04/23/2001-CC-Minutes-JointMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING AND ZONING- WORKSHOP APRIL 23, 2001 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Polly Dwyer, Joe Falls, Shelley Ruland, Charles Fenoglio, Ralph Cain, Mark Bulger ABSENT: Councilman Craig Waggoner, Jack Richardson OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discussion Regarding Amendments to the City of Sanger Ordinances. City Secretary indicated staff had used the chart prepared by Shelley Ruland and Polly Dwyer to try to reach a compromise. Discussion regarding the charts. Shelley and Polly explained their intention was to have alphabetical categories of each zoning to set a lot size and allow the alphabetical letter to represent the dwelling size. Discussion regarding lot sizes and proposed zoning. Polly Dwyer indicated as more people move to Sanger, she would like them to have more choices. They may want to put larger houses on the lots, and have smaller yards. Discussion regarding lot sizes, and density per acre. Ralph Cain expressed concerns regarding the children and play areas. Mayor indicated he felt that all developments in the future should have play areas. City Manager indicated he is currently working on retrieving park ordinances from other cities. Lengthy Discussion regarding parks and play areas. Discussion regarding the proposed zoning chart. Joe Falls indicated they could put a stipulation that the minimum dwelling size cannot be less than 20% of the size of the lot. Discussion regarding this idea. Councilman Higgs indicated he would like to put the alphabetical categories on the zoning for the dwelling size. otherwise the developers will go with the minimums. Returned to discussion on the chart Agreed on: Zone width depth total sq. ft. SF1 125 150 22,500 SETBACKS REMAIN THE SAME SF2 100 140 16,000 SETBACKS REMAIN THE SAME SF3 90 120 12,000 SETBACKS 8' SIDES 25 REAR 30 FRONT SF4 80 120 91600 SETBACKS 8' SIDE 25 REAR 25 FRONT SF5 70 120 89400 SETBACKS 8' SIDE 25 REAR 25 FRONT SF6 70 110 79700 SETBACKS 8' SIDE 25 REAR 25 FRONT SF7 65 100 7,000 SETBACKS - SAME SF8 STAYS SAME AS SF4A (OLD TOWN) A - 2400 B - 2000 C -1800 D -1600 E -1500 F -1350 jr -1200 H -1000 SFl -ONLY A SF2-A&B SF3 - A,B OR C SF4 - A-D SF5 - A-E SF6 - A-F SF7 - A-H 80 % Masonry on exterior of all Single story homes 50% Masonry on all two story homes 3. Discussion Regarding Possible Annexations, Item Tabled. 4. Any Other Such Matters. None. 5. Meeting Adjourned.