01/19/1995-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: PRESENT: OTHERS City Council Workshop January 19, 1995 Mayor N%= Armstrong, Councilman Tommy Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilwoman Braxton Kincaid, Joe Bell, Margie PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Larry Yoast, Electric Superintendent 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the workshop to order. 2. Discussion concerning Procedures Manuale a}. The Mayor Armstrong suggested that in our Policy and Procedures Manual that we should put tabs to section off the different policies that fall under that department. b). Mayor Armstrong also inquired as to when did Mr. Hamilton raise the $35.00 per diem for travel. The City Administrator stated he raised it on August 31, 1994. The Mayor suggested it be brought to the City Council for approval. c). The Mayor also stated that where we refer to the name of the doctor as our Health Officer that instead of stating his name to put Health Officer, this way it will prevent changes in the future. d). Worker®s Compensation procedures were also discussed from the time an employee is injured to when our worker®s compensation carrier picks up the claim and follows through with the necessary steps. e). Discussion included fees for insufficient checks. Councilman Bell asked if there is a list of delinquent utility accounts and if it is possible for the council to review the list at least once per month. f). The Mayor stated she felt she wanted to see a list of who actually owes the city money or �.s in arrears. g). The City Administrator stated this item was to be addressed during February for consideration of a collection agency. The mayor stated they wanted to review the list to see what is actually outstanding. h). Another item discussed was customers on life support and how are disconnects and power outages handled in regards to these circumstances. Larry Yoast stated these customers are not disconnected if they become delinquent. The office does try to work with these customers. Larry Yoast also mentioned they are in the process of placing stickers on these meters to indicate which customers are on life support. The City Secretary advised only one customer presently is delinquent who is on life support. i.) The Mayor suggested that the office get a calendar and to write on this calendar everything that is listed in our Policy and Procedures on a yearly basis. The Mayor advised that posting on the calendar will remind us when to do certain jobs throughout the year, i.e., sending out letters to remind people who are on life support that they need to update their status. 3. Other items discussedp CC WORKSHOP MINUTES 01/19/95, PAGE 2 a). The policy regarding unlocking vehicles and the use of release forms by Police officers, and how we need to continue to assist these people. b). Personnel Records° The City Secretary keeps the personnel records of all employees. c). The Mayor also suggested that in these Policies where names are indicated that we need to (when we have 'rime) go back and type 0/Clerk I," 98Clerk II, °B "Accounts Payable Clerk," etc*, and then state responsibilities. d). The employee uniforms were discussed as to who supplies the uniforms. e). The memorandum to Benny Erwin regarding policy operating plans needs to be removed from the manual. f). The Mayor sugges'�ed the Police Procedure Manual needs to be reviewed to see if changes need to be made. g). The policy concerning take-home vehicles is in regards to employees taking vehicles home when on vacation was discussed. The Mayor did ask if Maintenance Records on vehicles are being maintained. The City Administrator advised Craig Waggoner, City Mechanic, is taking care of that. h). Partial payments were discussed as to the method of payment of customer paying either water bill or electric bill. The Mayor stated they would like a quarterly report on work orders. i). Refund of deposits on utility accounts was discussed. j). On Memorandum 88, dated December 29, 1989, Mayor Armstrong inquired if the committee still meets concerning disconnects. The City Administrator stated that it still does, not as a group but possibly two people at different times. k). Mayor Armstrong asked if utility customers are extended more than a month without payments. The City Administrator advised not unless there is a contract. The Mayor asked how many months do we allow on agreements. The City Administrator replied possibly 3 months. Mayor Armstrong advised that this method is acceptable; however the office does not need to continue doing this over and over for the same people on a continuing basis. The City Administrator advised that this method is used only if current bill is paid currently. 1). The City Secretary advised there is also an inter- office memorandum concerning customers placing utilities in different names to prevent a cus'�omer from paying a delinquent balance. This policy prevents this from occurring and allows the office a possible chance to collect delinquent balances. 4. Discussion concerning Police Department: a). The Mayor discussed whether the Police Department should answer calls outside the city limits. The Mayor stated °°common sense°A has to be used on all ins'�ances concerning leaving the city limits to answer calls. CC WORKSHOP MINUTES 01/19/95, PAGE 3 b). The Mayor stated when a Policy is passed it needs to be written in policy form and put somewhere. c). Mayor Armstrong stated there used to be a monthly report that was 1�repared for council that indicated how much is deposited into each savings account, for example the Utility and General Fund Equipment Acoounts, the Interest and Sinking Saving Accounts e-tc. The council would like to see these reports prepared for council on a monthly basis. The council indicated they want to see these reports. d). The Mayor asked if we are making the transfers into Interest and Sinking accounts on a monthly basis for Bond Payments. The City Administrator advised -than they are deposited into these accounts on a monthly basis. 5. Personnel Policy was discussed at length: a). The Mayor asked if the staff gives orientation to the new employees when they are hired. b). Sick leave and vacation benefits were discussed. c). The City Secretary advised sick leave and vacation time is kept manually and on the computer. d). Councilman Bell discussed the holidays. He suggested that employees be given a personal holiday in lieu of Martin Luther King. This would allow those who want to observe the holiday to do so, and those who do not want to take the holiday to possibly tape a personal holiday at a later time. Councilman Bell would like -the city office opened on that day. Another holiday discussed was Good Friday. e). The City Administrator advised these items would be addressed during budget workshops. The Council can make those changes effective in the 1996 budget. f). Councilman Jenkins advised during budget time is the time to approve the holidays. g). The council brie-f-ly discussed the officers getting paid double time for the holidays they work. h). Councilman Bell expressed concern regarding the job descriptions; for example: the Fire Chief°s position. Discussed. i). The Mayor inquired as to whether the staff does job evaluations on their employees. The Council requested that all department heads need to do job evalua'ions on their employees. j). A memo is to be sent to all department heads that job evaluations be completed by March 1 of every year. 6. Other issues discussed: a). The City Administrator also advised that the city l�.as recently received a summons against the Police Department concerning a lawsuit involving Fran3� Millar and two State Troopers. Our insurance company will handle the case and there will be some cost involved -through the Insurance. b}. Library bids were again discussed briefly® The council expressed concern regarding the way the bids came in. CC WORKSHOP MINUTES 01/19/95, PAGE 4 c). The Mayor also discussed the overbid on the foundation. She stated that no one said a thing until the concrete was being poured and then it was too late. She expressed her disappointment and advised it is already over budget, and it will continue to be over budget. n). Discussion followed as to a possibility to re -bid the work. o). The City's whether it the site. ATTEST: Workers compensation was discussed as 'co could cover the local contractors working on Armstrong, Mayor