10-20-00-Ordinance-Annexing property located in the R Bebee and Tierwester Surveys-08/07/20001.30 1 02 33 City of Sanger, Texas ORDINANCE NO. 10-20-00 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the city is authorized to annex territory in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 43.021 and its home -rule charter and by statute; WHEREAS, said territory proposed to be annexed is within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction and is contiguous to the city; WHEREAS, the city has prepared a service plan for said territory which is attached as Exhibit "A" to this ordinance; WHEREAS, the City has published notice of hearings on said annexation and held hearings as required by state law; and WHEREAS, after hearing arguments for and against the same, the governing body has voted to annex said territory into the City under the authority of Section 43.033 of the Local Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That territory hereinafter described is hereby annexed into the city, and that the boundary limits of the City are hereby extended to include said territory within the city limits, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and said land and the future inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said City. A00029A R. BEBEE, TRACT 108, ACRES 38.9214, BEING a tract of land in the R. BEBEE, survey, Abstract No. 29., and being a portion of that certain tract conveyed to Curtis E. Ramey, Trustee, by Deed recorded in Volume 686, page 651, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and said portion being more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a 2" pipe in a place in the easterly line of Interstate Highway 35 for the most Westerly Northwest corner of said Ramey tract and the Southwest corner of that certain tract 4701 02284 conveyed to Nickerson and Nickerson, Inc., by Deed recorded in Volume 563, page 278, of said Deed Records; THENCE North 89 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds East with the most Southerly North line of said Ramey tract and the South line of said Nickerson and Nickerson tract, 404.73 feet to a 2" pipe in a place for the Southeast corner of said Nickerson and Nickerson tract and an "L" corner in said Ramey tract; THENCE North 0 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds East with the East line of said Nickerson and Nickerson tract and with the most Easterly West line of said Ramey tract, at 447.52 feet passing an iron rod set in the South line of a County Road known as Lois Road, and continuing in all 474.40 feet to the most Northerly Northwest corner of said Ramey tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds East with the North line of said Ramey tract in said Lois Road,1713.60 feet to the Northeast corner of said Ramey tract in the Westerly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway R.O.W.; THENCE South 9 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds West with said Westerly line of Railway R.O.W. and with the Easterly line of said Ramey tract, at 27.94 feet passing an iron rod set at the point of intersection of said South line of Lois Road with said Westerly and Easterly line, and continuing in all 959.90 feet to an iron rod in place for the Southeast corner of said Ramey tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 39 minutes 45 seconds West with a fence along the south line of said Ramey tract,1968.82 feet to an iron rod in place in said Easterly line of Interstate 35 for the Southwest corner of said Ramey tract; THENCE North 0 degrees 36 minutes 05 seconds East with said Easterly line of Interstate 35 and with the most Westerly West line of said Ramey tract, 468.94 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 39.988 acres (1,741,887 square feet), of which 1.07 acre (46,600 square feet) lies within said Lois Road; SAVE AND EXCEPT the 1.07 acre (46,600 square feet) lies within said Lois Road. A0029A R. BEBEE, TRACT 110 & 111 FIELD NOTES to all that certain tract of land situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, abstract #29, Denton County, Texas, and being a re -survey of all of a called 50 acre tract of land described in the Volume 1583, Page 816 Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, and a re -survey of all of a called 41.109 acre tract of land described in 1586, Page 142, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas; the subject property being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a %" iron xol fou'nd`in the East line of Interstate Highway 35 Service Road at the Northwest corner of the tract being described herein, at the Northwest corner of said 41.109 acre tract and the Southwest corner of a called 38.988 acre tract described in the Deed to Bobby W. Fletcher recorded in Volume 4467, Page 1094, of the Real Property Records of 7! I 02235 Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 88 Degrees 41 Minutes 24 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 1967.02 feet along the South line thereof to a Y2" iron rod set for corner in the West line of Gulf Coast and Santa Fe Railroad, at the Southeast corner of said 38.988 acre tract and the Northeast corner of said 41.109 acre tract; THENCE South 10 Degrees 21 Minutes 02 Seconds West along said Railroad a distance of 700.50 feet to a %1' capped iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 5779.58 feet and a chord bearing of South 03 Degrees 36 Minutes 49 Seconds West a distance of 1355.04 feet; THENCE along said curve an are distance of 1358.17 feet to a '/x" capped iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 03 Degrees 00 Minutes 22 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 179.76 feet along the West line of said Railroad to a %" iron rod found for the Southeast corner of said 50 acre tract; THENCE North 88 Degrees 26 Minutes 39 Seconds West along and near a fence a distance of 1830.46 feet to a Wood Fence Corner Post for the Southwest corner of the tract being described herein at the Southwest corner of said 50 acre tract in the East right-of-way of said Interstate; THENCE North 01 Degrees 41 Minutes 00 Seconds East with the East right-of-way line of said Interstate a distance of 214.07 feet Wood Fence Corner Post for corner; THENCE South 88 Degrees 25 Minutes 24 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 435.84 feet to a Wood Fence Corner Post for corner; THENCE North 01 Degrees 54 Minutes 24 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 299.21 feet Wood Fence Corner Post for corner; THENCE North 88 Degrees 25 Minutes 24 Seconds West along and near a fence a distance of 437.01 feet to a Wood Fence Corner Post for corner in the East right-of-way line of said Interstate; THENCE North 01 Degrees 41 Minutes 00 Seconds East along East line of said road a distance of 1702.20 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and enclosing 91.02 acres of land, more or less. A0029A R. BEBEE, TRACT 112 A part of the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abst. No 29, Denton County, Texas, and a part of the 93.962 acre tract of land conveyed to Henry Edward Belz et al, by E. F. Belz et ux, on December 22, 1976, by deed of record in Volume 816, Page 700, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, hereinafter called the Belz Tract and BEGINNING on the right-of-way line of East Service Road of Interstate Highway 35-W 216 feet North 1 deg. 41 min. East from the southeast corner of the Betz Tract; THENCE South 88 deg. 33 min. 10 sec. East, 437 feet to corner; THENCE North 1 deg. 41 min. East, 299 feet to corner; THENCE North 88 deg. 33 min. 10 sec. West, 437 feet to corner in the right-of-way of east service Road of Interstate Highway 35-E; THENCE South 1 deg. 41 min. West, with said right-of-way 299 feet to the place of beginning, containing 3 acres of land. TOGETHER with a 10-foot sewer line easement, the centerline of which is located approximately 302 feet north from the south line of the Belz Tract and runs east from the east line of the above described three acre tract to the sewer line running in a north/south direction through the Belz 93.962 acre tract of land. HAISLER PROPERTY All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas, being 276.78 acres of land, more or less, located about two miles south from Sanger, Texas, described as follows: being a part of the Nancy Coker Survey, Abst. No. 249, Certificate No.12, Patent No. 890, Volume 10, dated April 5,1855, the R. A. Johnson Survey, Abst. No. 666, Patent No.1195, Volume 11, dated March 22,1855, the M. R. Burleson Survey, Abst. No. 71, Patent No. 43, Volume 38, dated May 16, 1870; the J. Early Survey, Abst. No. 1281, original Grantee Samuel J. Williams, patented to J. Early, Certificate No. 211, Patent No. 565, Volume 4, dated August 10,1860, the McKinney and Williams Survey, Abst. No. 940, Certificate 2/4710, Patent No. 487, Volume 9, dated March 15,1862, the Felipe Jaime Survey, Abst. No. 664, certificate No.13/342, patented to Samuel A. Maverick, Patent No. 332, Volume 20, dated August 25,1874, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING in the center of a north and south Denton and Sanger Public road, now known as U. S. Highway No. 77, said point being described in the H. W. Perry to Merchants State Bank deed as the southwest corner of the Jesse Wheeler tract; said corner being described in the Milton Irvin Newton et al, to H. W. Petty et us, tract as most northerly northwest corner of said Newton to Perry tract, said corner described as the beginning corner in deed dated June 1, 1918, from Lewis Rue and H. W. Norwood to W. H. Newton, being 152,78 feet west and 922.22 feet north of the southwest corner of the M. R. Burleson 160 acre survey; THENCE South 89 deg. 04' east 2493.2 feet along existing fence line, to a 4" round Oak Corner post for fence corner, said corner being 260 feet west of the center line of the Gulf, Colorado and Stnte Fe Railroad, and being the east boundary line of the Felipe Jaime Survey, Abst. No. 664; THENCE South 0 deg.16' east 998.68 feet along existing fence line, and the east boundary line of the Felipe Jaime Survey, to an old hewn railroad crosstie for fence corner post and being an inner ell corner on tract herein described, same being the Robert A. Johnson Survey, Abst. No. 666; THENCE North 89 deg. 59' east 310.45 feet along existing fence line to a railroad crosstie fence corner post, said post being the most eastern northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by deed dated June 1,1918, from Lewis Rue and H. W. Norwood to W. H. Newton, said corner being 74.5 feet west of the center line of past mentioned railroad, and being 24,5 feet west of the right of way line of said railroad; THENCE South 6 deg. 04' east an existing fence line 21.09 feet to a railroad crosstie for corner post in the west right of way line of the past mentioned railroad; THENCE South 82 deg. 31' west 24.56 feet along existing fence line to a railroad crosstie for fence corner post in the west boundary line of the past mentioned railroad; THENCE South 5 deg. 26' east and parallel with the center line of said railroad and along the west boundary line of said railroad, and along existing fence line, and passing at 435.5 feet the south boundary line of the Robert A. Johnson Survey, Abstract No. 666, and the north boundary line of the J. Early Survey, Abst. No. 1281, continuing on said course and along mentioned fence line and right of way line a total distance of 1004.5 feet, to a railroad crosstie for fence corner, same being the most eastern southeast corner of the Milton Irvin Newton et al to H. W. Perry tract; THENCE South 85 deg. 20' west 287.23 feet along existing fence line and the south boundary line of the above mentioned Newton to Petty tract, to a fence corner post for a corner , and being an inner ell corner of the H. W. Perry tract, said corner being in the west boundary line of the J. Early Survey, Abst. No. 1281, and in the east boundary line of the past mentioned Lewis Rue and H. W. Norwood to W. H. Newton tract; THENCE South 0 deg. 11' east along the east boundary line of the above mention Rue and Norwood to W. H. Newton tract, same being an east boundary line of the Milton Irvin Newton et al to H. W. Perry tract, and being an existing fence line 104.13 feet to a fence corner, said corner being the original southeast corner of the past mentioned W. H. Newton tract, and being a corner on the H. W. Perry tract; THENCE South 89 deg. 22' west 753.18 feet along existing fence line and the south boundary line of the above mentioned Perry tract to a 26" Elm tree, used for fence corner (old wire grown in the approximate center of said tree, indicated a very old fence corner); THENCE South 17 deg. 33' west along existing fence line and passing at approximately 126 feet to a point in fence where it meanders back toward the southeast, continuing on said course a total distance of 205.49 feet to a stake in the center line channel of Clear Creek for corner; THENCE along the center line meanderings of the channel of Clear Creek as follows: South 85 de. 54' west 232.5 feet; North 53 de. 15' west 27.0 feet; South 39 deg.12' west 347.0 feet; South 47 deg. 23 west316.0 feet North 49 deg. 04' west 270.6 feet; North 10 deg. 56' east 249.0 feet; North 69 deg. 35' west 455.0 feet; North 21 deg. 33' west 159.6 feet; North 18 deg.13' east 326.0 feet, North 30 deg. 44' west 350.0 feet; South 68 deg. 06' west 416.69 feet to a stake in center line channel of said creek, same being the most western southwest corner of a tract herein described; THENCE North along the west boundary line of tract herein described and entering the center line of U. S. Highway No. 77 at approximately 1,000 feet, continuing on said course, and along the center line of U. S. Highway No 77. A total distance of 3627.14 feet to a point of beginning, and containing in all 276.78 acres of land, of which 9.723 acres are lying within the limits of the east fence of this tract, and the east boundary line of the W. H. Newton