIGNS G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-5380 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 AMOUNT 912.78 SIGNS REG. CHECK R v/f9lL�i0c 99--G775O HO(iE DEPOTiGECF INV 31826 10GAL SHOP VAC/1001HOSE/NOZZ GNB99 R 3/19/2008 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5310 19E.7G 10GAL SHOP VAC/1001HOSE/NOZZLE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-Ofc50 INTERSTATE BATTERIES INV 700044BG MTP-74/MT-75/MT-34/C4-50 GNB99 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-53e5 61935 MTP-74 Oat 20-5325 57.95 MT-75 001 30-5325 54s95 MT-34 001 84-5385 42s95 24-50 VENDOR TOTALS REGs CHECK 99-07400 IOS CAF'iTAL INU 54375984 COPY MACHINE LEASE G/L ACCOUPJT 001 20-5345 VENDOR TOTALS '99-09040 J RANDY THOMF'SON INV 31879 6138 DS DRILL SET G/L ACCOUNT 008 36-5375 R 3l19/LOOc GNB99 R 3/19Ic00c AMOUNT 181s 83 COPY MACHINE LEASE REG. CHECK GPd899 R 31f9/c00c AMOUNT SG1.99 6138 DS DRILL SET 9fLs 7f} 918.79 91c. 78 918.78 19E '. 76 198.76 19L f .76 9c. 76 �cf.80 cc 1.80 ccf. 80 181. a3 1af.83 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 91c.7aCR 91c.78CR 0.00 19c.76CR 19L.76CR 0.00 cc1.80CR c81.80CR f8I.83CR 181.8�CR 0.00 1c1.99CR PAGE: I OUTSTAND"!NG C 0.00 O O O 3-13-2@02 040 PM VENDOR SET: 99- BANKe [:NDOR ITEM NO AIP° PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEUUENCE DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK; 99-G353!� 3A iE5 IVUOD AUTOPARKI iNC. iN�J 1598G9 CLUTCH FANlMAPdIFOLD GASKET GPdB99 R 3I19lE:UGc G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 30-5325 230.92 CLUTCH FAN 001 30-5325 19.38 MANIFOLD GASKET SET VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-G131k1 3IM MCNATT CHEVRULET INV 226889 STATE INSP G/L ACCOUNT 008 50-5325 INV 5862725 FUEL INIECTER G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-5325 VENDOR TOTALS 99-G144G KUSTUM SIGNAL GNB99 n 3/19/LAG3 AMOUNT 12.5G STATE INSP GNB99 R 3119/2002 AMOUNT 49,60 FUEL iNJECTER REG. CHECK iNV 67689 SU IMPALA CAMERA BRACKET G�dB99 R 3/191LGGc GiL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 E0-5260 140.00 IMPALA CAMERA BRACKET VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-G148V.� LAURA'S LOCKSMITH INV 50889 SERVICE G/L ACCOUNT 001 24-5310 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 flP1UUNT 45,00 SERVICE REG. CHECK R 3/19/ckUE GRUBS BALANCE ic1.99 iE i. 99 c:5U. 3V+ CSH. 30 ,SSG. 3G SSG. ,sU 49.6G 49.6G 6c.1Ei 6L.1U PAYMENT DISCOUNT i1.99CR moo c5G.3GCR SSG. 31CR 8. ECG 1%'. SGCR 49>6GCR 6�.1�cR 8. UG 14�.GOCR 14C�. G�aCR G. EU 45.GGCR PAGE: 8 000.E 3 3-2`2100c 04:c3 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE:ft 9 VENDOR SET: 99_ BANK: VENDOR SEUUENCE 111:NDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS INV 8996701 MISC. PARTS & SUPPLIES GNB99 R 3/19/2002 304.65 304.65CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 304.65 001 20-5325 38.08 MISC. PARTS & SUPPLIES 001 24-,JM 38.08 MISC. PARTS & SUPPLIES 001 28-5325 38.08 MISC. PARTS & SUPPLIES 001 30-5325 38.08 MISC. PARTS & SUPPLIES 001 36-5325 19.04 MISC. PARTS & SUPPLIES 008 36-5325 19.04 MISC. PARTS & SUPPLIES 008 50-5325 38.0B MISC. PARTS & SUPPLIES 008 52-5325 38®08 MISC. PARTS & SUPPLIES 008 58-5325 38.09 MISC. PARTS & SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 304.65 304.65CR 0200 304.65 0.00 99-0 00 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. INV 18305085 40X82 ROUGH OPENING DOOR GNB99 R 3/i9/2002 483.44 483.44CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 483.44 001 32m5343 483.44 40X82 ROUGH OPENING DOOR INV 1830578G BLK RUBBER BOOTS/RUBBER KNEE GNB99 R 3/19/2002 112.88 112.88CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 112.88 001 30-5250 10.94 BLK, RUBBER BOOTS/RUBBER KNEE P 001 30-5255 49.16 BLK RUBBER BOOTS/RUBBER KNEE P 00i 30-5255 15.82 BLIK RUBBER BOOTS/RUBBER KNEE P 001 3 5375 36.96 BLK RUBBER BOOTS/RUBBER KNEE P VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK, 596.32 596.32CR 0.00 596.32 0.00 99-09370 MARK T. OWENS P.E. INV SGR00105 ENG. FEES GNB99 R 3/19/2002 21585.00 21585.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 2?581 00 008 545450 I1292.50 ENG. FEES 001 15-5450 646.25 ENG. FEES 008 15-5450 64b.c5 ENG, FEES VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 2,585.00 21585.00CR 0.00 2,585.00 0.00 .-13-2002 040 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 99- BANK: VENDOR SEQUENCE IIENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-09780 MIDWEST TAPE INV 430545 VIDEO TAPES G11IB99 R 3/19/2002 23.97 23.97CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 23.97 001 424050 23.97 VIDEO TAPES INV 4333%j VIDEO TAPE GNB99 R 3/19/2002 8.39 8.39CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 8.39 001 42-6050 8.39 VIDEO TAPE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 32.36 32.36CR 0.00 32.36 0.00 99-03780 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION INV 31636 DUES GNB99 R 3/19/2002 1f5.00 115.00GR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 115.00 001 24�5235 115.00 DUES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 1115.00 115.00CR 0.00 tea`-01920 NICHOLSI 3ACFtSOP�I DILLARD INV 36009 LEGAL SERVICE GNB99 R 3/19/2002 591.32 591.32CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 591.32 008 15-5425 295.66 LEGAL SERVICE 001 13-5425 295.66 LEGAL SERVICE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 591.32 591.3cCR 0.00 591.32 0.00 99-d88c� NORTH TEAS NEB �ERViCE INV 31902 INIERNET SERVICE GNB99 ft 3/19/2002 21.20 c1.c0CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOL�h!T 2f.20 001 42-5420 21.20 INTERNET SERVICE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 21.20 21.20CR 0.00 21.20 0.00 0D�1;� 3-13�cd�a O4rc3 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGEI 11 VENDOR SET: 99- �Ad+iK a VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR IIEN Ndff DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT BALANCE 99-05170 NORTHERN SAFETY INV F'03642c4 SOFTPAGK/FIRST AID KI"I/BULK GN899 R 3119/cdde 345.96 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 345.9E 001 32-52GO 184.6O SOFTPACK/FIRST AID KIT/BULK FA ddi 34-5LiO i42.O0 SOFTPACK/FIRST AID KIT/BULK FA 001 3t:-5L6O 9.68 SOFTPACK/FIRST AID KIT/BULK FA kids 34-521O 9.68 SOFTPACK/FIRST AID KIT/BULK FA VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 345.96 345.9E 99-08690 O'REILLY AUTO FARTS INV 300870/8 KO8O435 BELT/1iid9 ADHESIVE GN899 R 3/19/Rddc i8.79 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 18.79 008 58 53E5 iS.Gi KO8O435 BELT 001 "00.5325 3.58 11109 ADHESIVE VENDOR TOTALS ��-Od49O OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE INV 36OOi DRUG SCREEPdiNG G/L ACCOUtJT ddi 24-5376 ddi 15 5440 003 15-5440 001 20-5430 VENDOR TOTALS 99-di99O O58dftNE'S IPdV 31833 i3F'C HEX N,EY SETS G/L AGCOUPdT 008 58-5250 