01/17/2002-PZ-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2002 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. Call Meeting to Order. Approve Minutes: November 15, 2001 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. 5. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Bryan & Jacob's Addition, being 3.35 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is Located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads, 6. Any Other Such Matters. 7. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at 940 4584930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING November 15, 2001 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland Ralph Cain, Polly Dwyer, Ken Perry, Joe Falls ABSENT: Mark Bulger OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Rachel Dobb 1. 2. Call Meeting to Order. Approve Minutes: November 5, 2001 Shelley Ruland moved to approve the minutes as presented, Ralph Cain seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for a Gymnastics Training School on property legally described as Abstract 71A, Burleson Survey, Tract 3. Property is located at 1010 Cowling Road. Public Hearing opened. Ralph Cain spoke in favor of the request. He indicated Rachel Dobb who was previously leasing the old building across the street on Bolivar) that was being condemned. She wanted to lease his building, and he advised her she could if he could get this permit. He indicated she is an excellent teacher, and very effective. He felt it was a good thing for him and for the city. Ken Perry asked if there was sufficient parking facilities. Mr. Cain indicated there was. Ken Perry asked about the hours, and what they would be doing. Mr. Cain indicated they would have tumbling mats, and have gymnastics training from 4:00 p.m. to about 8:00 p.m. Joe Falls asked if it would be school age children. Mr. Cain indicated it would be school age children. Mr. Falls asked if the building had restroom facilities. Mr. Cain indicated it did. Discussion regarding the building, and the lease. Rachel Dobb also spoke in favor of the request. She indicated there was not a place in Sanger currently that children could learn gymnastics. She felt it would keep the business here as well as give the kids a place to learn in Sanger. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Specific Use Permit for a Gymnastics Training School on property legally described as Abstract 71A, Burleson Survey, Tract 3. Property is located at 1010 Cowling Road. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the Specific Use Permit. Joe Falls asked if the permit had a time limit. City Manager indicated the permit will be good as long as Mr. Cain wants it. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the Specific Specific Use Permit for a Gymnastics Training School on property legally described as Abstract 71A, Burleson Survey, Tract 3. Shelley Ruland seconded Motion carried unanimously, Ralph Cain abstained. 5. Any Other Such Matters. a) Joe Falls indicated the motion on the Quail run item indicated he abstained, he indicated he did not and that he was for the motion. 5. Adjourn. P Name: S+ c A c r. �- . o c. k C S d T C u, s d- o,•-. -� d r-..� Address: 7' 7!:6 2 4 Phone: /` I am requesting the property located at %��.� �.. d /� /� � and legally described as jZ T��, �,, er fro r ! to be considered for a zoning change from - 2 to r The purpose for this zoning request is as follows: Date received Fee $ Rec' d by: PD. City of December 319 2001 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Request The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning will conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF64 (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, January 21, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RC:sr Enclosure soi BOLIYAR STREET P.O. BOX i��q BANGER, TEXAS �6�66 940-458-7930 940-458-416o FAX so Og, } k �'+0,4w^. !!..A .b '1� Y'iY K {�ii&+irw s#; 3 . J. ,t.r;. _W t -, le.i _� P iP µ ; too r �. '. .. . .. .. it P&Z O1/17/02 CC O1/21/02 ZONING REQUEST Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. r - Please check one: ,0/ NOMOOMMIN Comments: SIGNATURE I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Gi �s /"W Please Print Your Name DATE P&Z 01/17/02 CC O1/21/02 ZONING REQUEST Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please c/heck one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: 21 I -to IGNAIT Ah oil DATE Please Print Your Name Wpy{ P&Z O1/1'7/02 CC O1/21/02 ZONING REQUEST Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. lease check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: i Io�C7� DATE Please Print Your Name LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning will conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 5 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE '1utsda The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on y, January 22, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads, Rosalie Chavez City Secretary List of Property Owners (Keaton and Holt) Ralph & Lela Amyx P.O. Box 326 Sanger, TX 76266 Glenn &Kim Shaw P.O. Box 1121 Sanger, TX 76266 Dorman Johnson 102 Keaton Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger ISD P.O. Box 188 Sanger, TX 76266 Jody Roberts Ronald Beard 1883 Huling Rd, Sanger, TX 76266 Dale Roberts 105 Holt Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Curtis Amyx P.O. Box 28 Sanger, TX 76266 Jerferey Miller 104 W. Holt St. Sanger, TX 76266 S & T Custom Homes 6415 Stags Leap Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 January 14, 2002 To: Planning and Zoning Commission r Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Preliminary Plat Attached is the Engineer's letter regarding the Preliminary Plat for Bryan &Jacobs Addition. He has indicated that the plat conforms to the sub -division ordinances. There were a few changes to be made regarding setbacks. Attached is a small copy of the plat with the corrections; however, we will have the large plats for your review at the meeting Thursday. MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL. CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER January 14, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Bryan &Jacobs Addition —Preliminary Plat 6 Residential Lots Sanger, Texas 1 st Review Dear Mr. Smith: r Per your request I have completed a 1 gt review of the Preliminary Plat, Preliminary Utility Layout, and Preliminary Drainage Study as prepared and submitted by Metroplex Surveying, Inc. for the project referenced above. My comments are as follows: Normally a preliminary plat submittal consists of the preliminary plat, a utility plan and a drainage plan. Do to the simplicity of this project it is acceptable to me to show the utility plan and drainage plan on the preliminary plat drawing itself. I have reviewed the plat and find that it meets the requirements of the zoning and sub -division ordinances. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-4845. Sincerely; Mark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer P.o. Box 5J� PONDER, TX 76259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 F,qx: 94a4��o5�s Ill�lliil:ul Llllll.ilt;l !Z 0 N O rAtt ar TAti caAnTY ar _D':M ,►L1EAS WE t 0.TOY • !S M W WE CY CRS Or A J SS ACK TAACr F. -{ tom• hL\Rr 7LW.S'EP SJ[a£. Arno[• Nt,usm I z41.: rn 6 SMCA.T. D'x:'T vxvr)'. A/'_• TEARS. rc^hC X.J. Or :9A3 I t I CE MC r" tA,VAC OY"Y 'D u4upl PCSPEYC`R '.,. -- k"I' , OSnz•, ,l[D.f= h YMK .'e•. FACE 1250 Of r>E PEAL RWEPrr xttGPDi r CC M A CCO�, ,Cu4 M4 l WC W.91 %AOrCU:MLY )t3rA OD) AS A'J.LTf: F"•- 6C34`i`4.t' A C< •WL fC1.42 IN wY >S{`i,LT SLRr,rp PJ?[Y• 4W7 ow 1[Mti1), A, 'WE SCUP M.W `pa0t •r a :R CJVA`M PO JOCv A Vamr N•4Vr Pr CQ:) •,I RE,20A D A. VWJW 41R, PAX 24074 KAL P7f,PERO PSOICS CI X%ICY CODYIY. f •EYRT .ksC 9Cv: M S3L :-FJLST :04mt Cr TRACT P• CO`emm TO SA'CR tSD. tr ;M MWIt •S N V PW 419% FACE '450 Y WE WE AMoMatrr MCCAO5 W " MMCY-OU•RY. 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