original tract, as conveyed June, 1,1918, as shown by survey on the ground by R. G. Milliken, Licensed State Land Surveyor, on December 14 and 15,1956. A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 75 All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Denton County, Texas, being part of a tract described in a deed from Ina Grace Holt to Benny Earl Parrent, et al, on the 191 day of May 1978, recorded Volume 893, Page 347, Deed Records; the tract to be described herein consisting of all of Lot 1 Block A, Phase One of Indian Springs Estate, an addition to the City of Sanger, plat of which is recorded in Cabinet B, Page 37, Plat Records of Denton County, plus 0.3129 acres adjacent on the west and being more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block A of Indian Springs Estates at an iron pin; THENCE South 00 degrees 44 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 584.73 feet to an iron pin at the Southeast corner of Lot 1 on the North boundary line of a cul-de-sac of Rising Star Lane; THENCE Northwesterly with the North boundary line of Rising Star Lane around a curve to the left having an are distance of 39.70 feet to an iron pin at the South Southwest corner of said Lot; THENCE North 06 degrees 01 minutes 57 minutes West a distance of 180.14 feet to an iron pin at an inner ell corner Lot 1; THENCE north 57 degrees 41 minutes 12 seconds West pass at 178.35 feet the West Southwest corner of Lot 1 and continuing a total distance of 277.63 feet to an iron pin; THENCE North 43 degrees 31 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 320.57 feet to an iron pin at the Northwest corner of Lot 1; THENCE South 89 degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 70.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, and containing 1.7059 acres of land. A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 71 1 €�22 All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being part of a tract described in a deed from Ina Grace Holt to Bennie Parrent et al on May 19,1978, recorded in Volume 893, Page 347, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of Lot 4 of Phase One of Indian Springs Estate, an addition to the City of Sanger, plat of which is recorded in Cabinet B, Page 37, Plat Records of Denton County, Texas, on the Northwesterly right-of-way of Rising Star Lane; THENCE Southerly with said right-of-way around a curve to the left having a chord of S. 52 deg. 03'33" W. 66.16 feet, an arc distance of 66.34 feet to a steel pin at the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE Southerly with said right-of-way and a curve to the left having a central angle of 43 deg. 57109", a chord of S. 22 deg. 55'59"W., a radius of 260.0 feet and an arc length of 198.0 feet to a steel pin at the end of said curve; THENCE S.1 deg. 07' W. with West right-of-way of Rising star Lane a distance of 43.73 feet to a steel pin on the North right-of-way of Austin street; THENCE N. 88 deg. 53' W. with the North boundary line of Austin street a distance of 175.8 feet to a corner in a branch; THENCE N. 22 deg. 17' 27" W. with the middle of said branch a distance of 113.08 feet to a corner; THENCE N. 11 deg. 18' 50" E. with the middle of said branch a distance of 149.38 feet to a corner; THENCE N. 42 deg. 22' 43" E. with the middle of said branch a distance of 97.16 feet to a corner; THENCE S. 62 deg. 23' 29" E. a distance of 225.72 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing in all 1.4696 acres of land. A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 66 All that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated in the H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO.1241, Denton County, Texas; said tract being part of those tracts described in deed from Adelia Squires Mordecai, et al to Jeffery E. Johnson, as recorded in Volume 574, Page 143, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, said tract being further described herein by metes and bounds as follows; BEGINNING, for the northeast corner of this, at the northeast corner of aforesaid Mordecai to Johnson tract, a spike set in county road; �11 01 0 2 2-00 THENCE South 0 degrees 47 minutes West 260.14 feet with said county road a spike. THENCE North 88 degrees 43 minutes West, at 17.7 feet a steel rod, overall, 630.3 feet to a steel rod set a slight angle point to right, THENCE North 86 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 282.5 feet to a steel rod; THENCE South 89 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds West 248.88 feet to a steel rod; THENCE North 88 degrees 43 minutes West 140.3 feet to a steel rod set in the easterly line of Fourth Tract described in deed from Ella Warren to H. B. Harris et ux as recorded in Volume 305, page 329 of the Deed Records o Denton County, Texas; THENCE Northl degree 23 minutes 10 seconds East 251.87 feet with fence line to the northwest corner of the eastern part of aforementioned Johnson tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds east 1315.61 feet along existing fence line to the place of beginning, and being 7.853 acres of land, more or less. A1241 A TIERWESTER, TRACT 67A All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Denton County, Texas and being part of a (Called) 38.912 acre tract as described in a Deed from Carol Ann Springer to Donald R. Holson on the 170, day of January,1977, recorded in Volume 819m Page 173, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows; Commencing at an iron pin found at the southwest corner of a (Called) 41.6488 acre tract as described in a Deed from Bill McClellan, Trustee to Ralph Amyx, et ux, on the 24' day of October,1991, Recorded in Volume 3124, Page 212, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, said point also being an inner corner of said 38.912 acre tract; Thence North 89 Degrees 23 Minutes 00 Seconds east on a common line between said Holson Tract and Said Amyx Tract distance of 50.00 feet to an iron pin set at the Point of Beginning of the herein described tract; Thence North 89 Degrees 23 Minutes 00 Seconds east on a common line between said Amyx Tract and said Holson Tract a distance of 1180.16 feet to an iron pin found at the southeast corner of said 41.6488 acre Amyx Tract and the south west corner of a (Called) 7.583 acre tract deeded to Ralph Amyx, recorded in Volume767, Page 201, Deed records of Denton County, Texas; Thence North 89 Degrees 49 Minutes 35 Seconds east with the South line of said Amyx Tract a distance of 140.30 feet to an iron pin found for corner; Thence North 87 degrees 35 Minutes 45 Seconds east with the south line of said Amyx Tract a distance of 140.30 feet to an iron pin found for corner; Thence North 87 degrees 35 Minutes 45 Seconds east with the south line of said Amyx Tract a distance of 248.88 feet to an iron pin found for corner; Thence South 88 Degrees 10 Minutes 55 Seconds east with the south line of said Amyx Tract a distance OF 282.50 feet to an iron pin found for corner; Thence North 89 Degrees 49 Minutes 35 Seconds