01/17/1995-CC-Minutes-Regular�� � � �f � � � �� ' �, ', MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilwoman Margie Sraxton, Councilman Jerry Jenkins Councilman Tommy Kincaid, and Councilman Joe Sell tJTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Electric Supt Larry Yoast, Public Works Supt. Chuck Tucker, JoAnn Sell, Jeff McNeill, Anthony Mode, Ronnie Swanson, Bobby (� Swanson, David Tinberg, Glenn Shaw, Bill Murrell, Russell Mabiza, and Vicky Eliesan. ��1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Kincaid Ied the invocation which was followed by the pledge of allegiance. 2. CQNSENT AGENDA: a}. Approve Minutes b). Disbursements c}. XIT Paving � Construction, Inc. -Payment # 3- $22,57Q.Q 1 d}. Jones &Jeffrey Construction {Library} -Payment #2 - $27,Q85.22 Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve all items on the Consent Agenda Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. Citizens Input -None 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Interlocal Agreement - Houston%Galveston Area Council of Government Purchasing Coop. �� Chief Murrell addressed the item concerning Interlocal Agreement allows the City to Purchase large ticket items in a '°Goverment Contract" rather than a specific bid process. This is the first of two items for the Fire Department in order to �� proceed with alease/purchase of a new Fire Engine Pumper for the C lt� D1SCLiSS1C)n: Motion was made by Councilman Bell to approve Interlocal Agreement with the HoustonjGalveston Area Council of Government Purchasing Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 5. Consider &Possible Action Regarding Authorizing Bids For alease/ Purchasing New Fire Engine Pumper - S.V.F.D. �� Discussion: Concerning leasing of a new Fire Truck and method of finance. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson that City authorized the Purchase of a new Fire Engine Pumper for $155,979.+D0, using (� Midwest Bankers Group Inc., financed far 9 years with yearly payments at $24,488.92 at 7.Q8% interest. Seconded by Councilwoman Sraxton. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Great Tegas Trash -Off Day fFA Vffjk*t Councilparticipation Off Day. *JLULJLUJLJLX Ia r 1, E. :;reat Texas Trash Off Day in Sanger as per request of the 3eautification Board. Seconded by Councilman Bell. I11a r • , M . r� t, a, a i r // • - r a/ 3eautification Board for the City to fund a recycling program. This vouldbe pilot program . period of • months. D1SC11SSion: Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. ! ! !0 0 - , marale meeting LO aWarU // 9. Executive Session Pursuant to Article 6w52-17, Vernon's Civil Statutes, 2{g), Personnel -Sanger Volunteer Fire Department Mayor Armstrong convened Council into executive session at 7:5® according to Article 6252-17, Vernon's Civil Statutes, 2{g), Personnel Sanger Volunteer Fire Department 1(l. Consider and Possible Action Executive Session Pursuant to V.A.T.S. Article 6252-1?, 2{g�, Personnel -Sanger Fire Department t r a ,, a dotion was made by Councilman Jenkins that staff be instructed t -t • !•,. it • i•. 1 • • ompensation and Disability Insurance Payments • i days. 3econded by • / Richardson. • rCarried. 1. City Secretary Rose Chavez will be attending the annual Election School January 25- 27, 1995 Staff had also received a request from a citizen, concerning consolidation of City/school elections in one location. Bill Spore, City Auditor will complete his work and is scheduled to present 93194 audit at the Feb. 6, 1995 meeting. 3. City Administrator asked Council if anyone was planning to attend the February 6, 1995 TML Legislative briefing in Austin. l � T 'i * i' • l 4. City Administrator advised that he will be attending a Texas Public Power briefing on Monday the 23rd in Austin. �� 5. Larry Yoast advised that Lone Star Gas is to start tomorrow or next day on Kith Street and will complete Willow Street probably �� within two weeks. Lane Star Gas is also "letting°' a bid on Austin Street to relocate the line. 6. City Administrator that advised poles behind Diane Drive will be pulled as soon as it gets dry. 7. Vicky is preparing a report concerning furnishing the library in stages. 8. City Secretary advised that the average Utility Billing Program will implemented this month and will be effective on their Feb. 1, billing. 12. Any Other Such Matters 1. Councilman Kincaid addressed a problem regarding the Past Office's private exit to 5th Street. Councilman Kincaid states sand and lumber were apparently blacking the exit, and the Post Office wants it removed. 2. Mayor Armstrong had a request far the City to purchase signs for Cowling Road. She feels it is a viable request __ Mayor also advised Larry Yaast, Electric Supt. that the middle light at Care Inn is out 3. Councilman Jenkins addressed the following issue: a). The road to the landfill is in bad shape and needs to be maintained. It is really in a "mess'°. City Administrator advised that Mr. Bohmann is waiting far it to dry up before he goes out there to grade the rand. �� Chuck fiucker, Public Works Supt, advised he planned to reshape the road and put down some base. b}. Mayor Armstrong also asked about the ditch at Sroak Glen Drive. Charles Tucker advised that he is planning to rent the equipment from A-1 Rental far $788.Oa a week. He figured he could do the whale ditch in a week. City Administrator advised all he needs is at least 2 weeks of dry weather. 4. Councilman Jenkins also stated that he noticed a Frontier Waste Mangement Dumpter at a business he believes is Denton County Marble, located on the right of Utility Road. Councilman Jenkins stated he believes this property is in our city limits. Discussed Staff to check records AN •, also neeciect ciarnicanon • the new library Vicky stated ftinding included shelves, chairs, work tables, and desk with shelves being the biggest expense. the Community that would donate some of these items if the specifications were listed with the cost of each he time would be right to mobilize the community to buy buy a shelf, or buy anything.! • that a plan ffould be worked up and brought back to them property t• clean it up. + t. :.11 is •. :: i. * ind they can be enforced; however, they are not YY • i ! i • % foolproof. treet She asked Benny if the Police Department makes a st when driving around town andr Ili ocated on peoples property. ne (100r. 111ey aLSO jPC17SU115M IrvLPI 1roperty owner which advises11 to contact 4anagement to have the stuff discarded. unk like this once a month on a regular basis?" contact certain items. This is why they want the property owner to " 11 lockshat all the • t ouricil[man Jenkins stated someone got on weekend 1, City Administrator advised that if it was a city employee that would be grounds for dismissal