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHICK GN89'9 R AMOUNT 65.00 DRUG SCREENING 111.50 DRUG SCREENING iii.5O DRUG SCREENING 99.50 DRUG SCREENING REG. CHECI', 3/i9l�dd'c GN899 R 3iI9lEddc Af�dUNT 35,96 13PC HEX KEY SETS REG. GHEC{', i8.79 i8.79 387.50 387.50 387.50 387.50 35.90 35.96 35.96 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 345.96GR 345.96CR d. dd i8.79CR 18.79CR d.dd 35.96CR 35.96CR d. dd OUTSTANDING d.dd d.dd 00010 3-i3-2002 04:23 PHAfF' PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET: 99- BANKa VENDOR SEQUENCE UNDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT BALANCE 99-02070 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INV 3GO10 BICYCLE SAFETY PROGRAM BOOKL GNB99 R 3/19(2002 216.25 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 2I6.25 001 20`5265 216.25 BICYCLE SAFETY PROGRAM BOOKLET VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 216.25 99-02i40 RADiO SHACI', INV 31810 POWER DISC BLOCK GNB99 R 3/19(2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 00i 20-5325 i6.00 POWER DISC BLOCK INV 31829 LEATHER CASE FOR CELL PHONE GNB99 R 3(19I2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 009 53-5520 29.99 LEATHER CASE FOR CELL PHONE INV 31924 PRINTER CABLE GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 15-5210 15.00 PRINTER CABLE 001 15 3210 14.99 PRINTER CABLE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-02170 REINERT F'APER � CHEMICAL INV i105i4 PUSH BROOM/WOOD HANDLE/BRACE GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOU`r1T AMOUNT 001 24`5325 36.46 36"PUSH BROOM 001 30-5375 41.20 24"PUSH BROOM 001 30-5375 7.94 WOOD HANDLE 001 30-5375 6.24 HANDLE BRACE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-02190 RITE -WELD INV 059616 OZ CYLINDER 670323 & 66282 GNB99 R 3(19I2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 24-5375 48.00 OZ CYLINDER 670323 & 66282 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK c i6.00 16.00 �9.99 29.99 75.98 75.98 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 216.25CR 216.c5CR 0.00 16.00CR 29.99CR 29.99CR 75.98CR 9i.84CR 91.84CR 48.00CR 48.00CR PAGE: 12 OUTSTANDING 0.0a n�0.t r 3-13-2002 04m23 PH A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET; 99- HANK: VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 99�02'60 S&tit'. IELEMEIRf INV 1742 ZOOM MODEM COMPUTER GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-6010 190.00 ZOOM MODEM COMPUTER INV 1744 REPAIRS ON TRANSMITTER WELL GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50®5360 678.40 REPAIRS ON TRANSMITTER WELL 5 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99�02280 SAFETY-KLEEN INV 20132244 SERVICE MACHINE G/L ACCOUNT 008 36-5245 VENDOR TOTALS GfdA99 R 3/19/2002 AMOUN T I66.47 SERVICE MACHINE REG. CHECK -09800 SALT LAKE DISTRIBUTION INV 31572 RECORD INDEX/US CENSUS/ GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 42-G050 79.00 RECORD INDEX/US CENSUS/ VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-Ocv�O BANGER CuUR1Ek INV 13223 LEGAL NOTICES GIL ACCOUNT 008 53-5450 VENDOR TOTALS GN899 R 3r19r2002 AMGLiNT 545.00 LEGAL NOTICES REG. CHECK GROSS BALANCE 190.00 678.40 678.40 868.40 868.40 166.47 166.47 166.47 166.47 79.00 79.0� 79.00 79.00 545.00 545.0�, 545.00 545.00 PAYMENT DISCOUNT i 90.00CR 678.40CR 868,40CR . 00 166.47CR 166.47CR 79.00CR 79.00CR 0.00 545.�OCR 545.00CR �. 00 F'AGE o 13 OUTSTANDING oao1� 0.00 3 13-c00c 04 a c3 PM VENDOR SET: 99- BA !K c KNDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION 99-03400 SANGER PRINTING COMPANY INV 17897 PO'S G/L ACCOUNT 001 15-5c10 008 15-5E10 001 20-5810 008 5B-5210 008 50�5210 001 30-52'10 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GidB99 AP�GUNT 17.58 POD S 17.58 PO' S 35.13 PO' S 35.15 Pol S 35.15 POI S 3J.15 PUT S REt�e �tlEl.Ci ft 3/19/�bOL 99-02350 SCHLUTER EhdG. � COMN. INV 16463 RADIOS GNB99 R 3119/3002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT OOB 50-5c50 450.00 RADIOS INV 16464 3 MAX 8053 ANT./3 BMPL CABLE GNB99 R 3/19/2000" G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20-5335 102.00 3 MAX 8053 ANT./3 BMPL CABLE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-03450 SOLOMOPd INU 114156 cc5 KUA 3 PHASEIPADMOUNT 480 GPdB99 R 3/i91800t G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 08 J8-5365 714*20.00 2L5 KVA 3 PHASE/PADMOUNT 480 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 9'9-08480 SPftiNT PACE: 14 GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE DISCOUNT 175.76 175.76CR f 75.76 175.76 175.76CR 0.00 175.76 0200 450.00 450.00CR 450.00 10c. 00 IOr. OOCR 00 55L.0� 55`.00CR 0.00 7'4c0.00 7,4e0.00CR ? 300.4i 300.41CR 300.41 6-132002 04:23 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 15 VENDOR SET: 99- BANK: UEidDOR SEQUENCE W:NDOR ITEM NW DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK, STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSiAND`!NG DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 008 3G`5510 1.79 LONG DISTANCE 008 58-5510 8.5G LONG DISTANCE 001 24-5510 1.20 LONG DISTANCE 001 42-55f0 0.45 LONG DISTANCE 001 40-5510 0.62 LONG DISTANCE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK, 300.41 300.41CR 0.00 300.41 0.00 99-025i0 STATE COMPTROLLER INV 36006 TIMEPAYMENT FEES GNB99 R 3/19/2002 59.17 59.17CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 59.17 001 00-4G32 59.17 TIMEPAYMENT FEES VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 59.17 59.17CR 0.00 59.17 0.00 99-Oc690 IECHLINE INV 14112580 100KVA SINGLE PHASE120/240 GNB99 R 3/19/2002 65192.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 61192.00 008 58 5365 69192.00 100KVA SINGLE PHASE120/240 INV 14123640 300KVA 3 PHASE/PADMOUNT 277/ GNB99 R 3/19/2002 31500.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 35 500K 00 008 58-5365 31500,00 300KVA 3 P'HASE/PADMOUN 277/48 INV 1412617- 5/8" MF LOCKNUT n2 STRAND GNB99 R 3/19/2002 101.75 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT i01.75 008 58-6020 101.75 5/8" MF LOCKNUT 42' STRAND INV 31640 14i2399-00/1412399-01/141240 GNB99 R 3/19/2002 975.00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 975.00 008 58-6020 975.00 1412399-00/1412399-01/1412400 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 101768.75 10,768.75 99-02600 TEEX INV C3708379 ESSENTIAL AP'PRENTICEfB.BOYER GN899 R 3/19f2002 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5235 450.00 ESSENTIAL APPRENTICEfB.BOYER VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 450.00 450.00 6,i92.00CR 3, 500.00CR 10i.75CR 975.00CR 10,768.75CR 0.00 450.0OCR 0.00 450.00 450.00CR 0.00 ��Qz 3-11-200' @4:c3 PM HIP PAYMENT REPORT PAGES 16 VENDOR GETS 99- BANKS VENDOR SEQUENCE DENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK GIAT DUE DI GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-08970 TEXAS METER 8 SEWER CO INV 02811 SANGER INDUSTRIAL PART; GNB99 R 3/19/200E 81900.BG 81900.86CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 81900.86 008 50-53GO 81900.86 GANGER INDUSTRIAL PARK VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 81900.86 8,900.86CR 0.00 85 900. 86 0. 00 99-03E70 THETA LABORATORIES INV 6074 REPLACEMENT CAMERA ANTENNA GNB99 R 3/19/L00c 37.50 37.50CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 37.50 001 CM611 37.50 REPLACEMENT CAMERA ANTENNA VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK, 37.50 37.50CR 0.00 37.5�7 0.0Lil 99-09530 TIPION READY MIX INV 1153 ENVIROMENTAL LOAD FEE/3000PG GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT GNB99 R 3/19/2002 185.00 185.00 185.00CR 001 30 5370 180.00 5SK 3000PSI 4%AEA 001 30-5370 5.00 ENVIROMENTAL LOAD FEE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 185.00 185.00CR 0.00 99-0L8E0 TRACTOR SUPPLY CO. iruV 31807 CASTERS/HAND TRUCK GNB99 R 3/19iE002 148.95 148.95CR Gf L ACCOUNT Af�OU'rdT 148.95 008 36-5360 148.93 CASTERS/HAND TRUCK INV 31841 GIEELIOE BLK RUBBER BOOTS GNB99 R 3/19/E002 E4.99 24.99CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT4.99 001 30-5255 24.99 STEELIOE BLK RUBBER BOOTS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 173.94 i`t3.94CR 0.00 173.94 0.00 00021 3-13-2002 04*23 PM VENDOR SET* 99- BANK* "ENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION 99-04090 U.S. FOAM, YNC. INV 1453 25 GAL FOAM G/L ACCOUNT 001 24-5260 VENDOR TOTALS 99-02890 UNDERGROUND, INC. INV 4695E 600' HOSE G/L ACCOUNT 008 50-53225 008 50-5325 VENDOR TOTALS 99-03280 US ��rEiRG INV 31949 METRO SERVICE G/L ACCOUNT 008 15-5510 001 15�5510 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GNB99 R 3fi9/2002 AMOUNT 284.54 25 GAL FOAM REGa CHECK GNB99 R 3/19/2002 AMOUNT 1,422.00 600' HOSE 49.25 SHIPPIN+3 & HANDLING REG, CHECK Gtd899 R 3/1'9/2002 AMOUNT 43.00 METRO SERVICE 43.00 METRO SERVICE REG. CHECK 99-02930 UTILYIY PLUS, INC. INV 31870 SANGER INDUSTRIAL PARK GNB'99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-5360 fi,845.99 SANGER INDUSTRIAL PARK VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-03440 VERMEER EiIUIF'. OF TEXAS INV D98018 SOLENIOD ASSY. G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-5-JV5 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 R 3r`19/2002 AfiOUNT 53.i5 SOLENIOD ASSY. REG, CHECK PAGE* 17 GRO55 PAYMENT IJUTSiANDLNU BALANCE DISCOUNT �84.54 �8�.54GR 284.54 c84.54 �84.54GR 0.��* 284.54 0.00 1, 471.25 1, 471.25CR 1, 471.25 1, 47i. �J 1, 4ti. cSCR �+.00 Is25 0.00 86.00 86.00GR 86. *?&V 86.00 86.00CR 0.00 86. k'0 0.00 i1,845.99 11,845.99GR 11,845.99 1i,845.99 1i,845.99CR 0.00 11, 845. °99 0.00 53.15 53,15GR 53.15 53.15 53.15CR 0.00 53.15 0.00 UQQz� 3-13-2002 04;23 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR GET: 99- BAME; VENDOR SEQUENCE jJENDOR ITEM NOD DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 99®03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS INV 2628 OIL FILTER/AIR FILTER/BELT GNB99 R 3/19/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 30-5325 8.75 51762 OIL FILTER 001 30-53,2 10.50 42296 AIR FILTER 001 20-5325 2.95 V4651 OIL FILTER 008 50-5325 10.G5 7445 BELT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-03080 WESTCO INV 31888 REP�OTE METER PANEL G/L ACCOUNT 008 54-5329 008 54-5329 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 R 3119/2002 AMOUNT 430.00 REMOTE METER PANEL 420.00 2 TRIPS 6 HRS REG, CHECK GROSS BALANCE JCe BS 32.85 32.85 vALv u} 850.00 850.00 850. k�0 850.00 J�-03G80 WHiTMiRE INV S"-100'0TREE TRIMMING WEEK END 2/9/0 GNB99 R 3/19/2002 21424.1G G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 21424.1G 003 58-3420 El424.16 TREE TRIMMING WEEK END 2/9/02 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 21424.iG 2,424.iG 99-03060 WILLIAMS WASTEWATER LAB PflYMENT DISCOUNT 32. sSCR 32.85CR 850.00CR 850.00CR 0.00 2,424.i6CR 2,424.iGCR GAGE: 18 OUTSTANDirib 0.00 INV 685855 MONTHLY LAB TEST BODlTSS GNB99 R 3/i9/2002 400.00 400.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUtdT 400.00 008 54-5270 400.00 MONTHLY LAB TEST BOD/TSS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 400.00 400.00CR 0.00 VENDOR GET: 98— AfI' PAYMENT REPORT 19 WACdD CNECi�,S DRAFTS REG-CHECI;S �dor�-CwEc�� ALL CHECKS TOTAL CHECi{S TO PRINT: R E P O R T T O T A L S =— FUND DI3TRIBUTI0N CdOM FUCdD CdACfiE FUid"Ls AC90UfdT 001 GENERAL FUND 917c:8. IcCR 008 ENTERPRISE FUND 5G,527.9GCR TGTALS GG,25G.08CR -� TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS - - ERRORS: 0 GR055 tIUCdC3ER BALANCE 0. o0 0. o0 0100 0. 00 r GGI 66,�Cl5G.08 &W 0.00 GG, E:SG. 08 GG, LSG. 08 CdARiVICdG5: 0 PAYCiECd I OUTS T ARDIidG DISCOUr1T 0.00 0.00 . 00 0. 00 0. OCA GG,L�Go08CR 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 GG, ESG, 08CR 0.00 0.00 oaoz� March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #4 I have already spoken to Nel and advised her that this item cannot come from the current budget; however, if Council would consider using funds from the Hotel/Motel tax, we will have the funds as soon as we get it back form the Tourism Board. SANGER AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY P. 0. BOX 245 SANGER, TX 76266 gel Arestrong, President Fran Abelson, Recording Secretary Mike Japes, First Vice President Elizabeth Higgs, Corresp, Secretary Rheba Marshall, Second Vice President Helen Hounds, Treasurer Jaees Charles, Third Vice President PLEASE REPLY ZiOa March 14, 2002 216 Diane Drive Sanger, TX 76266 Mayor Tommy Kincaid and City Council Members City of Sanger Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor and Council Members: I would like to make you aware of a new project that the Sanger Area Historical Society is in the process of starting. We are going to put black granite 18 X18 plaques on several of the historical buildings in town. Our plan is to start with three buildings to begin with and we will branch out to others as time goes on. The first three that we have chosen are: the Sullivan Senior Center, the Landmark Baptist Church and the Masonic Lodge Building. The Landmark Church and the Masonic Lodge are sharing the cost of their plagues, which is $500.00, with the Sanger Area Historical Society since we do not have a lot of funds. We are asking you to help us pay for the one for the Sullivan Senior Center. Mr. Smith has granted us permission to place the plague on the building but we would like to know that the Council supports us in doing this. Our committee has selected the west side of the Bolivar Street main entry door as the location for the plague so as to balance the sign that is on the east side of the door if that is satisfactory with you. The company where we are purchasing the plagues will come and install them as part of the cost. I have attached a copy of the statement that will be on the plaque for your information. With your approval and encouragement, we will proceed and once the plague is in place we plan to have a brief dedication ceremony and we will inform you of the time and date as soon as it is decided upon. The Sanger Area Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the history of our town because we feel it is very important as Sanger grows for citizens of the future to recognize and remember those who came before us and their efforts to make Sanger what it is today. We will appreciate any help on the part of the Council in our endeavor. Sincerely, � President Sanger Area Historical Society 000zs �OQ2'� March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this plat. Staff recommends approval as well. The City Engineer has indicated it complies with all City Ordinances. �002� MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER March 6, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Sims Addition —Replat Sanger, Texas 3`d Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have completed the 3`� review of the Replat as prepared and submitted by Alliance Area Surveying, Inc. for the project referenced above. My comments are as follows: l . The Replat as submitted is in compliance with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and I recommend approval. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-4845. Sincerely; ark T. Owe General Civil ns, P.E. Consulting Engineer P.O. BoX 596 PHONE: 94Q-391-4845 FAX: 940-479-0593 mdintv'iulide.iwi i' MARK T. OWENS, P.E. �. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER March 4, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Sims Addition — Replat Sanger, Texas 2nd Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have completed a 1�` review of the �teplat as prepared and submitted by Alliance Area Surveying, Inc. for the project referenced above. My comments are as follows: l . Need to indicate what the R-O-W width of 5'� Street on the drawing. A corrected final plat will need to be resubmitted. Please have the developer return the marked - up final plat along with the corrected final plat. Once I have received and reviewed all re - submittals and find that they are in compliance I will issue final letter of acceptance. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-4845. S��rely; Mark T. Ow s, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer S6�v Jvdlme��1 �o r 3/y . 3/l� r�C corY'ccted PIS OY� 1%OtGti f'Y1Gt(�� VY1GtG-� Cairec�'on� ��s� �iy�i�J P.O. Box 596 PONDER, TX 78259 PHONE: 94a-391-4845 F.4X: 94�479-0 nxl6ilva'in�ide.nel January 28, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Sims Addition —Replat Sanger, Texas 1st Review Dear Mr. Smith: Y Per your request I have completed a 1 S` review of the Cop at as prepared and submitted by Alliance Area Surveying, Inc. for the project referenced above. My comments are as follows: According to the City's subdivision ordinance, a Replat does not have to have a preliminary plat submitted and approved prior to submittal of the plat but is required to meet all the requirements of a final plat as identified in the subdivision ordinance. I have include a copy of the City's final plat checklist indicating which final plat requirements have been meet (OK) and which are not in compliance (NOT COMP.) with the subdivision ordinance. The construction plans need to show the following at a minimurri: 1. Existing water, sewer, drainage and other utilities. 2. How the proposed property will drain. 3. How the proposed property will be serviced by existing water, sewer and other utilities. I have also included a copy of the final plat with my comments. As shown there are few corrections that need to be made including the following: 1. The bearing call -out in the description for west boundary line of the property does not match the drawing. 2. Need to indicate what the R-O-W width of 5�' Street on the drawing. 3. There are two City Engineering approval blocks — the one without the proper statement needs to be removed. 4. The vicinity map needs to be at the proper scale. A corrected final plat and construction plans will need to be resubmitted with a letter of compliance stating how each item on the final plat checklist that is currently not in compliance and how each item identified on the final plat was addressed. Please have the developer return the marked -up final plat and final plat checklist along with the corrected final plat and letter of P.O. Box 596 PONDER, TX 76259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940-479.0593 nidintxfdiglide.net MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER compliance. Once I have received and reviewed all re -submittals and find that they are in compliance I will issue final letter of acceptance. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-4845. Sincerely; ark T. Ow ns, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 596 PONDER, TX 76259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940-479-0593 mdintva iglide.net City of March I, 2002 To: Property C3wners Fr: Rosalie Chavez lie: Replat -Sims Addition, Lot IR and 2R, F3lock I The City of�anger's Planning andZoning Commission wilt conduct a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers at 201 Bolivar on Thursday, March 14, 2002 at'7:O0 F.1VI. to Consider a Replat of the Sites Addition, Lot IR and 2R, Block 1, Being 1,00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Fifth Street. The City of Banger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers at 20I Bolivar on Nionclayg IvIarPlt t , 2OO2 at 7s00 IF to Consider a eplat ofthe Sims Addition, Lot 1R and 2R, Block 1, Being 1.00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract I241, Property is located can Fifth Street. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request, please plan to attend the public hearings on the above scheduled dates. Thank you for your immediate attention to this request. RC:sr Enclosures �01 BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS �6�66 940-458.7930 P.O. BOX i��q 940-458-4s8o FAR I F✓:. .. .. .... �Ax`��twiai%S" PZ 03/14/02 CC 03/18/02 To Consider a Replat of the Sims Addition, Lot 1R and ZR, Block 1, Being 1,00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, AbOLL U4A t Q-fiw AA vNct ety Ao •v..uecu Uu A.I Lit" Oifcet. If you disapprove of this Replat Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Replat Request I disapprove of the Replat Request Comments: STGN THE Please rint Your Name DATE -its let se ,os t i ) •4,.. 4 .. .. .. .. PZ 03/14/02 CC 03/18/02 REPEAT REQUEST To Consider a Replat of the Sims Addition, Lot 1 R and 2R, Block 11 Being 1.00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Fifth Street. Tf you disapprove of this Replat ell please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: .00teeles' �r Coiiunents: I approve of the Replat Request I disapprove of the Replat Request STGNATTJRE 7--e� �u, �- Please Print Your Name DATE l List of Property Owners - Sims Replat Mary Bell Sims P.O. Box 548 Sanger, TX 76266 Kenneth &Nelda Colston 204 Colonial Heights Sanger, TX 76266 Lloyd Gwin 202 Colonial Heights Sanger, TX 76266 Ronnita Jensen 114 Colonial heights Sanger, TX 76266 Steve Hollingsworth 108 Colonial Heights Sanger, TX 76266 First Baptist Church P.O. Box 1700 Sanger, TX 76266 Bradley Jackson 707 S. Stn Sanger, TX 76266 Dexter Johnson P.O. Box 832 Sanger, TX 76266 Wade Parsons P.O. Box 554 Sanger, TX 76266 G LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Replat of the Sims Addition, Lot 1R and 2R, Block 1, Being 1.00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Fifth Street. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, March 18, 2002 at 79.00 P.M. to Consider a Replat of the Sims Addition, Lot 1R and 2R, Block 1, Being 1.00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Fifth Street. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary �un 1 time March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #7 The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this plat, contingent upon the placement of a 60' R.O.W. being placed along F.M. 455, the entire length of the subdivision, and that the drainage be re-evaluated by the City Engineer and the subdivider's engineer. Attached is the information regarding this request. MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER March 12, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Sanger Industrial Park Phase II —Preliminary Plat Sanger, Texas 4"' Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have completed a 4�' review of the f�reliminary Plat as prepared and submitted by Surveyors and Engineers of North Texas, Inc. and interior 8" sewer line as prepared and submitted by Isbell Engineering Group for the project referenced above. My comments are as follows: Preliminary Plat, and Drainage and Utility Plans l . The preliminary plat, drainage and utility plans are in general conformance with City ordinances and is recommended for approval. Interior 8" Sewer Line 1. The plans are recommended for approval. Prior to allowing the developer to start construction the City the documentation providing the City with an easement for the sewerline needs to be executed by all parties and recorded with the County. It is my recommendation that before any final plats are accepted and reviewed by the City for all interior lots to the subdivision that a CLOMR drainage study be completed by the developer and approved by FEMA re -delineating the floodplain boundary to reflect the proposed channel improvements. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 3914845. S' cerely; Mark T. Uns, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 596 PONGER,TX 76259 PHONE: 9d0-39 i -4B4� FAX: 9z+0 47�J0593 mdin[x a,iglide.nd UQ�3� "Feb 20 02 06:28p SENT CORP (940)-482-0009 p.l Surveyors & Engineers of North Texas GREG EDWARD3„ P.E. WILLIAM GOLEMAN. R.P.L.S. 1621 Amanda Court Ponder, Texas 76259 Ph: (940) 482-2908 FAX: (940) 482.2911 Toit-free: (877) 481-SENT www.sentcorp.c0M FMZ .. IM :� .. City of Sanger Atha.: Mark Owens Re.: Sanger lndustrial Park — SuperWash building site Dear Mark, The proposed Super Wash auto laundry site is not shown within a FEMA identified flood hazard area. In accordance with FEMA Technical Bulletin 10 the building should be classified as reasonable safe from flooding. Based on your concerns we, have looked at alternate ways to evaluate the flood potential at the property. The finished floor elevation of the building is proposed at 663.0. From the survey information we received from Alliance Area Surveying the low point in F. M. 455 is below 660. The preliminary study we have done indicates an existing condition 100-year flow of approximately 4200 cubic feet per second (cfs). The flood plain shows to be approximately 500' wide as it crosses F. M 455. The topographic information for F. M. 455 indicates that this weir would have an average depth of 1.3' and convey approximately 2200 cfs over the roadway. The existing bridge under F.M. 455 would have to convey 2000 cfs to pass the 100-year storm, and there is nothing in our information which would indicate that this is unrealistic. At the proposed building finished floor elevation I have estimated the roadway weir capacity at approximately 5200cfs, Based on the topographic information 1 broke the roadway into two weir section. First a 400' weir with an average depth of 2.5', then a 150 weir with an average depth of 1'. Even if the existuig bridge were completely blocked, it appears that the 100-year flood would pass by the property without inundating the building. Each of these methods indicate that the proposed SuperWash building is reasonable safe from flooding and should not be damaged by a 100-year (1%)frequency storm. Please call if you have any questions. Yours truly, Gre wards, P. E. L tOFF v..... Iq IF IF Surveyors & Engineers of North Texas GREG EDWAROS1 P.E. WILLIAM COLEMAN1 R.P.L.S. 1621 Amanda Court Ponder, Texas 76269 Ph: (940) 482-2906 FAX: (940) 4824911 Toll -free: (877) 481-SENT www.sentcorp.com Tuesday, January 08, 2002 City of Sanger AtI Mark Lewis Dear Mark, Thanks for meeting with me last week to discuss the Sanger Industrial Park Preliminary Plat. Attached is a revised copy of the Plat which should address most of your comments. Also attached is a copy of the previous preliminary plat and off -site drainage report which were approved and the preliminary culvert computation you requested. The report explains several of the flow numbers you questioned. As we discussed, a letter of map revision as well as Corps of Engineers pernlits will have to be obtained and a CLMAR will have to be approved by FEMA before construction of the road and drainage improvements can begin. The drainage calculations shown are preliminary and for the purpose of estimating the approximate size of the necessary improvements. Size of proposed improvements may increase or decrease as needed to meet the City of Sanger development standards and locations may be adjusted to account for final design conditions not anticipated in this preliminary design. I hope the attached information addresses all of your concerns. Please call if you have any questions. Yours truly, Greg U�Q�� MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER March 6, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Sanger Industrial Park Phase II —Preliminary Plat Sanger, Texas 3rd Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have completed a 3`d review of the Preliminary at as prepared and submitted by Surveyors and Engineers of North Texas, Inc. for the project referenced above. My comments are as follows. Sheet 02 of 06 -Preliminary Plat l . The larger sheets do not show sufficient detail as indicated on Sheet 2 2. For Lots 1 and 19 Block B the detail showing the R O-W is sufficient, however, there should be a 15' utility easement and 5" electrical easement provided adjacent to the dedicated R O-W. 3. No copy of easement documents were provided as indicated in Item 6 of Greg Edwards letter. Sheet 03 of 06 -Utility Sheet A 1. The plan also shows a proposed 12" waterline along the I-35 Service Road within the utility easement for Lot 2 and Lot lA of Block A. The line is actually an existing 8" line within Lot lA and proposed 8" within Lot 2. 