east with the south line of said Amyx Tract a distance of 646.67 feet to an iron pin found at the southeast corner of said 7.583 acre Amyx Tract an the eastern most northeast corner of said Holson Tract in Keaton Road; Thence South 00 Degrees 40 Minutes 25 Seconds east with the east line of said Holson Tract in Keaton road a distance of 20.00 feet to an iron pin found for corner at the southeast corner of said Holson Tract, also being the Northeast corner of a (Called)10.00 acre tract described in a deed from Ina Grace Holt to Ralph D. Amyx, et ux, Recorded in Volume 1176, Page 88, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; Thence South 89 Degrees 49 Minutes 40 Seconds west with the north line of said 10.00 acre Amyx Tract and the south line of said Holson Tract a distance of 1318.00 feet to an iron pin found for corner; Thence South 89 Degrees 32 Minutes 05 Seconds west with the south line of said Holson Tract a distance of 1130.31 feet to an iron pin set for corner; Thence North 00 Degrees 08 Minutes 56 Seconds west a distance of 50.00 feet at the Point of Beginning and containing in all 1.1480 acres of land. A1241A TIERWESTER. TRACT 65A All that certain tract or parcel of land lying in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241, Denton County, Texas, and being part of a tract described in a Deed from Stewart Craig Snider and wife, Deborah S. Snider, and Bennie G. Snider and wife, Joyce Snider, Individually and dba Snider Development Company to Bill McClellan, Trustee on the 13' day of December, 1990, recorded in Volume 2899, Page 59, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin in Keaton Road at the Easternmost Southeast corner of the above mentioned tract, being the Northeast corner of a tract deeded to Ralph D. Amyx recorded in Volume 676, Page 201, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; Thence South 89 Degrees 25 Minutes 58 Seconds West with the North line of said Amyx tract along and near a fence a distance of 1315.61 feet to an iron pin at the Northwest corner of said Amyx tract; Thence South 00 Degrees 01 Minutes 00 Seconds East with the West line of said Amyx tract a distance of 269.57 feet to an iron pin at the Southwest corner of said Amyx tract an on a North line of a tract deeded to Donald R. Holson recorded in Volume 819, Page 173, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; 9 q `) r _ y 2 Thence South 89 Degrees 23 Minutes 00 Seconds West with a North line of said Holson tract a distance of 1180.16 feet to an iron pin at a inner ell corner of said Holson tract; Thence North 00 Degrees 08 Minutes 56 Seconds West with a East line of said Holson tract a distance of 1231.04 feet to a fence corner post at the North Northeast corner of said Holson tract; Thence North 88 Degrees 57 Minutes 19 Seconds East a distance of 187.62 feet to a fence corner post at the Southwest corner of a tract deeded to Candace L. Boydston recorded in Volume 1617, Page 612, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; Thence North 89 Degrees 35 Minutes 39 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 927.84 feet to a fence post set in concrete; Thence North 89 Degrees 24 Minutes 35 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 355.08 feet to an iron pin; Thence South 02 Degrees 52 Minutes 46 Seconds West a distance of 861.08 feet to an iron pin; Thence North 89 Degrees 25 Minutes 58 Seconds East a distance of 1071.19 feet to an iron pin in Keaton Road; Thence South 00 Degrees 14 Minutes 29 Seconds East with Keaton Road a distance of 100.00 feet to the Point -of -Beginning and containing 41.6488 acres of land more or less; SAVE AND EXCEPT, All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Henry Tierwester survey abstract 1241, Denton County, Texas and being part of a (called) 41.6488 acre tract as described in a deed from Bill McClellan, trustee to Ralph Amyx and wife, Lela Amyx, on the 24" day of October,1991, recorded in volume 3124, page 212, real property records of Denton county, Texas and being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at an iron pin found at the southwest corner of said 41.6488 acre tract, said point also being an inner corner of a (called) 38.912 acre tract as described in a deed from Carol Ann Springer to Donald R. Holson on the 17' day of January,1977, recorded in volume 819, pate 173, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; Thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 56 seconds West along and near a fence on a common line between said Amyx Tract and said Holson Tract, a distance of 1321.04 feet to a fence corner post at the northwest corner of said Amyx Tract and the northernmost northeast corner of said Holson Tract; Thence North 88 degrees 57 minutes 19 seconds east with the north line of said Amyx Tract, a distance of 50.00 feet to an iron pin set for corner; Thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 56 seconds west a distance of 1231.04 feet to an iron pin set for corner on the south line of said Amyx Tract a north line of said Holson Tract; €_p 1 02293 Section 2: That the municipal service plan for the herein annexed territory provided in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby adopted. Section 3: The City Secretary is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk and other appropriate officials and agencies, as required by estate and federal law and city annexation procedures, certified copies of this ordinance. PASSSED by an affirmative vote of the City Council, Governing Body of the City of Sanger, this 7th day of August, 2000. ":e "U fi9dir�L ell Tommy/lOn6id, Mayor A EST: 0S-L () P - I/ Rosalie Chavez, City SeITFtary EXHIBIT "A" City of Sanger, Texas ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN AREA TO BE ANNEXED A00029A R. BEBEE. TRACT 108, ACRES 38.9214, BEING a tract of land in the R. BEBEE, survey, Abstract No. 29., and being a portion of that certain tract conveyed to Curtis E. Ramey, Trustee, by Deed recorded in Volume 686, page 651, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and said portion being more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a 2" pipe in a place in the easterly line of Interstate Highway 35 for the most Westerly Northwest corner of said Ramey tract and the Southwest corner of that certain tract conveyed to Nickerson and Nickerson, Inc., by Deed recorded in Volume 563, page 278, of said Deed Records; THENCE North 89 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds East with the most Southerly North line of said Ramey tract and the South line of said Nickerson and Nickerson tract, 404.73 feet to a 2" pipe in a place for the Southeast corner of said Nickerson and Nickerson tract and an °GL" corner in said Ramey tract; THENCE North 0 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds East with the East line of said Nickerson and Nickerson tract and with the most Easterly West line of said Ramey tract, at 447.52 feet passing an iron rod set in the South line of a County Road known