01/22/2001-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2001 7:00 P.M. * 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: December 28, 2000 - Special Called January 2, 2001 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Conduct Second Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation of the Following Described Property: ABSTRACT 725, B.F. LYNCH SURVEY, PART OF TRACT 13 & 14, BEING A TOTAL OF 217.40 ACRES, 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from B1 (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. corner of Plum and Seventh Streets, 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from B1(Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. corner of Plum and Seventh Streets, 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding The Beautification Board Possibly changing their Name to "Keep Sanger Beautiful". 8. Consider and Possible Action to Designate the Sanger Chamber of Commerce as the Tourist and Information Center for the City of Sanger. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Approval of the School to Tap into the line at the Water Tower on McReynolds Road and Possible Over Sizing the Line. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Change in Procedures Regarding the Community Center and Non -Profit Organizations. 11. 12. Any Other Such Matte�,�i����;cii Pi V : oo 0 . F9 to Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, Cit Secretary ) Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible"and-accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458MEN for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - SPECIAL CALLED December 28, 2000 PRESENT: Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glen Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza ABSENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Craig Waggoner PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Fred Yeatts 1. Mavor Pro Tem Andv Garza called meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #12-28-00 -Annexing Property Legally Described as: ABSTRACT 29, RUEBEN BEBEE SURVEY, TRACT 65A, 35.000 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 29, RUEBEN BEBEE SURVEY, TRACT 64A, 23.440 ACRES, OF WHICH 14.35 ACRES ARE ALREADY IN THE CITY. City Manager indicated this is back on the agenda because it has to be done within forty days, or they would have to start over with advertising, and public hearings. Councilman McNeill suggested they adopt the ordinance with the understanding that the school will be getting the easement from Sable, and the City will be out no more money for water and sewer than what has already been spent. City Manager indicated the City Engineer has explained that it is the school's responsibility to procure the easement, the City does not need to get involved. Discussion regarding annexation of the property and the contract between the School and Sable. Mayor Pro Tem indicated he agreed with Councilman McNeill and also felt the school should pay for any tap fees at the full price. Discussion regarding easements and tap fees. Discussion regarding where the water lines will run. Councilman McNeill moved to adopt Ordinance #12-28-00 and to stipulate that any utility easement for the school will be procured by the school, and the City is not under any obligation to install any of the lines. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 3. Any Other Such Matters, None. 4. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 2, 2001 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Carrol McNeill, Councilman Glen Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Gregg Edwards 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order and led the Invocation, Councilman Garza led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: December 18, 2000 b) Disbursements Councilman Higgs noted a correction on page 2 from "there" to "their". Councilman McNeill noted a correction in the minutes under Item #8, discussion was regarding the "sewer" system, instead of the "water" system. Discussed Disbursements. Councilman Waggoner moved to approve the Consent Agenda as corrected. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Savings Account for the Fire Department Pay. City Secretary indicated the Council had moved to open a savings account for the Fire Department Pay, and after paying them this year, the funds are not going to be there to put into a separate account. The only funds that will be available is the difference in the amount of what was paid, and what was budgeted. Discussion regarding the funds and the fire pay. City Secretary indicated once the tax revenues are in it is not a problem to pay this. She indicated only $'7,418.00 will be available this year to put into the savings account. If the entire amount needs to be put in, they will need to amend the budget and cut somewhere else in the budget to allocate for this expense. Discussion regarding how the funds are budgeted and when they are paid. Mayor asked the City Secretary what the best way to handle this would be. City Secretary indicated she felt they should leave the budget alone, and put the difference in what was budgeted and what is left in the savings, and then budget the entire amount next year. Discussion regarding Fire Department funds. Councilman McNeill moved to take City Secretary's suggestion and let her run it. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. S. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation of the Following Described Property: ABSTRACT 725, B.F. LYNCH SURVEY, PART OF TRACT 13 & 14, BEING A TOTAL OF 217.40 ACRES, Public Bearing Open. No one spoke for or against. Public Hearing closed. 6. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from Agriculture to SF3 (Single Family 3) on the Residential part and from Agriculture to B2 (Business 2) on the Commercial part of Property Legally Described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total of 42.52 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the corner of Belz and Stemmons Road, Public Hearing open. Greg Edwards, Surveyors and Engineers of North Texas, addressed the Council indicating at one time there was a preliminary plat, and it has been recently annexed into the City. He indicated they are trying to get the property zoned according to their pIan. Discussion regarding the request. Councilman Garza asked who had the CCN's on the water, sewer and electric. City Manager indicated the City did, but on the electric it was dual certified. Discussion regarding the electric. Councilman McNeill indicated he would like to know the cost on servicing the area with electric. Mayor declared Public Hearing closed. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from Agriculture to SF3 (Single Family 3) on the Residential part and from Agriculture to B2 (Business 2) on the Commercial part of Property Legally Described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total of 42.52 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the corner of Belz and Stemmons Road. Mayor expressed that this was only a zoning change, and not a Preliminary Plat. Discussion concerning the Agriculture portion of the property. Discussion regarding the request. City Secretary cated they had the metes and bounds for the request in the packet, specifying residential and commercial. Discussion regarding the acreage. Total acreage should be 83.44. Discussion regarding the equestrian area, and the number of horses that will be aRowed. Discussion regarding the electric service and getting costs on it. Mayor indicated he felt the owner• should sale the property as Agriculture, then allow the City to negotiate with the owner for electric service. Lengthy Discussion regarding utilities to the property. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see them change the Agriculture portion to residential. Discussion regarding the development and utilities. City Secretary indicated the City should negotiate with developer for electric at the time they negotiate water and sewer, then if the developer does not want city electric the City can de -annex the property. Discussion regarding the zoning, City Manager indicated they should negotiate with the developers prior to zoning the property for the electric service. Councilman McNeill moved to deny the request. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Any Other Such Matters, A) Councilman McNeill asked City Manager if he noticed the ad in the Denton paper where the City of Ponder had written application to TNRCC for some water company to do away with their rights, and they were going to take it over. Discussion regarding Bolivar Water and the CCN's. B) Discussion regarding new development West of Heritage West on FM 455. 9. Meeting Adjourned. I /:1W zww1 o ; jj AM VENDOR S Te J i ID 009- GENERAL FUND La DA 2TMEN J : lei MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL R GULAI DAYM N`1' C Pjul bT5" itiOR ilAl-i� I?`p i° G/L ACCOUilT idnN DRSCR.[PTIOi� CHRCK AiftOUi'?'1 99 03900 BANGER PRINTING COfIPANY 1-11c87 001 10 5210 00_08400 FRAidi{Llid LEGAL, PULJLISSI C-010Ii9Cii GC1.-16-5420 99-H HO FRANKLIN LEGAL PUBLISH I-N 00058 001-10-5420 OFC�ICE SUPFLI LRTTBRHBAD 060000 43,36 CONTRACTUAL S 1'RANC{LIN LEGAL, PUBLISIIING 060000 8750U- CONTRACTUAL S ORDINANCE RECODIFICATION 000000 11650,00 DEPAR'P1€ENT 10 i4AY0R £a CSTY COUNCIL, TOTAL; 1, 421, 36 1119i2001 Ss33 AN REGULAR DCPAKTMIENT PAiMMI T REGISTER VENDOR SET, 99 008 ENTERPRISE FUND burARTI1ENT: 1.0 I1ayor and City Council PAGE. 15 VENDOR NAME ITEI1 T GIL ACCOUNT NANB DESCRIPTION CHECK AItOUN'T 99-026H Till: I-415m 008-10-5225 BAPS + SUSSCR REMBERSHIP DUES OHM 553,0m 99-m34m0+ BANGER PRIi'TING COMPAN4' I-17613"I 0m(3-10-5l1m 99-Ui}mm i'RAd[{L[?l I,F�rrA, PUE:,IEI I-2i;.m119C�; mCfl-1Fi-542G1 OFFICE SUPPI,I i,ETTERHEAD COi1TKACTUAL S FRANKLIid LEGAL PUSLIS;{ING mu03mm mmmmmm 825,mm DEPARTMENT 1m Nayac and City Council TOTAi; 1,421,3� 1/19/2001 8;33 A71 VENDOR SET; 99 C 001 GEN RAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 15 ADMI_ttr_STRATION REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMEPdT REGISTER PAGEe 2 VENDOR NAl1E ITEM n G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKS A1t0UtdT 99-00200 ADA118 EXTERR111ATNG