2. This sheet does not show the detail as indicated on Sheet 2. Lines are not labeled and some are not shown. Sheet 04 of 06 -Utility Sheet B l . The same note should be used for sewerline abandonment as on Sheet 3. 2. This sheet does not show the detail as indicated on Sheet 2. Lines aze not labeled and some are not shown. There is dashed line shown on Lot 9 Block `B" which is not clear as to what it is. 3. A 30' D.E. and 20' U.E. are shown on Lot 14, Block "A". Which one is correct? According to the drawings scale the width is 30 feet 4. The note "Connect to Existing 15" Sewerline" points to the wrong place on the drawing. 5. There is "Proposed 12" Waterline" note shown pointing to nothing in Lot 2 Block "A". P.O. Box 596 PONDER, TX 76259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940-479-0593 mdints a i2 ide.net MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER li ,i 6. The proposed 8" sewerlme is incorrectly shown entering into the existing manhole between Lots 11 & 12 Block "B". The line should not be curved as shown. Sheet 06 of 06 - Drainage Sheet B 1. No culvert capacity calculations were added to the drawing as indicated in Item 1 of Greg Edwards letter. Sewer Plan &Profile Sheet Provided by Isbell Engineering Group, inc. l . Drawing should show coordinates on all manholes and bearings &distances for all lines. 2. Need to provide a typical trench section on the drawing. 3. An instrument conveying the utility easement to City should be provided in conjunction with the construction drawing(s). It is my recommendation chat before any final plats are accepted and reviewed by the City for all interior lots to the subdivision that a CLOMR drainage study be completed by the developer and approved by FEMA re -delineating the floodplain boundary to reflect the proposed channel improvements. In response to Item 1 of Sheet OS of 06 from my letter dated February 6, 2002, I received a letter from Greg Edwards, P.E. dated January 8, 2002 stating that that the Superwash Building to be located on Lot 19 Block "A" is reasonable safe from flooding and should not be damaged by a I Wyear (1 %) frequency storm. The letter as provided by Mr. Edwards is acceptable to allow development of Lot 19 Block "A" with a finish floor elevation as indicated. I would recommend that when the Final Plat is approved for Lot 19 Block "A" the City Council approve it based on the letter provided by Greg Edwards and state that in motion to approve the plat. If you have any questions or need any fizrther information, please call me at (940) 391-4845. Sincerely; Mark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 596 PONDER. TX 76259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940.479-0593 mdinte'Wislide.net MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL,CONSULTING ENGINEER February 6, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Sanger Industrial Park Phase II —Preliminary Plat Sanger, Texas 2nd Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have completed a 2"d review of the �'reliminary Plat as prepared and submitted by Surveyors and Engineers of North Texas, Inc. for the project referenced above. My comments are as follows. Sheet O1 of 06 All comments from previous review have been satisfactorily addressed. Sheet 02 of 06 -Preliminary Plat 1. 5' Electrical easements were shown on the typical lot details in addition to 15' utility easements but are only shown on some lots in the preliminary plat. I will defer to the electrical department for their comments and final approval on this matter. 2. The chord length needs to be shown in the centerline curve data table. 3. For Lots I and 19 Block B it appears there is R-O-W or easements to be dedicated and there is an existing easement. It is unclear due to the small scale of the drawing as to what is being dedicated and how wide the dedication is. The width of the existing easement is not called out. I would suggest a larger scale drawing for clarity. 4. The utility easement line for Lot 8 Block 8 breaks and needs to be continuous through the lot. 5. At the west end of Industrial Avenue at the intersection with I-35 Service Road it appears the electrical easement line crosses the road. This line needs to be removed within the Road R-O-W. 6. Due to the small scale of the drawing I cannot see the distinguishing line between the 15' utility easement and the variable width electrical easement along the back side of Lots 3- 6 Block A, Lot I Block 1, and Lot IA Block A. It appears the width increases as easement moves south. The drawing should be presented at scale where the widths of the easements can be distinguished. 7. Immediately northeast of Lot IA Block A the easement line shown ends and should connect to a lot line or to another easement line. - P.G. Box 596 PONDER,TX 76259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940-479 0593 mdinte'ii ig(ide.nat MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER 8. There is an existing 8" sewerime that crosses Lot 2 Block A from north to south and connects to an existing line at FM 455. The plat shows a 20' utility easement for the sewerline but the easement ends at the south lot line of Lot 13 Block A. The 20' utility easement should be extended from Lot 13 to the existing easement along FM 455. 9. On Lot 11 Block B there is a dashed line on the west side of the lot which indicates there is some type of easement but there is no call -out as to what type of easement it is. The type and width of the easement should be shown on the drawing. 10. No curve information is shown on the plat and should be shown for the property line curves for Lots 13 and 14 Block A and Lots 4 and 5 Block Be Sheet 03 of 06 -Utility Sheet A l . Manholes should be shown at all sewerline connections, bends and at the end of lines. 2. The proposed 8" sewerline is shown to connect to an existing 8" sewerline that has been identified in drawing to be abandoned. This needs to be clarified as to whether the connection will be a temporary connection until the remainder of the proposed 8" sewerline is constructed. 