03/01/1999-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council March 1, 1999 PRESENT: Tommy Kincaid, Carroll McNeill, Alice Madden, Mike James, Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Streets/Parks Supervisor John Henderson, Tommy Belcher, Marcia Minor, Ken Cornell, Brenda James, Jimmy Lou Jackson, Molly Swindle, Joe Higgs, Doris Garner, Robert Garner, Lisa Hardy, Kristen Price Mayor Called Meeting to Order. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approve Minutes: February 15, 1999 b) Disbursements. Councilman Ervin had some questions concerning over budget items in the disbursements. City Secretary Rose Chavez addressed some of those items and explained why they were over budget. Councilman McNeill addressed item number six (6) in the minutes, he indicated he thought Khosrow said he would pay the entire bill if not paid when they switched over, he indicated the minutes stated he said he would pay the last month. Discussion. City Secretary indicated Khosrow said he would pay the. last month. Discussion concerning meters in Mariam's Mobile Home park. Councilman James moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Marsha Minor, 5962 Michael Road, indicated she had moved to Sanger Thanksgiving weekend. She indicated she was having major problems with Sprint telephone company, she could not get through most of the time. Ms. Minor indicated she had been dealing with the Public Utilities Commission as well as Sprint Telephone Company. Mayor indicated the City Administrator would look into it, but he was not sure they could do anything about it. Discussion. Ms. Minor indicated there was a problem with the line, and Sprint has indicated to her that it would cost too much money to fix the problem. Lengthy Discussion concerning phone service. Page 1 Mayor indicated they would look into it, and see if they could get the situation corrected. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Allocate Funds for Span. City Administrator indicated he had overlooked this during the budget preparation. City Secretary addressed this item, she indicated Span provided much needed services to the elderly. They provide Meals on Wheels, transportation to and from Doctor appointments, meals at the senior center, and other services. She indicated the services are much needed. Councilman James indicated he felt it was a good idea, especially if you look at all the meals they provide. Discussion concerning dollar amount. Councilman James moved to approve the request to donate $5,000.00 to Span. Councilwoman Madden seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. .Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #03-01-99 -Authorizing Mayor to Sign Lease Purchase With GNB on Electric Equipment, City Administrator indicated the Bank needed this Resolution, and apologized for the wording of it. Mayor read the caption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN LEASE/PURCHASE LOAN AGREEMENT WITH GNB BANK. Councilman Ervin asked how many years the loan was for. City Administrator indicated about three years. Discussion. Jeff Morris, Electric Superintendent, gave the amounts that were budgeted for this equipment. Replacement Bucket Truck $35,000.00 annual payment $9,000.00 New Bucket Truck $40,000.00 annual payment $1Q,000.00 3 wheel wire trailer $25,000.00 annual payment $7,000.00 Underground wire puller $28,000.00 annual payment $8,000,00 Mr. Morris cated, in the budget, he planned to pay this out over five years. City Administrator indicated it was going to be cheaper this way, and they will pay it off in less than five years. City Administrator indicated the actual expenditure had already been approved, and they were only asking for authorization for the mayor to sign the loan. Councilman McNeill indicated the amount of the loan, and what they were purchasing should be indicated on the Resolution. Page 2 Councilman James indicated they were only giving authority for the mayor to sign the loan agreement, but he did not have a problem with it stating the amounts if Councilman McNeill felt more comfortable. Discussion. Councilman McNeill moved to approve Resolution #03-01-99 with the stipulation that it is used for the lease purchase of budgeted items for the electric department. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 6. Presentation and Donation -Molly Swindle Representing Sanger High School FHA. Molly Swindle introduced Kristen Price, president of FHA at Sanger High School. Kristen Price presented a check for $500.00 to the city to be used to purchase basketball goals at Cammie Patton Park, she indicated they were going to apply for a $5,000.00 scholarship this year so they could do more at the park. Mayor thanked them and indicated they would get the basketball goals as soon as possible. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Red Light at Corner of Bolivar and Second St. City Administrator indicated the Polce Chief thought there need to be a light at that intersection the same as on Fifth and Bolivar Streets, Chief Erwin indicated all the citations that have been given for running flat stop sign have all been dismissed based on the sign not being visible. Discussion. Councilman James indicated another alternative would be to consider building the curb out past the parking area, and placing the stop sign where it would be more visible. Chief Erwin indicated he only wanted it to be safe. Councilman Ervin asked if there had been a traffic count at that intersection. Staff indicated there had not been. Councilwoman Madden indicated Councilman James' idea might be more attractive than a flashing red light. Discussion. Discussed paying for it out of the money received from fines. Councilman McNeill indicated he was in favor of a red light. Councilman Ervin indicated they should take a survey on how much traffic, give it some thought, and maybe come up with more ideas. Chief Erwin indicated his concern was that someone would get hurt because they did not see the stop sign, and the city would be liable. Councilman Ervin moved to put in a red light. Page 3 Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Old Presbyterian Church and Other Building Facility Considerations. City Administrator indicated the bell tower was leaning on the old Presbyterian Church, and he was afraid someone would get hurt, he indicated it was cost prohibiting to fix it. Mayor indicated it was a State of Texas designated landmark, and asked if there was a stipulation that it must be maintained. City Secretary indicated there was not a stipulation that it must be maintained, but it cannot be torn down. City Administrator indicated they should sell it. Discussed if they could sell it. City Administrator indicated they could sell it, and he had the deed on his desk. Councilman James indicated at one time council had discussed putting it up for closed bid. Discussed getting input from all boards. Councilman McNeill indicated they should get more input, and put it on the agenda again. Council agreed to get input from all boards, and put on the agenda again in a month. City Administrator indicated they put the Code Enforcement Officer on Full time and were building him an office with the other offices down the street. He indicated they were advertising for a City Engineer, and they do not know where they are going to put him. City Administrator indicated the building where the records are kept has a leaky roof, and birds fly in and out of it. City Administrator indicated Mr. Morris was working getting bids for a storage facility for the new vehicles. He indicated Chief Erwin planned to hire two addifional officers next year, Mr. Morris planned to put three or four additional people in the budget next year for the electric department, and the City Secretary would possibly hire one more person. He indicated the Council Chambers was being use three nights a month for court, and that could conflict with other boards. He indicated they were running out of room. City Administrator addressed the Sullivan Center, and indicated the whole back end had termites. Discussion. City Secretary indicated they need to do something about the termites immediately, and expressed concerns about the danger to the senior citizens. Discussed Community Center. Mayor asked if the department heads had worked up anything, or come up with any suggestions. Discussion. City Administrator indicated if they were going to do something with the old Post Office building they needed to do it. Discussion. Councilwoman Madden indicated they should think about the area where the old water tower is being removed from. Councilman James indicated they would be better off building a new city hall. Jeff Morris indicated he had plans for the electrical building and a garage on the South fence. Councilwoman Madden indicated they should keep all the departments close together. Councilman McNeill agreed. City Administrator indicated he wanted to get input and direction from the Council. Mayor indicated he did not want to move the City hall out of the Downtown area. Councilman McNeill indicated where the electric department is would be a good place. City Secretary indicated she need some direction on the Sullvan Center concerning the termites, and if she should pursue exterminating services. Councilman McNeill indicated they had no choice but to get rid of the termites. Discussed Sullivan Center building. Council agreed City Secretary should get estimates and see who will get rid of the termites at the lowest cost. 9. Discuss and Possible Action on Ordinance #f03-02-99 Authorizing Freeport Tax Exemption. Mayor indicated Freeport is used by all major industries that have inventory coming in. Councilwoman Madden indicated they should be very cautious, and indicated it was her understanding that once they adopted the ordinance they could not rescind it. She indicated they had not had enough time to study it. Councilman McNeill indicated he was very much in favor of it, but would like it to be contingent upon Nucor coming to Sanger. Councilman McNeill indicated they need to consider what the city will lose, and what the city will gain if they adopt it. Discussion regarding inventory. Councilman McNeill indicated he was in favor of it, but would like to know that they looked at all aspects. Mayor indicated this would open the door to industry in Sanger. Lengthy Discussion. Page 5 Councilman James asked if it had to be acted upon at this meeting. Mayor indicated they needed to take action on it. Councilman McNeill asked if they could pass it subject to Nucor coming. Councilman James asked if the City of Denton supported Freeport tax exemption. City Administrator indicated he did not know. Discussion. City Administrator indicated it would not affect anyone until January 1, 2000, if they wanted to adopt it and rescind it prior to January 1, they could because it would not affect anyone. Mayor read the caption: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO, 018-89 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY PROVIDING FOR AN EXEMPTION FROM AD VALOREM TAXATION FOR FREEPORT GOODS; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITYY CLAUSE, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion made by Councilman James to Adopt Ordinance #03-02-99 authorizing the Freeport Tax exemption. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Any Other Such Matters. a)City Administrator indicated Mr. Hollingsworth had given him the original signatures that were in the paper, of those supporting the council. )Councilman McNeill indicated Chief Morris had indicated he wanted to have a meeting with the council concerning the future needs of the fire department, and thought they should schedule that meeting. Scheduled workshop for 6:00 P.M. on March 15, 1999. c)Discussed Nel Armstrong's resignation from the Upper Trinity Regional Water District. d)Mayor indicated he had received an invitation to go through United Copper Industries, but indicated he probably would not go because he had to work. e)Jeff Morris indicated Mr. Smith had asked him to put together an estimate for electricity for Nucor. He gave them a handout of what he had worked up. Discussion. f)Councilman Ervin indicated he wanted it on the next agenda to consider engineering studies for Railroad Park. g)Discussed putting up new basketball goals at Cammie Patton park. h)Chief Erwin indicated they now had a tracking dog, the car is fully equipped and the dog is housed with the officer. He indicated he had also hired a new officer to fill the last open position. )Councilman James addressed the contract for the City Administrator, he indicated the motion was made that they approve it based on the City Attorney's approval, and the Attorney did not approve it. Discussion. 11. Meeting Adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: v [ Rosalie Chavez, City Secre