10/07/1996-CC-Minutes-Regular I City Council October 7, 1996 o t.l 1 1 1 i. ,,.. 1 : 11 , Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman •1 '... 1 (fRESENT.9 City AdministratorRosalie F Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Public 1rks Foreman Eddie Branham, Police Chief Benny • r i Beautification Board Chairperson Sue Trego, Chris Anderson 1. Mayor Pro-Tem Called. ts e Meeting to Cider. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements 1 1 •1 r .. i i 1' • / 1 i,, 1 1 '• II: .,• 1 r i 1 :'. 1 1 / 1 1, r' •' 1 1 . BID FOR SALE OF CITY PROPERTY LOT 2, BLOCK 46 ORIGINAL TOWN SANGER FINAL PLAT LAKECREST MEADOW, PHASE I BEING 14 LOTS ON 25.355 ACRES R BEBEE SURVEY A 289 CC MlNUTES 10/07/96 ia,. 1996 as Domestic Violence A vareness Month. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Adopt Proclamation Do. 04-96 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried unanimously. PROCLAMATION 04-96 7. Consider and Possible Action to Dominate a Candidate for Possible Appointment to the Appraisal Review Board. hey nominated 1 , Review Board, Manager'sreports1 the Agenda. He asked if thishad been 1.6gi for 1m reason. statedMr. Keesler that he replacedit with the City Manger'snewsletter +that is sent out every Friday. 1 1 1 1' i. a 1 k E1 r i 1'. 1 111`I'1 1 I °• •/1 1 i J1 COMMUNITY CENTER rdve Lue ULJMLY was usteu. was 1 to fne expense, ,1, for utilities. 205 RAILROAD AVENUE Councilman Ervin asked how do we determine what the citizens pay. based on that11 Councilman I. a indicated; that tR' 1 1 1t March, Director Denton 1 Special Education. ComOp had sent a letter complimenting our Police Department for there responsiveness and courteousness. e I' I1 1 +f: •/' 1 1, °' a 1 11.. i /1 1 fa' 1 112111 ... 1 1 ,.P t •• ( :i: ^ b , 1 - a; + 1 / i:' 1 / 1 ., 1 1: 't, MI E 1 Mayor Pro -Teen stated staff needed to het with Mr. Inman to see what can be done. Mayor Pro-Tem advised Mrs. Thomas to allow Mr. Reesler a few days for the problem to be corrected. Mayor "` a 1< advised Council they needed o start i, , n • about Mayor ;r, 1 I expressed his views on the Internet, He is he is basically releasesomeone I s desk, to have screen blocks *installed and to also have. parents sign for theirchildren tousethe Internet. CC MIN UTES PAGE 3 10/07196 Councilman Richardson asked if he could get a copy of the release form. nd of his year to receive grant funds. Council indicated their support for the Internet. Rosalie Chavez, City