01/23/1999-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: City Council - Special Called Planning meeting January 23, 1999 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Mike James, OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Administrative Secretary Samantha Renz, Woodrow Barton, W. Keith Pate, Sandra Lloyd, John Springer, Polly Dwyer, Vickie Jenkins, Randy Smith, David Fulton, J. Andrew Rice, Beverly Branch, Norrie Rawdon, A. F. Ballard, Scott Atkins, Nel Armstrong, Bobby Frizzell, Brenda James, Jimmy Lou Jackson, Richard Muir, Garland Thornton, Nelva Higgs, Lisa Hardy, Curtis Gilley, Lisa Glenn, Sheri Reynolds, Andrew Foote, Penny Miller, Elizabeth Higgs, Dan Frost, Carroll Trego, Sue Trego, Joe Falls, Ken Cornell, John Porter, Skip McNeill, Jeff Krueger, Joe Higgs, Bill Fuller, Mark Hill, Wendall Thomas, James Kristopherson, Joe Skiles, Chris Anderson 1. Mayor Kincaid called Meeting to order, led the Invocation, and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizen's Input -Limited to 15 Minutes per Citizen. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Future Development. Mayor welcomed citizens, and thanked them for coming. City Administrator, Jack Smith, indicated this meeting was not only for the Ciry as an entity, but also for the area around Sanger, the school district, etc. City Administrator gave a presentation of Goals and Priorities: 1. Establish Goals aI Residential Growth b. Commercial Growth c. Impact on School District d. Recreation e. Transportation Access f. Infrastructure Needs 2. Finance 3. Priorities and Time Tables City Administrator first addressed Residential Growth. 1. Bourland Court was a project they are hoping to come up with an agreement on, it will be seventeen homes. 2. Bridal Path Estates has been approved and is seventy-nine homes. 3. Subdivision on McReynold's Rd., 500 acres -could possibly be 300 homes. 4. Subdivision on Keaton, John Springer will open up a new street -approximately thirty five homes. 5. Possible Subdivision North of Bridal Path Estates, 260 Acres, 6. Possible subdivision East of Union Hill -approximately 167 homes, they have indicated they would like city water. 7. Possible subdivision on Chism Rd, they have indicated they would like city water. City Administrator indicated these are not things the city must do, but things the city must decide whether or not to do. City Administrator indicated Councilman James had wanted them to look at a break down of what had happened in past years, he showed a chart of the number of new homes, and the impact on the tax base. City Administrator addressed Commercial Growth: 1. Bridal Path Estates has 46.46 acres dedicated to commercial development. 2. Sanger Industrial Park of Mr. Porter's has 41 lots. 3. Sable Development, South of Lois Rd is a commercial development Art Kramer is working on. City Administrator asked Bobby Frizzell to address the impact on the school district. Mr. Frizzell indicated over the past four years the school district has grown approximately 120 students each year, and indicated there were just under 2100 students in the school district. They just opened a new school, and that has helped tremendously. The school district owns some land East of town, and may build a school there in the future. They are trying to stay on top, and plan for the future. Councilman Jenkins asked if the increase in students was mostly younger or older students? Mr. Frizzell indicated most of the families moving into Sanger are younger families, and most young families have small children, he would guess they were mostly younger students. Discussed growth of school district. City Administrator thanked Mr. Frizzell, City Administrator addressed Recreation. City Administrator addressed large lots of land, and new subdivisions, he indicated there needed to be more parks in these developments. Parks Board and Council had submitted a grant application for Railroad Park, the preliminary application had been denied, but they will probably re -submit the application. The City tries to keep up the park on the square, and do a good job. Indian Springs Park is in the flood plains area, they need direction as to what to do with that. Switzer Community Park by the community center is well kept, and has a nice play ground. The Library is utilized a good deal for recreation, they have programs for kids and adults. City Administrator addressed Transportation Access. Fifth Street has huge ditches and is narrow, they need to think about a different path or fix that path, the city can't continue to grow with that the only way to go. FM 455 needs to have some type of turn around, it is heavily traveled, and stacked up in the mornings. Willow/McReynoIds has major problems with the bridge, and something needs to be done with it, the city has patched it but it needs to be replaced. There is some question as to where county maintains picks up and city maintenance ends. Traffic is going to increase. Mayor Kincaid asked Mr. Krueger about the long time plan to have Bonnie Brae run through to 455. Mr. Krueger indicated it was on everybody's thoroughfare plan, but there were not funds in the budget for it. Sandra Lloyd asked if there was any plan to put something on the raikoad area by Willow St. , especially with the park being in that area. City Administrator indicated that was the purpose of this meeting, to hear the concerns. City Administrator addressed what was in place at this time. 1. Water. In July the city put on line 500,000 gallon water storage tank, currently they are getting 250,000 gallons of water a day from Upper Trinity. They feel this will take care of the water needs for a couple of years. 