04/17/1995-CC-Minutes-Regular ', ;y ' 1 riINUTES: City Council Meeting April 17, 1995 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Joe Bell OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Warks Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Jim Conley, Georgia Royal, Angela McDade, Shan -Wen Chan, Brian Holman, Max &Yvonne Wang, Eric Wang, Kathryn E. Sheffield, Sue McBride, Wanda Nubine, Peggy Haskins, Willie Jean Samples, Dorothy Nubine 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Kincaid led the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. Consent Agenda a}. Approve Minutes -April 3, 1995 b). Disbursements City Secretary corrected the minutes by stating that Paul Rageland and Jodi Carberry were in attendance at the meeting. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda with corrections as noted. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. 3. Citizen's Input The following citizens who reside in Sanger addressed City Council concerning construction work on Willow Street across the Railroad tracks. Angela McDade, 307 Kirkland, inquired as to when Willow Street construction was going to be completed. She expressed concern to the fact that Kirkland Street is being destroyed since there is no access to Willow Street. The dust is causing health issues and it is becoming a problem. The Mayor implied that she is not sure when it will be finished since the weather has had a lot to do with completing the work. Mayor stated Kirkland will be repaired once the construction on Willow is complete. Other issues Ms. McDade addressed was the speeding on Kirkland, tall grass and weeds in their area. She also inquired as to whether they could get city curbs in their community. Mayor stated they will try to put some additional speed limit signs on Kirkland and will try to get the police to patrol that location mare. The. Mayor advised that the City could not afford to keep an officer in that location 24 hours. The also advised that extra emphasis will be given within the next few days. Mayor stated the new streets that are thorough -fare streets are being curbed and guttered when engineering allows. The Mayor has visited and talked to some of the citizens who live on Willow Street, to advise them the City is not putting up curbs from the Railroad east due to the fact that if we did it would cause flooding to some of the houses when it rains. The streets are normall lower than the lots, however, due to the drainage that runs through that area and the large concrete drainage that was installed in that location they cannot lower the street enough to make the water run into the streets and out. If curbs are placed there, then flooding will occur in some of those houses. Engineering says the City can not do that. Mayor stated they are not putting curbs and gutters on all the streets. The Mayor and Councilman Jenkins informed Ms. McDade that when a subdivision is developed the individual is responsible for putting in the streets, along with the curb and gutter. Discussion continued with the Mayor informing those citizens present of the study that was conducted to determine which streets are the most heavily traveled. This year alone the City is spending $1,500,000 dollars in streets to redo 10th Street, Willow Street, Austin, and Keaton by the Elementary school. There is a long term plan to eventually redo all the streets in town. Several other citizens also addressed Council with similar problems. Willie Jean Samples, 215 Jones Street, addressed the need for a street light on Jones Street. Mayor advised that the Electric Department will look into the problem. Our City ordinance states that a street light is placed at every intersection or 400 feet. Gladys Jackson, 309 Kirkland; Dorothy Nubine, 203 Willow; and Ruby Jean Davis all addressed similar issues: { 1 } Traffic {Speeding} { 2 } Dust from the street {3) Weeds and Tall Grass Mrs. Dorothy Nubine also complained that she cannot get to her driveway. Ms. Ruby Jean Davis also addressed a complaint concerning the construction crew that is working on the road and their lack of respect for people. They throw their trash and junk everywhere and don't use proper facilities for the "restroom". Ms. Davis also complained about the large black garbage bags across Railroad tracks that has been left there from several months ago. Mayor implied that it was probably from the community garden. Chuck Tucker was instructed to take care of this matter. Mr. Billy J. Hampton also addressed Council to see if they could possibly expedite construction on Willow. He also addressed safety of the equipment at the park. City Administrator John Hamilton advised the City does not own that park. The City leases this property and it is limited to what is done at the park. However, the play equipment is checked regularly. Mayor again summarized by stating all these problems will be looked into and will do whatever is necessary to alleviate the problems. The construction crew has a contract to complete the street and presently the time in the contract has not expired yet. 4. Conduct Public Hearing for Specific Use Permit Request on Abstract 29, R. Bebee Addition, consisting of 1 Acre, property located at 1380 North Stemmons. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing open. Mr. Holman, Attorney At -Law, representing Max and Yvonne Wang owners of the Sanger Inn. Mr. Holman addressed City Council concerning the Wang's apposition to grant the request for this Specific Use Permit. In summary, Mr. Holiman expressed the fear that granting this Specific Use Permit would cause significant and negative interference with their business. Mayor declared Public Hearing Closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action a Zoning Request for Specific Use Permit on Abstract 29, R. Bebee Addition, consisting of 1 Aere, property located at 138fl North Stemmons. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to deny request far Specific Use Permit on Abstract 29, R. Bebee Addition, consisting of 1 Acre. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried. �. Consider and Possible Action on purchase of new Police Unit. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to purchase Chevrolet Lumina, from Hilz Snider Chevrolet at a cost of $14,994.69, taking the balance of $994.69 out of Vehicle Repairs Budget in the Police Department. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action for use of Downtown Park. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to grant the request from the First Baptist Church to use Downtown Park on Saturday, May 6, for a Barbecue and Auction. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action Park Request -Parks Department. Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to grant request of Public Works Superintendent to purchase a new mower at a cost of $6495.�0 using the $270�.a0 allotment in the current budget and the balance will be paid with no interest after the first of t7ctober. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Council advised if there will be interest due to bring it back to Council as to the amount. �. Consider and Possible Action Library Construction. Mayor brought Council up to date on the Construction. The Roofer and Brick Layer are to start on Wednesday. Ore bid was received on Carpet and two other companies are looking at the plans to make a possible bid. The Cabinet bid has been received. Mayan advised that since the felt paper on the roof has been there so long it is coming apart. They have decided to put another layer of felt paper (15 weight) to make sure its protected. The Sprinkler system is in and the Air Conditioner and Electric is about through. City Administrator Mr. Hamilton, provided a current report concerning total spent on the library construction. 10. Administrative Report 1 } Early Voting for Municipal Election begins Monday, April 17 and goes through Tuesday, May 2. 2} Architect Art Phelps, contacted by City Engineers Hunter Associates, was here Monday, April 10, video taping and I nspecting the downtown sidewalks in order to prepare the design work for improvements / repair / replacement of the downtown sidewalks. 3} The City was notified by Public Utility Commission of Texas on Expanded Area Toll Free Calling that all small city exchanges; Argyle, Celina, Bartonville, Decatur, Frisco, Justin, Tioga and Whitesboro were not approved. Denton and Gainesville were the only ones approved. City Administrator advised implementation will probably be early summer or late fall. 4} City Administrator else advised that Denton County Historical Commission is having a 199C Sesquicentennial celebration far the County. They would like to have a Committee list by May 1, and list of events by May 15. 1 1. Any Other Such Matters. 1) Mayor advised the trees need to get planted. Chuck Tucker, Public Works Superintendent, advised is has been so muddy, however, it is on his list. 2 } Councilman Richardson inquired as to when is something going to be done to First Street. Chuck Tucker stated that he has tried to contact the property awner who owns the property south of there. Plans include cleaning the ditch out and putting a horn in that area where he has a crossing which should alleviate the water problem. He is waiting until he can contact the property owner. 3 } Mayor stated Easter Egg Hunt was Saturday and lots of kids were there. 12. Adj ournmentt Nel Armstrong, Mayor ATLST WWT sa ie avea.x, City ec`retary