10/17/1994-CC-Minutes-Regular ! " w° 1. .,... MINUTES: City Council Meeting October 17, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tammy Kincaid MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Margie Braxton OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Garland Thornton, Glenn Ervin, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, and Steve Bulger 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. City Administrator Hamilton gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b}. Proclamation #P8-94 -Domestic Violence Awareness Month c}. Resolution #R14-94 -Extended Area Telephone Service d}. Resolution #R15-94 -Financing Street Improvements Councilman Jerry Jenkins made a motion to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. 3. Citizen°s Input -None 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single Family-3} to SF-4A (Single Family-4A} an Property in the 9Qt7 Black of Church Street, described as H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241, Hampton Addition, east 1/2 of Black 13 and west lj2 of Block -Jane (Ben Terry} Edwards Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. No one spoke for ar against this request. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Change from SF-3 (Single Family-3) to SF-4A (Single Family-4A) an Property in the J Block of Church Street, described as H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241, Hampton Addition, east lJ2 of Black 13 and west if 2 of Black 9 - Jane (BenTerry) Edwards Discussion regarding the use of the property after zoning request was granted. Councilman Jenkins made the motion to accept Planning &Zoning's recommendation for the zoning change from SF-3 to SF-4A on the property in the 9aQ Block of Church Street, described as H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241, Hampton Addition, east 1J2 of Block 13 and west 1/2 of Black 9. Seconded by Councilman Bell. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Library Construction Bids} Bids discussed. The following bids were received October 17, 1994, 11:C} a.m.: :3 CC MALT. 10�' 17/ 94, page 2 COMPANY Prime Pest Management Denton Paving &Construction (Excludes -Earthwork, Termite Control, Pavement Markings} Jones &Jeffrey Includes Earthwork, Termite Control, Pavement Markings} R & T Electrical C&G Denton, Texas CBS Mechanical AMT. BID FOR PROJECT $724.00 (Termite Control} Foundation - Flatwork - TOTAL Foundation - Flatwork - TOTAL - Electrical - Electrical - Plumbing - $67,998.00 $28,284.00 $96,282.00 $65,864.00 $33,217.00 $99,081.00 •, � f## f# $35,900.00 $10,400.00 Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to accept the bids from Jones &Jeffrey for 99,081.00 for concrete, R & T Electrical - $26,000 for Electrical and from CBS Mechanical for $10,400.00 for Plumbing. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Purchase of Pool Cover Public tVorks Superintendent Chuck Tucker advised City Council that two bids had been received; one from Gohlke's for $4,468.84 and another from Callahan Pool Supply far $5,450.00. Councilman Jenkins made the motion to accept Gohlke's Pool Supply Bid for a pool cover purchase at a cost of $4,468.84 including installation. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization to Request Motor Vehicle Fuel Bids for City Vehicles Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to authorize staff to advertise far fuel bids for City Vehicle Fuel. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 9. City Administration Report a}. City Administrator reported that the Sales Tax was up from last year $1,100.00, 12.7%. b}. Fire Department has informed him that their bright red suburban is in transit. c}. City Administrator also stated that he received another letter from Austin Attorney regarding Cable TV and there will be t�rvo more pages of changes that will be presented to City Council for their review. 10. Any Other Such Matters: a}. Mayor and Council discussed letter from the Sanger Cemetery Board requesting the Police Department to open and close the cemetery. Mayor advised them once again she'll take it to the Council for their consideration. b}. Texas waste Management has sent a letter where they have CC M1N. loJ 17/94, page S indicated they will run their garbage trucks on Monday and 'Thursday whether it is a holiday or not. c). Friendship Cable has purchased Galaxy Cablevision and there is a new SQO number which is Sga-999-6545. d). Denton County, on behalf of the Commissioners Court, will have an Gpen House Ceremony at their new Denton County Government Center located at 3a6 N. Loop 2SS. e}. Mayor advised City Secretary to be more specific on Court Reports regarding dismissals to keep it simple. City Secretary reported $15,a72.flt dollars is still outstanding in warrants and possibly 1 70 citations need to be checked to issue possible warrants. 11. Meeting adjourned. el Arr stron ?ayor ATTEST: