02/20/1995-CC-Minutes-Regulare ° ^" . : MINUTES: City Council Meeting February 20, 1995 PRESENT: Mayor Nell Armstrong, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid. ®TREKS PRESENT: City Admuustrator John Ilamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public ®+Iorlcs Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Public lorks Foreman Eddie Branhan {Animal Control}, Brenda Nixon, Jack C heen, Lloyd Carter, James Behling, Lindsay Lemons, Brenda Nixon, Ronald Nixon, fslenn Ervin, Jacqueline Rutherford, Mike Alexander. Mr. Mrs. Billy Jack Hampton 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, and led the invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. 2. Consent Agenda a}. Approved the Minutes b). Disbursements A motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kincaid. The motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input 4. Conduct Public Hearing on Zoning Request Change for Property Ocaner on Original Town, Block S4, Lot 1R, 2R, and 3R, from SF-3 (Single-Family 3) to SF-4A (Single - Family 4A) located on Cherry Street between Sixth and Seventh. No one spoke for or against. TAlayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing Closed. Discussion among some property owners in the area and Council. Councilman Jenkins made the motion to deny this zoning change request. The motion was seconded by Councilmana incaid. The motion was carried with one no vote. 6. Brenda Nixon -Discussion Brenda Nixon, 105 Southpark, addressed the City Council concerning the City's annual control ordinance limiting the number of dogs a person ean keep on their property. Mrs. Nixon also presented a copy of the City of Denton's Animal Control Crdiliance. Mayor Armstrong did advise T✓ss. Nixon that she did visit with Aniz4nal Control concerning the letter she recei Ied regarding her dogs. Mayor Armstrong stated that Animal Control had received complaints from Mrs. Nixon's neighbor concerning the dogs barking. Mike Alexander, with the Denton County Alliance Network addressed the City Council concerning Pet Population in all cities and county -wide. Mr. Alexander stated that in every case where there are limits, there is a "farrier permit" that allows an owner to pay a fee to keep two more animals than the law allows, and it is designed for people like Mrs. Nixon and foster groups who want to help with overpopulation problems with dogs. His purpose was to give the City Council an opportunity to consider this option for Sanger. Mayor Armstrong advised that she will take this into consideration. 7. Conduct Second Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation Proceeding on the following Properties described as: H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Tract 211-being 0.5 Acre tract of land located on Duck Creek Road. H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Tract 212-being 2.000 Acre tract located on Keaton Road. H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Tract 213 being 0.688 Acre tract of land located on Keaton Road. H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Tract 213 being (Imp. Only) located on Duck Creek Road/Interstate 35. H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Tract 214-0.933 Acre tract of land located on Keaton Road. H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Tract 215-being 4.88 Acre tract of land located on Keaton Road. 61, •• •• - • NO • r iMrMi •.• .•- 8. Consider and Possible Action "regarding Authorization for Purchase of Vehicles for Public Works. Discussion Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to authorize the purchase of a 1-ton Chevrolet Truck for $17,130.00 from the Texas State General Contract, and that the remaining allotment of $9,500.00 be used to purchase a used pickup for Public 'Works. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bell. The motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Library Construction Bids. The Council discussed the proposal from Nor -Tex Communication in the amount of $1,760.00 for the new phone system for the library which included equipment and installation. A motion was made by Councilman Richardson to approve the bid proposal from Nor - Tex Communications in the amount of $1,760.00 for the phone system for the new library. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jenkins. The motion carneu. Discussion continued concerning other construction issues regarding the library. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #95-01 Emus. Eddie Branham of Animal Control addressed the City Council concerning the Emu Ordinance. CC MINUTES 02/20/95, PAGE 3 Discussed. A motion was made by Councilman Richardson to adopt Grdinance 95-01 regarding emus with the changes listed under Section C which will read "42.5 Emu Farms - An area of five (5) acres or more used for the raising and breeding thereon of emus for future sale or show. hTo person may have in excess of eight (8) adult emus per acre of land nor three (3) chick emus may be kept per acre. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jenkins. The motion carried. James Behling, 212 Southside, also addressed the City Council concerning the Emus problem in their neighborhood. Jack Gheen, the property owner of the emus states he has always tried to work with t✓1r. Behling to take care of whatever problem he had concerning the emus. Lloyd Carter, Rt. 3, Box 4, Mr. Gheen's son-in-law, advised that before They decided to raise the emus, they came to the city office and talked to the City Administrator. Mr. Carter stated that they were told by the management of this city that they lad checked with the City Attorney, and there was no restrictions concerning the raising of emus. They spent a lot of money based on that decision. Mr. Carter concluded by stated he would be fair and work with anybody as long as they worked with him concerni�lg this problem. Mayor Armstrong advised they would be fair and they would work with him concerning the problem. 11. Consider and Possible Action for Authorization of Reconstruction of Railroad Crossing - �lillow Street. A motion was made by Councilman l�incaid to authorize to approve the contract between the City of Sanger and Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad regarding reconstruction of the railroad crossing on �Iillow Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bell. The motion carried. 12. Consider and Possible Action to Issue Election ®rder for May 6, 1995 Election. A motion was made by Councilman Bell to call City Elections for May 6, 1995. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jenkins. The motion carried. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Election and Alternate Judge for May 6, 1995 Election. A motion was made by Councilman l�incaid to appoint �ynema Schertz as Election Judge and Louella �TVard as alternate with one additional clerk to be hired for the I`�ay 6, 1995 City Election. The motion carried. 14. Administrative Report. 1). The City Administrator reminded the Council of the Texas Municipal League Region 8 meeting on T'�ursday, February 2�, in I�altom City. 2). Through February 14th, there have been four (4) single family residence construction permits valued at $260,500 issued. IV tVMVAfflaEAj 3). The final scores for 1994/1995 Texas Community Block Crams have been posted by the State, and Sanger's score ranked the City's Wastewater and water line improvements at number 26 out of 38 funded. The City will receive a grant for $201,478 with a city match of $30,222.00 The grant is to replace a wastewater collection line on FM 4551 east from Interstate 35 and to loop two water lines out of Sanger South Subdivision one north along the east access road of Interstate 35 and one north from the Pentecostal Church along Cowling Road. 15. ®ther Such Matters. 1). Mayor Armstrong gave City Secretary Rosalie Chavez recognition for her accomplishment upon graduation from the Texas Municipal Clerk's Certification Program. 2). Mayor trong also stated the final payment has been made to the Comptroller completing the payback that began September 1993 for a sales tax error. 3). The Denton County Days will be April 3rd and 4th in Austin. 4). Councilman Bell stated he would like to pursue a program for the City and School to hold elections together. Mayor Armstrong advised legally we cannot do that; however, there is a bill that will be introduced to the legislature that will allow this. 5). Mayor Armstrong also stated that there will also be a bill introduced that if there are two or three council members running, and there is no opponent then the Council can declare the election as passed and the City does not have to hold an election. This will save the City money. 6). Councilman Bell again reminded these citizens at the meeting of the ballot that will be mailed with their regular phone bill concerning Bxtended Area Seivice. Councilman Bell emphasized the importance of marking the ballot and mailing it back to the phone company. 7). Mayor Armstrong advised harry Yonst that there is a street light out on the corner of Church and 10th. 8). Mayor Armstrong advised Chuck Tucker that there is a "Detour" or "Working" sign on loth Street that she thinks is not ours; however, it has been in someone's yard and it needs to be picked up. 16. Adjournment l zel Armstrong, Mayor