08/17/1998-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council August 17, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jenkins, Councilman Ervin, Councilwoman Madden, Councilman James, Councilman McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Streets Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Police Cheif Benny Erwin, Carmen Bourland, Doris Garner, Robert Garner, Butch Langley, Burl H. Bourland, Woodrow Barton, Dilana Mosley, Rick Carter, Richard Derryberry, Merrie Lou Abney, Diana Cruz, Vicente Cruz, Joe Higgs, April Siver, Timothy Piatt, Andrew Foote. Mayor Tommy Kincaid called meeting to order, Councilman James led the Invocation and Councilman Ervin led Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: July 20, 1998, August 3, 1998 -Workshop, August 3, 1998, August 10, 1998 - budget workshop. b. Disbursements Councilman Jenkins moved to approve consent agenda. Counilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried. 3. Citizen's Input. Richard Derryberry, 821 Carmen Ct, recommended Paulie Dyer, daughter of Russell and Alice Madden to be appointed to the Planning and Zoning board. 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Public Hearing opened. Burl Bourland indicated the houses he wanted to build on this property would be 1200 sq ft., have two car garages, a six inch street with concrete curb, and gutters. Councilman Jenkins indicated there were discrepancies in the requirements for SF3 zoning in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. Discussion on the requirements. Councilman Jenkins indicated Mr. Bourland probably wanted SF4 instead of SF3. Mr. Bourland indicated that SF4 was 1000 Sq ft. houses and he did not want that, he wanted SF3. Public Hearing Closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract PAGE 3 Discussion on municipal court and the amount of revenue brought in from it. City Administrator indicated the department heads were doing real well keeping with their budgets. Discussion about the trailer used to haul the back hoe and other supplies. Discussion about purchasing new trucks. Mr. Smith indicated $30,000 was in the budget to rejuvenate the lift station. Councilman James asked Jeff about the bucket truck. He indicated it was in the budget for a new one. Councilman James asked if he was planning to retire the old truck. Jeff Morris indicated they would use both trucks. Mayor Kincaid indicated people had noticed a difference in the water. He asked if there was a way to filter in a softener. Eddie Branum indicated it was a possibility, but the expense would be an issue. He indicated he would check into it, but also indicated with a little more time he felt he could get the mixture right. Discussion on going off of water rationing. Councilman Jenkins asked Jeff Morris about poles rotting, he asked where these poles were located. Jeff Morris indicated the last pole that fell was located on Cherry and 2nd Street. He indicated that most of the older poles that were set were starting to decay. Mayor Kincaid indicated it was in the mid 60's when Brazos had taken over and set most of these poles. Jeff Morris indicated that most poles lasted about 30 years, and there were a few that needed to be replaced. Councilman James asked about Mr. Kessler's five year plan for street repair. Mayor Kincaid indicated it was a plan to do one -quarter of the repair each year. Discussion on street maintenance. Councilman Jenkins indicated they need the citizen's input on the street maintenance issue. He indicated they needed to have a public hearing and discuss a bond package. Discussion on street, water, and sewer maintenance costs. Mayor Kincaid indicated they had covered everything they were going to cover in this workshop, and indicated they would begin again after the next Councff meeting. Discussion. 3. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor i Rosalie Chavez, City Se(' etary PAGE2 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Councilwoman Madden moved to approve a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Councilman Jenkins Seconded Motion Carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat, Phase 1, Sable Development. Mayor Kincaid read the letter from Mark Hill the City Engineer. City Secretary indicated Sable Development representatives had brought in everything they needed for approval; however the people in the pre -construction process have not reviewed those construction plans. She indicated that Mark Hill had indicated that everything was okay, but prior to a building permit being issued, a pre -construction conference must be held with city staff in order for them to make sure everything is up to code. Councilman Jenkins asked if they had a Plat. City Secretary indicated that she was under the impression that Mark Hill, the City Engineer was going to be at the meeting. Mark Hill has the Plat. Mr. Piatt, developer for Sable Development, indicated they had a Plat, and the 16 foot utility easement would be filed seperately. He indicated the City Engineer had the Plat. Discussion concerning Plat. Councibnan Jenkins asked if Sable Development had recieved anything telling them what was required. Mr. Piatt indicated he had received a packet explaining what was necessary for a building permit, but nothing else. Discussion about the requirements on Plats. Councilman McNeill indicated that in the letter from Mr. Hill, Sable Development was required to have everything in hand at the meeting with City staff, or the permit would not be issued. He indicated that in the future, developers should be issued a packet, and at that time told that if they did not have everyhting completed they should not come to the meeting. He indicated he would like to see this Plat approved if Sable developers understand they will need everything indicated in the Engineer's letter at the meeting with City Staff. Councilman McNeill moved to approve the Plat. Councilwoman Madden seconded. Motion Carried 3 to 2. Coucilnan Jenkins voted no. Councilman James voted no. Councilman McNeill indicated that the applicants must have everything in hand PAGE 3 at the meeting prior to receiving building permit. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution Submitted by Citizen. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Resolution as Submitted. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried 4 to 1. Councilman James voted no. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to all the Boards. Mayor Kincaid indicated he had asked City Administrator to find out if they could have alternates on the boards. City Administrator indicated they could. Councilman Jenkins indicated they should not appoint alternates at this time. Discussion. Councilman Jenkins moved to accept all appointments as indicated to the boards. Councilman Ervin seconded. Board Appointments as follows: City Judge: Danny Spindle - Reappointed Planning &Zoning: Joe Falls, Place 2 -Reappointed Joe Higgs - Place 4 - Appointed Rick Carter, Place 6 - Reappointed Woodrow Barton, Place 7 - Appointed Board of Adjustment: Russell Madden, Place 2 -Reappointed Sam Burrus, Place 4 - Appointed Andy Garza, Place 6 - Reappointed Parks Boaed: Rowdy Patterson, Place 2 -Reappointed Curtis Gilley, Place 4 - Reappointed Terry Jones, Place 6 - Appointed Beautification: Helen Kirby, Place 2 -Reappointed Elizabeth Higgs, Place 4 - Appointed Jewel Anderson, Place 6 - Appointed Library: Richard Muir, Place 2 -Reappointed Judy Webster, Place 4 - Reappointed Ron LaFon, Place 6 - Reappointed 9. Discuss Tax Rate; Take Record Vote, and Schedule Public Hearing. PAGE 4 Discussed time table submitted by City Secretary on adoption of budget and tax rate. Councilman James moved to approve the Time Table on adoption of budget and tax rate, and to schedule the public hearing. Councilman McNeill seconded. Discussion followed on proposed tax and the increase it would generate. Motion Carried Unanimously. 10. Any Other Such Matters. a). Coucilnuw Jenkins asked if in front of the Library, where the street was torn up, if we could eliminate that area where water stands. b). Councilman Jenkins indicated they were having problems with the lights at school zone on Keaton and 455, he asked who was responsible for that. Discussion. Jeff Morris indicated they had put a new timer in the light on Keaton. c). Councilman James asked about the damaged water lines on loth street. He asked if it would be concrete when fixed. Eddie Branham indicated it would. Discussion. 11. Meeting Adjourned. 12. City Council Workshop -Discuss Budget a). Library. Vickie Eleison indicated the only increase she was requesting was for books. Discussed landscaping around Library. 0 : Wastewater Department. Eddie Branham indicated the main change was on the lift station, he was requesting an increase for repairs. Discussion about lift station. Discussion about line behind Double JP Ranch. Discussion about R&M shelter. Councilman Jenkins asked about the city uniform. Discussion on uniform, since employees now wear jeans and shirts with City logo, all pants and shirts are bought. c). Water Department. Discussion on Chemical Supplies, Traps, and other materials. PAGE 5 Eddie Branham indicated he would like to hire one more person, so they could split the crews. Discussion on Equiupment. Discussion on water from Upper Trinity. Discussion on Electric and Gas Utility. Discussion on what they will need for next meeting, and on sheduling the next workshop. Meeting Scheduled for Thursday August 20, 1998 at 6:00. i Wftl�l ATTEST: ommy {mcaid, Mayor Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary