02/05/1996-CC-Minutes-Regular City Council February 5, 1996 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin 1 1 •' 1 I 1 ,091IILUSUMMUM ®TREKS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Tony Tipton - Mita Copier, Dan Alman - Southwest Securities 1. Mayor Armstrong Called the Meeting to Order, led the Invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizens Input. None. Motion was made by Councilman Bell to accept audit for 94/95 as presented. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. III 5. CONSIDER ACTION APPOINTMENT FY 95/96 AUDIT 6. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Resolution No. R02-96 Directing Publication of Notice of Intent to Issue Utility System Revenue Bonds and all matters thereof. The loan is at a low interest rate. Mr. Alman did state that the next step is for Council to proceed with the adoption of ordinance directing to give Notice of Intent to Issue Utility System Revenue Bands. City Alm an *indicated the 1 1 interest equal / 1 greater than w7, 1 1 1 1 i L' 1 1 1/ 1+,4 •• 1 f rl 1 1 1 1, 1'• I expended. He i stated that sMce the loan is underminion 1' believes the 11 is not subjectto arbitrary rebatewhere thepositive interest1 makes 1. CC Minutes - Page 2 February .5, 1996 I,,-te %be •rebated<1e the government. The SRF program is set up as the Pre -Funded option which allows the City to sell the bonds and escrow the proceeds then they can draw the proceeds out and pay the engineers. This is a good cash flow tool for the City. c.^1 /" ( 1'1i; Publication of Notice of Intent t I 1 1 Issue Utility System Revenue Bonds. l 1 - I I 1 i 1- RESOLUTION NO R 02-96 TO ISSUE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1996, IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $1,060,000 Motion Carried unanimously. 1 1 r • t 1 ' / 1' 11 1 tii. 1,, 1 • 'i 1 6 "'1 1 1 .mill • 1 Tony Tipton gave a brief presentation regarding the lease purchase of a Mita Copier for the Police Department. Discussed. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to lease purchase the Mita Copier from Office Equipment Center in Denton for 36 months for $125.95 per month. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 1 1 1 1 by Councilman Richardson. Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action regar ' g Proclamation No. P 1-96 proclaiming the ..week of February 19 -February 23, 996 as "Seat Felt Safety Week".pin 1 1 ifm 1oy ouncilmanKincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Any Other Such Matter. ray 1 • II I G''' • . 1 1 1' • 1 1 . 1- 1 1 '" • • 1 1 ; ' , 1 I/ 1 A&MMM •; 1 Ir 1 1 1.I r/ s1 J` 1 +.i1 1•1 1 .,i: 11. Adjournment. ATTEST: MINUTES: City Council Workshop February 19, 1996 I" 1 11 1 1` 1 i II 1 1: 1 I II I 111 1 1 1 Councilwoman M Braxton Councilman Glenn Ervm, argie ABSENT: Councilman Richardson 1. Mayor Armstrong Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in Govt. Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters - (l) To discuss Candidates far City Administrators job. Mayor Armstrong convened City Co cii into Executive Session at 6:10 p.m. Mayor Armstrong reconvened City Council at 6:45 p.m. 3. Discuss Water Billing Ordinance. Discussion followed concerning water and sewer billings on commercial multi -units and residential multi -units. Mayor Armstrong did indicate that our sewer ordinance needs to be changed to reflect the way we bill multi -units. _ 1' "• 1 1# 1 1 i >I 1' 1 1 1{#` 1• 1 "" 1 Item to be discussed after new City Administrator is hired. 4. Adjournment. Nel Armstrong, Mayor sir ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City