12/01/1997-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Workshop December 1, 1997 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Frazier, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Discussion regarding Possible Sale and/or Lease of Real Property. Mr. Keesler addressed this item. He indicated that he was contacted by AT&T Wireless Service with regards to placing their antenna on the City's water tower located on Keaton Road. AT&T representative has offered $450.00 per month to lease the tower. Mr. Keesler indicated AT&T would increase it by 15% each 5-year renewal date. They would be responsible for paying all the utilities. This item was discussed at length. Council agreed that Mr. Keesler should contact other phone companies to see if they are interested in leasing space at the water tower. Mr. Keesler also advised Council that he was contacted by Mr. John Springer who was interested in buying the Old Library building. Item discussed. 3. Meeting Adjourned. . Coker III, Mayor I:V�fitY�Yll� Rosalie