05/06/1996-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MAY 6, 1996 MAY 4, 1996 ELECTION CANVASS MAYOR JOHN W COKER III 363 BILLY JACK HAMPTON 76 PLACE 2 JOE BELL 252 CONNIE EVANS 174 PLACE 4 JERRY JENKINS 292 MIKE JAMES 135 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT AWARD A TRUCK BID ENDRES MOTOR COMPANY Discussed. c . , c • r .man, : , • a.: :.c. ,c, c. i c c I; rom. Muenster, Tx for $14,185 on the 1/2 Ton Pick Up. Seconded by Councilman Councilman Councilman 1/2 Ton at the time the budget prepared c not a 3/4 Ton. The funds ot allocated for a 3/4 Ton Pick Up. Motion Carried with a 3 to 2 Vote. TreatedDistrict For The Regional Water Project. Discussed. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to Approve Resolution R 02-96. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. ddd Mation Carried unanimously. ' 1 and Zoning and these concernshad been of. S. Consider And Possible Action Regarding A Preliminary Plat Waco Addition Lots 1-7 Being 6.26 Acres gn The H Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Mayor Armstrong did advise Council that property owners will take care of their esponsible for maintaining any of the streets. dayor Armstrong also advised that all the concerns expressed it; the Planning and . r c c • c a, , x • a .c, a: 1• w i ; , . , t ; c. • c ;c, ,c • < ; , . i ;; ; 11,6111 Ijb"Iftl J 1: 11 I Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. R 03-96 Approving the RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AWARDS OF TEXAS HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FUNDS FOR FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER Award of Texas Home Investment Partnership Program Funds for 1993 First -Time Homebuyer Assistance. Discussed. econded by Councilman Ervin. .. ; • . 1- ;reenwood, Steve Parrent and James Hardy. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Any Other Such Matters. 11. City Administrator Report i ATTEST: Rosalie Chaves, City