2. Sewer. The city will have an additiona1375,000 gallons of sewage capabilities that will probably come on line in March, that will service the city up to a population of 8,000. 3. Streets. They need to widen Fifth Street, it is not acceptable. They need to finish widening Bolivar Street. They plan to pave one-fourth of the city each year. 4. Drainage. They need to open ditches down Fifth Street. Ranger creek has caused problems for residents, they need to do something about it. City Administrator addressed Finances. He showed a chart of the current long term obligations. A. 1991 Revenue Bonds -still owe $2,935,275.00, not paid unti12011. B. 1994 Certificate of Obligation -owe $2,276,649.00, not paid until 2009. C. TX, Water Development Bond - owe $1,060,000.00, not paid until 2016. D. GNB Loan -owe $260,000.00. Net Operating Income - 97/98 GF - $28,758.00 net profit EF - $316,255.81 net profit Current Budget Net Income GF - $28,758.00 net profit projected EF - $118, 923.00 net profit projected Frank Ballard asked what a Certificate of Obligation was. City Administrator indicated they are less costly to the city than bonds, and you can get things done faster with them. Nel Armstrong indicated it looked like the city borrowed a lot of money in the 1990's, but in fact they had refinanced previous loans when the interest rates had improved. City Administrator showed some maps, and indicated it was important to show the leaders of the community that the City is faced with coming up with some type of comprehensive plan, is to have some type of guide as to what they want to do, and how they want to do it. City Administrator indicated the city has approximately 5,150 people currently, so they now have a right to vote on whether or not to become a Home Rule city, they will need a commission to write that charter, and need are faced with deciding if that is what they want to do. City Administrator showed a map of the ETJ. He indicated the ETJ goes almost to Lake Ray Roberts, and this enables the city to have input on what is being built outside the city limits. Frank Ballard asked if the Lake Ray Roberts Marina was on state land. City Administrator indicated it was on Federal land. Mr. Ballard asked if we could annex that land, because it would generate taxes. City Administrator indicated he did not know. Jerry Jenkins addressed how the city had annexed land in that area towards Lake Ray Roberts. Woodrow Barton indicated the ETJ goes further out than '/z mile around the city limits. Jerry Jenkins indicated there are two types of ETJ, one that goes '/z mile outside of the city limits and the other is voluntary annexation, which is where people volunteer to be in the ETJ in order to have city services. City Administrator addressed the ETJ, and indicated it is important for them to move quickly on annexarions in order to ensure the city's station in the future. The city controls it's own destiny. Frank Ballard asked about the comment that Sanger had 5,150 people, he asked if that was according to the census. City Administrator indicated the North Texas Counsel of Governments is the census taker, and the city would have to satisfy them as to the number of citizens in Sanger. City Administrator opened up the floor for anyone to speak. Woodrow Barton, 807 N. 7`", indicated he had graduated from SMU in 1953 and gave a brief summary of his background in engineering and his work history. He addressed Banger's future, starting with Sanger's present, he felt most citizen's would like to keep their residential neighborhoods as they are with the exception of replacing malfunctioning underground facilities such as sewer and water systems, and rebuilding damaged streets especially older neighborhoods. He indicated he would not overlay any city street that had faulty underground systems until those systems are repaired. Mr. Barton continued to address future growth, he indicated the city should promote and facilitate commercial and industrial growth with emphasis on facilitate. He did not think much promotion would be necessary, as this type of growth is bearing down on the city now. He indicated the city was behind in getting engineering studies done for infrastructure, such as streets, water systems, storm drainage and sanitary sewer systems that would serve and facilitate growth. He indicated the city needs to get started on the engineering studies. Mr. Barton gave some ideas where the finances could come from to pay for these studies. Mr. Barton indicated the return on investment in infrastructure for multiple interconnected industrial and business districts will be large and ever growing until growth tops out. He indicated the returns could be used to build recreation parks and other types of community projects in those areas. Andrew Foote, Marion Rd., asked what type of research the city had done concerning what the Y2K problems could impose on the city and the citizens. City Administrator indicated the City of Sanger has a computer system that has been designed to except the Year 2000 without a problem, the City of Sanger buys it's electricity from Brazos electric, the Electric Superintendent has been trying to get in writing that they are in compliance. Brazos has ensured the city that they are in compliance, but the city has not gotten it in writing. District does not have any problems. He indicated Upper Trinity Water Mr. Foote indicated it is important to make preparations. City Administrator addressed proposed water and sewer projects. Discussed bore North of town, the size and the cost of it. Jerry Jenkins asked about the possibility of a new sewer plant in the Duck Creek area. City Engineer, Mark Hill, indicated it was something to look in to, but it will depend on how the city grows, there is a possibility it will grow more on the east side. Mr. Barton indicated he had presented an infrastructure plan to the council several weeks ago, this plan included sewer lines, water lines, storm drains and bridges. His concern is that Mr. Porter is developing that land just North of 455, and he may require only small lines to properly service his development, if all that land is developed the city may require larger lines. He asked if the city was going to tear out Mr. Porter's lines and start all over. Mr. Barton indicated the city needed engineering studies that would accommodate all of that land, so they could do it right the first time. City Administrator addressed proposed water lines, he indicated there was a lift station on Duck Creek that the city is faced with possibly refurbishing, or trying to fmd a way to by- pass. There is an existing lift station on Cowling Rd. that they are trying to abandon. Discussed possibilities of new and existing lift stations. Lisa Hardy1 Sanger Courier, asked if the city had considered charging developers impact fees to help pay for some of the costs. Nel Armstrong indicated the city did do it for a while, but the state passed a law that made it very extensive, they discontinued it because it was cost prohibiting to do it. Discussed water and sewer line replacement. Eddie Branham, Water/Wastewater Superintendent explained the proposed water and sewer replacement plan. Mr. Barton asked if the water line on 13`h St. was in the road. Mr. Branham indicated it was not, and that he was going to ask that it be put in on the outside edge of it. Mr. Branham continued to explain the proposed water and sewer line replacement from 5`° St. to 10`h St. Mr. Branham addressed water and sewer lines along Marshall St. from 5`h St. to 3rd St and back to Austin St., he indicated it was all 2" line, but they will bring in 6" line. Mr. Branham indicated they would like to put fire hydrants on every block. Mr. Branham explained and showed where they were proposing to put in 6" lines. City Administrator asked for input concerning priorities and time tables. Councilman Jenkins suggested he take a show of hands. There were not any citizens who felt residential growth was the main priority. About 18 citizens felt commercial growth was most important. John Springer indicated commercial growth should be linked with infrastructure needs. Almost all citizens agreed. Nel Armstrong indicated the infrastructure and commercial growth was most important, but they should also concentrate on parks and activities, she felt companies would not be interested in the town if there were not other things. Polly Dwyer indicated there were many things in Sanger that were past there prime, the city needs to look at the aesthetic view as well as streets, water , sewer, etc. She felt they needed to make the city attractive to young people because that is where small business will come from. She felt parks, trees, and landscaping are extremely important along with street development. Jeff Krueger addressed the subject of aesthetics, and indicated when Peterbuilt first thought about coming to Denton, the city gave them a tour of the area. He indicated the city spent 30 million dollars on Ryan High school, and heard a lot of complaints about the amount Of money spent, but when they gave the tour of Denton, when the people saw the school that is when they made up their minds they wanted to move to Denton. He indicated the tax base in the school district and the quality of education is what promotes growth, that along with ground infrastructure. Mr. Barton agreed that they need to concentrate on existing areas, he indicated if developers develop subdivisions, they need to provide the land for the parks. Polly Dwyer indicated she was anew member to the Planning and Zoning Commission and was looking for some direction, she noticed at their meeting they deal with two issues extensively - sidewalks, and alleys. She asked if once those are in place does the city want to maintain them. She indicated the developers are not in favor of them. City Administrator indicated sidewalks for pedestrians are desirable, alleys for trash pick up are desirable, but it is a full time job trying to repair streets, sidewalks and alleys are a burden once they begin to deteriorate. He indicated it will continue to be a dilemma, based on an individual basis depending on how the development is laid out. Mike James expressed some of his own personal ideas. He indicated that everyone agreed the city was growing and will continue to grow. In the past there has not been money to install infrastructure, but times are changing. He gave a list of objectives he felt important for this meeting. a)Establish that all are aware the city is going to grow. b)For council to ensure they get input from the community to plan long range growth. c)Would like to walk away with enough input to develop a short term and a long term plan. [)Would like to address immediate needs, e)Discuss what community has to offer. f)Definitely want residential area to grow. Mike James indicated commercial industry will bring more tax dollars to our economy. He first addressed the Strengths of the community: -Access to Lake Ray Roberts -Major interstate going through the city -Railroad Access -Inexpensive rent to small businesses -City Park/Downtown -Reasonable Tax Rate -Large volume of land available to the city. He then addressed the Weaknesses of the community: -Interstate divides town in half -Poor Infrastructure Lacking large commercial industry Large blocks of land owned by few people He addressed Opportunities of the community: -City can manage growth -Sale of utilities -Restoration Program/Downtown area. He addressed Threats to the community: -Outlying cities encroaching on the city's ETJ -Deterioration of Downtown area De -Regulation with electric Mike James indicated they needed to come up with plans to accomplish. Mr. Barton indicated the Downtown area needed to be a high priority, there are safety hazards with the broken curbs, etc. Mike James indicated the Chamber of Commerce was working on a home page for the City, this will promote tourism and could increase the Hotel tax. City Administrator agreed with Mr. Barton and indicated he has had meetings with people who have vested interest in the downtown area, they have addressed the loose gravel and sidewalks. Discussion concerning the "Main Street" program. Discussion concerning types of businesses the city would like to come to Sanger. Jeff Moms, Electric Superintendent, indicated De -Regulation was presented to the House on Thursday, the city may have the opportunity to be exempt if they choose to. He explained what de -regulation would mean. He does not feel it will affect the City very much. The electric company is trying to become more recognizable, they may need to lower rates to be more competitive, educate the public as to where that money goes, and how they benefit from it. Mr. Morris indicated the electric department is striving to have the best customer service ever. The customer is the #1 priority. Mr. Morris indicated they are looking at adding some services, possibly appliance sales, and they are open to suggestions. Discussed mark up on electric. Jeff Morris also addressed the Fire Department, he indicated the Sanger fire department made 725 runs last year. The council has addressed putting on paid personnel, and are looking at station growth. Mr. Morris indicated the city will need to look at providing it's own ambulance service, the City of Sanger has the largest volunteer fire department in Denton County. Discussed 911 calls. Mr. morris indicated Denton County pays them $135.00 per run, and $345.00 for a medical run. Discussed educating volunteers, and insurance rates. City Administrator indicated the city is looking for additional space for a court and/or police department. City Administrator gave an overview: -City needs to spend effort and money to get engineering studies done to handle services. Citizens want to see commercial growth. Citizens want to see infrastructure. City needs to come up with a comprehensive plan. City Administrator indicated he hopes the citizens know they care, and they want there input and ideas. Mike James suggested to have this type of meeting semi-annually. City Administrator indicated growth will be a major thing in the future, and it would be a good idea to have town meetings to discuss these things. James Kristopherson indicated he works for Denton County with Judge Mosely, who wished he could be at the meeting. He felt it was refreshing to see the City Council and Chamber of Commerce working together for growth and development. He indicated the more planning they do right now, the better for the future. Planning will ensure the future of the town, Mayor indicated any way you look at it there is going to be growth, the city needs a lot of prayer. Meeting Adjourned. �! ommy kfncaid, Mayor ATTEST: v Rosalie Chavez, City Secre