02/06/1995-CC-Minutes-Regular4 3 City Council l�Zeeting page 1 1VIINUTES: City Council 1lileeting February 6, 199 PRESENT: la/Zayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Tommy I�iincaid, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilwoman ��Iargie Braxton loilEIVIBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenl�ins ®THERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jahn Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Toast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin 1. 1�/Iayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order. She Ied the invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consent Agenda: a). Approved the minutes. b). Disbursements A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton to approve the consent agenda. The motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: none. - 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding 93/94 Audit -Fill Spore: A motion was made by Councilman Richardson to approve the 1993/199�-e Fiscal_ year audit as presented by our auditor Bill Spore. � . 5. Consider and Possible Action regarding Appointment for Fiscal Fear 94/95. The City Auditor addressed the City Council concerning the Audit for the fiscal year 1994/1995. I!/Ir. Spore stated his fee would be the same as last year, $4,500.00, plus $500.00 for the single audit (Grant). A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to reappoint I�lr. Spore as the City's Auditor for fiscal year 1994/1995, at a cost of $5,000.00. The motion was seconded by Councilman J. Bell. 6. Conduct Public Nearing on Zoning Request Change from SF-3 (Single Family-3} to 2- F (Two Family Residential (Duplex) District} on property located at 303 Pecan, described as ®riginal Town, Block 27, Lot 1 (S 15), 4. 11/tayor Armstrong declared the Public �Zearing open. No one spore for or against the zoning request. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public FIearing closed. 7. Consider and Possible Action regarding Zoning Change from SF-3 {Single Family-3} to 2-F {T�vo Family Residential (Duplex) District} on propez-ty located at 303 Pecan, described as ®riginal Town, Block 27, Lot (S 15),4. A motion was made by Councilman Richardson chat upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission that we approve their recommendation on the zoning change from SF-3 (Single Family-3} to 2F (Two Family Residential (Duplex} District). The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. The motion carried. City Council Meeting page 2 � EZ 8. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation Proceeding on the following properties described as: H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Tract 211, being 0.5 acre Tract of land located on Duck Creek Road. H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Tract 212, being 2.000 acre tract located on Keaton Road. H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Tract 213, being 0.688 acre tract of land located on Keaton Road. H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Road/Interstate 35. H. Tierwester, Abstract 1241A, Keaton Road. 1241ATract , 214, being 4.88 acre tract of land located on H. Tierwester, Abstract Keaton Road. Tract 213, being (Imp. ®nly) located on Duck Creep Tract 214, being 0.933 acre tract of land located on Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing opened. Mary Shelton, 701 Keaton, addressed the City Council concerning the annexation of her property. Her concern was if there was anything she could do to beep from being annexed into the city. Mayor Armstrong advised Mrs. Shelton that there really was not anything they could do, since the legislature gave General Land Cities the right to annex any property as long as it was contiguous to our City Limits, and as long as we furnish them water or sewer. The Mayor continued, stating that the City also furnishes fire and police protection, and maintains the streets for these areas that are being annexed. Mrs. Shelton was concerned since on her property she has her daughter's mobile home. She asked if she would be required to move A. She also had some sheep on her property. The Mayor advised her that the mobile home would be grandfathered in; however, she cannot bring another in. The Mayor advised her concerning her sheep that the city would not require her to move them unless her neighbors complained, then they would address it at that time. Eill Rice, 803 Keaton, addressed the City Council regarding a sewer tap after his property is annexed to our city limits. The City Administrator advised him that lie could tap onto the line at a cost of $300.00; however, he has to extend his sewer line to the tap. Mr. Rice also inquired as to whether Keaton would be a curb and gutter street. The Mayor advised him not at This time; hovTever, it would be an issue that would be the next priority which will be identified at a later date. 3 iscussed. 9. Consider and Possible Action regarding ®rdinance #095-01 Amending Zo ' g �3rdinance. Discussed: Item tabled to allow Eddie Eranhan, Animal Control Officer, to obtaii additional information concerning emus. 10. Consider and Possible Action regarding the Brazos Electric Cooperative VJholesale Power Supp1y Contract. i �..., � Y L�q,. City Council Meeting page 3 t 1 (. a� .' Discussed. The item was tabled to allow the contract to be reviewed by the City Attorney. 11. Administrative Report. 1). SIT has begun road excavation on �Tillow Street improvements. 2). Lone Star Gas has decided that they do not have to do any work on willow Street. 3). City Administrator John I�amilton advised that Mears from hunter's Associates had received a correspondence from the Chief Engineer of the Santa Fe Railroad, who gave a quote of $30,959.00 to lower the railroad arms at the Railroad. The Mayor stated to make sure that Santa Fe is not adding anything extra to this cost. 4). The State is beginning construction on the pedestrian overpass on I-35 and is waiting on a couple of utility relocations; these are not the city's, but are cable and phone company. Tliey have also contacted Larry concerning availability of electricity for the Stop and Go Signals which should be installed this summer. 5}. The Planning and Zoni��g Commission is scheduled to consider another Zoning Change Request on February 16th, from SF-3 to SF-4A on some lots on Cherry Street between Sixth and Seventh. 6). Micky Elieson, City Librarian, reported on their meeting with the volunteers. They discussed the nevv building and the possibility of fund raisers to furnish the library. Micky stated that since they are just a group of volunteers that she felt they needed authorization. The fund raisers discussed were: Raffles, Auctions, Carnival in July, Yard Sales, Ilome Tour, Kook Fair, a Program or a Dance. They also wanted to know if they could sell names or sell items on the building where people's names could be placed on those items they donated. Micky stated they were considering having the Carnival on July 4th in the park. Vicky advised that any funds raised would be donated to the Library Development Board. It was the consensus of the Council that they did not have any objections. 7). The City Secretary advised she has a temporary belly Girl working twice a week to help with some of the secretarial duties in the office. 12. Gther Such Matters: 1}. Mayor Armstrong stated that around the lst of March the phone company will be sending out a slip of paper with the phone bills that asks if your are in favor of extended service. The city has petitioned to the Public Utilities Commission for extended service so that customers can call within 25 miles from the City free of charge, or that trey can call us. The Mayor stated that Valley �Iie�v or Lake Dallas are not included since those are privately owned phone companies. The cost to the customer is $3.50 per month for residential service, and $ 7.�0 per month for a business. The mayor stated that it is very important that the ballot be mailed as a "�rLs" vote. The city needs 70% of the ballots that come Al