06/03/1996-CC-Minutes-RegularJUNE 3, 1996 PUBLIC HEARING PRELIMINARY PLAT LAKECREST MEDOWS RESOLUTION 06-96 NOMINATING BOARD MANAGER DENCO 911 DISTRICT RESOLUTION 06-96 DON FRANKLIN ANNUAL BOARD APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BEAUTIFICATION BOARD LIBRARY BOARD BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ABANDONED PROPERTY LOT 1, BLOCK 40 OLD TOWN SANGER 117 SOUTH SECOND VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND EMS FRIENDSHIP CABLE resently, and as customers call *in they can correct their problem. Mr. Ietcher also advised that the school and city needed to get mvolved in the aformation channel. Several cities are already accessing this semice and it s beneficial to 0 etclier statea tuat tuey nad a problem and were trying to correct it 4) Councilman Bell complimented on the newsletter and thanked taii for their efforts. 11. Adjournment. Mayor Coker declared the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: