03/17/1997-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council March 17, 1997 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ABSENT: Councilman Jimmy Frazier OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Jane �- Edwards, Eugene Edwards 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilman Kincaid led the Invocation, followed by Councilman Richardson leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded By Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. This item was amended later in the meeting by Councilman Richardson to exclude payment on Item 38725, Glenn Shaw, $350.00. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. .Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. �.__ Jane Edwards, 906 Church Street, addressed Council in regards to Larry Yoast's resignation. She asked Council if she could get more information concerning Larry's resignation and asked why had he resigned. 4. 5 6. Mrs. Edwards indicated that in the Sanger newspaper it stated that Mr. Yoast was going to work for a backhoe company. She asked if the city was going to contract out to B&W Backhoe. Mrs. Edwards indicated she was under the impression Council had approved Mr. Yoast's resignation. Mayor advised that Council does not approve a resignation of an employee. He indicated that anyone could resign at anytime. Mayor did advise that Council is not going to contract out to B&W Backhoe. Discussion followed. Consider and Possible Action to award Fuel Bid for City Vehicles. There was only one bid received. It was from Lynch Food Mart -Snap Shop. No Lead = 88.40 + 0.06 cents Diesel = 87.00 + 0.06 cents Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Approve Bid from Lynch Food Mart - Snap Shop. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried unanimously. Consider and Possible Action to Issue Election Order for May 3, 1997. Consider and Possible Action to Issue Order of Special Election for May 3, 1997. CC MINUTES 03/17/97 PAGE 2 Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to Issue the Election Order and Special Election Order for the May 3, 1997 election. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Early Voting Ballot Board. °�= Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Appoint Wynema Schertz, Louella Ward and one clerk as the Early Ballot Voting Board. Mayor advised Wynema Sclertz is the appointed Election Judge for the May 3 Election. Seconded by a Councilman Richardson. Motion Carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment for FY 96J97 Audit. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid that William C. Spore be appointed for the City's audit for the fiscal year 1996-1997. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Any Otler Such Matters. 1) City Administrator Larry Keesler reported that the Mayor lad asked him to get information on the cost of getting some street sweeping done in the city. He contacted BFI who has contracted with the city before to have this done. They quoted a cost of $618.00 for once every 6 weeks on curb and gutter streets. BFI did submit a list of streets that they have done in the past. Consensus of Council advised that we do need it done. Chuck Tucker did advise tlat tlis expense is in the budget tlis year to have this done. Mayor did ask for Council to tlink about it and to place it on the next agenda. Councilman Ervin stated that we should ask for bids to see if anyone else would like the opportunity to place their bid. 2) Councilman Jenkins stated that the reflectors on botl sides of the bridge on Duck Creek Road have been pulled out of the ground. 3) Mayor advised tle State has contacted the City concerning the drainage work they plan to start on Stl Street where the Methodist Church is located. They intend to start around June or July. 4) City Administrator Larry Keesler advised be also talked with l�i�iendship Cable and they should start construction in 2-3 week and it should be completed by the 1st of May. � City Administrator also reported that the Great Texas Trash -Off is set for April 5. There will be a 20-yard roll off container on the west section of the park. This is a community wide city clean up. � Councilman Kincaid stated that due to comments in the paper last week about trying to find more ways for the City to make money for example a golf course, be has received a lot of positive response. He requested this to be an agenda item next time. Mayor advised that possibly a committee could be appointed. CC MINUTES 03/17/97 PAGE 3 7) Chuck Tucker, Public Works Superintendent, advised the Easter Egg Hunt is to be held at the City park this Saturday at 11:00 am. Easter egg candy is donated by Burrus Supermarket. 8) Chief Erwin stated that the public auction will begin at 10:00 am on March 22. 10. Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in Govt. Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters. 1) Discussion of Annual Evaluation of City Administrator, Larry Keesler. Mayor Coker convened Council into Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. 1i. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, as a result of item discussed in Executive Session. Mayor Coker reconvened Council into regular session at 9:50 p.m. Mayor Coker advised that Council will not take action at this time. There will be another scheduled meeting on April 7, which at that time they will go into Executive Session for review by Council. *Councilman Richardson amended his motion at this time concerning Consent Agenda. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to remove payment to Glenn Shaw in the amount of $350.00 Item 38725 from the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 12. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: s �� Ros ie Chavez, vy" idly° p- -T "' Lt'tl .,,,� ��,te Ci',t ^, P 5��2 �F! ra �a oaa t�,•�}���y � ;` L`tey �' Ca�etary; .�. m�a ��° Coker III, Mayor