08/03/1998-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Workshop August 3, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Pro-Tem Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Woodrow Barton, Al Judkidwicz, Butch Langley, Shelly Ruland, Charley Thomas, Don Fourd, Fern Hutto, Eric Smith, Doris Garner, Robert Garner, Joe Higgs. 1. Mayor Pro4em Tommy Kincaid Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Citizen's Convenient Center - Texas Waste Management. Al Judkidwicz, representing Texas Waste Management, 1601 Redoak Street in Lewisville, addressed City Council on this item. Mr. Judkidwicz indicated Texas Waste Management has had the disposal contract for five years, they have a couple of 30 yard containers at the convenient station, and also have a recycle container that is not being used. Mr. Judkidwicz indicated when he and Mr. Smith had discussed the cost to operate the convenient station, it was discovered it cost about $39,694.00 to operate a year. Mr. Judkidwicz indicated they proposed to take over the facility and build a convenient center drop off. They will make the area safe for the citizens, by building a ramp to where the citizens can drive up to it, instead of having to throw things over. The estimated cost is $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 according to their engineers estimates. They will hold the city's obligations for $30,000.00, interest free loan, to be paid back over the 5-year contract. Mr. Judkidwicz gave two options on how it could be done. Take the number of residences in the community and divide the cost for construction by 60 months and add it to the rate or budget that amount each year. Texas Waste Management proposed to open it one day a week, on Saturday, and make it available for community groups to work the facility. Texas Waste would pay $100.00 a week to the group for managing the facility, and would certainly supervise when necessary. Mr. Judkidwicz indicated this would help the city save at least $34,000.00 a year. Mr. Judkidwicz indicated they do not think the facility should be opened more than one day a week. Another issue he addressed was that the City has been subsidizing the facility by paying the difference in the cost to operate it. Mr. Judkidwicz also addressed an issue that has confused the residents which is the bulky waste pickup. Citizens do not like to call, but they have to call to let them know what is in the trash. They will advise the customer on what to do with hazardous waste, paint, pesticides, and other hazardous materials when they call. Texas Waste will come once a month to pick up bulky waste. Mr. Judkidwicz proposed to freeze the current residential rate through December 1, 1999. They do not want to come in during the term of contract and ask for an increase. They will only come in for CPI increases. CC MINUTES PAGE 2 Councilman James asked if there was a problem with the City building the ramp, or if they had to use Texas Waste. He indicated, if someone else could construct the ramp, instead of Texas Waste Management, the cost could be under $30,000.00 for construction. Councilman James also agreed on opening the facility only on Saturday, and felt that would be sufficient. Councilman James indicated in regards to using the different community groups, City Council would have to decide how it would be handle. Councilman James asked about the rate, and who would collect the fees. Mr. Judkidwicz indicated that Texas Waste Management would collect the fees, since they pay for the cost of hauling. Councilman James asked what benefit would come to the city, if Texas Waste Management collected all the fees. Mr. Judkidwicz indicated the City could add on a franchise fee if they wanted. Discussion on the rates, and recycle facility. Mr. Judkidwicz indicated the City could save $1800.00 a year if they would pull the recycle container. The residents do not use it. The convenience center will be used for the citizens of Sanger only. They will not allow anyone outside the City limits to use the facility. Councilman Jenkins indicated he believes that the current contract allows for another 5-year extension, or it could be put out for bid. Discussion. Mr. Judkidwicz then proceeded to discuss the commercial rates, and addressed the existing contract, when they started, they were able to haul the trash to the Denton Landfill, and save the cost of taking it to Lewisville. They were able to come in with a low bid. Since that time Denton has raised their rates substantially, to where it is not feasible for them to continue using the Denton Landfill. They must use the Lewisville site. He indicated that what they are proposing is for City Council to use the rates as indicated on his letter. Mr. Judkidwicz asked that they extend the contract now, and then they could proceed with the convenience center, and the recycling facility. Mayor Pro-Tem Tommy Kincaid expressed the concern of the cost to the citizens at the convenience center. - Discussion on the amount of trash generated by the dumpster at the site. Another issue that was discussed was the commercial rate proposed by Texas Waste Management. Councilman James asked if he knew how much revenue this would generate if the rates were increased to Waste Management's proposal on item #2. Councilman James was referred to the letter sent by Waste Management. Councilman Ervin indicated by comparison, Texas Waste Managements proposed increase was pretty much in line, he referred to another hauler in the area, and the CC MINUTES PAGE 3 charges were almost the same. Councilwoman Madden indicated she felt if the convenience center was closer, it would be more available to the residents. Councihnan Jenkins agreed, and indicated the proposal was worth consideration, they will seriously look at it, and make a decision. Mayor Pro-Tem Tommy Kincaid indicated the best thing for CityCouncil to do is to put this item in a workshop for City Council to discuss and decide what to do. He then asked if any citizens had any questions or statements. Mr. Barton expressed he did like the idea of moving the convenience center closer. 3. Meeting Adjourned ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Tommy ncaid, Mayor