02/23/1998-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council February 23, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Frazier, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Mark Hill - Hunter & Associates, Floyd Cunningham - Lone Star Gas, Terry Jones - Parks Board, Gladys Jackson, Glenn Ervin, Dorothy Nubine 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements 3. Citizens Input. Gladys Jackson - 309 Kirkland addressed Council regarding the East Side Community Charitable Fund which is an ongoing non-profit organization to help people with food, clothing, utilities, household expenses, medications & hospitalization. They are seeking donations and sponsors to their organization. Councilman Jenkins asked if the organization had a food drive for canned goods. Mrs Jackson indicated they had not done a food drive yet. Mayor Coker asked if their organization has contacted the Bargain Depot/Crisis Center to possibly combine their efforts or share their ideas since both organizations are striving to do the same thing. Mayor advised Mrs. Jackson to contact Mrs. Paxton Gray or Billye Hollingsworth and wished her luck in her endeavors. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Lone Star Gas Franchise Agreement. Mayor Coker read a letter from Mrs. Paxton Gray dated February 19, 1998. In her letter Mrs. Gray indicated that in the Spring of 1997 there had been three times that she had returned home and her home was full of gas. There was work that was being done by the gas company on FM455 across the road from her house. She indicated in her letter that she thought her gas had been cut-off while she was gone and then turned it back on without notification. She then called the Fire Department and they advised her that they had smelled the gas as they stepped in front of her house. Mark McNeill from the Fire Dept. told Mrs. Gray that if she had lit a match she would have been blown up. The Police came and last was Lone Star Gas. Lone Star Gas never advised her that there were holes in the main gas line and water had leaked in. Lone Star Gas continued to work on the problem and again on the third day she was contacted early that morning and her home was again full of gas. Mrs. Gray was in in bed. The Police came and she was ordered to get out of her home and stay in her front yard until it was safe to go back in. She had a broken leg at the time and it was in a splint. Three different times this occurred in her home and each time she was advised the problem would not happen again. On January 16, 1998, again her house filled with gas. The smell was out into the street supposedly blown by her exhaust fan in the furnace. The Police and Fireman did indicate to her that they had smelled the gas as soon as they drove up. CC MINUTES PAGE 2 02/23/98 Lone Star Gas took 21h hours to answer the can. Again she was assured it would not happen again. Then on January 309 1998, gas flooded her home once again. Both the Fire Department and the Police came. This is when she was told for the first time of the holes in the gas pipes and water was leaking in and cutting off her gas. Mrs. Gray had a Magic Chef gas range that was new when her home was built 20 years ago, and now outdated without controls to cut off the gas when problems like this occurred. She was not interested in buying a new range due to the fact that she is 90 years old and eats out most of the time. Mrs. Gray indicated her letter she had contacted her attorney since she was tired of being in this situation and had tolerated it long enough. Mr. Cleveland from Lone Star Gas came twice to her home to discuss the problems. ,one Star Gas came later to install a gas detector opposite her oven which apparently did not work properly. Mrs. Gray then contacted her attorney again who then contacted Lone Star Gas and told them to get her a safe connection within 24 hours. Mrs. Gray then waited 4 hours for an appointment with Mr. Cleveland from Lone Star Gas, which he did not keep. Mayor Coker indicated that another letter was sent by Mrs. Gray on February 21, 1998. She indicated in this letter that the new District Manager, Mr. Kent King, met with her and they went over her problems. Mr. King did offer to buy her a new stove with electric control. She refused since she likes her Magic Chef Range, which matched her other appliances. He advised her when new pipes aze installed in the City each home will have a plate size safety installed which will make her outdated stove safe. She accepted his offer and her present stove and burners were deactivated. She will use matches to light a burner when she needs to. The adjustments were made and Mr. Cunningham did call her to make sure the adjustments were made. Mayor indicated Mrs. Gray was satisfied with what Lone Star Gas has done to rectify her problem. Mr. Howard Ashcroft, North Texas Plastics, also complained and addressed his concern as to the length of time it has taken Lone Star Gas to do what they have needed since his problem has been going on for years. Mr. Ashcraft indicated they had a leak in front of his plant during the year and they had placed numerous calls to get them to resolve the problem. Mr. Ashcroft asked Council if they were in a position to assist in getting Lone Star Gas to complete their jobs to the satisfaction that they need to be. Mr. Kent King, District Manager - Lone Star Gas in Denton and Wise County area, addressed Council and advised he was not satisfied with the responses given to Mrs. Gray. The problem is the low pressure system. Mr. King explained in detail the pressure system and the service west of Bolivar and east of I-35. The solution will entail going to at least 300 homes and going to the meter loop where the meter sits and placing a satellite plate dish to help regulate the gas. This will not allow water to get into cracks, breaks where construction takes place because some of the steel pipes will erode and crack every time. Water weighs more than the 4 oz of pressure that the gas is exerting in the pipe. So when the water bleeds especially on a heavy rainy period where the ground has not absorbed the water it will gather enough to bubble and stop a pilot light. CC MINUTES 02/23/98 PAGE 3 All appliances in homes now have a little thermostat couple that will turn the gas off. If a water heater goes off it will turn the gas off. If the heater goes off it will turn it off. Mrs. Grays older stove did not have this type of thermostat couple and it kept putting the gas out. They have replaced the pipe along Chapman, and they hope they can finish that project soon. Their plan is to upgrade their low pressure system to an intermediate pressure system which Lone Star Gas will be doing within the next four weeks. The process will involve going to each home. The Mayor's concern was how will this correct the problem of water getting into the lines. Mr. King stated that the 201bs of pressure is enough to push the gas out to where it can be detected. In the 4 oz gas pressure it is much harder to rind the break. Mr. King assured Council they will find the problems when it is pressurized at 20 lbs. The Mayor was concerned how this would solve Mr. Ashcraft's problem. Mr. King assured the Mayor he will visit with Mr. Ashcraft and apologize since he was not aware of his problem. Mr. King advised with the 201b pressure they will not have the problem as what has occurred with Mrs. Gray. The 20 lb pressure will eliminate the water problems. Discussion followed as to areas that are low pressure and how Lone Star Gas intends to update to intermediate pressure. Also discussed was the response time to emergencies. Councihnan Jenkins asked if Lone Star Gas could possibly do a public awareness update with the local paper. This would help to inform the public as to who to contact and the services they provide. Mayor did indicate to Mr. King that the City does have a franchise with Lone Star Gas that was recently renewed for 25 years. There is a clause in the contract that indicates it can be cancelled. The Mayor stated he would like Mr. King to advise his superiors that the City of Sanger is not satisfied with their previous service. the time limit to get help and emergency response are issues they need to address. Mr. King assured Mayor and Council that all these issues will be taken care of. 5. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bids for Repainting Acker Street Water Storage Tank. Mark Hill -Consulting Engineer with Hunter &Associates -addressed Council on bids for repainting the water storage tank. Mr. Hill indicated the bid was on two different type systems on Acker Street. The first system was hydroblasting of the existing paint removes loose paint and then an overcoat is painted over it. The second system is a chemical removal of the paint. This removes all the paint to the are metal, Lhen it will lightly sandblast to remove any rust or metal scale that might be left. Then a painting system is applied over it. Seven bids were received: CC MINUTES 02/23/98 Companv Name System 1 �_ System 2 Cherokee Painting $299700 Don L. Owen Inc. $659000 Advantage Contract $21,186 $829750 A&T Industrial Coatin $29,934 $879934 l;s $35,800 $93,000 N.G. Painting $46,900 $1569000 Blue Ribbon Lining $649000 $163,000 RH Coatings $54,190 $220,000 PAGE 4 Hunter &Associates recommended the System 2, which is total removal. The low bid was Cherokee Painting for $65,000 from Jacksonville, Texas. Preconstruction conference will be set if they are awarded the bid. The main concern is the tank will be emptied. Discussed was the time it will take complete the project, and how the water will be diverted so there would not be any water shortage. Discussed was the warranty. Mr. Hill indicated on this project it was one year. Hunter's would come and conduct and inspection at 11 months before the warranty expires. The paint itself will have a warranty of 5 - 10 years depending on the manufacturer. Mr. Hill also indicated that they will conduct 3 inspections. First inspection will be after the tank is cleaned and sandblasted to check the bare metal. The second inspection will be after application of prime coat to determine thickness and to check for pin holes. The third inspection will be conducted after the application of the final coat. Mr. Hill also assured Council that they will make sure all the lead paint is removed. He also cated that the State does require annual inspections to be conducted on water storage tanks. Motion was made by Councilman Frazier to Accept Bid from Cherokee Painting for Sandblasting from Jacksonville, Texas, in the amount of $65,000 - 130 calendar days. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 6. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from SF4 to SF4A on property legally described as Sullivan West Block 4 (bottom half). Said property is located on 8th Street, Mayor Coker Declared Public Hearing Opened. No one spoke for or against. Mayor Coker Declared Public Hearing Closed. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Change from SF4 to SF4A on Property legally described as Sullivan West Block 4 (bottom halt). Said property is located on 8th Street. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Grant the Zoning Change. (Councilman Kincaid later amended the motion.) City Secretary addressed Council on the circumstances that lead Mr. &Mrs. Hughes to pursue the Zoning and Variance request prior to replatting the lot. The property will have to be repfatted; however, they were concerned that if they did the replat and were out the expense that possibly the zoning change or variance from the Board of Adjustment might not be granted. Mr. & Mrs. Hughes both understand that the City will not issue a building permit until the property has been CC MINUTES PAGE 5 02/23/98 replatted. Councilman Kincaid amended his motion to read: Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Grant the Zoning Change Contingent Upon the Filing of the Repiat. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Economic Development Sales Tax, Julia Beavers addressed Council. She advised that there has been progress through volunteer work. They have received some more donations. They will have the lights put up, and they will receive some more donations for the scoreboards. They hope to have a work day and put up some fence; however, they can not get to the other fields until more funds are received. Mayor Coker asked if their group is prepared to work to try to get this tax passed. Mrs. Beavers indicated their group is in support of the tax. She indicated they are prepared to have public meetings to inform the public as well as provide posters. Discussed was the intent of the use of these funds. Mrs. Beavers indicated they would like to use the funds for matching funds to apply for a parks grant. Mayor indicated that the members of the Board of Directors who will be appointed to this board will be the people who decide how much can be allocated toward parks. Discussion followed. Terry Jones also expressed how this type of tax can generate funds that can be utilized in all parts of the City. Discussed was the one-half of one percent tax for Type 4A, and one-half of one percent for 4B. Mayor explained in detail the different uses of these funds for each tax. Jay Beavers also expressed his support of this tax to Council. Dorothy Nubine inquired if this tax would affect property taxes. Mayor Coker indicated this does not affect property taxes. Mrs. Nubine indicated she would support the tax as long as Council does not forget the east side of the tracks. Motion was made by Councilman Frazier to Call for the Election of Sales and Use Tax for 4A One -Half of One Percent and 4B One -Half of One Percent. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in Govt. Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters 1) Discussion of City Administrator Position. 10. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, as a result of item discussed in Executive Session. City Council postponed the Executive Session. CC MINUTES 02/23/98 PAGE 6 11. Any Other Such Matters. a) Mayor Coker advised he had received a donation today which the first part came in to the Fire Department, and second part was $1500.00 to Parks Department for landscaping. b) Mayor Coker advised that Mr. Keesler's last day was tonight, March 2, 1998, after the Council meeting. c) Mayor also advised they have advertised for the City Manager's position, and they are still accepting applications. It has been advertised in the TML magazine and applications will be received in the next 30 days, and possibly they can begin screening applicants. 11. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretai