01/03/1995-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting I January 3, 1995 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Tommy Kincaid. and Councilman Joe Bell MEMBERS ABSENT. Councilwoman Margie Braxton OTHERS PRESENT. City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Public Works Superintendent and Glenn Irvin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. John Hamilton gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: a). Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda with a correction the minutes: Item 9. Any Other Such Matters, Section b. Councilman Jenkins stated the school lights on 5th Street are not in synchronize. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input - None 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Designating an Emergency Management Coordinator Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to designate either Chief Bill Murrell or Fire Marshall Bob Hageman to serve as Emergency Coordinator and let staff work it out between the two. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointing an Application Review committee for the HOME Grant Program Mayor Armstrong stated that the committee would review the applications for completeness and eligibility. The Application Review Committee must be composed of the Mayor, one Councilmember, and one staff member. The Committee will rank the applications for consideration and approval. Mayor Armstrong appointed the following to the Application Review Committee: Councilman Kincaid (who volunteered to serve), John Hamilton and herself. 6. City Administration Report City Administrator John Hamilton reported on the following: a}. City Administrator advised that John Mears stated the Street Contractor, XIT, will be here in mid -January to begin excavating and construction on Willow and Austin Street They still have not received permit from Santa Fe Railroad Crossing. Mr. Hamilton also advised there will also be some cost to adjust the arms. u . u11 lv. 1VLTl .JLreeL, Lone Star GAS is supposed to be completed around the 13th of January. Lone Star Gas still has one line to relocate and the Electric Department will begin the underground project around the 17th of January. c). City Administrator reminded City Office will be closed January 16th and the next City Council Meeting is scheduled for January 17th. d). New solid waste transfer fees went into effect Tuesday. e). City Administrator reminded Council on the TML Briefing f). Roof at Sullivan Center is almost 99°y6 complete. g). Briefly discussed Holiday Schedule for 1995. h). City Administrator mentioned the notification on EAS Service Petition. Lake Dallas & Muenster, which are small independently owned companies, have filed paperwork to be taken off the petition. i). Mr. Hamilton also stated that the City ended the year with 34 Building Permits for 34 Single Family Residences. j). Construction bids for new Library will be opened Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. 7. Any Other Such Matters a). Mayor Armstrong made City Council aware in regards to the EAS Petition and the Scheduling Order. She mentioned that the schedule indicates ballots need to go out on the 14th day of March and must be in by the 29th; 75% of the people must sign to agree to this. Mayor Armstrong stated that she does not want the City to "drag their feet" and wait until the 14th day of March to inform the people. She is hopefully planning to do a newsletter that will be sent to everyone on the line which will explain what this is, all the cities they will get, the cost, and the importance concerning 75% of the ballots that must be submitted. b). Mayor stated she would like for City Council to set a workshop to allow Councilman Richardson and Councilman Bell to familiarize themselves with the Policy Manual and the Personnel Policy. This will allow Council to go over the Policies to see if changes need to be made and they can also discuss anything else that needs to be discussed at this time. Council's consensus to set the day for a Thursday night at 6:30 p.m on the 19th of January. c). Mayor asked for report concerning the memo on the Ashcraft Building. City Administrator stated that he did talk to Mr. Ashcraft and was informed of the status in regards to the building. Mr. Ashcraft did advise him that he is having trouble with the contractor in giving him a quote. Mr. Hamilton advised him that he needed to keep him informed on what is going on and he also advised him that time is running out and something has to be done quickly. City Administrator Hamilton advised Council he will give Mr. Ashcraft until the middle of next week; and, if he still has not given him a definite date. he'll go visit him and give him a deadline. d). Mayor Armstrong asked City Administrator if he ever called Lloyd Henderson concerning grants to renovate old depots. City Administrator advised he sent a letter to Richard Wilkes and since it is privately owned, he was going to wait until he got a response. Mayor stated that they have to do something about the building since they are requiring Mr. Ashcraft to do something about his building; this building will be next to be considered or to be "fixed up:' e). Councilman Jenkins asked what happens when we annex property and there are old structures? Do we require them to be torn down? Since the Mayor and City Administrator were not sure, the Mayor stated she would call and find out Mayor Armstrong also implied that we still have not started the proceedings on annexation of the properties. Discussion concerning annexation of property in regards to a block of land (unoccupied territory in access of one acre). There was some misunderstanding regarding the interpretation. Mayor advised she will call TML since they got the Bill passed and will ask Susan to write her a letter to clarify it f). Mayor Armstrong asked City Administrator if he has written to Mr. Morrison regarding the street by Care Inn. Mr. Hamilton stated he has tried to call him; however, he has not written him yet g). Councilman Bell had a question regarding the Library foundation regarding pier holes in the middle of the foundation. Public Works Superintendent (Building Official) Chuck Tucker advised that there are no pier holes in the middle of the foundation and they are not required according to the plans. Discussion. 8. Meeting adjourned. Nel Armstrong, Mayor ATTEST Ivy A0 3 T ad s r"6 fi"6