08/19/1996-CC-Minutes-Work SessionCity Council Workshop August 19, 1996 fiscal Year Budget 1996-1997 Water rate, Sewer Rate, Electric Rate increase COST OF LIVING INCREASE POLICE ANIMAL CONTROL 3. Sullivan Senior Center: 4 - • rSpan. PUBLIC WORKS ,ecently- purchased an inventory f he could use the same program for public works to keep an inventory of heir equipment. 5. Parks• The position in personnel was eliminated. Questions were asked as to where did it get moved. epartment indicate no expense , mployees out of other departments to balance out our workers comp 6. Streets• Increase in salaries was discussed. There were two employees Budgeted. Increase electric utilities for street lights was discussed. Increase was estimated to cover costs of new lighting for the new subdivisions. 7. Community Center: . 111eCtrIC: 1 $7,000.419.08 of $16,0004 c3ver cost1 econditioning bucket Other Such Matters. N one. . Adjournment.