3. The limits of the sewerline to be abandoned needs to be shown. The line type used to show the proposed 12" waterline makes it difficult to see and would request that the type of line used be changed for drawing clarity. 5. Along I-35 Service Road the plan shows an existing 6" waterline that transitions into an 8" waterline. I'm not sure if this correct and if it is correct should be verified with the water department. The plan also shows an existing 8" waterline along the I-35 Service Road within the utility easement for Lot 2 Block A. This also needs to be verified with the water department. If it is not an existing line, it should be shown as a proposed line. 6. It is my understanding that Isbell Engineering is working on the actual sewer line design for the sewer located along the back side of Lots 3-6 Block A, Lot 1 Block 1, and Lot lA Block A. The construction drawing should have been submitted with this preliminary plat to verify that all easement acquisitions are consistent between the two (2) engineering firms representing this project. Sheet 04 of 06 -Utility Sheet B 1. The proposed 8" sewerline is shown to connect to an existing 6" sewerline where the previous sheet called it an existing 8' sewerline. 2. The line type used to show the proposed 12" waterline makes it difficult to see and would request that the type of line used be changed for drawing clarity. 3. A note should be placed on the drawing indicating the size of sewer line that the proposed 15" sanitary sewer will be tying into. Sheet OS of 06 -Drainage Sheet A 1. Per my last review I requested a number of drainage issues be addressed or clarified. In response, I was told that in addition to the drawings submitted with the preliminary plat, a P.O. Box 596 PONDER. TX 76259 PHONE: 940-391 -4845 FA.�C: 94Gt479-0593 ntdintxdiglide.net MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER drainage report would be submitted as well. An Apri129, 1998 drainage report was submitted however the report is almost 4 years old and I feel needs to be updated. Specifically the report does not identify all the criteria that was used to establish the 4,200 cfs offsite flows that will be carried in the proposed onsite 130 foot wide drainage channels. The report does not show an evaluation of what happens to the 4,200 cfs of flow when it hits the existing culverts at FM 455. It is my opinion that when this amount of flow hits and crosses FM 445 that backwater could significantly encroach upon Lot 19 Block B even beyond the FEMA Floodplain as shown on the plat. The City currently has a Final Plat application for a car wash to be located on Lot 19 Block B and I would strongly recommend the Final Plat not be considered until a detailed drainage study evaluating what happens at FM 455 has been completed. 2. From the information given it is difficult to evaluate how drainage is dealt with on the site. It would be my suggestion that the drawing show points of concentration for each drainage area and specifically how drainage flows are to be addressed by future facilities. 3. A 10' x 8' box culvert note is shown but the actual location is not shown. Where the box begins and ends is not shown. Capacity calculations should be shown on the drawings or in an attached report. The 1998 report shows calculation for a 10' x 6' box culvert identified as Culvert "A". Is this culvert supposed to be Culvert "A"? If so, it is not identified as such on the drawings. Sheet 06 of 06 -Drainage Sheet B 1. A twin 8' x 5' box culvert is shown. Capacity calculations should be shown on the drawings or in an attached report. The 1998 report shows calculation for an 8' x 4' box culvert identified as Culvert `B". Is this culvert supposed to be Culvert `B"? If so, it is not identified as such on the drawings. 2. Storm drain inlets are shown at the 90-degree turn in Industrial Avenue with additional inlet to the west along Industrial Avenue. The drawing does not show where the discharge is for the stormdrain connecting all the inlets. A note is shown on the drawing indicating that there is a 48" stormdrain but it is not shown on the drawing. 3. The flow entering the twin 8' x 5' box culvert is shown to be 650 cfs on Sheet 5 and 567 cfs on Sheet 6. 4. All channel easements should include 15' of additional easement on one side of the proposed channel for maintenance access and 5' on the other. A minimum of 1' of freeboard for the 100-yr storm event will be required. Consequently, the drainage easements shown for the channels are insufficient. 5. The channel computation table should include a column identifying the required channel capacity as well as the calculated capacity. In general a more .detailed drainage study and utility plans are necessary to complete my review of this preliminary plat. It is my recommendation that before any final plats are accepted and reviewed by the City for all interior lots to the subdivision that a CLOMR drainage study be P.O. Box 596 FONDER. TX 7e>259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940-479-0593 nidintwl iglide.net °U�4s MARK T. OwENs, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER completed by the developer and approved by FEMA re -delineating the floodplam boundary to reflect the proposed channel improvements. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (0 g' erely; Mark T. T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 596 PONDER, TX 76259 PHONE: 940-39 i -4845 FAX: 94&479-0593 nidintxfaliglide.net March 14, 20Q2 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #8 This is the second Public Hearing, and is required prior to annexation, this will be on the agenda for annexation on May 6, 20020 U�Q4� March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #9 This came before Council at the last meeting, Council gave consensus of approval on this expense of $2,000.00 to go towards the basketball court at Kammie Patten Park. U�a49 March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Resolution #03-06-02 Attached is the Proposed Resolution. This is for all City Properties that are currently outside the City Limits. o�oJt� RESOLUTION 03-06-02 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANGER, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: That such Public Hearings will be held by the Governing Body of the City of Sanger, in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on April 1, 2002 and April 15, 2002 considering annexation into the City limits of the following described property: ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 61A, BEING 0.918 ACRES ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 329, BEING 3.00 ACRES ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 305, BEING 0.159 ACRES ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 328, BEING 16.12 ACRES PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of March, 2002. Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary PART q�" oCV /Vwy. 77 h' ,S9 £ N J <fs 3 O . S f w O U Ile y 9� p c� O \� 1 !v3' ro p cA A A .O N _ �7 9 ro ° .r y sicoNv AV, .e( w 9d04 n J N .�i S � LU �S w Sea' << N AV/< 9 q 9 j 9's a<ANi ADDkJ �v5y .. 4a �o LOE ca o f ,o6' — oa o v v o S 2 to ...� w ,os/ 601 v ft , LB I L �1 �(J 2 r! [ale �It802 i�E N V S vo£1 0 o�z 0 � 1. �7km�i7. 66Z 086Z 1 602 osI Ir •air SO�QNI,��1�W 2v II .8'LIZ =HC C �S. w Z��3. Z.• Zcf� 9.a 3 t l �'!/cI ��_/ N e2 S �. �5 � i� N o n �509.3 � ' N :� v �\ o ', �' � .c' �`�J U� zu S Zr -z-3 � 4,: �� 9.� \� W ` �j/ C; au-98. a �t�05� March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Election Judge Alternate Staff is recommending Teresa Gannon as Election Judge and Wendy Bell as Alternate. b� � March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 12 Councilman Ervin requested that this item be placed on the agenda. Staff recommends that any Council member wishing to discuss an issue contact City Hall no later than the Tuesday before the meeting and request that item be placed on the agenda. Council can also contact Jack or myself with any questions or concerns they have at any time. The City Manager can prepare a report to be placed in the packet under non -agenda items with information on any issue the Council requests; however, this can not be discussed at the meeting without the details being placed on the agenda. March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr; Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 13 Currently, the City Ordinance only requires paved parking in Residential Districts, this will require that parking areas be paved in all districts. The proposed Ordinance is attached. Ut�057 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE No. #03-04-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 32.1 OF THE CITY OF SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIC CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT CHAPTERI4, ARTICLE 32.1 OF THE CITY OF BANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: § 32.t Off -Street Parking Provisions -All Districts 1. All requires parking spaces shall be located behind the required front setback line in the "MF" districts. 2. Required off-street parking shall be provided on the same site as the use it is to serve. 3. No parking shall be allowed except on a paved concrete or asphalt parking space. SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect immediately after it's passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of March, 2002, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary G�' ' • Ali/ mmy Kincaid, ToMayor March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Parks Board Member Carlos Garza, who was appointed at the last meeting, decided not to serve in this position. John Jacobs has recommended Ron Watson and he is willing to serve. C1G05� 02/15/02 City of Sanger .01 Bolivar Sanger, Tx 76266 To Whom it may Concern, This is written confirmation of the conversation I had with Samantha regarding my resignation from the Parks Board. I was appointed to the board in February of 1999 and have served my 2 years as a representative of the citizens of Sanger. I feel it is important to refresh our boards with new members so that all interest of the community may be addressed. Thank you for the opportunity to assist our city. My pleasure, Patti Sliger 3929 FM %X) W. Sanger, TX 76266 Ut�C�6p March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 15 Rick Clements, with Sanger ISD, indicated that all of the school children are gone from the Tenderfoot Learning Center by 3:30 P.M., he requested that the signs be changed so that the times for one way traffic will be from 7:45 A.M. to 8:30 A.M., and 3:15 P.M. to 3:45 P.M. Mr. Clements indicated the school would be happy to pay for the signs if necessary. a�os1 March 14, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 16 The Police Department is requesting to put "No Parking" signs on Keaton Road from Duck Creek Road to Holt Road. UaQ62 Uvf�63 MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY FEBRUARY 2002 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The books that the Library will be leasing from the McNaughton Company arrived on February 21 and 22. In the last week of February, people checked out 41 of them! It is hoped that their popularity will continue. Each month the Library will receive about 10 books; then each quarter 30 books will be returned to the leasing agency ADMINISTRATION: The CPU or hard drive on the server failed. Gateway Tech Support got both parts to the library overnight. Samantha Renz from the City of Sanger office installed them and got them going. Total downtime was only one and one-half days. One strange side effect is that the drives now have different designations. Meetings attended: Library Board, 2/12 Denton County Library Advisory Board, 2/21, Flower Mound CIRCULATION: Sent a final notice to patrons who had overdues due in 2001. COLLECTION: Created "buttons" in the library software so that people who were looking for Caldecou, Newbery or Bluebonnet award winners could find them quickly. SPECIAL PROJECTS: Applied for a grant from Wal-Mart to complete the microfilming project and buy a cabinet to keep the microfilm in. PROGRAMS "Things That Grow" was the monthly Storytime theme. Each week different types of crafts are planned to give children a variety of experiences. For "Kids Grow" the children made handprints in plaster. For "Love Grows", valentines were constructed. For "Plants Grow" children made a tissue paper flower and they also planted a bean in a pot. Beans and pots were donated by Lovelace Nursery. For "Animals Grow" children pasted a wildlife photograph on a page and then drew an animal baby to go with it. ��C69 BORROWER CARDS Last month New cards Cards reactivated TOTAL CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction Nonfiction Videos Adult Fiction Interlibrary Loan Misc. Uncataloged Junior Biography Junior Fiction Children's Nonfiction Children's Fiction Paperback Fiction Crystal Videos Video Players Audio Tapes Leased Books TOTAL INTERNET USERS PROGRAMS Children's Programs Children Attending Adults Attending VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults Number of Juniors Number of Hours COLLECTION Books Paperback Fiction Video Materials Audio Materials Leased Books TOTAL COLLECTION REVENUE Fines Copies ILL Postage Lost Materials New Cards TOTAL FEBRUARY 2002 STATISTICS 2567 28 13 2608 331 23 163 20 270 4 73 101 371 98 1 266 2 58 1781 r�. 15650 2571 623 285 19129 $129.95 $28.30 $15.15 $18.00 $1.50 $192.90 2552 24 13 2589 236 30 168 26 204 3 84 134 270 176 0 223 0 48 41 1643 Ec��f:3 15664 2520 644 341 196 19365 $116.25 $55.10 $23.11 $0.00 $1.00 $195.46