10/24/1995-CC-Minutes-Work SessionVUNUTES: City Council Workshop October 24, 1995 Councilwoman Braxton, Councilman Richardson oTHERs PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Mayor Armstrong Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discussion Regarding TMRS Retirement: a) 20 Year Retirement Any Age b) Military Service Credit Council discussed item a) in length. The percentage the city would incur based on a stable work force versus a situation where there was a considerable amount of turnover. The more stable the work force the higher percentage the City would incur. Discussed was the process to adopt this retirement plan; the public hearing and the ordinance. City Secretary to contact TMRS to get instructions on what steps to follow concerning the public hearing and possibly to get it on the next City Council agenda. Military Service Credit was also discussed. The only two employees in the system with military service credit would be Eddie Branham and Benny Erwin. 3.(4} Discussion Sargent Addition Phase III Lots 8-16 Black A. There seem to be some misunderstanding between staff and Mr. Sargent concerning the signing of his plat. The Mayor gave a brief summary of the issues involved and Council agreed to place this on the next City Council Agenda. Discussion Regarding Lakecrest Meadows Subdivision. Council discussed the following issues to serve Lakecrest Meadows Subdivision. (1) Cost (2) Annexation of the properties contiguous to the development site (3) Right of Way to extend the line {4) Developer participation The .proposal submitted by Kim Murphy concerning Lakecrest Meadows was discussed at length. Travis Roberts, City Engineer, addressed each item. He indicated the City could enter into a developer's agreement concerning what obligations City will provide and what obligations the developer will provide. This provides a method to determine cost. Travis indicated that they need to contact Bolivar Water Supply to find out if they have the certification to serve that area. Bolivar Water must be_willing ao give up the area in order for the City to have the "Right to Serve". This must le<.fthe first step before proceeding further. CC IVMNUTES - WORKSHOP PAGE 2 - 10/24/95 Kim Murphy asked if Council could notify him before November 6 concerning the issue with Bolivar Water and the easements. 5. Any Other Such Matters. Mayor Armstrong informed Council that when Larry Yoast was rehired as Electric Superintendent there was not any discussion concerning salary. Discussed. (1) Consensus of Council to start Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast at the salary he resigned at. (2) Ricky Gray and Larry Yoast were to be placed on salary. (3) Council also indicated that maybe in 6 months or possibly even 3 months they can give Larry Yoast an increase in salary. 6. Adjournment. Nel Armstrong, Mayor ATTEST