08/19/1996-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 19, 1996 PRESENT MayorJohn Coker,Councilman ,1II 1 Kincaid, Councilman I1 Ervin, Councilman Richardson, Councilman Joe ' Bell, Councilman Jenkins PRESENT* Administrator Larry KRosalie Chavez, ChiefSuperintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, of Police Benny Erwin, Public W1rks Foreman E/ /, Branham, JoAnn Bell,Donna MikMcNealTeresa 1 1 Sue g1 MayorCoker1 theMeeting1 Order, 1 the Invocation which wasfollowed by thePledge of Allegiance* A) Approve Minutes B) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by CouncilmanKincaid* / 11 /' 1L,ii4Ei 3. Citizens Input. 1 . i 1 .. • i U 1,: J' 1 i a ,, 1 1 • ,/ t ;1 ; i 1 i p ,• i} t .z 1 L= Council, ., and thecommunity 1r their i<'1 in winning 1.11 ,•1 KEEP Texas Beautiful indicated Janet Proud i i1 U yd icate for Sanger.:. 1 McDanieland 1 herself had received the certificate when they attended the convention in Irving. Mayor Coker thanked JoAnn and the Board for all their participation. I bl* Hesxm* Re ardin Annexation of a certain tract or parcel of lana situatect in Me r p 1 F PUBLIC HEARING ANNEXATION PARCLE REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY ABSTRACT 29 1.486 acre tract 1 land Utility Park Subdivision Lots 1, 2 and 3, the subject tract being located on Interstate 35 and Utility Road. Mrs dayor Coker declared the pi c 1 • p i I 7 beine 1.486 acre tract of land 'in the Utility Park Subdivision, Lots subject tract being located on Interstate 35 and Utility Road. This item was removed from the agenda. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Interlocal Agreement with 1%3111,.on County for Fire Service. Discussed.11 1 rr• i 11 i 1 1 11' 1,4 t 11 i, 1, 1 t1 / f• 1 1 1 tl 1,.•3sls:" / „r i.• 1I 1= 1 ±1; ,1, a 1' hardsontogost Is one any action regarding I 1 i cti, I1 1' rr t t ,1'•„tI31 4 1; 1, 011 ,,• L 1 1 1 CC 18JNUTES PAGE 2 08/19196 Motion Carried unanimously. Texas Department ai i poon Landscape Cost Sharing Program project for 2 years. Mrs. Trego *indicated Barry Heard, wL,3 works w Library Computer Policy and Procedures Resolution 06-96 Fiscal Year 1997 Financial Plan of Denco Area 911 District Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Any Other Such Matters. 1) City Administrator reported that the bid to do the repairs to the library was submitted from American Services at a cost of $931.00. Consensus of Council is to repair. Senate Bill State Lottery Commission concerning animal control ordinance.here are someof 1 "1 that are taking advantage. Presently '1++' animal controlordiance can not control these Councilman Kincaid *indicated 1' will discuss thiswith Keesler Discussed. ./ L • i o I /: i ;i, 1 . J / ,1 i J I I,i. > 1 1/ / 1 11. Adjournment. Rosalie Chavez, City