as Lois Road, and continuing in all 474.40 feet to the most Northerly Northwest corner of said Ramey tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds East with the North line of said Ramey tract in said Lois Road,1713.60 feet to the Northeast corner of said Ramey tract in the Westerly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway R.O.W.; THENCE South 9 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds West with said Westerly line of Railway R.O.W. and with the Easterly line of said Ramey tract, at 27.94 feet passing an iron rod set at the point of intersection of said South line of Lois Road with said Westerly and Easterly line, and continuing in all 959.90 feet to an iron rod in place for the Southeast corner of said Ramey tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 39 minutes 45 seconds West with a fence along the south line of said Ramey tract,1968.82 feet to an iron rod in place in said Easterly line of Interstate 35 for the Southwest corner of said Ramey tract; THENCE North 0 degrees 36 minutes 05 seconds East with said Easterly line of Interstate 35 and with the most Westerly West line of said Ramey tract, 468.94 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 39.988 acres (1,741,887 square feet), of which 1.07 acre (46,600 square feet) lies within said Lois Road; SAVE AND EXCEPT the 1.07 acre (46,600 square feet) lies within said Lois Road. A0029A R. BEBEE, TRACT 110 & 111 FIELD NOTES to all that certain tract of land situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, abstract #29, Denton County, Texas, and being a re -survey of all of a called 50 acre tract of land described in the Volume 1583, Page 816 Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, and a re -survey of all of a called 41.109 acre tract of land described in 1586, Page 142, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas; the subject property being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a !/2" iron rod found in the East line of Interstate Highway 35 Service Road at the Northwest corner of the tract being described herein, at the Northwest corner of said 41.109 acre tract and the Southwest corner of a called 38.988 acre tract described in the Deed to Bobby W. Fletcher recorded in Volume 4467, Page 1094, of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 88 Degrees 41 Minutes 24 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 1967.02 feet along the South line thereof to a %" iron rod set for corner in the West line of Gulf Coast and Santa Fe Railroad, at the Southeast corner of said 38.988 acre tract and the Northeast corner of said 41.109 acre tract; THENCE South 10 Degrees 21 Minutes 02 Seconds West along said Railroad a distance of 700.50 feet to a 1/:" capped iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 5779.58 feet and a chord bearing of South 03 Degrees 36 Minutes 49 Seconds West a distance of 1355.04 feet; THENCE along said curve an are distance of 1358.17 feet to a %" capped iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 03 Degrees 00 Minutes 22 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 179.76 feet along the West line of said Railroad to a 1/2" iron rod found for the Southeast corner of said 50 acre tract; THENCE North 88 Degrees 26 Minutes 39 Seconds West along and near a fence a distance of 1830.46 feet to a Wood Fence Corner Post for the Southwest corner of the tract being described herein at the Southwest corner of said 50 acre tract in the East right-of-way of said Interstate; THENCE North 01 Degrees 41 Minutes 00 Seconds East with the East right-of-way line of said Interstate a distance of 214.07 feet Wood Fence Corner Post for corner; THENCE South 88 Degrees 25 Minutes 24 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 435.84 feet to a Wood Fence Corner Post for corner; THENCE North 01 Degrees 54 Minutes 24 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 299.21 feet Wood Fence Corner Post for corner; THENCE North 88 Degrees 25 Minutes 24 Seconds West along and near a fence a distance of 437.01 feet to a Wood Fence Corner Post for corner in the East right-of-way line of said Interstate; THENCE North 01 Degrees 41 Minutes 00 Seconds East along East line of said road a distance of 1702.20 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and enclosing 91.02 acres of land, more or less. A0029A R. BEBEE, TRACT 112 A part of the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abst. No 29, Denton County, Texas, and a part of the 93.962 acre tract of land conveyed to Henry Edward Betz et al, by E. F. Belz et ux, on December 22,1976, by deed of record in Volume 816, Page 700, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, hereinafter called the Belz Tract and BEGINNING on the right-of-way line of East Service Road of Interstate Highway 35-W 216 feet North 1 deg. 41 min. East from the southeast corner of the Belz Tract; THENCE South 88 deg. 33 min.10 sec. East, 437 feet to corner; THENCE North 1 deg. 41 min. East, 299 feet to corner; THENCE North 88 deg. 33 min.10 sec. West, 437 feet to corner in the right-of-way of east service Road of Interstate Highway35-E; THENCE South 1 deg. 41 min. West, with said right-of-way 299 feet to the place of beginning, containing 3 acres of land. TOGETHER with a 10-foot sewer line easement, the centerline of which is located approximately 302 feet north from the south line of the Belz Tract and runs east from the east line of the above described three acre tract to the sewer line running in a north/south direction through the Belz 93.962 acre tract of land. HAISLER PROPERTY All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Denton, State of Texas, being 276.78 acres of land, more or less, located about two miles south from Sanger, Texas, described as follows: being a part of the Nancy Coker Survey, Abst. No. 249, Certificate No.12, Patent No. 890, Volume 10, dated April 5,1855, the R. A. Johnson Survey, Abst. No. 666, Patent No.1195, Volume 11, dated March 22,1855, the M. R. Burleson Survey, Abst. No. 71, Patent No. 43, Volume 38, dated May 16,1870; the J. Early Survey, Abst. No.1281, original Grantee Samuel J. Williams, patented to J. Early, Certificate No. 211, Patent No. 565, Volume 4, dated August 10,1860, the McKinney and Williams Survey, Abst. No. 940, Certificate 2/4710, Patent No. 487, Volume 9, dated March 15,1862, the Felipe Jaime Survey, Abst. No. 664, certificate No.13/342, patented to Samuel A. Maverick, Patent No. 332, Volume 20, dated August 25,1874, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING in the center of a north and south Denton and Sanger Public road, now known as U. S. Highway No. 77, said point being described in the H. W. Perry to Merchants State Bank deed as the southwest corner of the Jesse Wheeler tract; said corner being described in the Milton Irvin Newton et al, to H. W. Petty et us, tract as most northerly northwest corner of said Newton to Perry tract, said corner described as the beginning corner in deed dated June 1,1918, from