06/22/1998-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: City Council Special Called June 22, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilwoman Madden led the Invocation which was followed by Councilman Kincaid leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Discussion of 4A & 4B Board Member Appointments. Each Council member submitted names for possible appointment to the 4A and 4B board. These boards must have seven (7) members, and the members do not have to reside in the City. The following nominees were suggested for appointment to the 4A Board. Mayor Coker submitted the following names: Frank Ballard Mike James Tommy Kincaid Charles Fenoglio Garland Thornton* *There was questions on whether Garland Thornton could serve since he does not live in the City, but lives in Denton. City Administrator indicated that the law does not specify that they live in the City, and as long as he is associated with the City he can serve on the board. Councilman Kincaid submitted the following names: Frank Ballard Jce Skiles Carroll McNeill Howard Ashcraft Willie K. Pate Richard Muir Mike James Councilwoman Madden submitted the following names: Kent Crutsinger Carroll McNeill Councilman James submitted the following names: Charles Fenoglio Garland Thornton Frank Ballard Mike James (himself) Councilman Ervin submitted the following names: CC MINUTES - SPECIAL CALLED 06/22/98 Diana Cruz Charles Fenoglio Joe Falls Shelley Roland Carroll McNeill Jack Richardson Bill Fuller Nel Armstrong Beverly Howard Discussed was the nominees and who had the most votes. PAGE 2 Mayor Coker indicated the following were nominees for consideration to appointment to the 4B Board. Mayor Coker submitted the following names: Beverly Branch Terry Jones Councilman Kincaid submitted the followin names: Beverly Branch Mary Belle Sims Mary Bucklew John Springer Russell Madden Terry Jones Steve Hollingsworth Nel Armstrong Beverly Howard Charles Tucker Jerry Jenkins Councilwoman Madden submitted the Followin names: Charles Tucker Nel Armstrong Carroll McNeill Terry Jones Councilman James submitted the followin names: Eddie Branham Terry Jones Councilman Ervin submitted the followin names: Glenn Ervin (himself) Woodrow Barton Beverly Branch Charles Tucker Glenn Lanier Joe Higgs Discussed were possibilities of having more Council members on the Board. Councihnan James expressed concern that he did not want the board stacked with CC MINUTES - SPECIAL CALLED 06/22/98 PAGE 3 advocates for the baseball fields. Councihnan James also indicated he does not want to go on the record that he wants to serve on the 4A, and if he has to he is willing to serve on the 4B. Discussed was the City Administrator possibly getting a TIC Ballot for Council's meeting on July 6, 1998. City Administrator confirmed that Rose and himself would be attending all meetings, however, they will not be voting. Mayor Coker read a letter to Council resigning his position as Mayor for the City of Sanger. 3. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secre