10/05/1998-CC-Minutes-RegularPAGE 1 MINUTES: City Council Meeting October 5, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Carroll McNeill,Councilman Mike James OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Woodrow Barton, Carol Rainey, Ken Cornell, Craig Glenndenning, Dale Bryant, Joe Higgs, Merrie Lou Abney, Shelley Ruland, Frank Rodgers, Joe Skiles, Vicki Lynn Somers, Kerry Schep, 1. Mayor Kincaid called Meeting to order, and led the Invocation, and Councilman James led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. a) Approve Minutes -September 15, 1998 -Special Called b) Disbursements Councilman James indicated there needed to be one correction made, and that was that he was not present at the September 15, 1998 meeting. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve all items on the Consent Agenda, with the correction as noted by Councilman James. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden. Motion Carried Unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Annexation Into the City Limits Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Reuben Bebee Survey Located on Interstate 35 - Stemmons Service Road North. Said Property to be Zoned Mobile Home Park Zoning. Mayor Declared Public Hearing Opened, Joe Skiles, Box 418, Sanger -indicated he was opposed to MH zoning, he indicated he felt Sanger had plenty of low income housing. He indicated that the school system depended on the tax base, and the tax base for more low income housing would not pay it's way. He indicated the tax base would have to be balanced higher valuation properties, and the City had a responsibility to the citizen's of Sanger and the School District who relied on the City to take care of the tax situation for them. Mr. Skiles indicated Sanger did not need any more Mobile Homes, especially at the entrance of the City. Mr. Skiles indicated that Sanger had a resource that few other cities had, and that it should be protected. Joe Higgs, 218 Hillcrest -indicated the City of Sanger had recently passed an Ordinance to keep Sanger beautiful. He indicated bringing in mobile homes would. not be a beautification to the City. Mr. Higgs indicated he was on the Planning &Zoning board, and if this issue comes to him, he would like for 4 to be zoned commercial or light industry. PAGE 2 Ken Comell, Austin St - indicated he was against annexing land into the City Limits without knowing exactly what the land was going to be used for, and if it fit in with the City's overall master plan. He indicated the City and citizen's had just spent a lot of time fighting over a situation that had divided the community, it was a situation they did not know enough about. Mr. Cornell indicated the City had spent a lot of time and money getting the water system into capacity that would serve the town, and the sewer plant was expanded to handle the present growth. He mentioned the impact on the schools. Mr. Cornell indicated they needed to decide if this would benefit the community. Dale Bryant, Developer of the Property - addressed Public comments on the development. Mr. Bryant introduced conceptual plan of the property, he indicated there would be 242 lots, a nice landscaped entrance, and continued to describe the plan. Mr. Bryant addressed the taxes, he indicated taxes from all property owners helped support the school system, and that taxes off of residential properties were never designed to pay the full burden of the school system. Mr. Bryant addressed Industrial growth, he indicated industries were interested in what type of employees could be attracted, and what type of work force could be offered. Mr. Bryant indicated studies in 1997 indicated the average house hold in manufactured houses was 2.4 individuals, if assumed that the .4 individual is school aged children, there would not be much of a burden on the school system. Mr. Bryant indicated there would be approximately 4 lots per acre, the footage from the Interstate to the first row of lots was about 700 feet. He indicated the homes are considered modular homes, and that since 1974 these homes are built to HUD standards. There would be paved streets and parking, and the park would do all lawn maintenance. Mr. Barton expressed concern about the drainage, and wanted to know how they were going to handle it. Mr. Bryant indicated they had not had an engineer do a study on that yet, but it was one of their concerns. Councilman Jenkins indicated he understood the engineer study had not been done, the purpose here was to annex the land and eventually zone it MH, he indicated if the property was annexed and the zoning not granted, they could de -annex the land at that time. Discussion. Vicky Somers asked if any thought had been given to developing the lots, building homes on them and selling them. Mr. Bryant indicated they had not considered that, they find the sale of lots with site built homes a little more difficult. Ken Cornell asked how it would benefit the city. Mr. Bryant indicated it would provide a job force, and the people would spend money here. PAGE 3 Discussion, Woodrow Barton, 807 N. / St. - indicated he had done some research on mobile home values. He indicated there 304 mobile home pads in Denton, the average value of those homes was $16, 0000.00. The school tax rate (1.53 X $16,000.00) would only generate $307.00 per each home. The average cost to educate a child in Sanger is $1500.00 per child, if there was only one child per household there is a $1200.00 shortfall. How will the school system make up that shortfall? They would have to raise property tax on all other property owners in the district. Mr. Barton also indicated that mobile homes do not appreciate in value, they depreciate. He asked City Council to consider all this in their decision. Mr. Bryant indicated they shouldn't turn their backs on educating children, and it shouldn't depend on the value of someone's home. Mr. Bryant indicated 62% of people in mobile homes are married couples, and only 31 divorced, 33 % of the people have some college education, the average household income is in the $20,000.00 range. Most mobile homes only have 2 occupants, only 25% have 3 to 4 occupants. Mr. Bryant indicated a burden on the school system is not a legitimate concern. Mr. Barton indicated the Sanger ISD is the poorest district out of the eleven districts in Denton County. The City is not short on children, and there is going to have to be a balance in growth as far as taxes to be able to educate the children. Mayor Declared Public Hearing Closed. 5. Any Other Such Matters. Rose Chavez, City Secretary, indicated she had hired a new employee - Esmerelda Wilkerson, for the Billing Clerk position. Discussed Ordinances regarding Sales inside of City, and the modifications recommended by the attorney. Mayor Kincaid indicated when any department is blocking the streets, they need to have a flag man on duty, and when the officers are working accidents at night they need to have lights flashing and wear flourescent bands on their sleeves to make them more visible to the Public. 6. Meeting Adjourned. ommy K' caid, Mayor ATTEST: "C�JGt.C�.Zr Rosalie Chavez, City Secr ary