02/25/2002-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2002 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: February 4, 2002 February 4, 2002 - Workshop b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Issue Election Order for General Election to be held May 5, 2001. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Budget Amendments to the FY 2000/2001 Budget as Presented by Bill Spore. 6. Consider and Possible Auction Regarding Approval of the Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Audit as Presented by Bill Spore. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Auditor for Fiscal Year 2001/2002. S. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-2 (Industrial - 2) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 120, Being 2.00 Acres. The Property is located on Utility Road. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-2 (Industrial - 2lung Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 120, Being 2.00 Acres. The Property is located on Utility Road. 10. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1(Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 297 Part of Tract 1137 Being 4.00 Acres in the West Part of the Tract along Stemmons. The Property is located on Stemmons and Utility Road. 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1(Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Part of Tract 113, Being 4.00 Acres in the West Part of the Tract along Stemmons. The Property is located on Stemmons and Utility Road. 12. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Eagle Park, Phase II, Lots 14, Block A, Being 7.205 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property 0s Located on F.M. 455 and Acker Street. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #02-02-02 - Approving the Lease/Purchase for Computer Software for Municipal Court. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of New Members to Parks Board 15. Consider and Possible Action on Proclamation 024t-02 - proclaiming March 2002 to be "Red Cross Month". lfi. Consider and Possible Action on y/C"ounty Plat Approval Agreement. 1'7. Consider and Possible Action on ierniinating the Contract with the Chamber of Commerce Regarding their Appointment as the 'Tourist Information Center, 20. Consider and Possible Action on CDrdinance #02-02-02 - Amending Water Bate +t)rdinance. Consider and Possible Action on See�er Line Bore of l.1bl, 455, Adjourn, �fF.. Rosalie ChaveL, City Secrc�airy aka 11� i 'oo P �. IDate & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (9d0) 458=7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL February 4, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Code Enforcement Officer Ken Wilson, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Vehicle Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Woodrow Barton, Art Kramer, Richard Higgins, Zane Latham, Stephen Koch, Trisa Koch, Shelley Ruland 1. Mayor called the meeting to order, Councilman Garza led the Invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: January 22, 2002 b) Disbursements Councilman Waggoner moved to accept the Consent Agenda, Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Presentation by Sanger I.S.D. in Regards to Painting the Towers on McReynolds Road and Acker Street. City Manager indicated Mike Lawler was going to make a presentation as an active citizen who had been seeking donations to put the Indian logo on the tower. He was not expecting money from the City or the School he just wanted permission to paint the school logo on the towers. Councilman Higgs moved to allow them to do it, Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from AG (Agriculture) to MF2 (Multi Family -2) on property legally described as 8.00 acres in Abstract 29, Reuben Bebee Survey, being part of tract 64. Property is located off of F.M. 455, West of the New High School Site. Public Hearing Opened. Art Kramer, representing Sable development Corporation and Mr. Rick Higgins, President of Norstar. He indicated on January 31, 2002, he appeared before Planning and Zoning and presented this proposition, they were very thorough and they unanimously approved the zoning change. This is a project they are excited about. Time is of the essence, and the state will make only one award for the tax certificates. They are asking approval of the 15 units to the acre and a change from Ag to MF2. Robert Toller,102 Wayne, interested in building and living in Sanger permanently. He asked if there are any requirements from the government loan regarding the subsidy. Mayor indicated the subsidizing will be in the building of the units, not in the monthly rent of the units. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Change from AG (Agriculture) to MF2 (Multi Family -2) on property legally described as 8.00 acres in Abstract 29, Reuben Bebee Survey, being part of tract 64. Property is located off of F.M. 455, West of the New High School Site. Councilman Evans moved to approve the request. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Bryan & Jacob's Addition, being 3.35 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is Located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. Councilman Higgs asked about the sewer. Mayor indicated there is a possibility that the sewer will go across Keaton Road, but it has not been worked out completely. Councilman Ervin asked how many feet would they have to go to get to the sewer line they are discussing. Ken Wilson indicated 1200 feet. Councilman Higgs moved to accept the plat. Councilman Ervin asked how long before they would know on the sewer. Steve Koch indicated about 90 to 120 days. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance NP01-02 - Adoption of the -International Building Code. Ken Wilson indicated this is basically a formality, this will adopt the Code that the state recommends. The City Ordinances will supercede the building code. Councilman Higgs moved to adopt Ordinance 01-01-02. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Abatement Discussion from Workshop. Mayor indicated the City at the present time has a 20 million dollar investment requirement before a tax abatement can be given. Consensus of Council to leave requirements as is. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #1-02-02 -GNB Loan. Discussion regarding the interest rate. Staff indicated the last they were advised was that the rate would be 5% with a variable rate. Councilman Waggoner asked about refinancing it. Staff indicated they would try. Discussion regarding the vehicles. City Secretary indicated Jim McNatt had bid on a 3/4 ton truck, but gave us a 1 ton truck. They will utilize the 1 ton in the water department, and have abed put on a current 3/4 ton truck that we already had. They will take it down to the animal service place and have it equipped. City Secretary asked Council to give their consensus that if she cannot get financing through GMAC can she have the option to get it through GNB. Councilman Waggoner moved that the City Secretary use her discretion to get the financing with the best interest rate, either through GMAC or GNB. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Any Other Such Matters. a) City Secretary indicated she has needed a place to store her permanent records, there has been a building built inside the garage down at the electric building. She has utilized the funds from a savings account to build the building. Last year she ran out of room, and needs the building. She needed a place to store them where they would be safe and dry. She indicated the shelves will cost about $32.00 each. She wanted the Council to be aware that she utilized some of the funds from the savings account. Discussion regarding the records and maintaining them. b) Councilman Ervin asked for update on drainage ditch for Ralph Amyx, and did we get an easement. City Secretary indicated Mr. Amyx did not want to give the City an easement. He indicated he will maintain it. Discussion regarding the easement for the new subdivision. Mayor indicated he is currently in negotiations with Ralph Amyx. c) Councilman Ervin asked about the problem with Looper's and neighbors filling in the ditch. He asked also, why did the City give them a free sewer tap. City manager indicated their septic was about to go into the creek, and the city hooked them up to city sewer. Councilman Ervin asked then if the Looper's will get a free tap if their sewer goes out. Discussion regarding the sewer line that was laid, and why it was laid on private property. Eddie Branham indicated the original survey was wrong, and the stakes were in the wrong place. He thought he was laying it on City property. Councilman Higgs indicated what it came down to was that the City went across their pI operty, and they were having a major sewer problem, so in good faith the City gave them a sewer tap to avoid problems. Councilman Evans indicated since he has been on the Council he has seen over $100,000.00 spent on mistakes. He felt it could all be avoided by everyone taking a little time and paying attention and doing their jobs right. Discussed the drainage behind the property. d) Councilman Ervin asked about the police department building and where it was at. City Manager indicated they had floor plans from the architect. Ken checked on the Asbestos testing, It will be $2,000.00 to $_5,000.00 to have the whole building tested. �'l Mayor indicated at one point the building was gutted. e) Councilman Ervin asked if there was any way to work on getting some of the CCN of CoSery back into Sanger's area. City Manager indicate they have discussed it with an attorney who is working on it. f) Councilman Higgs asked about the RV Sales on Austin Street. Ken Wilson indicated the Specific Use permit expires February 6, 2002. City Manager indicated he is supposed to be moving the Twelfth of February. Councilman Higgs indicated the other RV Sales person is using the back of No Frills to get to his property. Ken Wilson indicated he has applied to the state for a permit off the service road. Mayor indicated he is subleasing from the guy at No Frills, so he can use the drive they aHow him to. Councilman Evans asked if they were going to move the office building. Ken Wilson indicated they are the appropriate depth off of the property line. g) Councilman Higgs asked about update on McReynold's Road. City Manager indicated they are in the process of working with the County on it. h) Councilman Higgs expressed concerns regarding the road by the school and if it will be four lanes when the apartments go in. Discussion regarding the width of the road. Councilman Higgs indicated the school and the county will be putting in three lanes and Sable should be putting in the fourth lane. Discussion regarding the road. Mayor indicated the zoning change did not affect the road in any way, they will still have to come to the city with a plat on the property. Shelley Ruland asked if a Preliminary Plat will be required on the entire property or just on the 8 acres. City Manager indicated they will have to preliminary plat the entire property. Shelley Ruland indicated in Justin they have an ordinance where the developer has to build half the city street or put up the money for the city to do it. Discussion regarding infrastructure %Y new development. 12. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCHl WORKSHOP FEBRUARY 4, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Woodrow Barton, Mike Prater 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Discussion on Possible Tax Abatements for New Business. City Manager indicated he gave the Council a copy of the current tax abatement guidelines. He indicated currently the city requires a 20 million dollar building before giving tax abatements. He advised there was a business coming in and the owner had asked about tax abatements. Discussed type of business would be wood working. Councilman Waggoner asked if staff had checked with any other cities. City Manager indicated some are as low as 4 or 5 million dollars on the cost of the building before they would consider a tax abatement. Councilman Waggoner asked if it would still be at Council's discretion if they give the abatements after they meet the guidelines. City Manager indicated it would be. Discussed guidelines for tax abatements. Councilman Evans indicated he wasn't going to be for tax abatements because as a business owner you can write off the taxes. Councilman Ervin asked if this was the same thing the Council just turned down. Staff indicated they were asking for a letter of intent that the City would give them as much as a 5% abatement. Discussion continued regarding the tax abatements and tax revenues. Councilman Ervin indicated he felt maybe they should leave it alone. Councilman Evans indicated if they hold out and wait the growth will come without giving abatements. Consensus of Council to leave the guidelines as they are. Discussion regarding development in other cities. 3. Meeting Adjourned. L REC' NI ialfI '4•Lk'�itWii JiI a _ — v 143E1iari vdif O i t 'I kEfa'Y 0DDC� R I F, iuN., LgllN F. H L !UIL vtf n , mr Dial D rl9 '6*7Q i ACE ON ISFEETrr INV 16875 HHC Lt?Ed 61IB `J t"i ;n Gi L AiCC0UI f raM0Uh1€ C i CG-sC, DD ABC D/C INV 16975 HYDRO TEST/PRESSURE SGUGE/RE GIN'B'}}y SiL N(mC4iLfi!! CkilJUll �• tr�;c sttr�7� r it i n—•s Lia? j ccg . cw 4t x n i DH,U G9 iC T r'r RcVD E,� i�t� rrr.wr t nr•� t sue-,- t YEND�UR TU,IALb REG4 CHECK INN 3157M LOST ILL BOOK G/L AC.OU T 0i®1t VENDOR TOTALS RUN i 16,C}0 LOST ILL BOOK H"G2 E.xHELI' 55-. ��%+ AfdI�iAL HOSFtITAL INV 28 i /4B EUTHANASIA GNB99 R cf rJi`H02 G/L ACCOUNT AhfOUNIT 01 cc- L4r3 ?SS.414 EUTHANASIA VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 2 RUG URR r INkJ ,��bJ itLEt'{�X.1L'I� il�tr r:lUlih SU11 h' 6 et:i ! G/L ACCGf?NT AMOUNT Oell 4c-jcj_C1 12t65 KLEENEX/DIVIDERS/DISH SOAP INV J1 05 BLEACH GNt1?3 R c.'c�/_ 113 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 011M 54 JU,® 1 132 .8 BLEACH VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK k;3AL AI`!` L 4f3, CG I, in i0 ulSfmOUII 4E., UL�CR 1�tc. �7�i:f•T LE�a I�ir4L:r{ 163, 4C�CR Ci„ t=iil`r S6, ��4CR rj. fLi> n �'-Ry-c4zUc C8:34 A't; A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE. VENDOR SET: 99-_ BANKa Ul hdiiU > 1Em NOR UL IURIPT IlHN S47G CIII SANI I SPP'S ' Lc L Intl LG531 IiETERED SPP?AY G/L ACCOUNT 00 "i 50' 245 INU cCu84 rtIICHEPd TCIEIELS G/L ACCOUNT OG8 54—Sci+S Fitt �'G685 S9w��'��7G CHENCO CLEANING SUI='PLIES G/L ACCOUNT &�01 I J"-5C45 'G01 40-2'45 .�0 1 - •_=W iFtct1 30 5c45 {901 44-52 i.S VENDOR TOTALS t1EtlDUR SEQUENCE L'Ni':WE L,HLUX S 1 H I DUL L,I DISC DT A(1OUN T i7.5G METERED SPRAY AMOUNT Urfa 80 K I TCHEN TOWELS S GrdB"_+'3 R C/S6/DUUL AriOUNT ,�N380 _LEHNINU SUPPLIED ¢ GIG CLEAN SjIUPPL1 �3.05 CLEANING SUPLs_E~3 10> 80 CLEANING SUI PLIES 10s 80 CLEAN ING SUPPLIES IG>8G CLEANING SUPPLIES REt�> CHECK Ih!!t 188+�3i SPARKLEiBLK QUICE�, TALE GNB"�S R �l�:6IRli�� G/L ACCOUNT ANUUNT lei LY' JJL I G9> r1 SPARKLE/DLri 0UICK, TAPE 001 ;;4€ 5J i 29v 71 SPARKLE/BLK DOIUf ; ! H It k�G1 cB~SSSU SSc71 EPARKLE/BLK QUICK IAP'E 051 3G-535 S .71 SPARKLE/BLK QUICK TAPE 001 36-53LIi 14> 86 SPARKLE/BLK QUICK TAPE 008 36-5325 14>85 SPARKLE/BLK QUICK TAPE 0108 5'3 5325 E:9.71 SPARKLE/BLK QUICK TAPE 008 LrJJLj aS.71 SPARKLE/BLK QUICK TAPE GIiB 58-5��5 29a71 SPARKLE/BLK QUIRK TAPE tNV 188032 JANITut{IL SUPPLIES G1'dEs30 R 2'IG0c G/L ACCOUNT A�iOf �fidT Or 3G-5 5 205.EE6 JANiIORIAL SUPPLIES VENDOR tiEG: CHECK GRtaSS BALANCE Vi J4a LFYt 34. 80 44ca '�4 PAYr1ENT DISCUUNT 37> J'�r_•R I53.55CR t C,J> OJG,R fit, t 0 c37.68CR 44�v. S�eCR i IUTS T ANDING C8n34 Hm VENDOR SET. 39— BANK: VENDOR ITEM NOl DESCRIPTION '�S-f1arcO CLEAR CREEK SAND A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC ET GROSS PA`t'MM OUTSTANDING DALAN1� 11 D16cGU6NT Itd'j 1CSSft�1L J/Q FLEX BASEf GNB`�9 R �®/S6/S:i�O� 78G.GG 78C�.GOCR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 780,00 G1011 30-51370 MOO ufL FLEX BASE/ 0018 50-5360 1Belt GG .3 B FLEX BASE/ GGS 3M37U 51G.GO 3/8 FLEX BASE/ NY 1G13 1 1fE FLEX GNBS9 R Ci66iFk�G 306,�C� 3�t6,EaGa R G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-5 3611 3G6. 00 1 11T FLEX INY 996 1F 1'RDS CUSHION SAND GNB'`99 R / 6f C��? =�8. r,�t� 4B. ColCR 10 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 48.0110 0018 58-6C�F:G 48, M 1w YRDS CUSHION SAND VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 1113,19 pllb 11134. C1GC•R Mkl I,134, GG 02 001 99—G877T3 COMPUDATA PRODUCTS 1NV 6313590 TOP MORN 1099 G/L ACCOUNT C�C�B 19-5r3 i G OUNT cc.%D1 TOP FORK 1099 INU 631.3701 HE(J INK:iT BLit DdB�'�C� 16GG GtdB�S'1 R EfE6f3�3'zL G/L &�CCOUCdT AMOUNT oU1 2,6521C 53.38 HEW INK:IT BLK D BO@ 1600 IN�.� 63C735G CAI_ENDER BASE G,''L ACCOUNT 00"1 3O—SLiO IMU 636863E OFT=ICE StJPI='LIES Gfi ACCOUNT f;54!�8 i9-5S1O 008 36-5E45 001 36-5245 008 19 531� 008 13-5L1A 13u-5210 clog 19—SGSO GNB9'3 R cfc6fc�C4�c' AtiOUN T 12.19 CALENDER BASE GNBS9 i; cf c6f CA4�c AtiOUtdT t o � �(}} p { PUr'' I,Jj-' I`FI 'j i ! T J 14.35 MESSAGE BOOT{S 3929 R BINDERS 3.:3'3 3 BINDERS 2.75 BLK SHARPIES 124.'35 COPY PAPER �i9.93 INK CAR T . 7,35 NOTICE PAPER NY 6368631 EPSON C6OfEPSOPd CRT BLSJTNR GNB99 R 2/26f20021 G,'L ACCOUtdIi"!MOUNT 001 36—JM 13.5jl EPSUN INK CRT 1AJG rc,51 cc.51GK cc.51 5•;. �u 53.'�BCFi 11:,19 SR.19CR SL. SS 185,46 185,46CR 185.46 c~�c—E:OOw 03n34 f?tt VENDOR CE11 99— BAt-IK n VENDOR ITEM NO* DESCRIPTION OOB 36-5c45 001 24-3210 1N 636SWCI PUSH PINS G/L ACCOUNT 001 ljo--52110 VENDOR TOTALS 99-09660 'CONTINENTAL BATTERIES INV 5ccac 24-600/34/7$-70 G/L ACCOUNT Obl Y��A 36—J, E5 VENDOR TOTALS 99-0065E CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP INV E15391 ENZYME 70 5& ACCOUNT 008 5R-5315 VENDOR TOTALS AiP PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC Di 13.49 EPSON INK CRT CGO '93.66 EPSON C60/EPSON CRT BLKIiNR BL UUN I 0e99 PUSH PINS RE1 CHECK bNB'�9 AMOUNT 35.00 L4-U6 HD R9. '31334/ 7B- 70 L9.9t/ 34/ BD 70 REbi CCHECK GNEE9'9 AtiOUf#T 11950, 00 ENZYME 70 REG. CHECK 99-00790 UENTOid CO BUILDERS 5UF'F'LY INV 43194 RAKES/SPRAY PAINT/PRIMER GNB99 R 2/26/2002' G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 30-5375 20,94 RAKES/SPRAY PAINT/PRIMER VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-09690 DESIGNS ETC. INV 31485 CAPS FOR WATER DEPT. GNB99 R cl `6/C ;IM G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT OOB 50-5c55 171.00 CAPS FOR WATER DEPT. VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK GROSS BALANCE 395.`1B 395.78 94.95 94.95 i 4 950.0�0 c0.94 L�:94 CO.94 F'AYMEll I DISCOUNT �.99CR :��95.7BC.:Ft 0.00 94.95CR J4. �Jkdii 0.Oi3 F`O.94CR LaT.'34�R 171.00CR l i 1.Ot�CR OUTSTHIAUING 0.00r� c-cG' c002 08:34 AM VENDOR SETv 99- BAN,ta VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION 99-06720 DIRECT SAFETY INV 62033503 UNIFORMS G/L ACCOUNT 001 cc�-5C55 VENDOR TOTALS 99-00920 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC INV 19846450 G"ALUMINUM CONDUIT G/L ACCOUNT 008 58 60c0 VENDOR TOTALS 9'9-00930 ENDERBY GAS COMPANY INV 131450 26 GALLONS PROPANE G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-5320 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR btUUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GN899 A iOUN T 318.47 UNIFORMS REG. CHECK GN899 R c/c6/c00c AMOL NT 116.75 c"ALUMINUM CONDUIT REG, CHECK GN899 R c/c6/c0'0L AiOUNT 39.00 2,6 GALLONS PROPANE REG. CHECK 99-09760 ESMERALDA WILKERSON INV 311820 TRAVEL TO POST OFFICE FEB. GNB99 R 2/2'6/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 15-5c40 12.50 TRAVEL TO POST OFFICE FEB. 00i 15-5c40 1c.50 `(RAVEL TO F'05T OFFICE FEB. VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 9r�-040u0 FuHD MuTOR CRcDIT LG. i NV 31818 4J72%002 G/L ACCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS AMOUNT 178.68 f37c600c REG. CHECK R L! LIJI LY''Z'L GR055 PAYMENT OUTSTANDINO BALANCE DISCOUNT 318.47 318.47CR 318.47 318, 47 3i8.47CR 0. ���� 47 c.00 1i6.75 i16,75CR 1i6.75 116.75 116>75CR 0.00 ,�9.00 39.00CR 9, GI3 ,;9.u�j 39.00CR 0.00 c'S. 6�1a�1 c5.00 c5.00CR 0.00 778.68 778.68CR Et8.C8 t78.68 7t8.68CR ��.��!� 778.68 0.00 n' c00E 0$034 AH VENDOR GET; 99- BANK, VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION 99-03170 FUTURE EQUIPMENT 114Y C04669 REPLACE MASTER CYL G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-5325 VENDOR TOTALS 99-01070 GALLaS ir1C, iNV 0003 A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SWUENCE BANE{ CHECK ISTAT DUE DT DISC DT GidB99 R F:/E6/ck90F' AMOUNT $15.67 REPLACE MASTER CYL REG. CHECK REFLECTIVE T SHIRTS GNB99 R E/E6/c00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 24-5255 61.46 REFLECTIVE T SHIRTS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 9'3--04610 Gr�B INV a1817 MONTHL; PAYMENTS G/L ACCOUNT 001 70-7006 008 5 -5345 00$ 5$-5345 001 70-7009 VENDOR TOTALS AMuuri I III5$.71 e00652 c0 #E3 546.57 C'0065$10 423 20059470 435 914.1L E0059470 435 REG, CHECK GROSS BALANCE 6i,46 61,46 61.46 6I.46 6g5$5.7$ 99-0$760 GT DISTRIBUTORS iNC lNV 005i901 MX 7000 LIGHT BARTHEV iMPL GNB'3'3 R wlEb1 00R $35,75 G/ L ACCOUNT A M 0 U N T $ 31,. 75 001 20-5260 L5.75 MX 7000 LIGHT BAR/CHEV IMPL MT VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK $35.75 $35.75 99-09640 HARTS AUTO BUFFET' iNV 15371 FRONT & REAR PADS CAF'RICE4CV GNB9'3 R c/_'6r`c41N F01.31 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT c01.31 001 20-5325 201.31 FRO11T 1 REAR PADS CAPRICE&CVIC PAYEicNi DISCOUNT $i5.67CR 61.46CR 61, 46CR 6,5$5.7$CR 6,5A5,7$CR 0.00 $35<75CR ;�01,31CR T='AGE: 6 OUTSTAriD1NG '-cc-'00c G8334 AM VENDOR 5ET: 99— BANK; VENDOR ITEM NOR 99—e�331�5 HILTI TOOLS DESCRIPTION VEPJDOR TOTALS AfP PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT REG. %NECK; INU B413E83 5/B GROUPdD ROD ADAPTOR GN899 R Gfc6ickOR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5e50 43.94 5/8 GROUND ROD ADAPTOR VENDOR TOTALS REGn CHECK 991775'-71 HOME DEPOT/GECF INU 97516OLE: NAILS/REBARfFLOOD LIGHTfWIRE GP�899 R SfC'bfCC,r�R G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5250 En'3f NAILS/REBARIFLOOD LIGHT/WIRE GOB 5&G020 145927 MAILS/REBAR/FLOOD LIGNI/WIRE 008 5053io 79.55 NAILS/REBAR/FLOOD LIGHT/MIRE VENDOR TOTAL;, REG. CHECK 99-G335A9 HURRICANE FENCE CO. INN 47 9001 CHAIN LINK FENCE G1099 R 21Cb14200E G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 0101 305245 116b5n00 9001CHAIN LINK FENCE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 9'3—�551k� 1ESI INV lc;10810 ROLL OFF DUMPSTER WWTP GNB'39 R E/Eb/2CA02 G1L ACCOUNT AMOUNT GG8 54-5459 E78.E9 ROLL OFF DUMPSTER WWTP VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK; F'AGE � 7 GRO55 PAYMENT OUTSTAhdDING BALANCE DISCOUNT RO1.31 RGin31CR 9.G0, 43.94 43n94CR 43.94 43.94 43.94CR On GO 43n 94 79 cL7ol9 L'7n 79 cc7. 79CR G. EryO cG"t.79 k.4�O L(L•z9 ��n y��.� ".-C 9 00r A6.Jt All AtR' PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SE I o 99— BAiNK: VENDOR r- f Vc1'IDOot:QUc' .c VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK; STAT DUE DTI DISC DT 99-07400 IOS CAPITAL INV 54074865 CLAY MACHINE RENTAL GNB99 R 21261200E G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT OOi 20-5345 251¢79 COPY MACHINE RENTAL UROSS BALANCE 25i ¢ 7'a 251.79 VENDOR TOTALS REV. CHECK 251.79 251¢ 79 99—�99�4�n J rAi�DY IHOMPSON INV 8864 MAKITA BATTERY 1G11B99 R 2/2612002 7G¢00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 76¢00 001 32-5245 76.00 MIAKITA BATTERY VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 76.00 76. @L) j'j—C11v''0 J&K LIGHTING e. SUPPL" INV 2T PIN LAMPS GNB99 R 2/26/20212" 178¢20 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 178.20 008 58-6020 178,20 81FLORESCEMT PIN LAMPS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 178.20 178¢20 99-01320 J.L. MATTHEWS CO., INC. INN 8212 LG/illED/RHIN SACKEli GNB99 R 2126/P002 25 1. 88 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 251, 8;1i 008 58-5260 251¢88 LG/MED/RAIh? JACKETS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 25i,88 251¢88 99-01300 JAGOE—PUBLIC CO. INV 3743 TONS OF HMAC PICKED UP GNB99 R 2/2G/2002' L,OOi¢L� G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 2,001,242 001 30-5370 2,001.2E TONS OF HMAC PICKED UP VENDOR TOTALuk REG. CHECK, 001.22 2, 001 ¢ 22 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 251.79CR 25f.79CR 76¢ OOCR 76.00CR 0.00 OUTSTANDINU 0.00 178. 02 CiC; 0.00 251.88CR 251,88CR C, �t01. ®LCR 0.00 c-2i -rOOc O8a34 AN A/P PAYMENT REA'OEtT VENDOR SETa 99- BANKa VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NOS DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 99-8971P1IM & MARY CHAMBERS INV ccO96 VEHICLE LETTERING/POLICE CAR GNB99 R c1cblEGCc G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20� 53c5 350.00 VEHICLE LETTERING/POLICE CARS VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99��1:,1� IIN f1CPdATI Gf�EVROLEI INV cc3Dcc STATE INSPECTION GNB99 R 21e5/20 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 0@8 50-5325 1c.50 STATE INSPECTION INV cc.338c STATE INSPECTION GNB99 R c/cG/C:AN c G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT o2h cO-53c5 Moo STATE INSPECTION INV cc35c7 STATE INSPECTION GNB99 R c/cEl20elc G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 00" I Lit- J�� 1Lm 50 STATE INSPECTION INV 506113 BOLT/PLATE RR/PIN RR/BR GNB99 R c/c6/cCj02 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 cO-53c5 46.34 BOLT/PLATE RR/PIN RR/BR VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-u'�7v� lliiii`i" S I'fp &VCR INV 97346/47 VIDEO PLAYER CLEANING/TV/VCR GNB99 R c/c6/c002, G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT CV91 4c-�531c: 99m9U VIDEO PLAYER CLEANING/TV/VCREn VENDOR TOTALS REGm CHECK !- 99-G'7G53 KENNE I H D HARTLESS INV 31745 COURT 01-0812 GIL ACCOUNT 1 46. a4cO VENDOR TOTALS GPd899 li cic6/c�k�c AMOUNT 600.000 WAU 01-lvbdW REG, CHECK PAGEa 9 GROSS P(4YMENI OUTSTANDING BALANCE DISCOUNT 35G. GO 350. G'3CR 35Rm0 0 0 1cm5O 1c.5OCR 1c. 50, �5.k�� LS.GACR c5. yin 1cm 5Ct 46m34 46m34CR 46.34 `�6.34 96a34CR 9'ejm 9�t 99.9G 99m 9�cCR 99.9t� D.00 3�?�O.00� 3GO. v;DCR 3OG. VrO O. CEO G.BG Pi. OG G.OG CS_E00c 08.3 AM VENDOR SET: 99- BANK s °VENDOR ITEM NOW DESCRIFjIIOIN 99-0i490 LAWN LAND INV 137870 BACK PACK BLOWER G/L ACCOUNT 001 3M3L5 VEh?i10R TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT VEIdDOR SEQLIENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT MSG BT GN899 R cic6/G'047c ANOUNI 359.95 BACK CALK BLOWER REG. CHECK 99-C�1570 LOWE'S CCrl?PANIcS� Ih1G, INV 31412 INVOICE 18300882643 GNB'J9 R S1cElE00G G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 IM210 19.'37 INVOICE 18300882643 001 10-210 19.97 INVOICE 18300882G43 INV 31445 PLNBR PUTIY/SPRAY KILZ/GLOVE GNB99 R C/GE/R00L G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 3G-5245 4a 4i PLMBR PUTTYISP='RAY KILZ/GLOVES 008 3G-5Z45 4a4i PLNBR PUTTY/SPRAY KILZIGLOVES 001 3M"aL45 47.59 PLNBR PUTTY/SPRAY KILZ/GLOVES GROSS BALANCE 359,95 51.95 359.95 ..i•`5 95 39.9{4� 3'�a 34 56, 4i 5G, Gri INV 31G4t:; 75=? INDOOR FLOODSr`'75l? OUTC�00 GN899 R L/c6ic0!0c 103a 14 loll ACCOUNT Ah1OUNI iO3a 14 008 58-6050 103,14 75W INDOOR FLOODS/75W OUTDOOR F AYNEil i DISCOUNT 359.95CR 359a'_tSCR 39a 94CR 56.41CR 103.4GR F'AGE: i0 Ul! I �IHNPINb INV 31C7� CONCRETE NIX/GHRGBL PALLET/ GPJ899 R E:/cEiG00E c48.99 c48.99CR G/L ACCOUNT ANOUhdI�48.99 001 32-5E45 134.4i CONCRETE MIX/CHRGBL PALLET/ 008 50-5360 114258 CONCRETE MIX/CHRGBL PALLET/ INV 31749 STN BOOR ROLLER/TENSION! BAND 6099 R 8/2G/c%l 1i,09 1i,t_iG:R G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1i.@9 001 30-5E45 MO011 DOOR ROLLER/IEhlSION BAND 008 3F-5310 ia35 SIN DOOR ROLLER/TENSION BAND 00i MG 5310 ia34 STN DOOR ROLLER/TENSION BAND VENDOR TOTALS REGa CHECK 459.57 45157CR 0.00 45157 0.00 99p04040 LUBBOCF; NATIONAL BANK IPdV 31819 4095C00 449 GhlB99 R Sl'GlG00E Gr`L ACCOUNT Ah?OUh1T 008 i5-G010 733.59 40950049 001 707007 730158 40,915200 449 1}4G7ai7 1�4G7a17CR 1.4G7,17 -fir- 3 � G8ss4 Airs A/P PAYMENT REPORI PAGER 11 VENDOR SET: 99- BANK, VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDIIR iTEti PVOB DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STATDUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DlSl T BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS Rrba CHECK 1140o 17 1, 4G7.17CR 1 � 467.17 IG. GG 99-�v937R; MARK T. O�JEfdS P.E. INV SGRGGI-3 ENGINEERING SEVICES GNB99 R c/CG/20kgc 8127 00 81c:7G.GDCR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 0 OLM 54-5450 6,625.00 ENGINEERING SEVICES k@B f5-5450 Bc;®. 0 ENGINEERING SEVICES 001 15-5450 822,30 ENGINEERING SEVICES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 81 2 r G. 00 8t L70s OOCR O. G101 99-'7854�I MED T RGhIIC INV IV8902'85 QUICK COMBO GADS GNB99 R EIC6/CG0E 130288 130.88CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 13& 88 001 24-5375 130.88 QUICK COMBO PADS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 130.88 130¢88CR 0200 13G¢88 G.GO 99-07540 METAL SALES INV 94146 SQUARE TUBING GNB rJ Rz 2,123G1202,2 1jcJ4 15%54CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 15.54 008 53-5325 15.54 SQUARE TUBING VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 15.54 15.54ER VI.GG 15.54. GG 99-�7R:1O MOTOROLA INV WD3762"32 MINITOR c & 07 PAGER GNB99 Ri 21cb/2002rc¢80 72¢00CR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 7r.48D V'o C4-55w5 7L �)G MINIiOR PAGER INV W03791'1 PAGER REPAIR GNB99 R cicGic1rlGC 366010 3t¢GDCR GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 36oOO 001 84-51585 36400 PAGER; REPAIR VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK IQA& Ga loB.0101CR 0.00 10100 Li, CA c ;a *2002 09:34 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE. is VENDOR GET: 99— BANK! VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD INV 31812 LEGAL SERVICES GNB99 R 2126f2002 13i.99 131.99CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 13te99 001 15-5425 65e99 LEGAL SERVICES 00Ct 15-5ir25 66.00 LEGAL SERVICES VENDOR TOTALS CtEG< CHECK 131e9J i3i.39CR G.ecill i; ie 99 0100 99--01830 NOR—TEX COS#iT#llNICATIONS INV 2913 MT50-11 I1/2" RAIL GNB913 R 2/26/0002 540.00 54MOCR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 540.001 001 GG--5310 270.00 MT50—i1 14/121RAIL 008 3&- 10 270e0 PT#� 0-11 W/ic'RAIL VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 540a 00 54MOCR j. 01 540e 00 0e 0C1 99-0aB20 NORTH TEXAS (JEB SERVICE INV IJ6908 INTERNET SERVILE GNB99 R 21/" rLc12ciee0 21.20Cn G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 21.20 001 4C--5420 c1.G0 INTERidET SERVICE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK e1.210 21e20CR & W 21ea 0e 99—?�z3630 O3REILLY AUTO PARTS INV 276027 33193 FUEL FILTER GNB'99 R 2126f2002 26.52 26.52CR c: , G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT c6 Jcl 001 G0—�JL� LEra JL 33193 FUEL FILTER INV 297012 STARTER/MELT GNB99 R 2/2612002 44.07 44e07CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 44e07 001 30-5325 37.99 STARTER/V—BELT 008 50 5325 6e03 STARTER/MELT VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 70e59 70.c9CR OeelVA lot 59 0�1 c-cc-� 08da4 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR GET: 99- BAIiK: VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DTI 99-rpj6490 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE INV 31710 PAST DUE INVOICE GNB99 R 2/26/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 0101 15®15440 49.15 PAST DUE INVOICE 008 i5-5440 49.75 FAST DUE INVOICE INV 31771 PHYSICAL/DRUG SCREENING GlIB99 R 2r26/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 15-5440 108.75 PHYSICAL/DRUG SCREENING 008 15-3440 108.75 PHYSICAL/DRUG SCREENING VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99`0210�� OUR DESIGN'S Ii�C. INV 31239 984605/985660 G/L ACCOUNT 001 24- 5255° VENDOR TOTALS "9-085 0 PIC INC INV 3128E PIC INC G/L ACCOUNT ` 1 W52" `,VENDOR TOTALS Gt�B99 R 2/26r2��2 Af1OUNT 2'85.55 984605/985660 REG. CHECK GvB99 AfiOUNT 108.75 PIC INC REG, CHECK Il LI 44J 11L7JV.°s 99-��24�7G PC�STTIVE PRONOTTONS INV 1175353 BICYCLE SAFETY HANDBOOKS GNB99 R 2/26/cu G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT O01 20-5265 216.25 BICYCLE SAFETY HANDBOOKS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK °At,Ei 1� GRO55 PAYMENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE DISCOUNT 99.50 99.5OCR 99.50 217.50 21`1.5GCR �1 t. A 317.90 317.OGCR ai: �izn 285.55 285.55CR 55 CBJ..J-lj VL V it�8.75 i08.75CR 108.75 108.75 108.75Ctt 0. Y�0 108.75 0, ��0 216.�5 216.25CR 216.25 L16.25CR �.+��. c— —'001 s3-; AM A/=' PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET, 99— BANKVENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NOtt DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 99-02140 RADIO SHACK INV 10000352' MINI BLADE TAP GNB99 R E/26/2002 GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT O�OB 53-5325 0.99 MINI BLADE TAP INV 316L6 RECORDER BATTERY CASSETTE IA GNB49 R 2/26/E002 G/L ACCOUNI AMOUNT 001 4-5c1E E114 RECORDER BATTERY CASSETTE TARE INV 3494 RUGGED CASE /HOLSTER GNB99 R c/c6/LOOc G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 0111B 50—wL50 69,97 RUGGED CASE /HOLSTER VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK �9._tirr�bn0 hB BEARD IrdV 3f6L1 Rcid6 ON STORAGE 1L MONTHS GNB99 R E/c5/2LW G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 54-54E:0 660.00 RENT ON STORAGE 12 MONTHS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-046`9i3 SAMANTHA RENZ INV '3179c GRAVEL G/L ACCOUNT 001 15-5 40 00B 15-5540 VENDOR TOTALS 99—O7B20 RICARDO GONZALEZ INV 317B3 AT H, FEES FOR JAN G/L ACCOUNT 001 , 6-5425 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 APiuUNT 7a04 TRAVEL 7a04 TRAVEL REGx CHECK h EIE6fE00E GNB99 R c/c6/c00L Af�OUNT 3E ;. 00 AT T N, FEES FOR .TAN REG. CHECK 'AGE s 14 GRO55 wAYMENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE DISCOUNT 0.9g 0.99CR 6��x 14 63a 14CR 63.14 69.97 69.97CR 69.97 1G4'',1'OIt 134.10CR 0, 00 6GO.Ot� 6t0.00CR 660.00 660.00 66�ct. �!0CR 0.00 660xOV 0.00 i4xttB I4.0BCR 14a �B 14. tB 14a OBCR E.t, 00 14.08 0.00 3E5.00 3E:5.00CR 3�5.00 3�'S.0�CR 0.0�1 3c5,00 0.00 c-cc -cOc 0Bm34 AN VENDOR SET: 99- BANK: VENDOR ITEM NO* 99-O2190 RITE -WELD A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT BALANCE PAGE: 15 F'AY`NENI Olt T S I ENDING DISCOUNT INN 54384 Ou CYLINDERS 48.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 48. d�0 001 24-5i7J 4100 uz CYLINDERS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 48.00 48.00CR O.Ovi 48.00 0.00 ��`�--Occbs� SAS TELEME i R`t INV 1135 PARTS u (�AIERIEIL iiEiER ftEF'AI GNB99 R cfc6ic00c 1,08'G.04 1,089,04CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1;Ad'3.G4 008 50-5360 Is089.04 PARTS & MATERIAL METER REPAIR INV 1736 PARTS REPAIR GNB' R 2/EEi2002 6c6.J0 6c6.5OCR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 626.50 001 34-J4c0 626,50 PARTS REPAIR VENDOR TOTALS REGO CHECK 1s711 54 Is11�.54CR u.00 1, 715. 54 0.00 INV 103c;<i568 BEE LINER 70ir, SIRIF'Eft 6I/4"SH GNB99 R c/c6ic00c 1,096.58 GIL ACCOt1NT AMOUNT 1s096,J8 001 30-5370 11096.58 BEE LINER 700 STRIPER W/4"SHOE VENDOR TOTALS REiG, CHECK 19 096.58 11096458 99-05030 SAFE TIRE DISPOSAL CORP, INV 2L47 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE G/L ACCOUNT 001 24"'J•aC532 J 001 C .iGJ 001 jj7 •Jati.J Out �6'"J,iGJ 003 36-5325 008 50-5325 008 525625 008 58-5325 VENDOR TOTALS A�i011idT 21.13 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE L1.13 TIRE DISPOSAL f EE 21.13 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE 21.13 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE 10.57 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE 10.57 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE c1.13 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE 2,1.13 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE c1.08 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE REG. CHECK 169.Ot%I 169.Ott� 1,096.J8CR 1g096.58CR 0.00 0.00 169.00CR 169.00 169.00CR 0,00 169.00 0.00 c-cc.J 0OM 08,34 AM VENDOR SET; `S- ➢ANK: VENDOR ITEM NUq DESCRiPiiUN :19-0c300 SANGER COURIER i�dV 13i17 93•-0L45�� SOLOh10N LEGAL i���l10E5 G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-45450 0 01 15 Y5c30 008 i5-5c30 AtP PAYMENT REPORT VEPdDOR SEDUENCE ➢ANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC Di AMOUNT OA N LEGAL NOTICES 26.88 LEGAL NOTICES M6.87 LEGAL NOTICES REG, CHECK i�iU 113514 100Kt'A PADt10UNT I RAAPdSFORMER G1ft`�S R ct c6t c4�0c OtL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58--5365 3,76c,00 WOW PADMOUNT iRAANSFORMER iNV 113515 TRANSFORMERS PHASE GN➢15 R LtL6tL00c GiL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5365 7p280.00 TRANSFORMERS 3PHASE VENDOR TOTALS 9 9-�%�80a0 SOUTNNEST I1ITERN€;TIONflL INV c`3478-1 W,RECCKER SERVICE G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-53c5 59-0L480 SPRINT iNV 31787 VENDOR TOTALS PHONE ➢ILL ttL ACC;OUi�T 001 15-5510 008 15-5510 00,1 JL4-55W 008 54-55i0 001 6-551 0� 8 .�6-5510 008 58-5510 001 24-5510 RED. CHECK GN➢'39 R 'tc6Ic00L AMOUNT 262,56 WRECCKER SERVICE REG, CHECK GN➢9'� R ctc6tc00tc r . 60 LONG 11 I %G 77,5 LONG DISTANCE 88,50 LONG DISTANCE 4.c5 LONG DISTANCE M9 L04NG DISTANCE 41�@ LONG DISTANCE 0.81 LONG DISTANCE c.05 LONG DISTANCE GROSS ➢ALANCE 5!z�3.75 75 503.75 50 .7:a 3,76c.00 3S 76L, E�0 7g c80.00 11, 4L. 0i, c6c.56 c6c,56 c6c.56 c6�. 74 c69.74 PAY'r4ENT DISCOUNT 503.75CR 503,"rSGR 0,00 3, 76c. 0;:7CR 7, L80, 0��CR 11,04c,00CR 0,�J0 c6c.56CR c6c,56GR c65.74CR F4GEr 16 OUTSTANDING 0.00 PORT PAGEa 17 2-22-2002 OBa34 AM A/P PAYMENT RE VENDOR BET; 991-11 BANK; VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04' DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT G R 0 3 S PAYhiE[IICeUTBTANDtPdG DISC DTI BALANCE DISCOUNT 001 4C-5510 INOB LONG DISTANCE 001 40-5510 0.47 LONG DISTANCE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 269,74 269,74CR 04Oi0 269,74 0.00 99,-02490 SPRINT - C EN`IEL INV ,Bi791 SPRINT - CENTEL GNB'99 R 2/26/2002 SE�Iur. 49 :aoa 49CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT U00a49 001 42--5'JIO 161.42 PHONES 001 34-5510 139s0` PHONES INV 31816 LONG DISTANCE GNB9`9 R 2/2'G 2002 170.65 1ION 65CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 170.65 001 IJ-5510 B" 33 PHONES 008 15-5510 DS. �c PHONES VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 471.14 471.14CR 0.00 471.14 ON 00 99-09240 STUB i�1 4dELDIhdG CHOP I('YC INV I5051 10"BEAM GNB'9a R 2i26/2002 100.80 100.B01CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT i00.B0 001 JO 51870 10180 10"BEAM VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK I00,60 100,90CR 0100 1004 8CA 0. 00 99-02690 TECHLINE INV I412144 "ALUPIPdUi4 CONNDUIT GNB99 R 2f26/2002 410.00 4"10.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 470. 0 008 581-1-6020, 470400 2"ALUMINUM CONNDUII INV 1412291 15KV LOADBREAK ELBOWS Gi'dB's`= R 2.i26/2002 202.50 202. �OC2; G/L PICCOIiNi AMOUNT 202.50 008 58--b&0 202,50 15KV LOADBREAK ELBOWS INV 1412292 1°PVC COUPLING GNB99 R 2/26/2002 I0,50 10.50CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT I0.50 008 5811-6020 10450 I"PVC COUPLING VENDOR TOTALS REG, i_i" ECR �3. 02 6834 OOCR �. �0 -22-2002 08:34 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET: 99- BANK; VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR 1TEll NO# DESCRIPTION BANit r% CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 99-05730 TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOC INV 31571 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION GNIt9"_ R 2/26/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AM0U[IT 001 42-5235 i25,00 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 9'9-02730 TEXAS METER cs DEVICE INV 28715 FORM 155 CLASS EVYI-1 MiE ER GNBIJ'] R iG L ACCOUNT Ar10UN i 008 58-53`.5 255.20 FORA 155 CLASS NO METER INV 28371b CLASS 320 FORM165 METER GN299 R C/26/200c G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 08 58-5u55 251EO CLASS 320 FORM IG5 METER INV 28877 FORM 165 CLASS 200 METER GNB99 R 2/26/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 003 58 5355 2S5, 20 FORM 165 CLASS 200 METER IN11 28878 FORM 165 CLASS 200 METER GN2919 R 2f26/20k�c G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5355 254.76 FORM 165 CLASS 200 METER INV 28893 TRANSOCKET GN89'9 R 2/26/2002 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5355 950.00 TRANSOCKET VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-08970 TEXAS METER G SEl=1ER CO INV 112893 3/8 BRASS CORPWATER METER GN899 R 2f26/2032 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-5360 141.00 3/8 BRASS CORF'EAIER METER 0013 50-J.l=rL 927, 00 .;/8 BRASS CORP WATER METER VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK F'AGE e 18 GROSS PAYMENT OU1"JTANDING I�ALANCE DISCOUNT 125, ��!� 125.00CR 125.00 125.00 125.00CR 125.0O 0.00 255.20 cc q t_ LJJ: s� 255.20 255.20 255, 20 e�LI ^ cJJ. E254.76 1 s '970, 36 1,970,36 19 068.00 255.20CR 254. `r6CR 950.00CR 1,970.36CR 1, 068.00!aR 1,068.00CR 0. ��� - -L00F� 08.34 Atli &A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET. 99- BANKat VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NOR DESCRIPTION DANK CHECK STAi DUE DT DISC DT 33-03R70 THETA LABORATORIES INV 31770 IN CAR VIDEO CAMERA REPAIR GNBS'O R 2/26/21011121 G/L ACCOUNT AHOUINT Oell E0-5311 1 2(Ya 3E Ihli CAR VIDEO CAMERA REPAIR VENDOR TOTALS REGA CHECK 99_0c670 fML INV 31814 RENEWAL FEES G/L ACCOUNT 001 10-5E35 VENDOR TOTALS 59-05740 TWU GN89'� h L/cSIcON� AMOUNT ,0100 RENEWAL FEES 403.00 RENEWAL FEES REG, CHECK I�dV J17kj8 L1FFEut�ARu TRAINICdG GNB�S R erc6,c�7�G G/L ACCOUNT Ah1UUh11 001 34-5`5 525a00 LIF'FEGUARD TRAINING VENDOR TOTALS REGA CHECK 9912850 UNDERGROUND, 1NC9 =NV 46834 l U {'riET/f�EYWA`,` G/L ACCOUNT G, 0;.,c 008 il'-joc�j VENDOR TOTALS L�C�1.7 R C_/t.Fi/LL�4 AMOUNT 4cm 57 SPROCKET/KEYWAY REG. CHECK SB-0c'�10 �.JPPER TRINITY INV 31781 VOLUME CHARGE/DEMAND CHARGE GNB99 R ci3b/c00c G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT ,,1 � s0 VOLUME CHARGS 008 50-5420 71500a 00 DE1iAND CHARGE VENDOR{ TOTALS REG. CHECK GROSS DALANCE 1,1061 00 4u.57 4F'. 57 lup Pi�`ta `rr� 13,7E4,40 F'AYCVIENT DISCOUNT 174.3cCR 1,106.00CR 14106a00CR{ Ga 001 5:::5a 00CF; ilcila GL 0a00 4Ea57CR 0a00 13, 75�sa ��OCR 13, 7�'4.4�0CR PAGE. 19 GUTSTANDING 0a00 Hrl VENDOR SE T e ��- BANK: VENDOR ITEM t0 DESCRIPTION 99-03280 US METRO INV 31713 METRO LINE G/L ACCOUNT 008 15-5510 001 15-5310 VENDOR TOTALS A/f' AA'Y MENT REPORT VENDOR bELMENUL BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GtdB99 R c/cE/c0��� AMOUN T 43. oo METRO LINE 43.00 METRO LINE RE . CHECK -0E'S5O US R'OST OFFICE INV 31784 ,'EARLY BOX RENTAL FEE 1729 GNB99 R c/26/5O02 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 15-5200 87.50 YEARLY BOX RENTAL FEE 1729 001 15-5c20 87.50 YEARLY BOX RENTAL FEE 1729 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-0G93O UTILITY f='LUSg INC. OROSS i�ALANCE 86.00 86.00 86.00 175.00 175.00 IiV 3580189 CLAIiPS/BARREL DRESSER/[i1 5LE Gi'aB99 f"t �:/56/c0°+0�c 1� 065, Lc G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1�065.SE 0t,8 5'0-5360 11065.E2, CLAMPS/BARREL DRESSER/0 SLEEV VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK I mcj5 c 11065.'2 99-!�8430 VALVuLiNE COMPANY INV 90459476 DRUM 151ll40 OIL G/L ACCOUNT - 5' ,c 001 2'4-53c5 0Oi e8-53E5 001 30 -,c ly1Lf 1F'"JuCJc325 008 36-53"5 t 08 W53E5 0138 54-5325 008 58-53E5 VENDOR TOTALS Gi�B`�9 R c:/cEr/c�_�0E r64.77 A���OUNT �=64.77 .10 DRUM 15W40 0IL 33.10 DRUM 15W4O OIL 33.10 DRUM 15N4O OIL 33.10 DRUM 151940 OIL 16.55 DRUM 15W40 0IL 16.55 DRUB 15N40 OIL 33.10 DRUM IciW40 OIL v a 10 DRUM 15W.) OIL 33.07 DRUM 15W40 OIL REG. CHECK "64a77 c64.7r DISCOUNT 86.00CR 17`a 0}0CR 175.00i,R 0.00 1, 065. L�CR 1, 065. c�CR �a AA V64.t7CR �64.`t7CR F"A6E a La's OfJTSTHNUING 0.00 raq, 0s4 I'i Y' ,ry '{e �IU v 14 (� 4�ylvL�LYI L. •J1"i A/P PAYMENT REPORT RAGE: E1 VENDOR beln 99- BANN, VENDOR 11UN NOw- DESCRIPTIOtt! 99-029 0 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Ii'!U 8�689. PI, AIiY�lNERE G/L ACCOUNT 9W I tz jcc10 VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECt, STAi DUE GT DISC DT GidB99 R EiE6/SO,F At CUNT 178.99 PC ANY4NERE ItdV 87GGaa CITY OF BANGER LABELS GNB'99 R E/'S6/E�'���iE G/L ACCOUNT HIMOUNT OOi IM,211O 2199 CITY OF SANGER LABELS 008 Ili OM E5n99 CITY OF SANGER LABELS UENDGit IGTRLS 9'1-G3OIC+ E-IEBB AUTO FARTS TNU F'S37 GIL FILTER G/L ACCOUNT 0@1 25 n,� �� 03 yJs ��.JLJ GROSS BALRNCE 99 51.18 IiEG• tanC�{�1 LJYJ. '7� LM'it t�NBa9 R Lf c�ir c�jv�c can c,� AtiOUNT 29. Ca 15.95 OIL FILTER i3n3 OIL FILTER INV G53a SAAFlEY STAND 1/c TON TRAPJS GNB99 R c/c6/BOOS` 636.GO G/L ACCOUNT AtOUNT 636.00 003 3G-5375 318.00 SAFETY STAND/1/2 TON TRANS JAC 001 36-5375 318.010 SAFETY STAND/1/G TON TRANS JAC PAYMENT DISCOUNT 51.9acR r• G a L�ltl 1 0 6v�6n GO�i — iNj? c:��_, lllPcR Binri�IESIUIL FILIER�/ncF uPdB�� F, �.I'�.G;UOL �,c.�.'� r'�¢J'-��,tt Gi L RCf�CoUN T At1GUNT oc. 3C 001 21MJ 31;5 7.79 WIPER BLADES/OIL FILTERS/REFLL 001 G4-jK3 7¢79 WIPER BLADES/OIL FILTERS/REFLE k'I Ea 5355 7.79 !WIPER BLADES/OIL FILTERS/REFLE 001 30-5325 7¢79 RIPER BLADES/OIL FILTERS/REFLE 7,01 36-33E5 3¢9O !PIPER BLADES/OIL FILTERS/REFLE 008 36-5355 189 WIPER BLADES/OIL FILTERS./REFLE 008 5M325 7.79 WIPER BLADES/OIL FILTERS/REFLE 008 5c-i3O5 7.79 WIPER BLADES/GIL FILTERS/REFLE 008 5M325 7.77 WIPER BLADES/OIL FILTERS/REFLE IPdV F:573 FUEL FILTER/OIL FILTER/AIR F GNB99 R 2I2461,300R I09.INO 1E7.013CR G/L ACCOUNT Rt�iOUNT lc7¢`7ia� e�k�I 001 E0-53251 LT-s.ivlLJ 1188 15.8a FUEL FUEL FILTER; OIL FILTER/OIL FILTER/AIR FILTERiAIR FIL FIL OO1 3�-53c5 I5.88 FUEL FILTER/OIL FILTER/AIR FIL �01 36�,Mj 7.94 FUEL FILTER/OIL FILTER/AIR FIL 4�08 O08 36 53c5 505)YH 7,94 11 H FUEL FUEL FILTER/OIL FILTER/GIL FILTER/AIR FILTER/AIR FIL FIL Y08 52-53c5 IEI®8a FUEL FILTER/OIL FILTER/RIR FIL OUTSTANDING AiP AHIMENT REPORT VENDOR SE I a 99- 2,ANK; VENDOR ITEC1 N 0 4 VENDOR SrOULNCE DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT BALANCE 008 54-53c5 15a88 FUEL FILTER/OIL FILTER/AIR FIL 008 58�5355 1184 FUEL FILTER/OIL FIL`IER/AIR FIL VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 354a55 854a J5 99-030F:0 WESC0 INV 86456d �8 2/0 HOT LINE BRONZE CLAMP G*NB99 R 2i0G/2002 G/L ACLOUHI AMOUNT 008 58-6OG0 E03a50 48 2/0 HOT LINE BRONZE CLANG INV 8G4831 3�'6-4/0 ACSR AMP GNB'a9 R LI1112002, G/ L ACCOUNT A NUN I 008 5846020 147s 00 3364/0 Ai SR AIM VENDOR TOTALS REGa CHECK 99--09750 `fOUPdC ADLILT RESOURCES INV 34558087 BOOKS G N B 9 9 0/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 4L—GC�50 181 51 BOOKS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK F:03a 50 1e0Jj� Cis a .�i� 147a �� 147a 00 183a 5f 183.51 183a 51 183a 51 RA�'P1E141 OUTSTANDING DISCOUNT 854a55CR 0a00 Oa 00 Z:03a 5OCR 147.i:�0CR i83a 51CR 183a51CR 0.00 0a00 —Lc:—EOOR OB:34 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE. L3 VENDOR SET: 9t :I TOTAL GHEGi',S i0 GR1�dT� B1 R E P 0 R T T O T A L S FUND D1STR1BUT10H FUND PO4 FUND NAME AMOUNT 001 GENERAL FUND 20,B20.4GGR 0@3 ENTERPRiSE FUND 1,S�,.OEGR a I O i ALS HK 72, 365. 52CR TYPE OF CHECK I OTALS GROSS P'AY�iE�dT OUTSiAND1hdG NUMBER BALANCE DISCAUNI HAND CHECKS 0. 00 0. 010 cla 0Lb ki. 0a e,0 DRAFTS REG—CHECKS 1 3 G 5 a 52 c, �I �..1®� F � . L PION —CHECKS 0,. 00 04 00 0 00 0200 0. c7%j ALL GHEGI'�S 7c, 35a. aS 7C:, ��5::,. vEGR 0.00 7G, . J6 �. ERRORS: 0 �ARh�1NGS: 0 February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Election Order This is the first step of the election process, and is basically a formality May 4, 20020 The election will be held February 215 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Bill Spore will be present to address these items regarding the audit and budget amendments. February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: ltems #5, #6 & #7 Bill Spore will be present to address these items regarding the audit and budget ainend�nents. Staff recommends re -appointment of Bill Spore as auditor for FY 2001/2002. �•� •:, ---..,�� February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Items #8 & #9 Attached is the information regarding this request. We will have Planning and Zoning's recommendations at the meeting. t `•��ak �� M r Name: �oui UcS {n Address: JD5U 3 U, F.M. USS } SGnaar; -T71 7(01 k Phone: � Reuben l3ebc� �., I am requesting the property located at ��J +i J )'} odd 2:o0c A cr at, d rcr'� bpi i h 4t< jeed 4c ' n u-oher j change from Ate_ to reco`dcd in VO The purpose for this zoning request is as follows: signature Date received Rec'd by: (,Oki P_ and legally described as r to be considered for a zoning �,e Inq, PSJY7 Exhibit A All that certain lot, tract or parcel of and situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract Number 29, Denton County, Texas and being a part of a tract of land described in the deed to Eagle Farms, Inc. recorded in Volume 972, Page 1 of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being a resurvey of a called 2.000 acre tract of land described in the deed to Gene Souther, et ux, recorded in Volume 1869, page 147 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, the subject tract being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of the herein described tract at a 1/2-inch capped iron rod set for the southeast corner of said Souther tract, in the north line of a tract of land described in the deed to Donald E. Sable, Living Trust, recorded in Volume 4561, page 140 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, from which a 1/2-inch iron rod found in the west right of way line of A. T. & S.F. Railway bears North 88 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 533.10 feet; THENCE South 88 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds West with the north line of said Sable tract and the south line of said Souther tract a distance of 145.20 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for the southwest corner of the tract being described; THENCE North 01 degrees 06 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 600.00 feet to a 1/2-inch capped iron rod set for the northwest corner of the tract being described herein in the south line of a road under apparent public use posted as Utility Road; THENCE North 88 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds East: with the south line of said road a distance of 145.20 feet to a i/2 inch iron rod set for the northeast corner of the herein described tract, and being the northwest corner of a called 2.00 acre tract described in the deed to John W. Porter as recorded in Clerk's File Number 93-R0060738 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South Ol degrees 06 minutes 46 seconds East with the east line of said Porter tract a distance of 600.00 feet to the Place of Beginning and enclosing 2.00 acres of land, more or less. NOTE: The Company is prohibited from insuring the ;area or quantity of the land described herein. Any statement in the above legal description of the area or quantity of land is not a representation that such area or quantity is correct, but is made only for informational and/or identification purposes and does not override Item 2 of Schedule B hereof. sou_... ,.,� i�r.,...��n, �•....'_!.. ;_{,.:.�:. , _. February 89 2002 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary City of RE: Zoning Change Request From AG (Agriculture) to I=2 (Industrial=2) The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, February 21, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-2 (Industrial - 2) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 120, Being 2.00 Acres. The Property is located on Utility Road. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, February 25, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-2 (Industrial - 2) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 120, Being 2.00 Acres. The Property is located on Utility Road. Attached is a zoning form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearings. RCar poi BOLIYAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS 76�66 94o•45s-793o P.O. BOX 17Z9 94o-45s-4iso FAX .. .. � ;:rat Pa�1t a1,,r, I t3 �� *�ii}`t��tr lrt � +.+.�ds,X*� t �% �i5" ,'�,; K4 yyx y 1 ,� �i` �{� 5 w!�!�ro��u ;� E�'T a35 cR ! ,�yg��� �s`i . FC ztki :f�.. �. �1,. .: .��; � r '� :s fi�f� rlx � S 1�R, it {� .� i-- "i'�rSyi��s - r � � ��� � S -fit, �i i {7 .'t . F � � � ��} �� �,� .-. - 1 .4.rv1f �J+ f, y �� - #§yj. .., .. � ... 4'v r 1 k z Y' r - K _ P&Z 02R1/OZ CC 02R5/02 ;:.. i I I 1 I f I� :1 I. I I I 1 11 !J i 1 1 /! 1 i i � :1 i t ' 1 1 •r I disaaprove of the Request /Ncr W 4 �GLp /9�e,H,d#T>�' 71,L SIGNATURE �_ � � � i,� Ttlfdt vu.r n►,�nn �nieri�n List of Property Owners - Louis Austin: Eagle Farms P.O. Box 876 Sanger, TX 76266 Independent Environmental Systems Pres: Mickey Flood 3330 N. Beach St. Haltom City, TC 76111-6302 SCI Foundation Drilling P.O. Box 37 Sanger, TX 76266 Redi-Mix, INC 1445 Mac Arthur Dr, Ste 136 Carrolton, TX 75007.6458 Alan Bowlby &Associates 16475 Dallas Pkwy #290 Addison, TX 75001 Donald Sable Trust 4301 Edmondson Dallas, TX 75205-2601 LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, February 21, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-2 (Industrial - 2) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 120, Being 2.00 Acres. The Property is located on Utility Road. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, February 25, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I=2 (Industrial - 2) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 120, Being 2.00 Acres. The Property is located on Utility Road. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Run 1 time February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City SecretarylAssistant City Manager Attached is the information regarding this request. We will have Planning and Zoning's recommendations at the meeting. Date: _e/ Name. Address, K xodte.' Phone: I am requesting the property located at Y ss�)ly se e4, �jt2!� .�a and legally described as ;tj`�'/�� I, to be considered for zoning change from to r . The purpose for this zoning request is as follows: signature Date rec ived_ O �L Fee $ oVSO pD, t�- Rec'd by.. .g.., ...,�'"res sadQT� a N •;� r '. ggg R 3 J, z FQ r V-S�mg 7d i; y I Vc� - zr�_ -. : \a j F uiou= �+ toot � I o >o 00P O� �� °YJ $ o$ o wow g !� C� O;CN Ono G 1 ,� 00 ,� o 'a o =•s y N q! ° S �^�i 6�9�� g • ��� g o '$° a,o p355 quS 00N•.� pr1 �C .�0� >p<�d6 1� T76= Npp N° e�j iodO $O N 8 °Al �iii R6 re °`•C p3 d 6 °K> °Mo° Nz N�gNy a.•�N $z -g1O r,O p (1 r'+ @ alp qo �moo � ���. S °°o 'i q�.93° p' ,I` °c 03 � NO ty f3isS.iK 8 fv» o �„m op ao zo m gjot $8'Cs Same 46° m° 1�, oa O°m 6Foota °np� m n \ n� S 8 F. o \ ^' m r v q.� R q g. "A C A C7 °-+ ^icy }'Cj vo g y^ o tmno °u O$ Qag '8 a,°• oSO S0� n � � � �+' S$S at i N � Ct7 9 IP O o 2so -°„" w $ 'o L• q3 "$ 3 0 ��g ° 8 no ^�SR °y Q C$° �G Zcoo O N o`��3 . 11° qs m3 qn^ �— i°^S_ "\i'.�q' ;c9,�y §n 89 oa e S 8" mpi 00 mo i7�$ too i °yq%�°Y ea voa x$ai o » _ pg" it! C M co O Mae ng ° < oo }o$ va n»°e Yq i$ O " Cif N 'Jy o 0 :° T" c j, no g �' Inn$ aN 03-°.7 gp a i 1 o o o• a0 R .°°.^ v mcr ^o $<p3 XMH gq. psq �a f, •� � non N> a •o°• q8 na' 5•3 z e»A3q o a o°°$a n�e.'° 393 N9tr1O iV �'� Q A4o �a » 9'no �� Sa of m m�i'•vm r o q�c3yo FI N W es' 1 . W '� q ri' m io o q ,o., 1141, 3 q3 'a q3n .p q,q °of 8 y av8 n:°noi'o °�•� g~ e N oa�s,q q q 4b y �,n..° $a a 0 $°otoo V ff O n51 °$o 1 r'' �Q 05' Sri S Ya 9 u a°05 1s'$gtoyt'o °It 0o ° qm Yz '�89 0y nmR °Foot 50 '.0 .`S1 s n g c o 'o $ R }° A R Q°Q $ N o 9 a Ih+ll A G h .go `: < c < e < °q ° o = g 90 Z a g S S� $ g�o a " $5�07; 1 [n A W N R S P _° P•m s$ s o R o y�ynu <bo 4Liq 5 r-+'. to to aN ge O w u3r ° ,9Y °S°-O 0u B.u0 a �+• a'$$ •�'jgo °<e?_o 4 qqN as p0�ww pa aQSj 85N� v$qi�,: *40 8� pj �m Y r..Ma g3 SA an pNg4 pli '!''• G$v°3 39 A sz Fog a4a •Oda',- -� °j n ° '� 04SSq > Q z x 4 3 OFF e 9 3 't°j '.e� °' o a $Qn$Q,°Z o �3C 0 $ � 9* g � > a'3 v n $ OFNkN a� m 3� eg o 1° I S 2� : z _ Y to ,. t2• $ 1 ..tSlyta}-.� iliilul..t t�FJ'li%%! Y.71Lf n ; .1U.4i.1.L L..`:5�t. • w W `"If�TJ..SLS.i{ VIM City of 5omeptace 5p February 8, 2002 TO: Property Owners FR0 Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary r RE: Zoning Change Request From AG (Agriculture) to I-1 (Industrial-1) The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, February 21, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I4 (Industrial - 1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Part of Tract 113, Being 4.00 Acres in the West Part of the Tract along Stemmons. The Property is located on Stemmons and Utility Road, The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, February 25, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1(Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Part of Tract 113, Being 4.00 Acres in the West Part of the Tract along Stemmons. The Property is located on Stemmons and Utility Road. Attached is a zoning form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearings. RC:sr poi BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS �6Z66 940•458.7930 P.O. BOX 17Z9 940•458.418o FAR Please chec ne: 0 r� SIGNATTTRE I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Please Print Xow Name t �� ��_ r F +, z ... 4O � vcrs Ai. � AA 9A /AT /7A List of Property Owners - Zane Lantham: Edward Wolski 2436 I=35 South #336 Denton, TX 76205 Eagle Farms P.O. Box 876 Sanger, TX 76266 Independent Environmental Systems Press Mickey Flood 3330 N. Beach St. Haltom City, TC 76111-6302 Ronald Beard 3087 Belz Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 SCI Foundation Drilling P.O. Box 37 Sanger, TX 76266 John Porter P.O. Box 876 Sanger, TX 76266 Redi-Mix, INC 1445 Mac Arthur Dr, Ste 136 Carrolton, TX 75007-6458 Alan Bowlby &Associates 16475 Dallas Pkwy #290 Addison, TX 75001 Donald Sable Trust 4301 Edmondson Dallas, TX 75205-2601 City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 .: } 3 iel A � 1�} 1 i r Al .. , . _ t LEGAL 11 OTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, February 21, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1(Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Part of Tract 113, Being 4.00 Acres in the West Part of the Tract along 15 Stemmons. The Property is located on Stemmons and Utility Road. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, February 25, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1(Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Part of Tract 113, Being 4.00 Acres in the West Part of the Tract along Stemmons. The Property is located on Stemmons and Utility Road, Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Run 1 time February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Eagle Park Plat Attached is the information regarding this request, and a plat was enclosed with your packet. We will have Planning and Zoning's recommendations at the meeting. Lb 1a.,...,. .._ .. _ ... ..a I ... _. T,� .... 11471t Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger Texas 76266 Re: Eagle Park Addition Phase 2 Preliminary Plat We have prepared the Preliminary Plat for Eagle Park Phase 21 a 7.414 acre commercial tract B- 2, belonging to the Pac Group, ( the Porter family), the same group that just recently submitted Eagle Park Phase 1. This property is located on the South side of Highway 455 and on the East side of N. Keaton Road. This property was preliminary platted with Serendipity Place and a lot of study and design was done for that Plat. F Now we are submitting the preliminary plat for phase 2, and the proposed water and sewer plans too. We believe that a drainage analysis was prepared for Serendipity Place by Burke Engineering. No new streets are proposed and only the water and sewer are public improvements. So it is the Pac Group's desire to submit these documents to the City to begin their review Process. Thank you for your time and attention and we look forward to working with you soon on this project. Sincerely, Michael Kem RPLS. Isbell Engineering Group, Inc 1004 Maple, Suite 107 Sanger Texas 76266 9404584503 Wit. N p O C� ll �5 romm opN O w RI � i — l / 7't2'E 27k3t II I� i CYI� 7., f. ..x..l1 4 February 11, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Eagle Park, Phase 2 Lots 1- 7, Block A Sanger, Texas 1 st Review Dear Mr. Smith: MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER - Preliminary Plat Per your request I have reviewed a Preliminary Plat prepared and submitted by Isbell Engineering Group, Inc. for the project referenced above. My review comments are as follows: Preliminary Plat 1. The preliminary plat meets all the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Utility Plans 1. The plan view shows a cleanout at the end of the sewer line but the profile view shows a 4' diameter manhole. A cleanout would be acceptable. 2. I would recommend an 8" stub -out to the north be placed at Station 1+59.71 to provide for future services to the north along Keaton Road, Drainage Plan 1. An overall drainage plan was approved as part of Seredipity Place Subdivision. Individual grading and drainage plans will be required for each lot in this subdivision as they are final platted. Overall I recommend approval of the preliminary plat contingent upon the comments identified above for the utility and drainage plan review being addressed with the submittal of the final plat for this subdivision. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 3914845. Scerely; Mark T. Owe s, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer P.O. Box PortoER. TX 75259 `1 � PHONE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940-479-0593 mdinte;i%iglide.net February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 13 Attached is the Resolution for this item. This is to upgrade the Municipal Court Software to Incode's Court Program. This will allow the court to have the same program administration as City Hall. Staff recommends the approval and feels this will be a better system for the court to use. The funds for this will come out of the Technology Fund that has been set up for computers/software for the Municipal Court. RESOLUTION 02-O2-02 MUNICIPAL LEASE -PURCHASE A RESOLUTION REGARDING A LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROCURING Municipal Court System WHEREAS, City of Sanger (the "Lessee") desires to enter into that certain Lease -Purchase Agreement dated as of 1/17/2002 by and between the Lessee and Diversified Lenders, Inc. for the purpose of procuring any personal property. The Lessee desires to designate this Agreement as a "qualified tax exempt obligation" of the Lessee for the purposes of Section 265 (b) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The Lessee desires to designate Tommy Kincaid, Mayor and Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary as authorized signers of the Agreement. Now therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the Lessee: Section 1. That the Lessee enters into a Lease Purchase Agreement with Diversified Lenders, Inc. for the purpose of procuring: Municipal Court System. Section 2. That the Lease Purchase Agreement dated as of 1/17/2002, by and between the Lessee and Diversified Lenders, Inc. is designated by the Lessee as a "qualified tax exempt obligation" for the purposes of Section 265 (b) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. r Section 3. That the Lessee designate Tommy Kincaid, Mayor, Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary as authorized signers of the Lease Purchase Agreement dated as of 1/17/2002, by and between the Lessee and Diversified Lenders, Inc.. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the Lessee in a meeting held on BY: PRINT NAME: TITLE: SEAL ATTEST BY: PRINT NAME: TITLE: February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Parks Board Appointments We need to appoint two members to the Parks Board, replacing Patti Sliger and Jiro Kastel. We have made several phone calls regarding possible appointments and will hopefully have some recommendations prior to the meeting. If Council has any recommendations, please bring their names and phone numbers to the meeting. February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Proclamation #02-01-02 Attached is the Proclamation on this item. ;, , .. .. �; �, it V Ii a �.V �1 ...L4r•"-'kO 02-01-02 PROCLAMATION CITY OF ,TEXAS WHEREAS, the American Red Cross has been providing programs and services to Denton County since 1917; WHEREAS, compassion, courage, character, civic duty are inherent in the American Red Cross mission to prevent and relieve human suffering, and the City of shares these ideals; and e WHEREAS, the American Red Cross is the leading organization providing around -the -clock relief assistance to families affected by disaster, both on a small and large scale, by meeting their immediate disaster caused needs such as food, clothing, and shelter; and WHEREAS, the American Red Cross provides 2=l-hour emergencv communications hettiti•een servicemen, servicewomen and their families, relaying verified messages in a timely and accu- rate manner, as well as providing assistance with military loans and other items; and WHEREAS, the American Red Cross provides training to thousands of people each year in CPR and First Aid, Life Guarding, Water Safety and other health related programs, as well as providing health information to the public at communityfairs and presentations; and WHEREAS, the American Red Cross provides free ycI fttr programs throughout Denton County to thousands of school children in the areas of First Aid Jul Little People, Home Alone, Cnsn Safety, and Scrubby Bear. NOW, THEREFORE, I DO HERESY PROCLAIM; MAYOR OF THE CITY OF Ll?e 111Unli? OjL�1a4C'n LUVG etJ'rllitei11u�llCecr 1 ALtiiti�t eil [iie L ie•v v/ �v co- incide with National American Red Cross lllonth and encourage all citizens to support the American Red Cross mission, which is to provide relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 02-01-02 PROCLAMATION CITY OF ,TEXAS WHEREAS, the American Red Cross has been providing programs and services to Denton County since 1917; WHEREAS, compassion, courage, character, civic duty are inherent in the American Red Cross mission to prevent and relieve human suffering, and the City of shares these ideals; and e WHEREAS, the American Red Cross is the leading organization providing around -the -clock relief assistance to families affected by disaster, both on a small and large scale, by meeting their immediate disaster caused needs such as food, clothing, and shelter; and WHEREAS, the American Red Cross provides 2=l-hour emergencv communications hettiti•een servicemen, servicewomen and their families, relaying verified messages in a timely and accu- rate manner, as well as providing assistance with military loans and other items; and WHEREAS, the American Red Cross provides training to thousands of people each year in CPR and First Aid, Life Guarding, Water Safety and other health related programs, as well as providing health information to the public at communityfairs and presentations; and WHEREAS, the American Red Cross provides free ycI fttr programs throughout Denton County to thousands of school children in the areas of First Aid Jul Little People, Home Alone, Cnsn Safety, and Scrubby Bear. NOW, THEREFORE, I DO HERESY PROCLAIM; MAYOR OF THE CITY OF Ll?e 111Unli? OjL�1a4C'n LUVG etJ'rllitei11u�llCecr 1 ALtiiti�t eil [iie L ie•v v/ �v co- incide with National American Red Cross lllonth and encourage all citizens to support the American Red Cross mission, which is to provide relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: City/County Plat Approval Agreement. Attached is the Agreement on this Item -this was drawn up by the City Attorney. This agreement will give the City control over the subdivisions in our E.T. I 0 At .. _ _ �. 1.,..+ ...( .> .., 5.$. !. ,1r _. d . �' ... �.. ,.._.,Stu..i„. ....ea r _t �_�..a (11 . _,r,... .. ;J�.. kdkfa.S ... �...b NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. Attorneys & Counselors at Law ROBERT L. DILLARD, JR. (1913-2000) 1800 Lincoln Plaza H. LOUIS NICHOLS Robert L. Dillard, III 500 North Akard OFCOU NEL W. JACKSON OF COUNSEL rdillard@njdhs.com Dallas, Texas 75201 (214)965-9900 Fax (214)965-0010 E-mail NJDHS@NJDHS.com February 11, 2002 Jack Smith City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar St. P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: House Bill 1445 Dear Jack: Enclosed please find a proposed City -County Plat Approval Agreement between the City of Sanger and the County of Denton as required by House Bill 1445. This Agreement would give the City exclusive jurisdiction over subdivision plats and regulation in its extraterritorial jurisdiction. Please let me know if you have any questions or if any changes or corrections are necessary in the form of this Agreement. Very truly yours, NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, I_�GTe � MU:AINI�;� Robert L. Dillard, III RLD/cb 46158 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: CITY -COUNTY PLAT APPROVAL AGREEMENT That this Agreement is entered into by and between the County of Denton, Texas ("County") and the City of Sanger, Texas ("City" , in accordance with the provisions of House Bill 1445 ("H.B.1445"), enacted by the 77' Legislature of the State of Texas, and is to witness the following: WHEREAS, County is a County operating under Sections 232.001-232.005 of the Local Government Code; and _ WHEREAS, County does not contain extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality with a population of 1.9 million or more and is not within fifty miles of an international border and is not subject to Subchapter C, Chapter 232; and WHEREAS, City is a home rule City of Denton County, Texas, which has extraterritorial jurisdiction ("ETJ") under the provisions of Chapter 42, Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, House Bill 1445, effective September 1, 2001, Chapter 242, Local Government Code, was amended to require City and County to enter into an agreement that identifies the governmental entity authorized to regulate subdivision plats and approve related permits in the ETJ of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and considerations herein expressed, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the parties, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. City Granted Exclusive Jurisdiction. The parties agree that City shall be granted exclusive jurisdiction to regulate all subdivision plats and approve all related permits in its ETJ in accordance with Chapter 212 of the Local Government Code, its adopted Land Development Code or other applicable codes or ordinances, and County shall no longer exercise any of these functions in the City's ETJ, 2. One Office for Plat Applications, Fee Payments and Responses. Pursuant to this Agreement, the designated representative of the City is authorized to accept plat applications for tracts of land located in the ETJ of the City, to collect plat application fees established by law, and provide applicants one response indicating approval or denial of the plat application by the appropriate approving authority. 46136 .. .. i:.. .� .....-+.a.a ,5a- ..:4 � � i v....+....: ..v.....i....... ..:"� .. ..... .. .......:. �... �u.�::W..�t�.. J,... �. .. .. ..�� _. . .,... .. � .,.,. ._. r.. ..._..�... .. _ _..-. :.�. _.. � �. i , _J.. � ¢� �ti 3. Consolidated Regulations. That the Subdivision Ordinance of the City is hereby established as a consolidated and consistent set of regulations related to plats and subdivisions of land as authorized by Chapters 212 and 232 of the Local Government Code, and will be enforced in the ETJ of the City. 4. Areas Outside ETJ. In an unincorporated area outside the ETJ of the City, the City may not regulate subdivisions or approve the filing of plats, and the County retains jurisdiction to do so. Should the City expand or reduce its ETJ, the City shall promptly notify County of such expansion or reduction. City and County agree that such an expansion or reduction shall not require amendment of this Agreement, and the City shall continue to be granted exclusive jurisdiction to regulate subdivision plats and approve related permits in its ETJ, and the County shall continue to have jurisdiction of areas outside the City's ETJ. 5. Costs. All costs involved with the approval of subdivision plats under this Agreement shall be borne by the City and payable out of current revenues available to it. 6. Periodic Review. This Agreement may be reviewed periodically and revised to address changed circumstances. This Agreement may only be modified or amended by a subsequent Agreement in writing between the same parties. Miscellaneous Provisions. 7. This Agreement shall not constitute an Agreement for the provision of governmental functions or services by either party for the other, except for the specific subject matter hereof. 8. All notices required to be given by virtue of this Agreement shall be addressed as follows and delivered by certified mail, postage prepaid, or by hand delivery: County of Denton ATTN: County Judge 110 W. Hickory, 2nd Floor Denton, Texas 76201 City of Sanger ATTN: City Manager 201 Bolivar St. F.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 46136 9. In the event any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word of this Agreement shall be held invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, the balance of the Agreement shall be severable, and shall be enforced as if the parties intended to delete the invalid portion. 10. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Texas. Venue for any action under this Agreement shall be the State District of Denton County, Texas. This Agreement is performable in Denton County, Texas, 11. This Agreement may be executed in identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and constitute one and the same instrument. 12. This Agreement embodies the complete agreement of the parties hereto, superceding all prior or contemporaneous, oral or written agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. 13. All Recitals contained in this Agreement are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes and specifically found to be true and correct by the parties hereto. 14. The undersigned officers of the parties hereto have been duly authorized by appropriate legislative action of their respective governing bodies to execute this Agreement and bind the represented party to the terms hereof. 15. This Agreement is not intended to and does not extend the liability of the parties beyond that provided by law. Neither the City or the County waives any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims by third parties. 16. All rights, orders, approvals, permits, and legal or administrative proceedings, with regard to a subdivision plat of property in the ETJ of the City in existence at the effective date of this Agreement shall continue until consummation 46136 This Agreement shall become effective on the day of , 2002. City of Sanger, Texas County of Denton, Texas By: Ja% l Smith, City Manager Attest: City Secretary Date: By: County Judge Attest: Secretary Date, 46136 February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Termination of Contract with Chamber We are requesting that the Council terminate the Contract with the Chamber for them to be the Tourist Information Center. The auditor has indicated that the Council can disburse the funds in the same manner that the tourism board does. Staff will implement an application for the persons requesting funds to complete and will place on the following Council agenda for consideration, if approved by Council. Our current contract states that either party terminating the agreement must give thirty days notice; therefore, the termination will not take effect for thirty days after notice is give to the Chamber if contract is terminated. February 21, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: City/County Plat Approval Agreement. The first paragraph of the current ordinance reads as follows: (a) Residential -Class A: Class A customers shall include all residential type users including, but not limited to, single-family residences, apartment units, trailer court units, duplexes, or any other service primarily intended for domestic or residential use. The City may include similar low volume users such as churches and small business offices or stores in Class A. This ordinance will remove the last sentence of that paragraph since we charge all businesses and churches the commercial rate, not the residential rate. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE No. 02-02-02 AN ORDINANCE OF TIIE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXA5, AMENDING CHAPTER 11, ARTICLE I I.500 AND APPENDIX ARTICLE 24,000, OF THE CITY OF SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE: AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT CHAPTER 11, ARTICLE 11.500 AND APPENDIX ARTICLE 24.000 OF THE CITY OF SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 24.000 SEWER SERVICE RATES The rates to be charged by the City for sanitary sewer service are hereby established as follows: (a) Residential -Class A: Class A customers shall include all residential type users including, but not limited to, single-family residences, apartment units, trailer court units, duplexes, or any other service primarily intended for domestic or residential use. A11 Class A customers of municipal wastewater facilities will be charged a minimum of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per monthly cycle and one dollar ($1.00) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons, but in no case to exceed thirty ($30.00) per month. (b) Commercial -Class B: Class B customers shall include commercial users such as, but not limited to, restaurants, cafes, car washes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, off ices, hotels, motels, laundries, grocery stores, department stores, and other commercial business operations as may be identified as not a Class A type user. All Class B customers of municipal wastewater facilities shall be charged the following rates for the monthly facilities charge and one dollar ($1.00) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons. 3/4" Meter $21.00 1" Meter $23.00 1-1/2" Meter $27.00 2" Meter $32.00 3" Meter $40.00 4" Meter $75.00 (c) Multi4amily Dwellings: The amount due for multi -family dwellings shall be the Class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units. SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of February, 2002, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary fmtelo X pe ATTORNEY AT LAW February l 1, 2002 Ms. Rose Chavez City of Sanger P. O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 762166 R.E: Ralph Arryx Dear Ms. Chavez: 101 SOUTH LOCUST SUITE 700 DENTON, TEXAS 76201 PHONES 940.566.3164 940v382, 1 561 FAX 940.484.2128 FleasP bP advised that 1 aca legal counsel for Ralph Amyx. Hs of this date. please do not discuss Ralpii A rnyx at any cite council tmeting s, including his person cr property, witho tit. me being notified and/or being present. Thank you. Sa.ncerely .� ames JHH:es cc: Ralph Amyx Horton MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY JANUARY 2002 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: For the first time, the State of Texas is funding libraries directly. In order to get our allotment of $2665, the State required a proposal for how it would be spent. The library filed a proposal stating that we will use this money to fund the Sanger Courier microfilming project. Through the North Texas Regional Library System, the library will be leasing books this year. This will allow faster acquisition of bestsellers, less shelf space used by books that don't get checked out and more of the newer books available to our library users. ADMINISTRATION: Meetings attended: Intemc` Safety Policy workshop, 1/8, Denton Friends of the Library meeting, 1/8 Kidshare program on Serving Young Adults, 1/9, Grapevine Denton County Library Advisory Board, 1/17, Lewisville North Texas Regional Library System meeting, 1/24, Hurst Preparing for the Summer Reading Club workshop, 1/29, Denton CIRCULATION: Removed records of those patrons whose cards expired in 2001. COLLECTION: Took a fresh collection of books to the Senior Center and retrieved the ones taken there last September. SPECIAL PROJECTS: The T-1 line (the Internet connection through the Sanger Independent School District) was down for four days while they installed a new router. Library patrons and staff were pleased that we still had a dial -up connection, as well. PROGRAMS: The Storytime theme was "Transportation". Wooden puzzles, cardboard stand -ups and plastic toys available through the North Texas Regional Library System enriched the program. One of the favorite activities was experimenting with various materials to see if they would float. This was part of the program on "Boats". Other weekly themes were "People Powered Travel", "Cars and Trucks", "Trains" and "Air and Space". BORROWER CARDS Last month New cards Cards withdrawn Cards reactivated TOTAL CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction Nonfiction Videos Adult Fiction Interlibrary Loan Misc. Uncataloged Junior Biography Junior Fiction Children's Nonfiction Children's Fiction Paperback Fiction Videos Video Players Audio Tapes TOTAL INTERNET USERS PROGRAMS Children's Programs Children Attending Adults Attending Other Programs Number Attending VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults Number of Juniors Number of Hours COLLECTION Books Paperback Fiction Video Materials Audio Materials TOTAL COLLECTION REVENUE Fines Copies ILL Postage Lost Materials New Cards Xerox Rebate TOTAL JANUARY 2002 STATISTICS Jan 2001 Jan 2002 3119 3173 25 41 587 671 10 9 2537 2552 238 247 15 18 178 206 8 14 295 268 2 3 99 113 171 120 269 220 159 258 252 287 1 0 64 39 1751 1793 7 7 76 53 22 28 1 0 9 0 2 2 7 5 51 53 15614 15707 2562 2509 598 661 227 327 19001 19204 $160.10 $97.49 $18.30 $50.65 $7.19 $13.49 $23.90 $0.00 $1.50 $0.75 $0.00 $5.00 $210.99 $167.38 c} i. a �.:. ..._ ..t Y sSt r. rt Liprary offers, informavon, fun uia Inidrlibrary loans If you want to know how to do Indian beadwork or how to pin- stripe your truck, you don't have to spend hours looping in vain on the Internet. There is a better way, states Vicky Elieson of the Sanger Public Library. By using an interlibrary loan (ILL), she explained, one can order a book about these things. "Instead of three or four sheets you might be able to print from a web site, you'll have the detail and complete- ness that you can still only get in a book," she stated. And, it is avail- able at the Sanger Public Library. ILL also is useful if one wants to compare two books before decidm. ing which one to buy from a regu- lar book store. "If you order a book on guitar repair from Barnes & Noble, you don't want to find out, when it finally comes in, that it wasn't really what you wanted," Elieson added. Despite proving useful, most people who use ILL do it just for fun, reports Elieson. The library, she Library (Continued front ing library. "If you want the book fora re- port," Elieson advised, "allow some time for it to get to sanger. Most books are received within two weeks of being ordered. They can usually be kept for four weeks. Videos can only be kept one week." stated, regularly orders lesser - known works by best-selling au- thors for that author's fans. The library also orders lots of audio books for people who listen to them at work, and can order vid- eos as well. "Can't find `Full Metal Jacket' anywhere anymore, Elieson queried. "Somewhere there's a library that will lend it," she said. "Don't worry, you won't have to track down the library that has what you want. Most of what we get is from the Fort Worth Public Library, but if they don't have it, the request goes on a network, and we get it just the same. We have recently received books from Arizona, Missouri and Vir- ginia," she continued. Unlike most library pro- grams, however, there is a fee for this one. The fee is usually under $2 per item, and ' is used for post- age to return the item to the lend (Continued on pg. 4) There are a few things the library can't get. "Libraries just won't lend newly released best- sellers or rare genealogy records," Elieson stated. "But in the past year we have sent more than 200 requests from area resi- dents, and only four requests were canceled. Chances are that we can find a way to get exactly what you want." To use ILL, visit Sanger Pub- lic Library at 501 Bolivar St. Apply for a library card, and tell the librar- ian what you want to order. A book title is not necessary; a search can be done by subject. "Don't quit using the Internet, though," Elieson stressed. "It is still good for a lot of things. For instance, you might go to amazon.com to get the title of the book you want to or- der from interlibrary loan!" j.. .. .... ,_ .... __. _.. . ,:_._. ,d.{1t.k . ....fa . _?.9w....1 3 .tmn Friend Quarterly Statement 1041 01/12-31-01 Beginning balance: 7,055.17 Deposits: 10m2MI 89.00 (40-13urrus, 24 misc, 25-memorial) 10-30-01 5.00 (membership) 12-16-01 85.00 (45-Burrus, 40-membership and donation) 1248-01 25.00 (memorial) 12-27-01 30.00 (25-13urrus, 5-membership) Total: 234.00 Checks: 9-20-01 #178 Post Office 34.00 (regular) (*may have been left off last stmt) 10-&01 #284 SW School 71.77 (Burrus) 1 M- 01 #285 Post Office 499.38 (regular) 1048 01 #179 Penny Press 128.05 (regular) 1 M- 01 #286 UT Austin 21.00 (regular?) 114-01 #287 Baker & Taylor (2) 20.96 (Burrus) 114-01 #288 Gale 212.64 (188.68 memorial, 23.96 Burrus) 11-&01 #180 City of Sanger 10.00 (regular) 1241 01 #289 Baker & Taylor (2) 205.76 (156.35 memorial, 23.21 Kroger, 2620 Burrus) 12-1-01 #290 TX State Library Archives 646.65 (regular) 12-20-01 #291 Gale 22.46 (Kroger) 12-2)Ml #292 Sweet Watermelon 17.50 (memorial) 12-2)Ml #293 Vicky Elieson 112.67 (72.80 memorial, 33.88 Burrus, 5.99 regular) 12-20-01 #294 Baker & Taylor (2) 26.18 (11.88 memorial, 14.30 Burrus) Total written: 2029.02 Ending Balance: 5,260.15