05/19/1997-CC-Minutes-Regular1�'IINUTES: City Council May 19, 1997 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Frazier, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ABSENT: Councilman Tommy Kincaid +OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Water Superintendent Eddie Branham, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Lisa Hardy -Sanger Courier, Jane and Gene Edwards, Brenda James, Ricky Carter, Glenn and Wanda Ervin, Barry Heard - TXDOT 1• Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilman Frazier led the Invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2• a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Glenn Ervin - 208 N. lOth, spoke to Council regarding an issue he addressed last week at the Council meeting about changing out the meters at the Wilfong Building. He stated that over the weekend the meters had been pulled and changed out. He indicated that he does not know if the computers were damaged. Mr. Ervin indicated that the understood a letter would be sent advising them when the meters would be scheduled for change out. Mr. Ervin presented Council with an old meter that was left at the Wilfong Building. A'Ir. Ervin also complained that there are also several meters in town that are not the right meters in the right meter bases. Mayor Coker indicated that the City will be hiring a new Electric Superintendent tonight and that would bring the Electric Department to a full staff to be able to address these issues. Jane Edwards - 906 Church, addressed the Mayor to correct himself and to make her statement a matter of record. She indicated that at the last meeting the Mayor had told here that she needed to call him at 10:00 the next morning to make an appointment with him. She implied that the Mayor had indicated to her that what she had done by airing out her disapproval in the meeting was not appreciated. Mrs. Edwards stated that the tone of voice and words he used was nothing to the imagination. Mrs. Edwards was asking for a formal apology from the Mayor. The Mayor did apologize to Mrs. Edwards and advised her that at the last Council meeting she was asking questions that could not be answered at the Council meeting and that was why he had asked her to call him the next day. Mrs. Edwards accepted the Mayor's apology. 4. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Parking at City Park. Jorja Hickman - 214 Southside, addressed Council with regard to the parking at the City square. She was told there was a 2-hour parking on the North side. She is concerned with her employees in regards to parking at the park. CC MINUTES 05/19/97 PAGE 2 Mayor Coker told Mrs. Hickman there is no problem with her or her employees parking at the park. There was a discussion with Mrs. Hickman parking her bus at the square. Mrs. Hickman also indicated that if she parks her bus by the fence it gets real muddy which makes it hard for the kids not to get muddy. She also implied the bus could possibly get stuck. Mrs. Hickman also expressed her concern as to who would take care of the street beside her building where the easement is located. Barry Heard from TXDOT was at the meeting and stated they could take care of the problem on 5th Street at the time they start the work over by the Methodist Church. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Joint Fund -Raising Venture between Sanger Arts Council and the City of Sanger. Janet McDaniel -Sanger Arts Council, addressed Council regarding a joint venture with the City of Sanger and the Arts Council in raising money for the restoration of the old Presbyterian Church (old library) owned by the City. 1 he estimated cost to renovate the building to be used as a community theater and arts building was between $75,000 and $100,000. This project must be started immediately due to the condition of the building. Councilman James indicated that if they just repaired the foundation and replaced the rotten wood, put on a new roof and painted the building he estimated the cost between $25,000 and $30,000. Discussion continued. Mayor Coker appointed a committee consisting of Janet McDaniel, Alice Madden, Mike James, Lisa Hardy and Vicky Alley to meet and come back with a recommendation to the City as to what needs to be done. Councilman James inquired if there was any grant funds or matching grant funds the City could apply for this type of project. Mr. Keesler stated there are grant funds which are funded through the Parks and Wildlife, however, you have to have the grant before one can start accepting donations. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Landscaping of Crossover and Participation with the Department of Transportation. Barry Heard -Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT), addressed Council with a proposal for landscaping at the pedestrian overpass. This would be a matching fund project where the City would set aside funds and the state would match these funds. Mr. Heard indicated the cost for the irrigation project system and landscaping was estimated at $13,000. The City would then match these funds either cash or in -kind contribution which would mean man hours and equipment used. Once the project was complete the City would maintain the area for a period of two years. Mr. Heard did present a model of the design. Discussion. Sue Trego -Sanger Beautification Board, stated that she did not see a problem with volunteers to adopt the spot to maintain the walkway. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins that the City enter into an agreement with TXDOT for landscaping project for the pedestrian walkway over I-35. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden. CC MINUTES 05/19/97 PAGE 3 Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Hear a Report from John Mears of Hunter Associates on Engineering Projects for the City of Sanger: A) Drainage B) W.W.T.P. C) Streets D) Ground Storage E) I/I Study of West Side of Sanger John Mears on Hunter Associates, addressed Council indicating the W.W.T.P. bids are out and are to be received on Thursday, May 29 at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Mears advised there will be a pre -bid meeting for contractors a week from tomorrow which will allow the contractors to look at the plant and to assist them in the bidding process. Mr. Mears indicated the project start date is July. The next issue addressed was the Ground Storage Tank. There was not much that could be done until the City gets a site location. Streets: The need for an overlay pavement repair program on various asphalt streets in town was discussed. Mr. Mears stated that Mr. Keesler and himself could prepare a list with cost variations on the various street improvements and this would give Council an idea on cost and how much money they want to spend. On asphalt streets if they could include a crack sealing program they could save some of the asphalt streets or concrete streets. Mr. Mears proceeded to discuss the infiltration testing required from TNRCC on the west side of town. The weather needs to be dry in order to conduct they type of analysis. Mr. Mears indicated the smoke testing estimated cost is about 25 cents a foot. This project is targeted to be completed around August. Discussion. Drainage: The drainage plan was addressed in an overall viewpoint so as to pinpoint areas big or small that could be placed on Capital Improvements for future improvements in the City. Mr. Mears indicated that there has been progress made on Keaton Road. A site for the easement has been agreed upon, and once the easements are signed they can start the improvements. The plan is to put an outfall line down to the tributary west of Keaton. Discussed was the bridge on the Duck Creek which will definitely need to be enlarged once the improvements are made in order to handle the run off to the creek. Councilman Jenkins indicated that the County needs to be contacted and advised as to the City's plan in regards to this drainage project. Another issue addressed was acquiring easements from the school. Mr. Mears asked what approach does Council want to take as far as the overlay program is concerned. Mr. Keesler indicated he would like to get bid proposals out to get an idea of the net, of some of the repairs John and himself have discussed. CC MINTES PAGE 4 05/19/97 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Electrical Inspections of the Mobile Home Parks. Lengthy discussion followed in regards to the homes at the trailer parks being substandard in their wiring. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to instruct the Electric Department to bring the Mobile Home Parks up to the Standard National Electric Code Standards for installation of service line from the meter base to the trailer. Councilman Frazier amended the motion to add that upon reconnect and a 6 month maximum, and if a reconnect is not done in 6 months they still have to do it. Motion Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Executive Session Pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, in Accordance with the Authority Contained in Govt. Code Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property and Section 551.074 Personnel Matters. A) Consider Purchase of Real Property B} Consider Appointment of Electric Superintendent Mayor Coker convened Council into Executive Session at 8:20 p.m. 10. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, as a result of items discussed in Executive Session. Mayor Coker reconvened Council into Regular Session at 9:05 p.m. A) Consider Purchase of Real Property: Motion was made by Councilman James for the City to proceed in the purchase of property (1 acre) for the sum of $8,@00 net to be used for a ground storage tank. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. B) Consider Appointment of Electric Superintendent: Mr. Kessler made the recommendation to Council that Tim Souder be appointed to Electric Superintendent. Motion was made by Councilman Frazier to Appoint Tim Souder to Electric Superintendent. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. 11. Any Other Such Matters. A} Councilman Jenkins indicated that at the last Council meeting there was an item mentioned about a steal plate on the ground at 9th and Elm. Mr. Kessler stated the pipe has been ordered to replace that but it has not come in, and just as soon as it does it will be replaced. Ricky Carter advised Council that at 9th and Peach there is also a problem. Mr. Kessler stated that in order to fix the problem the sidewalk needs to be taken out. Mr. Kessler did make arrangements to meet Ricky Carter at the location the next day. CC MINUTES PAGE 5 05/19/97 B) Councilman Jenkins asked the status of the division of Chuck and Eddie's crew and now that was working out. Mr. Keesler indicated that it is working better. They are hiring some new people. They do have to work together since equipment has to be used by both departments. Councilman Jenkins felt that the implementation of the division of the departments has created some bad feelings based on his perception. Mr. Jenkins stated that basically all they have is the same crew, same equipment, with two department heads. Discussed. Councilman Jenkins addressed the building inspections and the complaints he has received for lack of response. Mr. Keesler was instructed to talk to Chuck Tucker in trying to get the inspections completed within a reasonable time. Councilman Jenkins stated possibly leaving a tag on the building where it is visible. Discussion continued. C} Irrigation work at the Library was installed and inspected today. Landscaping crew will be there tomorrow. D) Councilman James inquired as to who is responsible for maintaining the flags at the parks. Councilman James indicated the ones at the park need to be replaced. Mayor Coker stated the Electric Department takes care of the flags. Electric Superintendent Tim Souder indicated he would replace the flags. 12. Adjourn. ATTEST: ]Kosalie Chavez, City J�yf W. Coker III, Mayor