CO, I-81243 001-15-5310 R lit BUILDIN EXTERMINATING 000000 15,00 99 00310 BCI i1ECE(AtdTCAL i 12690 001 15 5310 99-00470 C&H JANITORAL & SUPPLY 1-16994 001-15-5245 99-00470 CH JANITORAL & SUPPLY I-17213 00i'-15-5245 99-00730 DAY -TIMERS, INC, I-3'703Q404 001-15-5210 '��''tl�7�ti 9911550 '1'X� Ay TXU GAS i-3363fS I-33638 a0'1'15"551'� 001-15-5515 99-01920 NICHOLkS, JACKSON, DILLA I-33646 001-15-5245 94-02300 BAiwGN'R COURIER 99-03090 �'E5T GROUP 99-03280 U5 t1ETR.O 1-11540 001-15-5230 I-33637 001-15-5210 -101 001-15-5510 °``-:03400 �At1GER PRIitTING CO<PANY I-11607 99-01960 T`{ MUNICIPAL CLERKS I-33575 001-15-5210 001-.15-57.35 99-07150 RO<<iiE DEPOT'(GECF i-0030388 0G1-15-5310 R & M BUILDIN CHECK HEAT IN CITY OFFICE 000000 29,50 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 32,53 JANITOP,IhL SU CLERNING SUPPLIES 000000 31,77 OFFICE SUPPLI DESK REFILL,PHO?dE DIR,STUFFER 000000 18,98 ELECTRIC iiivD GAS USAirE 000v0u ou,02 ELECTRIC AND TXU GAS 000000 5,62 JAtdITORLAL SU PhONE CONFERENCES 000000 144,I3 ADVERTISING LEGAL NOTICES 000000 153,15 OFFICE SUPPLI TX ST PP 2001 SB 000060 14.25 TELEPC{ONE SER METRO LIP1E 000000 43,00 OFFICE SUPPLI LETTEREIEAD 000000 43,34 DUES AND REGI 2000 SUPPLEI=,EtdT 0G0000 12,50 R & M BUILDIN FLOOR MATS 000000 52,86 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL; 683,25 1(19f2001 8133 AM VENDOR SET; 99 r ` 008 EEITERPRISE REGULAR DEPART1ijE1iT PAY1IENT REGISTER PAGE; I UEC?DOR 4dAiiX IT;i`i re GIL ACCOUt'tT 1dA1iE DESCRIPTI01'd CHECKS AOUN'T 99-00230 ADAMS EXTERMtlNATTNG CO. 1.87243 008-15-5310 R V R 8UI'LDIN EXTERMINATING 000000 15.00 ng 00310 SCI i4ECHANICAG 112090 009 15 5310 99-00�70 CGH JANiTORAL � SUPPLY 1-1G99�r 008-15-5245 9940470 C0H JANITORAL A SUPPLY T-17213 008-15-5245 99-00730 DAY -TIMERS, INC. 1-37038404 008-15-5210 1;�-?i55s7 Xll l,Ati 99-01550 TXU GAS I'-JJhJ� UUU'15'SJ!5 I-;33638 068-15-5515 q�,-01.920 NICEIOLS, JACKSON, DIL!,A 1-33e46 008-15�5295 99-02300 SANGER COURIER I-11540 008-15-5230 99-03040 GiEST GROUP 9�i-03280 US '1i+,TRG I-33037 008-15-5210 1-101 00$�15-5510 °"�.03400 BANGER PRINTING C011PANY 1-11687 008-15-5210 99-049G0 TX iUNTM AL CfjERKS 1-33575 008-15-5235 99-07750 NO11E DEPOTIGECF 1-0030388 008-15-5310 R A N BUII,DIN CHECK HEAT 1N CITY OEKr_CE 000000 29,50 JA1d1TORIAL SO CLEAN1iJG SUPPI,:IES 000000 32.53 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 31077 OFFICE SUPPLI DES[{ REFILL,PHONE D1R,STU"FER 000300 18,99 G mm�rn l�ti41 tti4 � Gtt n Vt1p nanr U7Ft lr [i nnnnnn nvvvuu e J.uJ c� ELECTRIC & GA GAS USAGE 000000 8E,02 JANITORIAL SU PHONE CONFERENCES 00000@ 144.13 ADUER'DIS:ING LEGAL NOTICES 660000 153.'}5 OFF'CE SUPPLI TX Si PP 2001 S{3 000000 14,25 TELEPEONE SER �=1ETR0 LINE 000000 43.00 GFFICE SUPPLI LETTERHEAD 000000 43,3? DUES A REGIST 2600 SUPPLENENT 000000 12,50 R � N BUILDIN MLOOR HATS 000600 52.85 DEPARTI4ENT 15 Adm.ln.ist�at.ion 'DOTAL; 683,2'1 1/19/2001 h 33 AM VENDOR SET; 99 001 GENERAL FUND DELLJARTIIENT, 20 POLICE REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACK: 3 VENDOR IiAflit, TTE1i 0 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKO AMOUNT 99-00200 ADAMS EXTERMINATING CO, I-87243 001-20-5310 REPAIR & MAIN EXTERMIINATING 000000 30oOO 99 00340 BILL UTTER FORD, INC, i 33415 001 20 5325 R & N4 MOTOR V RADIATOR,LAMP A5Y 000000276,51 99,00470 C&H JANIT'ORAL & SUPPLY I-16994 001-20-5245 OPERATING SUP CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 32,56 