03/20/1995-CC-Minutes-Regulart Yn ..g ,M s,r MINUTES: City Council Meeting March 2Q, 1995 PRESENT: Mayor Nell Armstrong, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid. MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman l /iargie Braxton ®TIERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Toast, Public Jorks Director Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Jim Conley. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Mr. Plamilton led the invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. 2. 3. 4. Consent Agenda a). Approved the Minutes b}. Disbursements c). Proclamation #P95-1 A motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kincaid. The motion carried. Citizen's Input -none. Discussed. It was the consensus of the City Council to approve the Annual Easier Egg hunt to be held on Saturday, April 15, at 10:00 A.M. 5. Consider and Possible Action regarding Abandonment of the Easement. Discussion concerning Jerry and Virginia Rainey's request for the city's abandonment of a 7 1/2-foot easement to construct a pool. Councilman Bell made the motion to instruct staff to do whatever is necessary in order to grant this request of abandonment of 7 1/2 feet of easement for the Raineys. The motion was seconded by Councilman Richardson. Discussion: The Council expressed conce ns with the City giving up this 7 1/2 foot easement. Discussion continued. The Council discussed chat staff contact the other property owner (Darwin Sargeant} to see if he would consider giving up 7 1/2 feet for utility easement. Councilman Bell amended his motion to include maintaining a 15-foot easement behind the two properties, then the request would be granted. This was seconded by Counc' an Richardson. The motion carried wish one no vote by Councilman Jenkins. CC rVMNUTE5 03/20/95, PAGE 2 6. Consider and Possible Action concerning Resolution R95-0 7. This Resolution was in recognition of bled R. Harris for his donation of money for tlne purpose of providing additional parks and a new public library for the community. The motion was made by Councilman l irncaid to adopt Resolution R95-07. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bell. The motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action on the Proposed Tholesale Power supply Contract. Larry Yoast, Electric Superintendent, addressed the Council concerning the proposed Brazos Contract for Wholesale Power. Mr. Yoast suggested that the contract needed to be reviewed by a utility consultant to explain any options that the city might have, since this is a 15-year contract. Mr. (oast stated he contacted TPPA, and they had recommended Jim McCord, from McCord Engineering, to review the Contract. Councilman Richardson made tlne motion to instruct the staff to contact McCord and Company engineers to review the contract for the Brazos Electric Cooperative in the best interest of the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jenkins; the motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Library Construction. No action was taken on this item. Mayor Armstrong briefed the Council on the Library Construction. 9. Administrative Report. L) The City Administrator advised the Council concerning the re _ballot. which will be sent out to all the 458-exchange customers. Pilot Point had been inadvertently left out of the original petition, and the re -ballot is to include Pilot Point in the exchange. Councilman Bell advised that there is so much confusion concerning expanded toll -free calling and the cost of it. He stated that the 4.58-exchange custor 2ers need to be informed as to the cost; otherwise, he feels the expanded toll -free calling is not going to pass. Discussion: Mayor Armstrong stated that a post card has been printed irnfornning customers that a new ballot will be sent, and that when the next ballot comes out, ti2e city will do a fold -type letter that will be sent to all the 458-exchange customers with the instructions ve iT clear as to how much it will cost them. l.) Councilman Jenkirns incYuired as to wheilner the boat dealership by the exit ramp is still in business. Chief Erwin advised that the owner of the business was vacated from the premises and was advised to clean up the premises before he left. The Chief also advised that the will contact .Patterson, the property owner, concerning the matter. _ ."', m. mod° q ', i ' G ; Councilman Jenkins inquired concerning the response from the Cable Company concerning the cable in the easement behind his house. The City l dministrator advised that I r. Flowers, the lZegional 1 /ianager, will be in his office Wednesday morning, and this item is on his list. 11. Adjourmment.