03/16/1998-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council March 16, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jimmy Frazier, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ABSENT: Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Rodney Fletcher (Friendship Cable), Bo Jaubert, Bill Franz (Architect for Post Office), Robert King (Contractor), Glenn and Wanda Ervin 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilman Kincaid led the Invocation followed by Councilman Jenkins leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Dasbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizens Input. None. 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Preliminary/Final Replat of property legally described as 1.356 Acres out of the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 24, now known as Lot 1, Block 1, Eagle Farms Addition. Mayor Coker Declared Public Hearing Opened. Robert King, Vice President - Gada Construction, developer for the Post Office facility along with Bill Franz were present to answer any questions or concerns in regards to the new post office. Mr. King advised the buildang consists of 6,500 sq. ft. and construction wilt begin on Friday, with 150 calendar days for completion. Mr. King presented construction plans on the buildang and the proposed site. City Secretary also advised the Board of Adjustment had approved the Variance Request and the P&Z made recommendation to Council on Approval of the Preliminary and Final plats last Thursday night. Discussion followed on site plans. Mayor Coker Declared Public Hearing Closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Preliminary/Final Replat of property legally described as 1.356 Acres out of the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, now known as Lot 1, Block 1, Eagle Farms Addition. CCM 03/16/98 PAGE 2 Motion was made by Councilman Frazier to Approve Preliminary/Final Replat of property legally described as 1.356 Acres out of the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, now known as Lot 1, Block 11 Eagle Farms Addition. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid for Demolition of property legally described as Lot 1, Block 40, Original Town, also known as 117 S. 2nd. Mayor Coker advised the City advertised for bids on the old Banks house, and only received one bid from E.T.'s Odd Jobs in the amount of $5,850.00. Mayor Coker advised that he has visited with Mr. Ervin on his bid proposal in regards to the bid not including additional dirt work or tractor work. Mayor Coker advised that Mr. Ervin indicated (and verbally confirmed by Mr. Ervin at the Council meeting) that the City was to disregard his last sentence in his bid. He will level the ground and bring some dirt in if needed. Councilman Jenkins inquired as to the legal position in the demolition. City Secretary advised that all legal proceedings has been followed. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Accept Bid on Demolition of property legally described as Lot 1, Block 40, Original Town, also known as 117 S. 2nd submitted by E.T.'s Odd Jobs in the amount of $5,850.00. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Franchise Agreement with Friendship Cable: a) Discuss Rate Increase Rodney Fletcher, Area Manager for Friendship Cable, addressed Council on this item. Mr. Fletcher indicated that on July 5 their Franchise Agreement expires and would like Council to reconsider the renewal of the contract. Mayor Coker expressed some concern in reference to their billing cycle. Mayor indicated that the bills are mailed about 3 to 4 days before they are due. He received a nasty letter about their service being cut off due tot the time allowed. He advised that if the statements are printed on the 2nd of each month they should be able to mail them out that day. Mr. Fletcher agreed with the Mayor and advised that they have changed billing companies effective next month. Mayor also indicated that his employees in customer service need to be informed of this. Mayor stated that his employees are not friendly and they are kind of curt. Mr. Fletcher explained that changing billing companies will help. The bills should be printed in prior month and mailed out ten (10) days before they are due. They are not adding any additional charges to the bills. Presently there is the $5.00 service charge for late payers. This next month when they go out they should be on time allowing at least 10 days for a customer to pay. CCM 03/16/98 PAGE 3 Mayor then asked about their service indicating they have "poor service". Councilman Kincaid indicated that they could go to his home and turn the TV on, and if there is a storm between Pilot Point and Sanger his TV will be "snowy", and if it rains real hard it will be nothing but "snow". Mr. Fletcher advised they have filed with the FCC to raise their transanitter power. This will help eliminate these types of problems. Councilman Jenkins advised that this problem has been going on far years. Mr. Fletcher indicated that it takes a while to get licensed through the FCC. They are very stringent in licensing the "Microwave Transmitter". However, hopefully by the end of this year they can get approved, and they can then purchase the transmitter and put it up. It takes about a day. Mayor stated that several years ago they came to Council to ask for a Franchise and at that time it was their obligation to provide the City with the