06/27/1998-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: City Council - Special Called June 27, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Pro-Tem Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Connie Evans, Woodrow Barton, Dilana Mosley, Wayne Mosley, Joe Higgs, Almarie Jones, Earl Jones, Fern Hutto, Ruth Ellis, Ann Barton, Butch Langley, Doris Garner, Molly Swindle, Robert Garner, Mary Ann Adcock, Ruth Coffey, Tinnie Howard, B.J. Hudgins, Melba Hudgins, Ken Cornell, C.G. McNeill, Stephanie Spain, Ed Farmer, Jerry Prater, Ken Adcock, Miriam Calderon, Andrew Foote, Bill Rice, Kelly Fuller, Dickie Amyx, Betty Rice 1. Mayor Pro-Tem Kincaid Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss and Possible Action to Accept Mayor Resignation. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to Accept Resignation of Mayor Coker. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Discuss and Possible Action to Fill Mayor Position. Councilman Kincaid indicated there were two or three ways Council could proceed. Council could appoint any of the Council members and the appointment could run until the next City election which is approximately 8'h months, or the City could hold an election to elect a Mayor. Councilman James indicated Council should discuss the options and not hastily make a decision right here and now since a lot has happened in the last couple of months. Council should be careful not to make a rash decision that they would have to live with for the next 8'h months or 9 months. Councilman James indicated they should consider functioning with Mayor Pro-Tem for this short time to allow Council to seriously think about what to do . The decision they make is for the next 8 or 9 months. Councihnan Jenkins asked if there was a cost breakdown on election costs. City Secretary indicated it was around $600 dollars which included the election clerks. It was somewhat more costly last time due to the 4A and 4B sales tax th ballot. on e Councilman Jenkins also agreed with Councilman James, and felt there was not a need to rush. Councilman Jenkins indicated he personally feels they should go outside the Council to fill the position. Councilman Jenkins continued to express his opinion on this issue. Councilwoman Madden also agreed to give Council time to fill the position of the Mayor. Councilwoman Madden indicated that her reason in appointment of a Pro- Tem is for this person to take position of Mayor when he is not available. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like for there to be an election for the Mayor's position. Councilman Kincaid expressed that he is willing to do whatever Council decided. CC MINUTES - SPECIAL CALLED 06/27/98 PAGE 2 Councilman Jenkins continued to express how he felt the Mayor's position should be filled from outside the City Council. Action was delayed. 4. Discuss and Possible Action to Fill any Councilman Vacancy. Item was delayed due to no vacancy at this time. 5. Discuss and Possible Action to Elect Mayor Pro-Tem. Item was delayed due to there was a Mayor Pro-Tem in place. 6. Adjourned. Tommy /Itincaid Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie CHavez, City Secretary