05/20/1996-CC-Minutes-RegularMAY 20,1996 Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Glenn Ervin ® iR PRESENT: City Administrator harry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilman Kincaid led tine invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. A) Approve Minutes B) Disbursements v ion indicate that John Coker M was present at this meeting. Seconded by ouncilman Jenkins. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Reappoint Tommy Kincaid as a Pro-Tem. Seconded by Councilman Bell. yl Motion Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Approve Resolution No. 04-96 DESIGNATING SIGNATORIES DRAWDOWN TCDP GRAN CONTRACT 715739 D i P ,, :. , 11 HOUSING . COMMUNITY . AFFAIR FOR 19i Y TEXASCOMMUNITY DEVELOP Councilman Jenkins Councilman Bell RESOLUTION 05-96 Rehabilitation. econded by Councilman Richardson. Councilman Bell Councilman J1 , s;1 1 i A l 0 ,Li1 LWA It lexas Uouncil 1 1 1 it I General J17 Motion was ll'.I'' by Councilman Bell 1 c i 1, i /, 1c Representative 1 the North Central Texas Councilof Governments I. Assembly. 11- / r I1 'I )"•• 's,.11 .. 1'I 1 1 1i 11 'i' 1' 1 1 I +, II / 'Y 1 ilk, 1 t1 1 •/ L 1 1 +a i a i 1 11 1 •1 1 t 1' 11 1I,1•,1, 1 / 1 II1 la ouneffman Bell ouncilman Jenkins M 1 1 1 !RYI C1 s 1n . It J' a '-• .•11i 6•D. 1.1 1F.>1, 1II I1 Ire y i 1 tl.. I 1 i I has the Agenda Packets of ,t 1 1' 7 1 +l 1 a' 1' 1+ i e. FRIENDSHIP CABLE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE BUDGET ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION