12/07/1998-CC-Minutes-RegularPAGE 1 MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 7, 1"8 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Carroll McNeill. ABSENT: Councilman Mike James OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Secretary Samantha Renz, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Woodrow Barton, Mike Kern, Polly Dwyer, Fred Gossett, R.L. Lantrip, Liz Springer, John Springer, Jeff Krueger, Greg Edwards, John R. Porter, John W. Porter 1. Mayor Kincaid called Meeting to order, Councilwoman Madden led the Invocation, and Councilman Jenkins led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Executive Session Pursuant to the Provision of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in Section 551.074, to discuss personnel. a). Evaluation of City Administrator Mayor Convened into Executive Session at 6:02 PM. Mayor Reconvened into Regular Session at 7:45 PM. Mayor indicated they had evaluated the City Administrator, they felt he was doing a good job, and wanted him to continue doing a good job. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes: November 16, 1998 b) Disbursements November 23, 1998 - Special Called Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilwoman Madden seconded the motion. Motion Carried Unanimously 4. Citizen's Input. John Springer, 802 N. Keaton, addressed the Ordinance concerning Beautification of buildings that was recently put into place. He indicated he had not seen. the ordinance, but had heard about it. He indicated it sounded good, but someone was going to have to bear the cost. Mr. Springer indicated developers would be discouraged to develop in Sanger, he asked the Council to consider the Ordinance very carefully, and if changes could be made to please consider that as well. Councilman Jenkins indicated when they passed the Ordinance, they were not sure about the percentages, they wanted to put the Ordinance in place and hold a public meeting to get input from the citizens, then make changes. This also applies to the Metal Building Ordinance. Mayor indicated he would like to skip down to Item #10. (5)10. Discuss and Possible Action on Infrastructure -Water and Sewer. Mayor indicated Woodrow Barton had asked Jeff Krueger to be present for his presentation. Woodrow Barton indicated he was showing a conceptual infrastructure plan located North of 455, along the railroad, West of Marion Road, and South of Lois Road. He addressed Public Safety, and indicated a governmental entity should develop an Infrastructure Plan addressing water, sewer, drainage, etc. PAGE 2 Mr. Barton indicated a road should be built from 455 to Lois Road along the railroad. Mr. Barton indicated there needed to be a sanitary main, a storm pipe system, culvert system or channel in that area West of Marion Road draining down to 455. Discussed drainage and flood problems. Mr. Barton indicated the City of Sanger should implement some type of Infrastructure. Mr. Barton indicated the bridge on Willow Street, before you get to the cemetery needs to be rebuilt. Mayor indicated after the first of the year they are going to schedule a workshop involving the Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, the County Commissioner, and any business man who would like to be involved to discuss future development, at that time something like Mr. Barton's presentation needs to be presented. Mr. Barton addressed the potential sources of finance for this project. Mayor thanked Mr. Barton for his presentation. (6)5. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Sanger Industrial Park a 41 Lot Subdivision, Being 108.49 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29 (John Porter's). Greg Edwards, Civil Engineer, 300 N. Carroll Blvd. Ste D -indicated one comment from the City's Engineer was there needed to be a 500' radius curve on the street going through the development. He indicated the street they were proposing had a 300' radius which would allow a 35 MPH speed limit and he felt that was appropriate. Mr. Edwards indicated the Planning and Zoning Commission had agreed. Mr. Edwards addressed another comment from Mark Hill's letter. He addressed alleys, and indicated there was adequate space on the lots for trash removal and service to the lots. Mr. Edwards addressed sidewalks, and indicated there was a provision in the Ordinance that would allow the Council to wave sidewalks, he indicated the Planning and Zoning Commission had approved a type of pedestrian access plan from lot to lot as they are developed. He is not in favor of having sidewalks next to the highway. Councilman Jenkins asked Mr. Edwards to explain the term "radius" of the street. Mr. Edward indicated it was the curvature of the street. Discussed pedestrian access. Councilman Jenkins asked if Mr. Edwards could give an example of the pedestrian access plan he is proposing. Mr. Edwards indicated a good example would be Kroger on University in Denton. Discussed size and possible uses for Lot 1. Councilman McNeill indicated he did not understand how with the Dollar General Store going where it's going, and the property lines set where they are, the sewer line will go across someone else's property. Mr. Edwards indicated that area would probably become a private easement. Discussion. Mr. Edwards indicated it would have to betaken care of with parking, or extending the line. He indicated it is easier with residential areas to plan for the development, but is more difficult with commercial sites. Councilman McNeill asked how the City is going to be protected 10 years from now if there is no final plat submitted. PAGE 3 Mr. Edwards indicated they had to show a Preliminary Plat to comply with the City's Ordinance. Discussed Drainage. Mr. Edwards indicated in Phase H of the development there is a proposed retention pond, he did not feel there will be a significant increase in drainage flow during Phase I construction. -- John Porter addressed drainage, and explained how it would flow as shown on the plans. Both John and John R. Porter indicated they would be willing to work with the City concerning drainage. Discussed most economical way to do drainage. Mr. Barton asked if they had considered increased flow from future development. Mr. Porter indicated they will work with the City concerning that. City Administrator indicated these concerns were addressed at the Planning and Zoning meeting and the commission did approve it. Mark Hill, City's Engineer, indicated the main reason for the Preliminary Plat is that as long as he is reviewing Plats for the City , they will conform to the basic plan. Mr. Hill indicated the Drainage, water and sewer will be there, the purpose of the Preliminary plat is to get a concept approved by the City, so when the individual plats come in the City will know how they will fit into that plan. Mr. Hill indicated Phase I should be finished before they start Phase II. Mr. Hill indicated when it was all done, there would basically be the plan that is approved. Councihnan McNeill asked Mark Hill if he was satisfied that the drainage would work. Mark Hill indicated it was designed by an engineer, and it was his job to make sure it would work. He indicated it was not this developers responsibility to control the drainage from property other than their own. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve Phase I of the Preliminary Plat. Councilman McNeill seconded the motion. Motion Carried Unanimously. (7W Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Lot IA, Block 1A Retail Division, Being 0.800 of an Acre on Land Situated in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Dollar General Store Site. Property is Located on Spur 138 (Next to New Post Office. City Administrator indicated this had been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Discussed the property between the Dollar General Site and the sewer main. John R. Porter indicated most of that area will be landscaping or parking. Discussed Possible easement. John R. Porter indicated he would be willing to give that property as an easement. Mark Hill indicated he would recommend on the Final plat, before it is filed, the easement to be shown. He indicated a ten foot easement should be fine. Councilman McNeill moved to accept the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation to approve the Dollar General Store site., contingent upon a ten foot sewer easement from Mr. Porter. PAGE 4 Councilman Jenkins seconded the motion. Motion Carried unanimously. (8)7. Consider and Possible Action on Bid for Irrigation System for Walkover. Councilman Jenkins asked where these funds would come from. Chuck Tucker indicated it would be from the Beautification Board. Chuck Tucker indicated the State will provide materials if the City will pay the labor. City Administrator indicated this was in the budget. Councilman Jenkins moved to accept the bid from Kalan Property Maintenance for the labor and installation of a sprinkler system for $1785.00. Councilman Ervin Seconded the motion. Motion Carried unanimously. (9)8. Discuss and Possible Action on Waste Management Proposal. Lynn Lantrip with Waste Management indicated he was there to walk through the proposal he had brought to Jack Smith, he indicated the residential rates would stay the same with twice a week pick up, but commercial rates would need to be adjusted. He indicated they could not keep the residential rates the same, if they did not adjust the commercial rates, due to transportation cost. Mr. Lantrip indicated the current contract with the City, provided for bulky waste pick up, there are not any items taken to the convenience station, that can not be picked up on the curb, he indicated he would recommend closing the citizen's convenience station. Mr. Lantrip indicated the City lost over $30,000.00 last year on the convenience center. Discussed bulky waste pick up. Mr. Lantrip indicated Waste Management could send a flyer to the citizens explaining the bulky waste pick up, and giving them information concerning trash pick up. Councilwoman Madden indicated there did need to be some information sent to citizens concerning bulky waste pick up. Councilman Jenkins asked what happened to the trash pick up the day after Thanksgiving. Mr. Lantrip indicated he did not know anything about them not picking up, he indicated the new owner of the company did not allow them to work on Thanksgiving or Christmas day; however they should have picked up the day after Thanksgiving, and he will look into it. Discussed Contract. Mayor postponed this Item till the next meeting. Action will be taken no later than December 21, 1998. (10)9. Discuss and Possible Action on Resolution #12-17-98 Concerning Travel Expenses. Councilman Ervin asked what brought this on. Councilman Jenkins indicated there was no accounting for funds allocated to travel. Councilman Jenkins indicated the Department Heads and other employees should be able to get the City Administrator's approval for travel, the City Administrator, Council members and Board members need approval from the Council. Mayor postponed this item until the December 21 meeting so changes could be made PAGE 5 to the resolution. I. Consider and Possible Action on Additions to Library Policies. Vicky Elieson, the Librarian, addressed the Council, she indicated the Library Board voted to add soliciting to the list of items not allowed in the Library, and also to allow non commercial advertising on the bulletin board as long as it benefits the community. Brief Discussion. Councilman Jenkins moved to make the changes as reflected by the Library board concerning soliciting and bulletin boards. Councilwoman Madden seconded the motion. Motion Carried unanimously. 12. Any Other Such Matters. Councilwoman Madden indicated the Christmas decorations looked really nice. 13. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Sectary Tommy K' caid, Mayor