11/18/1996-CC-Minutes-RegularCITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 18, 1996 Mayor i 1 1 1 CoKer, r/ 11 1 t1 / / I . iGlenn 1 1 Councilman Richardson, Councilman JimmyCouncilman Jerry I_ ,__ ■ ChiefPRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, of Police Benny Erw++ tJohn L. Mears, Russ Madden, Carol Foreman, RalphJeff McNeill, Amyx,1 Edwards,EugeneEdwards,Dori Garner, Glenn Shaw, Beverly D.1 11 McDamiel,Billy J. ilb,lk'1/ Yvonne (Anderson) Killgo, Donna FieldKey, 1 1Ervin, Kara Holmes, Nancy1i 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to ®rder. Councilman Richardson led the Invocation, and Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements 11 I t `+. 1 1/ o, l L. 1 ' L..i': L I t / '. PJ' 1 1 1 1 •t 1 1 r' i 1)41 1/ i / t 1• ;1 1 i 1 1.! •. t 1 1 1' / 1 1 11 i 1 Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. (a) Carol Foreman, representing Coach's Kids, addressed the item concerning the use of the Community Center every Monday from 6:30 to 5:30 for their club meetings. Coach's Sid is a club for children grades 1 thru 7. This is a non-profit group. Discussion. Mayor Coker instructed staff to put this item on the agenda for Council action. 1 / .. , i I / i h - I I /: :1 1. - 1, ., , : a, 1 1 _ i , r 1 `g 's •• 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 / i 0 i 1 i 1 Coker 1 emphasized what 1 1; 11 ucilan 1/ Frazier 1/ 4` 11 stated Yvonneat th time the Uity Attorney would be present. Anderson 11 Killgo also expressed her anger11 concern regarding the manner i1 which her •! 'd burial and Y manner i1which the gituation was handled. RICHARD YARBROUGH M . Anderson Killgo stated that if Mr. Yarbrough had not made the arrest the 11 dayor Cokercorrected Ms. Killgo by ,r,1, ig her 1 Yarbrough did i1 nake the arrest on Chief Erwin's son. Chief Erwin brought his own son in* rhere the11 audience, were few statements made 1 however, 11 one bothered 1 Orpir 1 L CC MINUTES 11/18/96 PAGE 2 Jane Edwards congratulated the City on the purchase of a new truck from Hilz Snider even though there was opposition concerning the Council's action on the matter. She also stated her opposition to Sgt. Yarbrough's firing. She felt that due process was not followed. Woodrow Barton expressed his opposition to Council's action in purchasing a new truck from Hilz Snider. ZONING CHANGE SF-4A INDUSTRIAL TO SINGLE FAMILY 4A ORIGINAL TOWN BLOCK 4, LOTS 1 THORUGH LOT 3 100 BLOCK CHERRY STREET following properties, I-1 (Industrial 1) to SF-4A {Single Family 4A) on property legally described as Original Town, Block 4, Lots 1 thru 3, located in the 100 block of Cherry St. TDCP Home Program Reconstruction: Hard, SF-3, Hampton ADDITION Hon, Block 5, Lot 1, (NE 1/4), 503 Oak Shuffield, SF4, Abstract 1241A, Tierwester, Tract 353, Acres 0.11, 207 S. 4th Bauler, SF4, O.T. Sanger, Block 41, Lot 4 (E 47' of S 108'), 101 Willow Seagraves, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 4 (E 113' of N 110'), S 7th St. • 1 1 I 1 1 .. / 1' .•, 1 I I' : 1 I 1' I/ .:1 1 1 1 i No one spoke for or against. Mayor Coker Declared blic Hearing Closed. III 11 1 11 '1 / '' J 11 +•' 1 1' 11 I' ' 1 I1' 1 ` 11 1: 1 1" ii l 6 I-1 (Industrial 11 to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) on property legally described as Original Town, Block 4, Lots 1 thru 3, located in the 100 block of Cherry St. TDCP Home Program Reconstruction: Hard, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 5, Lot 1, (NE 1/4), 503 Oak Shuffield, SF4, Abstract 1241A, Tierwester, Tract 353, Acres 0.11, 207 S. 4th Bauler, SF4, O.T. Sanger, Block 41, Lot 4 (E 47' of S 108'), 101 Willow Seagraves, SF-3, Hampton Addition, Block 4 (E 113' of N 110'), S 7th St. ' II 1' : 1I 1' 1s;'1 1 1I 1' '/ 7.I' 1 •' 1I 1 /• roperties listed above. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. John Mears, from Hunter Associates, gave a report on the problems concerning Keaton Road. He indicated there were three drainage outfall pipes on Beaton which have been modified 2 - 24 inch and 1-18 inch. Mr. Mears indicated that on March 4, 1993 they wrote the City and indicated that the culverts should remain open to avoid diverting surface drainage run off to unnatural surface. kt the time the street construction was to be on Keaton, City staff was advised gm KEATON ROAD DRAINAGE HUNTER ASSOCIATES 2sements was not gomig to be met. Mr. Mears stated at this poit during onstruction that1 no choice except1 add this 1 /'indicated1 1 the 1. 1 1 maintain the existmig conditions as much as pi 1 CC 1VIINUTEB PAGE 3 11/18/96 They never came to Council to request the change. Mr. Mears indicated that generally during construction they work with City Staff, unless it will effect the project limits, pavement width, or budget limitations. 