09/15/1997-CC-Minutes-RegularSEPTEMBER 15, 1997 JOHN COKER, TOMMY KINCAID, ALIE MADDEN MIKE JAMES JIMMY FRAZIER JERRY JENKINS PUBLIC HEARING PRELIMINARY PLAT NL HOBBS ADDITIONS, LOTS 1-5, BLOCK A R BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 29 Mayor Coker Declared Public Hearing Opened. City Administrator Larry Keesler addressed this item. Mr. Keesler indicated that this item was on the agenda at the last Council meeting and at that time it was tabled. The issue addressed at that time was the service of water and wastewater utilities to this area. Mr. Keesler informed Council that since that time he has learned that this property is dual certified with Bolivar Water and the City of Sanger and they could have gone either way for utilities service. Mr. Keesler advise all of the City's CCN's were dually certified with Bolivar Waterup to recently when the City got the amendment from TNRCC. Bolivar Water had already promised to service that area a few months back and failed to note it on the map. They are now requesting that it be taken out of dual certification to allow them to service the property. They have also agreed to give us additional area to service if the City agrees to compromise and allow them to service this particular property. Mayor Coker Declared Public Hearing Closed. > ' . Consider and Possible Action Regarding Preliminary Plat for N.L. Hobbs Addition, Lots 1 - 5, Block A, R. Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation to Approve the Preliminary Plat for N.L. Hobbs Addition, Lots 1-5, Block A, S. Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden. CC IVWNUTES PAGE 2 !)9/15/97 Motion Carried unan• ously. 1;6)11. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid for City of Sanger Employees Health Insurance- 1 tem. Discussion included the different bids received, the stability of the companies, ost to the City, and the benefits to the employees. Mr. Trimble indicated that he nd staff reviewed the plans and had also met with some of the representatives. Uter reviewing the plan, Curt recommended the City go with the Pacific Care IMO. It is a very stable1 r 1 it is the third largest HMO in he nation. The network for medical doctors is excellent. Mr. Trimble indicaWf hat Dr. Perry is also in the network. This plan would cost the City $60.00 less per mployee and the savulas this next budget year would be about $23,000. This plan v ifl accept the group without medical questions being asked. f, i •►? 1'• t'..r t r is ? r ike to be on the plan. Mr. Trimble *indicated it would take about 90 days to get him n the network, however, it is the physicians responsibility to complete the aperwork. Mr. Trimble indicated he would make sure Dr. Bittle is contacted. naintainer and a roller, painting Keaton water tower, new back hoe, and electrical mprovements on 10th iscussed. The contingency fund reflects a balance of $49,844.00 and does not reflect he $23,000.00 to $26,000.00savings h1 1 1 . t.. 1': , , ; t , "" • r i. , t' . Ir aI .I ► t /;t • r Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Adopt Ordinance No. 07-97 Adoptin t FHE CITY OF SANGER, CC MINUTES 09/15/97 PAGE 3 Motion Carried unanimously. (9)8• Consider and Possible Action Regarding Adoption of Ordin 1997/1998 City of Sanger Tax Rate. uCe NO, 08-97 for Motion Was made by Councilman James to Adopt Ordinance N 1997/1998 City of Sanger Tax Rate. Seconded by Councilman Jenkino• 08-97 for s. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 08-97 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY TEXAS, LEVYING TAXES FOR THE USES MUNICIPALGO VE AND SUPPORT OF THE NT OF THE CITY OF SANGER, FISCAL YEAR BEGINNINGTEXAS FOR SEPTEMPER 30, 1998, OCTOPER 1, 19979 ENDING SINKING FUNDS FOR PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST AND TIIE YEAR 1997 AND APPROPRIATING LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE* PROE INTEREST FOR DEL DING PENALTY AND DELINQUENT TAXES• EFFECTIVE DATE, * AND DECLARING AN Motion Carried unanimously. (10)9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Adoption of Ordinance No. 09-97 Commercial Sanitation Collection Fees, Amending Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Adopt Ordi ance No. 09-97 Amend'b Commercial SanAtatYSanitationCollection Fees. Seconded by Councilman James. n1 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 09-97 AN- ORDINANCE OF THE 14 1 40tion Carried unanimously. 1 sider 1 Possible Mr. Kessler addressed this item is , and advised that thh e Cisum Trail Elementar School dually certified for electricity. The City i rys working with the school in ting to keep their business by setting a rate specifically for the school district only. The rate reduction is 5 % and would place them almost at the same rate as Denton County Co -Op, Discussed, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris indicated that most utilit companies special rates for their schools. Y p nies y e i:.4n was 1' b I r AMENDING CHAPTER 11 ARTICLE 11.80 AND APPENDIX ARTICLE 27.103 (C). THE CITY OF SANGER CODE ' ,' ', PROVIDINGTHE REPEALOF ORDINANCES iinformationk k addressed. There 1 quest'on ad been asked. One of was "Can the City charge more for renter's deposits than homeowner's", and, "Can Cities request a credit history from a customer on a nor utility account before utility service is connected9". MINIM iiiiii /' k 1 indicated 1. ./ .1ey chargerenters more than homeownersdeposits. ust1mer 1, group r.the issue that they are being discriminated City must be fully prepared to defendr1 1r.ocumentation. Here is case taw in reierencek IticulIN11k,, 1 .. n Court. Ron Neiman also advised that