08/25/1997-CC-Minutes-Work Session1MNUTES. City Council Workshop August 25, 1997 ]PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Frazier, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order, led an invocation followed by Councilman James leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Discuss Fiscal Year Budget 1997-1998. City Administrator proceeded to discuss with Council the changes discussed in the last few meetings and how these changes affected the budget and the contingency fund. Lengthy discussion followed and Council did agree to take out a $2,500 expense for radios in the Fire Department's budget. The $13,000 expense for Storm Warning was also discussed, however, no decision was made to delete this expense from the budget. Other issues Mr. Keesler addressed was raising the commercial rate for sanitation service. Council discussed a $1.00 increase then decided on a 6 % increase overall. Discussed. Mayor Coker recessed the workshop to discuss item 3 on the agenda. 3. Discuss Preliminary Plat for N.L. Hobbs Addition. Prentice Preston addressed the Council regarding the plat for the N.L. Hobbs Addition, Lots 1- 5, Block A, R. Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29. The property is in Banger's ETJ and is adjacent to the City limits on FM455 and across the street on Marion Road. Discussed was the extension of water and sewer lines to the proposed site. a Mr. Preston indicated that it is not feasible for the developer to take the line to the development. Mr. Preston inquired as to the possibility of allowing Bolivar Water to serve the development. The site is within the City CCN's and this issue was discussed at length. Mr. Preston indicated that possibly the City could work an agreement out with Bolivar Water Supply to serve the property with water and then allow the City at a later time when water and sewer lines are developed to that area to take over the development. There was discussion that if the plat was submitted in 5 acre tracts it would not need Planning o Zoning or Council approval. Mr. Preston inquired as to the possibility of having water wells and putting in a septic system and then this would eliminate the problem. Council indicated that this item would have to go back to P&Z for them to make their recommendation regarding this request and then to Council. Discussed. Council indicated to Mr. Preston to get with Developer and advise staff if be wants to bring it back to P&Z and Council. CC MINUTES - 08j25j97 PAGE 2 Council proceeded to discuss Cost of Living increases for employees. Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris emphasized his step plan. Discussion followed. Property tax increase was addressed by City Administrator and discussed by Council. There were no decisions made as to pursuing the property tax increase. An important issue Council did address and discuss in length was the painting of the water tower on Keaton Road. 4. Meeting Adjourned. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City