08/21/1995-CC-Minutes-RegularFriendship Cable Rate Increase Public Hearing Preliminary Plat Eagle West Ranch Estates Lots 1-12 Abstract No. 71 McKinney & Williams Survey Abstract 940 consisting 4.8743 CC b - August 21, 1 ;5Z) PAGE TWO Motion Carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action regarding Fire Department - Continuing Education Contract. Donation of Real Property - Sharkeys Convenience Store FM 455 billboard sign Curfew Ordinance Professional Services Government Agency Gran Administration TCDP Grant 715739 Authorizing Surplus Sale hI , _, : , 11 / 1i "1 1 ti §:11 '. 1 l ' //=1 i I1''I 1 ' '1= 1' 1. C.+N a ;r . . 1 1' •; s 4 . Appointment of Representative to North Texas Regional Library System Nancy Smith and Alice Madden Executive Session XIT Paving Parks Board old landfill on Railroad Avenue Labor Day Holiday Crisis Center Building