08/05/1996-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 5, 1996 ` ■ 1, r ?RESENT: Administrator Larry .. Rosalie i.., vez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck. Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erl Eric Stanch, Ann Stauch, Rick Carter, John L. Mears, :r> ill Murrell, Allen Sweeney, Frances Sweeney, W. C. Gahan, Donna Fritz, Robert Blank, Woodrow Barton, Phillip Williams, Henry Goforth, Barth Crane, Lisa Hardy, Susie Krominga, Wanda6 •+,. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, WOODROW BARTON SIZE OF WATER LINE ON TCDP CONTRACT 715739 M 1 and 12" water line with total cost1 the City of $8,020.00.1 r r by Councilman Uchardson. Motion Carried unanimously 4-0. World Kart Association race. 1 1 / 1+ a Go"Kartn Sanger s1 y i;l', r April, i midicted that thisevent 1uld be profitable f1' the City. Mr. Williams1 *indicated this would be a two day evente, 1iowever, theKartmig Association will i 1• number of entries/ around 100, and this vill control the number of people who will attend this event. ESTABLISHING A BUILDING STANDARD BOARD Jason Turner Ricky Carter CC XHNUTES PAGE 2.11 t , 6 )onn r r r r, i- sr. ,, r r r i t Kkby Hicks Denton County Builders Supply BEAUTIFICATION BOARD INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD APPOINTMENTS FENOFLIO; KEESLER, SPRINGER, HIGHFIELD, ROSENBERG KEATON ROAD STOP SIGN SALE OF CITY PROPERTY LOT 2 BLOCK 45 ORIGINAL TOWN OF SANGER WATER RATION STATUS 20' ALLEY ON EAST HLF OF LOT 53, BLOCK 21 HAMPTON ADDITION MINUTESCC PAGE / 91 Tiotion was made by Councilman Bel to postpone 1.' Lt to a later date, Seconded 1 ouncilman Kincaid, 1 1 1 f 1 I I L h t ',', (a) The size of vehicle (police package) versus a smaller vehicle. (b) The costs involved. / 1 1 , I1 .. / 1 / ' IGt , L ' L 1 1 1 , 1 t•ki h , I, + t 1 .. 1 ,., .. POLIC PACKAGE VEHICLE 1996 CROWN CHEVROLET LUMINA ANIMAL SHELTER ROOF REPAIR TO CITY HALL EXCEPTIONS TO SALARIED EMPLOYEES FOR PAYMENT OF OVERTIME MONTHLY WATER REPORTS WELL #3 nonthly asis to eliminate this problem from happening again. Chuck Tucker *indicated he could et computer on a weekly basis. Any Other Such Matters. agenda. The Mayor indicated that when Council i;•d•d ;o place .n item on the agenda.agenda they did not need to call an office employee to get this done. There are times when issues can be addressed before they get on the agenda. There were two items on this agenda that could have been addressed before they were placed on the he Mayor needs an item on the agenda that they contact the Cirty Administrator or he City Secretary. This would allow staff the possibility of answering their question r possibly advising the issue they are addressmig has already been settled. Mayor oker *indicated that if the issue they are addressing is not •do e placed on the agenda. IAI ,r to handle r the absence r and City •.diumaistrator. Keesler also advised that if council needed to review line item t.%,,rpenditures the City Secretary had a detailed expenditure report for each line item that is available for Adjournment.