07/07/1997-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council July 7, 1997 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tammy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Jimmy Frazier ®THERE PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Street Department Foreman John Henderson, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Al Judkiewicz, Terry Jones, Sam Burrus, Jane Edwards, Gene Edwards, Jay Beavers, Ben Weatherall 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to ®rder, Councilman James led the Invocation, followed by Councilman Jenkins leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CtINSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Consent Agenda with one correction to the minutes of June 11, 1997 Special Called Meeting. Councilman Jenkins indicated to correct minutes to reflect he was absent and not Councilman James. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Al Judkiewicz, from Texas Waste Management in Lewisville addressed Council in regards to the landfill expansions. Mr. Judkiewicz gave a brief report. Ben Weatherall, 208 Walnut -Sanger, addressed Council in regards to the power quality in town. Mr. Weatherall asked if there was a grid problem in town or if anyone else was experiencing the same problem. Mayor Coker did advise that the City has changed over to the new substation. There were some initial problems with some of the equipment installed; however, it has been corrected. Mayor inquired if Mr. Weatherall has spoke with the Electric Department concerning his problem. Mr. Weatherall advised he did talk to them before the Electric Department took them off the same circuit as Hollingsworth. Mayor Coker indicated the City is trying to correct the problem. Mr. Keesler also advised they can put a monitoring device on it to see if they can determine what is happenuag. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding request from Evening Lions Club and Sanger Summer League for Parks Improvements. Terry Jones, representing the Evening Lions Club, addressed Council. Mr. Jones indicated that i�i 1993 Sanger Evening Lions Club was formed with the primary purpose of developing and raising funds for a sports complex. Mr. Jones indicated at the time the funds were donated they were to apply for a grant. Tle former City Administrator t.heu instructed city workers and volunteers to begin work on the field. Each year the Evening Lions Club would donate more money in good faith that they would soon see the park finished. In August 1996, Mr. Keesler informed them that the former City Administrator was confused as to when the City was to apply for the grant. Tle money had to be on hand before the City applied; however, all the funds had already been spent on the park. CC MINUTES 07/07/97 PAGE 2 Mr. Jones indicated that the Evenuag Lions Club would like the City to consider a three year plan and set aside $30,000 from budgeted funds to be applied toward completion of the Family Sports and Recreation Complex with the intent that on the third year the City would apply to Texas Parks and Recreation for the grant. Mr. Jones advised that the Evening Lions Club and Summer League will continue to raise money for the baseball field. Mr. Jones also indicated it would have a tennis court, basketball court, sand volleyball and a small playground. Mayor Coker advised that the Council will place it on a future agenda for consideration. Jay Beavers, former President of Sanger Evening Lions Club also addressed Council for them to consider this item during their budget preparations. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Board Appointments. Planning &Zoning: Re Appoint Betty Jenkins Mary Belle Sims Charles Fenoglio Peggy Haskins Replace Mike James Consider Ricky Carter for 1 year remaining Board of Adiustment: Parks• Re -Appoint Allen Sweeney Francile Sullivan Ben Weatherall Fred Yeatts Re -Appoint Jayne Ashcraft Tony Tipton Replace Randy Consider Petterson Julia Beavers Beautification: Re -Appoint Wanda Ervin Sue Trego Galinda Powell Replace Esta Ashcraft with Nel Armstrong Clyde Sanders with Carl Hachmeister Library: Re -Appoint all members with odd places for 2 years, and even places for 1 year Industrial Develo meat Re -Appoint all members Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Confirm Appointments. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. CC MINUTES PAGE 3 07/07/97 6. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bids on Paving Improvements, Street Repair, Overlay and Maintenance Program. There were two bids received by Hunter Associates as follows: Name of Bidder Bid Amount Add Alternate Total All -Tex Paving, Inc. $1649652 $7%800 $2449452 Brock Paving Industries $153,700 $429000 $1959700 Mayor Coker informed Council that there was money left from the last street improvements that the City did in excess of $100,000.00 that the city could be utilizing for street improvements. Mayor Coker indicated he had asked Mr. Keesler to establish a program for street improvements. The City engineer prepared a bid notice and has submitted a letter to Council on what they did along with the bids listed above. Mr. Keesler indicated that basically the bids were to get Keaton ready for Denton County to do the seal coating south of Duck Creek. They would then do the section between Cherry Street and FM 455 and 5th Street east and will try to get Denton County to come back and seal coat the area this year. Mr. Keesler indicated there is $125,000 available in the CO 94 funds that can be available for these street improvements. Mr. Keesler recommended that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Brock Paving Industries. Councilman Kincaid asked if they were planning to do this next year. Mr. Keesler indicated this would be a 5 year program that would eventually get all the streets in the entire City and on the 6th year they would begin again from the beginning of the cycle. Discussed. Mr. Keesler indicated that the bid is higher than the funds available, however, it is not a fixed amount; it will be based on square yards and quantity they use and funds available. Motion was made by Councilman Frazier to Award the Bid to Brock Paving Industries. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. '1. Any Other Such Matters. a) Mr. Keesler indicated there have been 29 building permits issued for housing this year. Last year there were only 16 housing permits issued for the year. b) Mr. Keesler advised they did the cut over on Keaton on Wednesday and everything went well that night. c) The culvert on Cherry and Sth Street should be completed shortly. d) Councilman Jenkins indicated he had a couple of questions; however, he would get with the City Secretary later to discuss. 8. Adjourned. AT ST: Rosalie Chavez, City III, Mayor