best service and equipment available. Mr. Fletcher indicated that Friendship has constantly been upgrading their equipment every year. This year they intend to add electronic equipment. Mayor stated that he has had residents complain about the cable service; however, he himself has had problems and has them to this day. He has had their technician come down, and he has advised it is not a cable problem. He has even paid a TV repairman to come down twice to correct his problem. The Mayor stated he is considering purchasing a dish to get off their cable. Again the Mayor emphasized to Mr. Fletcher they are not providing the citizens of Sanger with the service they deserve. Mayor recommended that Council table this item until they (Friendship) could come back and show Sanger how they plan to improve their system along with a time table. Councilman Jenkins indicated that there has been a problem in the new installations regarding the cable laying on top of the ground for weeks. He inquired if this problem is under control. Mr. Fletcher indicated this is pretty well under control. Mr. Richard Derryberry on Carmen Court indicated that his cable laid on the ground for a year and a half. He got tired of calling and finally put it under the house. He decided they were just not coming. Discussion then followed on the service provided by Friendship Cable. Mr. Fletcher gave every indication he would like to work out all the problems. He indicated he could bring some other people to address these issues. Mr. Fletcher briefly explained the rate increase is regulated by FCC. Mayor advised they objected to the increase. Mr. Fletcher asked if he could get the names of these customers with problems so they could proceed to get them corrected. Mayor emphasized it would not do any good to give him names since he already heard the gentleman's (Richard Derryberry) problem earlier in the meeting which was never corrected, and it was ongoing for almost 2 years. Their organization needs to regroup and redefine their services, Item postponed. PAGE 4 CCM 03/16/98 8. Consider and Possible Action to Amend 19974998 Budget Capital Improvements Line Item Expense 470.066 City Secretary indicated this line item expense 470.06 needs to be amended as recommended by CPA from $809000 to $458,1354 Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to approve this amenIII ent to the budget on line item expense 470.06 as indicated. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Issue Proclamation No. POl-98 Designating April as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month". Mayor Coker issued Proclamation No. P01-98 "Sexual Assault Awareness Month". 11. Consider and Possible Action to approve contract with Municipal Services for Grant Consultants. Shelly Green, Municipal Development Services, addressed Council on this item. Shelly advised that Rose had contacted her Thursday or Friday and was inquiring as to grant funds available for sewer improvements. She advised that grants are not due until April of next year. Shelly advised there are mot any grants available. Community Development is the only grant. Farmers Home (now called Rural Development) does 50/50 grants. Lengthy discussion followed in regards to the sewer problems the City is having. Discussed was upgrading to two 6-inch pumps and upgrading the lift station across the highway to relieve the pressure on that side. Eddie was instructed to get estimated costs as to what actually needed to be done, including using a camera to run down the sewer lines. Council also agreed to get the engineer to proceed with a study. Council instructed City Secretary to see if the funds are available to take care of some of this expense. Mayor also inquired as to when does construction begin again at the new sewer plant. Eddie Branham advised that construction begins Niarch 20, 1998 with 330 days for completion. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to hire Municipal Development Services as Grant Consultants. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 12. Any ®then Such Matters. Mayor advised Council of all the scheduled meetings regarding 4A and 4B Sales Tax. On March 19 -Jerry Jenkins �mill discuss the sales tax propositions at the Business and Professional Women's Luncheon. March 24 - Mike James will assist Parks Board Members at the PTO Meeting. April 1 - Jerry Jenkins will discuss the sales tax propositions with the Wednesday Study Club (Literature Department). April 8 - Alice Madden will discuss sales tax with the United Methodist Women and Men. April 9 - Bonita Turner will moderate a Town Meeting at the Sanger Public Library. April 10 - Alice Madden will discuss sales tax at Senior Center. April 14 - Bonita Turner will moderate another Town Meeting at the library. April 22 - Jerry Jenkins will discuss sales tax with the Modernaire Division of the Wednesday Study Club, and Terry Jones will discuss with the Noon Lion's Club. CCM 03/16/98 13. Meeting Adjourned. Coker III, Mayor ATTEST: Ai �v 4.Q/J Rosalie Chavez, City S tary PAGE 5 ;n A tN S: mod a ^°a' �" n CA to • .'D'Y. w� `� A 5 O A A G A O to•• .. C w "% C o w o ONWO p' o a; yC C� G p C9 o pn o vG" o A CrJ f� f .. mw S '. p M (IQC °O G: m °. `L7 .C �E °TPof.' �ii' N O y G G „.7 O w w ° w w .ti "a Ow Zol Pot o. ~o neGm k��daD �x��°]�" wa onto �5c c� 'G �+ mew m^' CPaa tim CD L U, rorU A g• w , O. i5 'otoo O. iPi a. 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