11/20/1995-CC-Minutes-Work Sessionf-. MINUTES: City Council Workshop November 20, 1995 PRESENT: Mayor Nei Armstrong, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilwoman M► OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Al Judkiewicz, Esta Ashcraft, JoAnn Bell & granddaughter, Sue Trego, Jerry Jenkins 1. Mayor Armstrong called meeting to order. 2. Discuss Texas Waste Management. Al Judkiewicz gave a brief presentation concerning recycling which was followed by a brief film. Mr. Judkiewicz stated that on curbside pick up Texas Waste Management would provide each and every resident with an 18 gallon plastic bin. The cost for once a week pickup would range from $1.70 to $2.00 per month per household. If every other week pickup the cost would range from $1.40 to $1.70 per household per month. Mr. Judkiewicz did state the contract was for a period of five (5) years. Discussion continued. Mayor Armstrong did remind Council that the 2 % rate increase was already allocated in the rate increase October 1, 1995. 3. Discuss Lakecrest Meadows (Kim Murphy). Mayor Armstrong advised that Mr. Murphy had requested to meet with each Council member individually to discuss Lakecrest Meadows. Mayor .Armstrong indicated she felt she did not have the authority to tell Mr. Murphy he l;could not meet with Council members individually. When he asked if anyone at the city could help him set it up she advised him to talk to Cheryl. Mayor Armstrong discussed briefly with Council what she had told'Mr. Murphy. She indicated she expressed three concerns concerning the proje, :pue of:the issues she addressed with Mr. Murphy was Bolivar Water. She also discussed'that she felt the City at this time could not go in debt to lay that water line. She also advised Mr. Murphy that city ordinance states the developer lays the line and pays all cost. If the Council decided to pursue this she recommended Mr. Murphy pay for the cost of the line. The third issue was if the City could actually get to Mr. Murphy's property by method of annexation. Discussion followed concerning a 4. Discuss Acting City Administrator. Mayor gave a brief statement concerning her duties as Mayor. She indicated she has been Mayor 11 1/2 years and has gone through this process twice. She has never had a Council member question her capability or her commitment to this City. The City can not have six bosses. She has never considered herself as acting City Administrator. Mayor indicated that evidently Councilman Ervin and Councilman Richardson have questioned this issue. She did indicate that if those Council members feel someone else needs to be appointed at acting City Administrator she will certainly step aside and has also considered stepping aside as Mayor as well. Councilman Ervin and Councilman Richardson indicated they had received some calls concerning the article in the paper in regards to the Mayor serving as Acting City Administrator. L u'it CC MIl�TUTES PAGE 2 - 11/24/9S Discussion continued Mayor Armstrong summarized by saying that she does not want to be appointed as acting City Administrator. She did indicate the 535.00 a month she is paid does not cover the time she spends at the office or the meetings she attends in her capacity as Mayor. She is the Mayor not the acting City Administrator. 5. Discuss City Administrator's Job Description. To be placed at the next Council workshop. 6. Any Other Such Matters. 7. Adjournment. Nel Armstrong, Mayor ATTEST Chavez, City __ __ _._ __ _ _