09/18/1995-CC-Minutes-Work SessionVMN 1ES: City Council Workshop September 18, 1995 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jack Richardson ABSENT: Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Margie Braxton OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rose Chavez, City Mechanic Craig Waggoner, Benny Erwin Chief of Police, Vicky Elieson Librarian, Ricky Gray Electric Foreman 1. 2. 3. 40 Mayor called workshop to order. Draft Budget FY 95-96 Council thoroughly discussed all proposed line item expenditures on the following departments: a} Vehicle Maintenance b) Electric c) Police: Discussed was the Police reserve Fund. The Mayor indicated the Reserve fund belongs to the Police Reserves and it is audited every year in the audit. A new Police vehicle was discussed in length. Mayor advised the City can not spend money that is not there. If the Police Dept gets a new vehicle the money must come from budget cuts in other departments. City Administrator indicated that the Public Works and Electric Dept has been neglected for years and more emphasis for new vehicles has been placed in the Police Dept. This was the choice he made when he cut the new vehicle out of the Police Dept. Discussion followed. Reserve Officer for the school district was discussed. In the summer when school is out this person could work in the office. City Administrator advised that if Council so instructed he could try to review the budget to by to make some cuts in other departments to allow for the expenditure for a police vehicle. c) Library: Mayor indicated Vicky's salary went up due to her going full-time at the Library. There were a couple of line item expenditures that were deleted Library Renovations $600.00 and Capital on Books was lowered to $1,000.00. The additional $4,000.00 could come out from the money that was left over for the furnishings at the Library. Any Other Such Matters. Adjournment.