1 i 1 i' / I 1,• , 1' 1 1 h ..: L / i, - ,, /, 1 LUCFLOPertJ that would be affected ar. Am. Mr. Mears • 1 that if Council 1n c 1 ., f. undue burden was placed on property owner Shaw), due to the fact thathe saw a set of plants which 1 1 / different, 1 1 he 1/ no problem 1 gettig with Staff and Council to try to solve the problem i 11', exists. hem then they are responsible1 correct the problem t1. now 'w with these 1roperty ropeowners. Mr. Mears again indicated they did not have any drainage easements, end that they were just working with existing street and existing pipe conditions. They did not have the ability to run the water to a natural outfall, all they could do was to maintain what was there and balance it out. He stated they could do some isolated improvements, however, it would not completely correct the problem, Mr. Mears indicated when there is construction of streets they try to maintain what is there. Barton expressed concernas to I. City neededsystem, a m4caster plan for storm water drainage, ' 1 '1 1 II b' and 1 master plan for streets.The city 1 not build the streets first then correct drainage problems later on. • 1 II I 1 1 • 1 1 •.,, „, f. 1 I / 1 1 1 1 •• 1 is ,• / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1€±1 I 1 1 1 1 11 111 I II1• ouncilman Jenkins agreed that maybe the citizensneeded to know how Tould cost to do all the11 1 /I 1 and 1/ 1voter'sneeded / vote on • 1 1 i / 1 / L; • 1 t '1 •, 1 ;i 1 1 1 1 1 loods. He stated this problem occurred after the change was made. Lengthy discussion followed. 13 ' r l ' 1 1 1, .. ;' 1' I' 1 ' I 1 / 1/ .• 1 1 ^ 1 • 11 ' I 1 1 i t .r y. ' I . I 1 1 / i I;i. • ,I, ,,,, I Jr , / / „ . I is I +, , .11 1 1'1 1 McNeill, 1' Keaton, alsoindicated that ,., 4 with a moderate Ithe west side has little water; however, the east side collects a lot of water even before it gets 1Glenn'sproperty. He'indicated the culverts were not 1/ gL to handle I: flov. end' I' 1 1 Amyx 1 addressed Council, *indicating he is I one ge1r the w i I 11 1: hall• I 11 1 1 I' ' 1. J •• 1 Mr. Amyx stated he placed a 48 line across his drive and twice the water has come around that 48" line. This pipe is larger and carries more volume of water than the pipes coming out on Keaton. Mr. Amyx stated if this has occurred twice it will happen again. 1111 II 1 I' •,-.: „ III 1•'1 11 lace and runs down Keaton to Duck Creek. The people on Duck Creek also have problem. Mr. Amyx again stressed that if thewater went around1 •.. line •' will happen again. Mr. Amyx *indicated he is theone w/ the problem and hat Glenn knew when be b1 ' it--. i- property tI, the water went acrossthere. !imyx was 1 He advised he had 1 • ,' :I told that theywould put a baffle ' •, i 1 ++ , III 1 / i 1 1 ,1 , 1 1 •, 1 1• 1 1 / Lf 1 1' ", •vould cut each way. baffle would be placed about `f 'inches beyond hen concrete the area the water would slow down. 1' tO place 2JU JIIUeFgFUIJnQ LUVMIage OEMILUNEUTI to Wnerr ILL WIF IIIWYNW51 Lo Luc CCX 1y his house 1 1 then all thewater 1 11 !1 ' 1% Glenn's property c1 go *into the 1 Councilman Jenkins stated that Council and Staff could begin the process by trying to secure the proper easements and use whatever funds are available to begin the process of correcting the problem. It will not be a problem that can be rectified in a week. It will be a process that will take time. Councilman Jenkins indicated Keaton Road is not the only area that a drainage problem exists. It is an ongoing problem throughout the city. Mayor Coker advised that what Council needed to An is to get the engineer to go ahead and pursue getting plans prepared to correct this problem and the costs involved. Discussion continued. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Ordinance No. 13-96 Regarding Annexation of a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Reuben Bebee Abstract No. 29, Tract 61 being 0.918 acres, the subject tract being located on McReynolds Road, Denton County, Texas. 1 11 ". I11 i 1 1 11 . 1 1 1 ` 11 / 1' 4 i 1 1 `/ ' •' / 1' • 1 1/ 1 1 1 1 1 III:=' '// : 1• 1 1 ' 1 3 1 I' ' Seconded 1 Councilman Richardson. Motion Carried unanimously. S. Conduct First Public Hearing to Consider Annexation of a certain tract or parcel of land being located West one (1) mile from the City Limits on FM455 Fight -of --Way; North one (1) mile from the City Limits on I-35 Right -of -Way. No one spoke for or ag ' st. 1 1 I I 1 °I / 111 1 1,1 11 11 it •+, I 1 MO "FA I' '1 1 1 9. Any Other Such Matters, r r r R-r WRL ur, r.r receivea numerous pnone MIS itin rh,rr r r town concernmig theconditions of i roads it Mayorr *indicated that staff is working on the hinprovementof our r :, r •r' . sir• ,r; rr n •, r rr it ri r i r rr Mr. Kessler advised he will make sure it is corrected. r there are a few old a:..lf dead Hackberry trees thatcould be i r r instead of gr ig around them. He h.s mentioned r r Mr. Keeslerit he advised r r r r to preserve thetrees, Discussed. 1114, 11iLLLjLL+ZLajIE1,ihe way out (e) Mayor Coker indicated that water is standing on the Easley Addition and that there is also a pothole on loth Bolivar on the Worth side. 10. Adjourn. Chavez, City