Lewis Rue and H. W. Norwood to W. H. Newton, being 152,78 feet west and 922.22 feet north of the southwest corner of the M. R. Burleson 160 acre survey; THENCE South 89 deg. 04' east 2493.2 feet along existing fence line, to a 4" round Oak Corner post for fence corner, said corner being 260 feet west of the center line of the Gulf, Colorado and Sante Fe Railroad, and being the east boundary line of the Felipe Jaime Survey, Abst. No. 664; THENCE South 0 deg. 16' east 998.68 feet along existing fence line, and the east boundary line of the Felipe Jaime Survey, to an old hewn railroad crosstie for fence corner post and being an inner ell corner on tract herein described, same being the Robert A. Johnson Survey, Abst. No. 666; THENCE North 89 deg. 59' east 310.45 feet along existing fence line to a railroad crosstie fence corner post, said post being the most eastern northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by deed dated June 1,1918, from Lewis Rue and H. W. Norwood to W. H. Newton, said corner being 74.5 feet west of the center line of past mentioned railroad, and being 24,5 feet west of the right of way line of said railroad; THENCE South 6 deg. 04' east an existing fence line 21.09 feet to a railroad crosstie for corner post in the west right of way line of the past mentioned railroad; THENCE South 82 deg. 31' west 24.56 feet along existing fence line to a railroad crosstie for fence corner post in the west boundary line of the past mentioned railroad; THENCE South 5 deg. 26' east and parallel with the center line of said railroad and along the west boundary line of said railroad, and along existing fence line, and passing at 435.5 feet the south boundary line of the Robert A. Johnson Survey, Abstract No. 666, and the north boundary line of the J. Early Survey, Abst. No.1281, continuing on said course and along mentioned fence line and right of way line a total distance of 1004.5 feet, to a railroad crosstie for fence corner, same being the most eastern southeast corner of the Milton Irvin Newton et al to H. W. Perry tract; THENCE South 85 deg. 20' west 287.23 feet along existing fence line and the south boundary line of the above mentioned Newton to Petty tract, to a fence corner post for a corner, and being an inner ell corner of the H. W. Perry tract, said corner being in the west boundary line of the J. Early Survey, Abst. No.1281, and in the east boundary line of the past mentioned Lewis Rue and H. W. Norwood to W. H. Newton tract; THENCE South 0 deg. 11' east along the east boundary line of the above mention Rue and Norwood to W. H. Newton tract, same being an east boundary line of the Milton Irvin Newton et al to H. W. Perry tract, and being an existing fence line 104.13 feet to a fence corner, said corner being the original southeast corner of the past mentioned W. H. Newton tract, and being a corner on the H. W. Perry tract; THENCE South 89 deg. 22' west 753.18 feet along existing fence line and the south boundary line of the above mentioned Perry tract to a 26" Elm tree, used for fence corner (old wire grown in the approximate center of said tree, indicated a very old fence corner); THENCE South 17 deg. 33' west along existing fence line and passing at approximately 126 feet to a point in fence where it meanders back toward the southeast, continuing on said course a total distance of 205.49 feet to a stake in the center line channel of Clear Creek for corner; THENCE along the center line meanderings of the channel of Clear Creek as follows: South 85 de. 54' west 232.5 feet; North 53 de. 15' west 27.0 feet; South 39 deg. 12' west 347.0 feet; South 47 deg. 23 west 316.0 feet North 49 deg. 04' west 270.6 feet; North 10 deg. 56' east 249.0 feet; North 69 deg. 35' west 455.0 feet; North 21 deg. 33' west 159.6 feet; North 18 deg. 13' east 326.0 feet, North 30 deg. 44' west 350.0 feet; South 68 deg. 06' west 416.69 feet to a stake in center line channel of said creek, same being the most western southwest corner of a tract herein described; THENCE North along the west boundary line of tract herein described and entering the center line of U. S. Highway No. 77 at approximately 1,000 feet, continuing on said course, and along the center line of U. S. Highway No 77. A total distance of 3627.14 feet to a point of beginning, and containing in all 276.78 acres of land, of which 9.723 acres are lying within the limits of the east fence of this tract, and the east boundary line of the W. H. Newton original tract, as conveyed June, 1,1918, as shown by survey on the ground by R. G. Milliken, Licensed State Land Surveyor, on December 14 and 15,1956. A1241A TIERWESTER TRACT 75 All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Denton County, Texas, being part of a tract described in a deed from Ina Grace Holt to Benny Earl Parrent, et al, on the 19' day of May 1978, recorded Volume 893, Page 347, Deed Records; the tract to be described herein consisting of all of Lot 1 Block A, Phase One of Indian Springs Estate, an addition to the City of Sanger, plat of which is recorded in Cabinet B, Page 37, Plat Records of Denton County, plus 0.3129 acres adjacent on the west and being more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block A of Indian Springs Estates at an iron pin; THENCE South 00 degrees 44 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 584.73 feet to an iron pin at the Southeast corner of Lot 1 on the North boundary line of a cul-de-sac of Rising Star Lane; THENCE Northwesterly with the North boundary line of Rising Star Lane around a curve to the left having an are distance of 39.70 feet to an iron pin at the South Southwest corner of said Lot; THENCE North 06 degrees 01 minutes 57 minutes West a distance of 180.14 feet to an iron pin at an inner ell corner Lot 1; THENCE north 57 degrees 41 minutes 12 seconds West pass at 178.35 feet the West Southwest corner of Lot 1 and continuing a total distance of 277.63 feet to an iron pin; THENCE North 43 degrees 31 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 320.57 feet to an iron pin at the Northwest corner of Lot 1; THENCE South 89 degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 70.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, and containing 1.7059 acres of land. A1241A TIERWESTER. TRACT 71 All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being part of a tract described in a deed from Ina Grace Holt to Bennie Parrent et al on May 19,1978, recorded in Volume 893, Page 347, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more fully described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of Lot 4 of Phase One of Indian Springs Estate, an addition to the City of Sanger, plat of which is recorded in Cabinet B, Page 37, Plat Records of Denton County, Texas, on the Northwesterly right-of-way of Rising Star Lane; THENCE Southerly with said right-of-way around a curve to the left having a chord of S. 52 deg. 03133" W. 66.16 feet, an arc distance of 66.34 feet to a steel pin at the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE Southerly with said right-of-way and a curve to the left having a central angle of 43 deg. 57'09", a chord of S. 22 deg. 55'59"W., a radius of 260.0 feet and an arc length of 198.0 feet to a steel pin at the end of said curve; THENCE S. 1 deg. 07' W. with West right-of-way of Rising star Lane a distance of 43.73 feet to a steel pin on the North right-of-way of Austin street; THENCE N. 88 deg. 53' W. with the North boundary line of Austin street a distance of 175.8 feet to a corner in a branch; THENCE N. 22 deg.17' 27" W. with the middle of said branch a distance of 113.08 feet to a corner; THENCE N. I I deg.18' 50" E. with the middle of said branch a distance of 149.38 feet to a corner; THENCE N. 42 deg. 22' 43" E. with the middle of said branch a distance of 97.16 feet to a corner; THENCE S. 62 deg. 23' 29" E. a distance of 225.72 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing in all 1.4696 acres of land. A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 66 All that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated in the H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO.1241, Denton County, Texas; said tract being part of those tracts described in deed from Adelia Squires Mordecai, et al to Jeffery E. Johnson, as recorded in Volume 574, Page 143, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, said tract being further described herein by metes and bounds as follows; BEGINNING, for the northeast corner of this, at the northeast corner of aforesaid Mordecai to Johnson tract, a spike set in county road; THENCE South 0 degrees 47 minutes West 260.14 feet with said county road a spike. THENCE North 88 degrees 43 minutes West, at 17.7 feet a steel rod, overall, 630.3 feet to a steel rod set a slight angle point to right, THENCE North 86 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 282.5 feet to a steel rod; THENCE South 89 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds West 248.88 feet to a steel rod; THENCE North 88 degrees 43 minutes West 140.3 feet to a steel rod set in the easterly line of Fourth Tract described in deed from Ella Warren to H. B. Harris et ux as recorded in Volume 305, page 329 of the Deed Records o Denton County, Texas; THENCE Northl degree 23 minutes 10 seconds East 251.87 feet with fence line to the northwest corner of the eastern part of aforementioned Johnson tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds east 1315.61 feet along existing fence line to the place of beginning, and being 7.853 acres of land, more or less. A1241 A TIERWESTER, TRACT 67A All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Denton County, Texas and being part of a (Called) 38.912 acre tract as described in a Deed from Carol Ann Springer to Donald R. Holson on the 17' day of January,1977, recorded in Volume 819m Page 173, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows; Commencing at an iron pin found at the southwest corner of a (Called) 41.6488 acre tract as described in a Deed from Bill McClellan, Trustee to Ralph Amyx, et ux, on the 24' day of October,1991, Recorded in Volume 3124, Page 212, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, said point also being an inner corner of said 38.912 acre tract; Thence North 89 Degrees 23 Minutes 00 Seconds east on a common line between said Holson Tract and Said Amyx Tract distance of 50.00 feet to an iron pin set at the Point of Beginning of the herein described tract; Thence North 89 Degrees 23 Minutes 00 Seconds east on a common line between said Amyx Tract and said Holson Tract a distance of 1180.16 feet to an iron pin found at the southeast corner of said 41.6488 acre Amyx Tract and the south west corner of a (Called) 7.583 acre tract deeded to Ralph Amyx, recorded in Volume767, Page 201, Deed records of Denton County, Texas; Thence North 89 Degrees 49 Minutes 35 Seconds east with the South line of said Amyx Tract a distance of 140.30 feet to an iron pin found for corner; Thence North 87 degrees 35 Minutes 45 Seconds east with the south line of said Amyx Tract a distance of 140.30 feet to an iron pin found for corner; Thence North 87 degrees 35 Minutes 45 Seconds east with the south line of said Amyx Tract a distance of 248.88 feet to an iron pin found for corner; Thence South 88 Degrees 10 Minutes 55 Seconds east with the south line of said Amyx Tract a distance OF 282.50 feet to an iron pin found for corner; Thence North 89 Degrees 49 Minutes 35 Seconds east with the south line of said Amyx Tract a distance of 646.67 feet to an iron pin found at the southeast corner of said 7.583 acre Amyx Tract an the eastern most northeast corner of said Holson Tract in Keaton Road; Thence South 00 Degrees 40 Minutes 25 Seconds east with the east line of said Holson Tract in Keaton road a distance of 20.00 feet to an iron pin found for corner at the southeast corner of said Holson Tract, also being the Northeast corner of a (Called)10.00 acre tract described in a deed from Ina Grace Holt to Ralph D. Amyx, et ux, Recorded in Volume 1176, Page 88, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; Thence South 89 Degrees 49 Minutes 40 Seconds west with the north line of said 10.00 acre Amyx Tract and the south line of said Holson Tract a distance of 1318.00 feet to an iron pin found for corner; Thence South 89 Degrees 32 Minutes 05 Seconds west with the south line of said Holson Tract a distance of 1130.31 feet to an iron pin set for corner; Thence North 00 Degrees 08 Minutes 56 Seconds west a distance of 50.00 feet at the Point of Beginning and containing in all 1.1480 acres of land. A1241A TIERWESTER. TRACT 65A All that certain tract or parcel of land lying in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241, Denton County, Texas, and being part of a tract described in a Deed from Stewart Craig Snider and wife, Deborah S. Snider, and Bennie G. Snider and wife, Joyce Snider, Individually and dba Snider Development Company to Bill McClellan, Trustee on the 13' day of December,1990, recorded in Volume 2899, Page 59, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin in Keaton Road at the Easternmost Southeast corner of the above mentioned tract, being the Northeast corner of a tract deeded to Ralph D. Amyx recorded in Volume 676, Page 201, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; Thence South 89 Degrees 25 Minutes 58 Seconds West with the North line of said Amyx tract along and near a fence a distance of 1315.61 feet to an iron pin at the Northwest corner of said Amyx tract; Thence South 00 Degrees 01 Minutes 00 Seconds East with the West line of said Amyx tract a distance of 269.57 feet to an iron pin at the Southwest corner of said Amyx tract an on a North line of a tract deeded to Donald R. Holson recorded in Volume 819, Page 173, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; Thence South 89 Degrees 23 Minutes 00 Seconds West with a North line of said Holson tract a distance of 1180.16 feet to an iron pin at a inner ell corner of said Holson tract; Thence North 00 Degrees 08 Minutes 56 Seconds West with a East line of said Holson tract a distance of 1231.04 feet to a fence corner post at the North Northeast corner of said Holson tract; Thence North 88 Degrees 57 Minutes 19 Seconds East a distance of 187.62 feet to a fence corner post at the Southwest corner of a tract deeded to Candace L. Boydston recorded in Volume 1617, Page 612, Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; Thence North 89 Degrees 35 Minutes 39 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 927.84 feet to a fence post set in concrete; Thence North 89 Degrees 24 Minutes 35 Seconds East along and near a fence a distance of 355.08 feet to an iron pin; Thence South 02 Degrees 52 Minutes 46 Seconds West a distance of 861.08 feet to an iron pin; Thence North 89 Degrees 25 Minutes 58 Seconds East a distance of 1071.19 feet to an iron pin in Keaton Road; Thence South 00 Degrees 14 Minutes 29 Seconds East with Keaton Road a distance of 100.00 feet to the Point -of -Beginning and containing 41.6488 acres of land more or less; SAVE AND EXCEPT, All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Henry Tierwester survey abstract 1241, Denton County, Texas and being part of a (called) 41.6488 acre tract as described in a deed from Bill McClellan, trustee to Ralph Amyx and wife, Lela Amyx, on the 24' day of October,1991, recorded in volume 3124, page 212, real property records of Denton county, Texas and being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at an iron pin found at the southwest corner of said 41.6488 acre tract, said point also being an inner corner of a (called) 38.912 acre tract as described in a deed from Carol Ann Springer to Donald R. Holson on the 17' day of January,1977, recorded in volume 819, pate 173, Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; Thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 56 seconds West along and near a fence on a common line between said Amyx Tract and said Holson Tract, a distance of 1321.04 feet to a fence corner post at the northwest corner of said Amyx Tract and the northernmost northeast corner of said Holson Tract; Thence North 88 degrees 57 minutes 19 seconds east with the north line of said Amyx Tract, a distance of 50.00 feet to an iron pin set for corner; Thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 56 seconds west a distance of 1231.04 feet to an iron pin set for corner on the south line of said Amyx Tract a north line of said Holson Tract; INTRODUCTION This service plan has been prepared in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 43.033 and 43.056. Municipal facilities and services to the annexed area described above will be provided or made available on behalf of the city at the following levels and in accordance with following schedules: POLICE PROTECTION Patrolling, responses to calls, and other police services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. FIRE PROTECTION AND FIRE PREVENTION Fire protection and fire prevention services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Emergency medical services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of an annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Solid waste collection and disposal services will be provided within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. MAINTENANCE OF WATER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES THAT ARE NOT WITHIN THE SERVICE AREA OF ANOTHER WATER OR WASTEWATER UTILITY Maintenance of water and wastewater facilities that are not within the service area of another water or wastewater utility will be continued to be maintained immediately after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and the same level as provided throughout the city. MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND STREETS AND DRAINAGE Maintenance of roads and streets and drainage will be provided within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the City. STREET LIGHTING Street lighting will be made available within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the City. Page 3 MAINTENANCE OF CITY PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES If any city park and recreation facilities are located within the annexed area, they will be maintained within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as similar facilities are maintained throughout the city. OTHER SERVICES Other services that may be provided by the city such as planning, code enforcement, animal control, library, park and recreation, court, and general administration will be made available within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Construction of water, sewer, street, and drainage facilities will begin within two (2) years after submissions of written request by landowners and payment of any development fees and construction costs required by the city in accordance with subdivision regulations and water and sewer extension policies. Construction will be completed within four and one half (4-1/2) years after request unless the construction process is interrupted by circumstances beyond the control of the city. No impact fees will be charged to any developer or landowner within the annexed area except in conformity with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, ch. 395. Construction of other capital improvements shall be considered by the city in the future as the needs dictate on the same basis as such capital improvements are considered throughout the city. UNIFORM LEVEL OF SERVICES MAY NOT BE REQUIRED Nothing in this plan shall require the city to provide a uniform level of full municipal services to each area of the city, included the annexed area, if different characteristics of topography, land use, and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different level of service. TERM This service plan shall be valid for a term of ten (10) years unless the majority of landowners or registered voters of the area vote by petition submitted to the city for disannexation, then this service plan.shall no longer be binding upon the city. AMENDMENTS The plan shall not be amended unless public hearings are held in accordance with V.T.A.C., local Government Code, Section 43.052. 4701 02202 STATE OF TEXAS CERTIFICATE TO COPY OF PUBLIC RECORD COUNTY OF DENTON I hereby certify, in the performance of the functions of my office, that the attachment is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance 910-20-00, as the same appears of record in my office and that said document(s) is an official record from the public office of the City Secretary of Sanger, Denton County, State of Texas, and is kept in said office. I further certify that I am the City Secretary of Sanger, that I have legal custody of said record(s), and that I am a lawful possessor and keeper and have legal custody of the records in said office. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said office this 19th day of October, 2000. Signature Secv-J�r--l �4 Title Denton County State of Texas