08/20/1998-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Workshop August 20, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jenkins, Councilman Ervin, Councilwoman Madden, Councilman James, Councilman McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Administrative Secretary Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Streets Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Police Chief Benny Erwin, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Woodrow Barton, Joe Higgs, Butch Langley 1. Mayor Tommy Kincaid called meeting to order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Tax Increase. Mayor Kincaid indicated this was an error, and would be postponed till September 8, 1998. 3. Meeting Adjourned. 4. -City Council Workshop Budget. A). Vehicle Maintenance. Discussed adding a lift to the shop, the cost would be approximately $1500.00. Tommy Belcher indicated he needed other minor equipment and supplies. Discussion on maintenance of vehicles. Councilman McNeill asked if Tommy did maintenance on the Fire trncks. Tommy indicated he did. Councilman Jenkins asked Tommy if he maintained a computer record of maintenance on the vehicles. Tommy indicated he kept records both on paper and on computer. Discussion about replacing truck. B). Streets Discussion on Wearing Apparel. Discussion on lease equipment and minor equipment. Councilman James asked about sweeping the streets, and if the City did not do this -- anymore. Chuck Tucker indicated it could be done in his budget under street maintenance. Discussion on Sales Tax and Street Maintenance. Councilman Jenkins indicated he was under the impression there was an ordinance or policy that stated the Sales Tax revenues would be used for Street Maintenance. Mayor Kincaid also agreed. City Secretary indicated she had looked for this type of document and indicated she PAGE 2 could not locate any findings. She indicated she would contact Nel Armstrong, ex - mayor, when she got back from her trip and see if she could be of assistance in remembering when it was adopted or if it was a Resolution, and possibly assist in locating the document. Councilman Jenkins asked if the $180,000 for Sales Tax was included in the General Fund Budget. City Administrator, Jack Smith, indicated it was, and it was in general fund operating revenues. C). Parks - Discussion on mower, motor vehicles and cellular telephone. D). Pool - Discussed Pool rates, and number of employees. Mayor Kincaid indicated he had received several comments on the pool staff, he indicated there were many compliments on the professionalism of the staff. Discussion on Concession stand. E). Community Center - Mayor Kincaid asked how the building was holding up. Chuck indicated the carpet was worn, and the building needed a paint job. Discussion on annual revenue. F). Solid Waste - Discussion on Contractual Services and Convenience Center. Discussion on eliminating recycle bin at Convenience Center. City Administrator indicated he had received a call from Waste Management, and our representative, Al Judkidwicz, was no longer with the company. The new regional manager at Waste Management will meet with Jack next week. Discussion on bidding out collection service. Discussion on telephone at Waste Station. G). Police Department. Mayor Kincaid asked if there were any auxiliary officers, and what they were paid. Benny Erwin indicated there were four, and they were not paid. Their uniforms were supplied and workman's comp. was paid. Discussion on filling all reserve positions. Benny indicated the requirements were the same for regular officers and reserve officers. Discussion on safety and lease equipment. Benny indicated there were five police vehicles, and that all the vehicles were not fully equipped. Discussion on Equipping all cars with cameras. Discussion on K-9 unit. Benny indicated they could take this off the budget, he was PAGE 3 not going to pursue it, and indicated he would like to use that money for a camera or radios. Discussed Bullet Proof Vests. Discussion on life of Vehicles, Benny indicated that would last longer if they had a few take home units. H). Municipal Court. Air Conditioning unit was discussed and staff advised this item could be taken off since it had to be replace about a year ago. Discussion on Computer System and the need for a new computer. Discussed Teen Court and how city hall does not have adequate room to conduct Teen Court. n. Electric Department. Discussion on office supplies, dues &registrations, and travel expenses. Discussion on wearing apparel, safety equipment, and minor tools. Discussion on R & M Building, Jeff indicated the building needed to be painted. Discussion on vehicle maintenance and equipment rental. Discussion on hazardous waste disposal, Jeff indicated most all of the hazardous waste in his department had been disposed of. Lease Equipment Discussed in length: a. Bucket Truck b. Back Hoe c. Trailer d. Wire Puller e. Brush truck Jeff indicated all of the above items were necessary and there was not one that was more important than another. Discussed Franchise Fees. Discussion on contractual services, economic development, telephone service, electric & gas utility, cellular phone, and pagers. Jeff indicated the goal of the electric department was to have all problems taken care of within the next two years. Councilman Jenkins asked if the electric department was still encouraging underground wire. Jeff indicated they did not have to encourage it, and basically customers generally ask for it. Discussed difference in rates between Sanger and Co Serve. Discussed Deregulation. PAGE 4 0. Volunteer Fire Department. Jeff indicated they decreased the pension fund, they are no longer going to try to keep thirty-five volunteers, they are having a hard time keeping twenty. Discussed office supplies, food, dues & registration and travel expenses. Discussed wearing apparel, Jeff indicated they wanted to purchase three sets of dress blues for the firemen who attend funerals. Discussed safety equipment, Jeff indicated training manuals and films should decrease, the new trainer will provide most of it. Discussed lease equipment, Jeff indicated they would like to lease a 2000 gallon tanker. Jeff indicated they needed to use the new radio system, he indicated it would take some funds to upgrade it. Discussed fire fighting equipment. Jeff addressed the siren system, dedicated for a siren system. The cost for the siren system is approximately $26,000. He indicated the money in last years budget was still there, and he would like there suggestions on what to do with it. He felt they did need to activate some type of early warning system. Discussion on the Barbecue at the Sellabration, Jeff indicated they had elected to not do it this year. Adjourned Workshop. ommy ncaid, Mayor ATTEST: 0�- Rosalie Chavez, City Secr ry