10/21/1996-CC-Minutes-RegularM14TES90 City Council October1996 6 rllayorJonn %.IuKer, Uouncilman iommmcaid, Uouncilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Richardson, Councilman 1 r and newly appointed 1 1 kb 1 Jimmy PRESENT:Admini tratorKeesler, City Secretary Rosalie Public Works/' 1 rk 1 Chuckt' 1 r 1' 1 1. Chiefof Police Benny Er' 1 Roy Lemons,Burl Bourland, Johnnie s, ay ters, David K. Lewis with Governmental Service Agency 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to ®rder. Councilman Richardson led the Invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance being led by Councilman Ervin. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements ,XfCouncilman Jenkins. __ NOIIe. 4 Conduct First Public Hearing to Consider Annexation of a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Reuben Bebee Abstract No. 29, Tract 61 being 0.9118 acres, the subject tract being located on McReynolds, Denton County, Texas. .r ; I r' i 11: 'L „ ,l r• . :11 1 ire; , ,` "- i.I t 1 1 /` :• i 1 '" / 1 e' is 1 ,n . 1 r * 1 111 . I 1 1 1• I ,• 91. „ `t r /, / 1 1 r r r :. 1 L 1 (:• Hampton Addition,located I, the 600 I block of Church StrI Burl ZONING CHANGE SF-3 SINGLE FAMILY 3 TO SF-4A SINGLE FAMILY 4A BLOCK 19, LOT 30 B, HAMPTON ADDITION 600 BLOCK CHURCH STREET HOME GRANT RECONSTRUCTION mL I 111`," ,; , / a , !WWWWAIVIWMI4` 1! I' ' 11 1t •/. ;;• a s1, 1 <1 13+•! 1 1i1.•+ 1 1.,i1. 11 1 i • `+ 1 1 1 1 1 .F, E+' 11 11 i 11 i 1' 1/ 1- 1! 1- rime ilit•1 Program, wh1 concerns 11.i Ig1' problem 1 has 1 1/' 1 7' f 1 I ' 1 f/ 1 I I 1.r 1/ I 1 1, "11II• • rr t/ 1' 1 1 '.U-' `+1 'ha...l 1. `+. 1 l ' ' 11 R l i.,l >r I ipplicants on the' 1 k ".+1 I and some 1 the applicants on thart First Time i l l• 1 program. 1 1 i•' 1 ! 1 1'. I ^ `-' 1 1 f. 1 11' 1 1 `+ 7 1 1 i company that f• provide fm ., ;1 d, and construct the homes U 1 f both of these f 1 ••r 11 ;1 /. 1 t I(<' ,I1,., 1i 1 11 1 / 1 T 1 1 1 •' . I I 1/ 1 1.- 1:1=. .1 1 i` ;. // 1 1 I 1 I/ 1. 11 JL '/ 1 ` 1 1 1 I II ' 1 1 i C i'': 1 1 `+ 'i 1.' / i3tVIIHILLICU '1'' 1 I 11' 'tichardson. I 1 1 1 f I i 11 8. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Member to fill vacant Council position, Place 2. ouncilman Richardson. Motion Carried unanimoosly. 1 1 1 .. 1/ '' 11 , i 1 1 t, . r .. ; 1 '" d..> 1 ' l l 1 1 / l 1...1.:• ,: 1 i MINUMM MAN 1 1 1 1• 1 " i I, +1 1,/'>, • 1/ t o : 1 fL • 1 J 11 t I i I1. 1' a WoMiTuclier to 11 IMKC COMM inIIRALCICO Discussed. 1 i 1 t+ . .1 1 / L + •11 ,i', h , I / ' 1 •.L 1 I ,- ,= 1.1 1 ,1., ; 1 /, 1 II : •1 111 I 1 1 I _ r+ 1' 1 I- b 1 11 +. - D IE 16 ,. . 1 CC MINUTES PAGE 3 10/21/96 ANIMAL SHELTER INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AMBULANCE SERVICE 12 A=1 L I E`, 1 I J;1 U11- Itall I 1 1 1 I' °, t! _ 1 HIM. i1t) 1K;3 MVINI Oil 1 1 • 1 ,i. (IMIN i' • ,+ ,- I 1 1 1 1 • I '1 1 ,I« !F /' / 1; H1; ; 1 1 11 fi 1 r4 . i- L Plantnot 1 best location if people are c/ i ,i, to the shelteron .e dailybasis. Discussion followed as thebest location 1' the buildig site. PublicWorks Superintendent 1 s *indicated ' -1 the s problem '.. 1 another location is i 1 g someone 1' Animal 6' 1maintainPresently,1'sewerplant employee is assuml"g these responsibilities, I ► 11 1 H'. i.s• ,r. II1 1 '11 '1 11 i1 hat a citizen could visit at any given time durmig the week and find that area anitary ratherthan offensive. ' II; not l' 11' !, to be offensive 1anyone. Preatment Plantgood ,f 1= ,. 1 i for 1; • new Animal S1Works uperintendent Chuckindicated the ' r+. 11 1t Plant is in an ndustrial zonmig, which an Animal Control 1. Shelter must also be liocated i, an ndustrial zonm'g. 1 'P 1 1 ` i 1 1 6 a " ` t fb 1! . 1 1 . '1•' ` 1 ' ?+ . qyqqilfi1 1' ,nWPOI 1 7 1 I 1 E ' 1 . i- ' 1 ,1 3 ; ' r , : 4' , ih • I ' 1 t,. , i:l I ` 1, `4 : a 1 i Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve I1 1 u mt 1 Ambulance between I.• City 1Denton and the City of Sanger.Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. MWIM 12. Any Other Such Matters. ow I 1 1 11 1 .f 1h,, -f all „1 1 11 1 1,•V ,J cum 1 i` iL • , + , s t !' 1 I. 1, • I ,1, 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 • ,• 1 1 ,:1 1 ., L b• 4. lrmamt Chuck Tucker indicated he has patched all over town. They aatched Ehn, ' Wood, 2nd, Wayne, l eaton and I ack Creek. 4) Mr. Roy Lemons asked ff the City has a sign ordinance and is it enforced. Mayor Coker stated that it is enforced. Mr. Lemons stated he has seen two go up within the last week. There are I, 1 Coker 11.t 1 they will ,1 meeting with the State 1; first week 1 ( , 1 1 t 1 I f• 1 d : '1'. CC NEINUTES PAGE 4 10121/96 S) Councilman Jenkins asked if anyone has noticed the dip that has started to develop on Beaton Road north of the stop sign on Duck Creels, 1 y 1 1•• 1. ,1y 1 it 1 1, promptness / on the City *in Will care of her +, • problem. She donated I I I' to the"Cookie or Donut" 1 fund. / 1 i 1 •.1 tl l 'J, 1: 1......1 !' 1 1 li/' /' ; 1.. ,r•' i Mr. Keesler stated that we have been working on some type of a permit. Ordinance to possibly control household pets. ' had visited with Eddie who informed him I ;1, problem was ,1 t City Administrator to look into t problem, and status of ordinance and report back to Council. '' 1 1 1I // 1,• ,i.' 1 11 •il 1I ;'I / 1, ;,i' 11 1 LLL=1OR IlIwill 1• A 1 hirist 'installed the culverts themselves and he basically advLved them they 1 to maintain Council stated that these types of projects need some sort of a nermit. T 1 1 1 1+• I'_ I' 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1/ •' 1 1=:1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i t 1q indicated was , advised '1 our cable company m r there 4ay 1 Coker what h 1' status on giving cable 1 ,1 • 1 r r 4r. Keesler stated that they have the subdivision plans and have budget0" II 1 t' I' ! T / 1 J 1 1' i i+ 1/ 1 ' II 1• 13. Meeting Adjourned. Rosalie Chavez,