08/07/1995-CC-Minutes-Work Session11. i ,1il1 11, August 7, ,,,, rv' 1�tll" Councilwoman , Braxton, 1 P 1 17 . 1 Glenn f: Councilman Jack Richardson ® RS PRESENT* City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Dose Chavez L Mayor called workshop to order. in the t: I Regular os) that will have an hinpact on our city. , • 1. r r , I I r r 1., 1' :.§ I • r . 1 1 `I' .. • , •/; � y:., , '`� ,` _, ..,1, 4 =i ; , :a' _. 4 oncerning City Councilduties and the role of Councilmembers id the role 1=f the dayor. 1 ' ,1 ` '1 +r ' ?ii � 1 1 Ir • 1 J. y ,� r , , h r 1' � 1 v r ;� E ., n' d� 1 F �, , � .1; Iegarding ouncil meetings; tI power th ! Mayor has 1 make . ,• A € }theserulesand dU rocedures are followedaccording 1law*Public Officials and theimportance or Council1 become aware of Federal and State statutes` that an open Council to 1otential law 1 c, I I . ; . 1 I , L 1 ... ,/, • , ; 1 , 1 ; I . ; . .., I , 1 ,/, 1 ,. 1 1; . 1 1 •1, i I` on me; 1 11 I i'' 1'1 1' I` 't,` '' .. ouncil member has o'1 ` of interest to 1 affidavit must be • * d ' t a with the City Mayor Armstrong 1 stated that if an item t th is tabled the motion needs to 1' made to postpone to `41=' next City Councilmeeting; otherwise, s1= agenda item is . a' ' 1 and Council member .. T must votein open ,.. r. t in 4' to place a..t c that item back c on the tgenda. DISCUSSlOn COntinUed. 1 II 11r 1 �•/ 1'/ 1 1, :1 I,1,,I. ,r1: i'11 .,,/; .:,1s 1't/=.., 5.7.'.:! ;.1f, c�,