Council needed to understand that the ossi1 r. Councilneeded 1, know that when heir decision is final. Councilaving higher utility deposits. Ar. Neiman stated possibly charging more for In ileconnects each time a customer is cut off for nonwipayment. City Secretary advised hat if the V 1' y losses will be reducedh mountili )iscussion followed. The nnayor aiddressed the issue of our billing cycle. Council iscussion as to what other nicasures are used to try to collectcustomer tioves. City Secretary1,1have a collection however, the ollection agency only, works with the accounts for 90 days then they are sent back ? our office. Wother issue City Secretary addressed was the extensions that are given on k iscussed was letter of credit. The City Secretary advised of a situation which ha- I tr Bed this, 'k ity oi Benton to verny Me inivill 1randulent. In the past ive have not verified them by k i; r 1 . .• phones, however, 1. a situation where we are asking ourselves how many of these letters were fraudulent. The policy in place now is to verify the information before service is provided. Discussion followed. Motion was made by Councilman Frazier to Increase the Utility Deposits from $50 to $100 on the Electric; and from $25 to $50 on the Water; and $20 connect fees for each. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. -i . Motion Carried unanimously. Consensus of Council to make it effective October 1, 1997. Staff to report back in regards to changing either payment and cut off dates on billing cycle. (14)13.Consider and Possible Action to Submit Candidate(s) for the Nomination to the Board of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to submit Carroll McNeill as a candidate to the Board of Directors for the Denton Central Appraisal District if he consents. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. (15)14.Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Member to Beautification Board. Mayor Coker recommended that Helen Kirby be appointed to the Beautification Board. ' 2 Motion was made by Councilman James to Accept Recommendation of Appointing Helen Kirby to the Beautification Board. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. (16)15.Consider and Possible Action Regarding Changes to the Code of Ordinances Section 26 Use of Land and Buildings. Mayor Coker addressed this item in regards to Industrial Zoning. He indicated that he was approached by John Springer who had indicated to him that he had some businesses earlier who had tried to locate to Sanger. The situation that occurred was that these businesses could not locate without going to P&Z and Council to change the zoning. These businesses decided that they did not want to pursue this and did not want to get involved in an political issue. Mayor indicated two weeks ago a physician, Dr. Groff in Pilot Point, wanted to locate to Sanger. The area that he was looking was a higher zoning and his business could not be built in this type of zoning. Mayor advised that Dr. Groff was also the Mayor in Pilot Point, and their Council changed this several years back where you could take a lower zoning into a higher zoning area. Mayor stated he had talked to Councilman Kincaid who indicated to him that years ago Council had agreed this was how they wanted our zoning rules •to be, however, a prior City Manger changed it unbeknownst to Council and that is why the zoning is as such. t • - • Councilman Jenkins indicated that Council had rezoned the City to where it would not allow spot zoning in certain areas. Councilman Jenkins indicated Council had great emphasis at that time over the "spot zoning" and legalities of "spot zoning" in these districts. The Council chose at that time not to go against TML and the City Attorney's recommendation by allowing this to occur in these areas. Councilman Kincaid indicated that a person should be able to build anything they want as long as it does not go above the zoning restrictions in that area. Councilman Kincaid indicated if someone wanted to build a house next door to a factory he should be able to do so without having a problem. Councilman Frazier expressed the same opinion that a person should be able to go down in zoning but not up in zoning. Councilman James indicated that if the Council allowed this to happen where someone can build a house next door to an Industrial area for example a chemical plant, what would keep that homeowner from filing a lawsuit to close the chemical plant due to the chemicals and waste. Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker inquired as to what would keep someone going into a Business District and then using it for residential area, for example, property along Interstate 35. This item was discussed at length with several concerns that were expressed and opinions given by Council members. Council asked staff to check with other cities as to how they handle this particular situation. Mr. Keesler indicated that a compromise to this situation would be to allow someone to be able to build down to a Bl, B2 and B3 from II or 12 zoned district. The residential district would not be affected then. Council postponed this item for the next Council agenda. (17)16.Any Other Such Matters. 1)Mr. Keesler advised that there is another movie company coming to Sanger to film a scene for the movie called "Dallas Homecoming". The crew will be in Sanger filming on October 2. 2) Mayor indicated that the Chamber of Commerce needs to be complimented on the way the “Sanger Sellabration" was conducted again this year. Mayor advised everything went well with the Fire and Police Departments. (18)17.Meeting Adjourned