99-00470 C&H JANI:TORAL & SUPPLY I-172I3 001-20-5245 OPERATING SUP CLEANING SUPPLIES 00000Q 31,77 9901310 JIM IICNATT CflEVR.OLE't i-33525 00120-5325 R & M ROTOR V 6 STATE INSPECTIONS 00000E 12,50 it nnmmnnrnm nnnnnrt ;,r of YJ 114 t) tt HU1u bUh t� 1'JJ044 vul-Gu-)3!J R & try 8yuir(in 0 7V ohiluaL o UUU a 12j IDu 99-02250 S&S AUTOMOTIVE I-3356u 001-20-5325 R & M. MOTOR V PRESSED OUT & IN NEW BUSHINGS 000000 40,00 99 E33010 I'KDB AUT`0 PARTS I-1275 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS 000000 6195 99,-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-I275 001-20-5325 R & N MOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS 000000 5l90 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-33416 001-20-5325 R & M NOTOR V OIL & FUEL FIGTER,ANIT FREEZE 000000 9,70 99-03110 CARDINAL TRACKING INC. 1,13633 001-20-5345 LEASE EQUIPNE MAINTENANCE RENEWAL 000000 113$5c00 99-03530 JAMES WOOD AUTOPARK, IN I.-W60907 001-20-5325 R & M 140TOR V BELT TENSIONER 000000 45,30 3730 COLLIN CO, COli11, COT T-2051 001-20-5240 TRAVEL EXPKNS R,Ill. IN11EY CRIME SCENE COURSE 000000 25,00 49-05420 BANGER AUTO PARTS I-33572 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V BANGER AUTO PARTS 000000 51,47 99-05420 BANGER AUTO PAR'1S I?$909 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V TRANS FILTER KIT 000000 27,74 99 05420 BANGER AUTO PARTS 1-309$2 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V UPPER CONTROL ARM BUSHINGS 000000 16,63 99-05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS T-39011 001-20-5325 R & 11 MOTOR V COIL ACTION KT/BALL/ARM BUSH7N 000000 24.69 99-05750 FISH N CHIRPS 1-650i 001-20-5265 DRUG PREVENTI DOG FOOD 000000 29,99 99-v7400 IOS CAPITAL 99-07130 QUALITY PLUMBING G9-07`i50 HOME DEPOTIGECF I-33607 00I-20-5345 I-3351I 001-20-5310 I-00303$$ 001-20-5310 LEASE KQUTPME IOS CAPITAL RE_PAiP, & MAIN STOP UP LINE AT WATER FOUNTAIN 000006 REPAIR & MA'IN FLOOR MATS 000000 5,01 160,00 6'i,92 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL; 2,330,54 1✓ �1 1/1912001 8;33 AM VENDOR SET; 99 001 GENERAL FUND DH;NRRTiFNT; 22 Ald??r1AL CONTROL REGULAR DEPARTRENT PAYMENT REGIM ER PAGE; 4 G'S,NDOR 01A11E 1TE14 0 GlL kCC011NT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKO A140UN'T 99-00310 8C1 21ECHANICAL 1-72881 001-22-5 M DOG POUND EXP REPAIR HEATER FOR SHELTER 000000 59200 99-00450 6URRUS I-33514 001-22 5248 DOG POUND EXP POLAROID FiLN 000000 13,49 99 03640 PRO STITCH 1-33450 001-22-5248 DOG POUND EXP 4 CAPS 000000 44.00 DEPARTtdENT 22 ANSh1AL CON'PROL TOTAL; 11E,49 1119/2001 8 , 3 3 AM, VENDOR SET, 99 001 GENERAL FUND DEt ARTMEIM 24 FIRE DEPAR'1�1EM REGULAR DEPARTRENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 5 VENDOR NAME ITEM 0 GI,La ACCOUNT t2Afi4E DESCRIPTION CRECR Al40UN'P 99-00190 DENTION CO BUILDERS SUPP I-38550 001-24-5325 R N MOTOR V USED SCREEN 000000 1,00 99-00960 FIRE FIGRTERS RELIEF G I-33583 001-24-5145 99-012.40 INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO, I-81510 001-24-5325 I-998113 001-24-5375 °9-0��1u GIL'dB µU?0 ARIL I-3�:16 001.24-3325 "� 4II4 ININSI S !lulu VAKIb I,-3.i539 u0I`"c11-5325 94-0340(� SAN(;ER ?RI1dTI1'G COi1PA11Y I-17u79 001.-24-51.10 99-05420 ;AUGER AtiTO PARTS I-3B982 001-24-5325 99.07230 1#ICk{FLEE DANIhIzSON I-33598 00.1-24-5215 PENSION FUN6 25 FIRE FIGRTERS 000000 R fz 11 MOTOR V GOVENOR-REIdAN 000600 MINOR EQUIPNE 4 02 BOTTLES FILLED 000000 R G N 1'�OT0R V OIL � FUEL FILTER,A1'IT FREEZE 000000 nn nnvmnnn rrr nnnnnn R & N NOTOR "v' I CAob u6RLnu[V LLL uuvuuu OFFICE BUFFET 100 RUPI REPORTS R � i4 MOTOR V BLO,VER MOTOR RESISTEP, FOOD FOOD FOR A?;ARDS BANQUET 000006 000000 000000 1,964,04 15,24 32,00 9,70 iLYJ 50,59 9,18 145,8 DEPARTi1ENT 24 FIRE DEPARI�4ENT TOTAL, 2,240.04 ?l19120u1 9,3 A1i VENDOR SET, 99 001 GENINRAL FUND DE tIRTMENTo 26 i1111iCOURT RUGUGFiR DEPAMMEP11. HYRUNT RUGISTER Pi;GG 6 UENDOR NAIfU ITUi1 � G/I ACCOU1dT ifiNC DESCRIPT.T.Ql1 CRUCK� Ai;0U1J'1 99"02120 QUIL T-2731512 001-26-62.10 OFFM SUPPDI 3-HOLE PUNCH 000000 3099 DEPARTNEidT 26 11UNTCiP�I, COURT TOT�1D� 30,99 1(19/2011_ 8133 AtFIC NNUUi�AR D�PARTHNT PAYNhN RaGISTER VENDOR S8'1 r 99 981 GENERAL FUND f) ARTilslENT; 28 ILN1 FORCN11Ri'TIrIll S0EC'PION PPGE; 7 VNNDOR NAi1Es LIMI i G/L ACCOUNT NAr�R DRSCRIPTIOid CRRCK AiiOUNT 99-01_550 TH GAS I-33638 001-28-5515 ELECTRIC/GAS TH GAS HMO 65.17 99-Q3d10 GlNBB AUTO PARTS I-33416 981-28-5325 R A t1 UR[{ICLN OIL & FUNL FIL1"RR,ANIT FRC�NZR dd�iQOFi 9,79 DRPARTNRNT 28 NNFORCat1N1�T/INSPFCTIOiJ 'DOTAL: 74,87 t' 9 1119/200.1 8 f 3 3 Ail VENDOR SET; 99 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 30 STREETS REGULAR DEPARTMENT PA`th1ENT REGISTER PAGE< 8 VF:CdDOR NAME I'1E11 � G(L ACCOUNT isAME DESCRIPTION CHECI{� Ai4QUNT 99-00050 CONLEY SAND & CRAVD'L i-33380 001-30-5310 STREET 11AINTE 14 TONS CONCRETE 600000 350,00 99 09800 COSCCVU DIUUL_iG 13101 331 30 5515 ELECTRIC GA STREET LIGHTS 000306 190,75 99-01010 1'OS'TER'S SADDLE SHOP T-33375 001-30-5255 FEARItdG APPAR 28PR JEANS 000000 694,35 99-0i310 POSTER'S SADDLE SHOP 1-33382 001-30-5255 FEARING APPAR 4 JEANS 300000 79,80 99-01010 FOSTER'S SADDLE SHOP 1-33382 001-30-5255 FEARING APPAR 1 OVERALL 000000 86,95 44-01173 HOLI,INGSFORTH IIFG CO IN I-484 301-33-5325 R G M MOTOR V R6R HYD HOSES ON SAND SPREADER 000003 300,12 99-01240 INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO, 1-33532 001-30-5325 R & N ROTOR V AIR GOVENOR 000000 15,24 9941243 INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO, I-BI457 001-30-5325 R 6 R ROTOR V l42ATHERHEAD 300000 3,94 99 01250 INTERSTATEBAT'CERIES i-28002979 001-30-5325 P. G i' MOTOR V BATTERIES 000000 572°5 99-01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO, I-2234 001-30-5370 STREET MAINTE 32 TONS ASPHALT 000000 811,25 99-01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO, I-2257 001-30-5310 STREET MA TNTE 55 TONS ASPHALT 000000 1,380150 99-01310 JIif M tICNATT CHE'VROLET I-33525 001 30-5325 R 6 M MOTOR V 6 STATE INSPECTIONS 300000 12,50 99.-01310 J1hi RCNATT CHEVROLE'T 1-33525 001-30-5325 R a M MOTOR V 6 STATE INSPECTIONS 000000 12.50 01550 TXU GAS 1-33638 001-33-5515 ELECTRIC 6 GA TXU GAS 003030 65,I7 99-01570 L0�1E'S COiPAtdIES, ;I?C, 1-33379 001-30-5375 i1IIdOR EQUIPI°E BRONZE SidAPS 000000 23,G9 99-0I570 LOFE'S COMPANIES, r_NuI I-33379 301-30-5375 RINOR EQUIPRE FOAR TUBES,FOAM INSULATION 030000 i1,81 99-01570 LOFE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-33379 001-30-5375 MINOR EQUIPRE 9 SHOVELS 6 RAKES 000000 62,47 99-02250 S&S AUTOMOTIVE 1-33566 001-30-5325 R 6 M. MOTOR V SCAN EEC CLEARED OUT ALL CODES 000000 372,69 39-02350 SCHLI}'"ER ERG, L- COi•1it, 1-1634E 001-30.5310 R t M BU1LD:[I1 FRONT CASE 000000 20,00 99 02.350 SCHLUTER ERG, 6 COMM, I 16346 031 30 5313 R 6 M DUILDIN REPROGRAM 4 RADIOS 000300 60,00 99 03010 1�12BB AUTO PARTS I-12'15 001-30-5325 R x M MOTOR V OIL G AIR FILTERS 000000 6,00 99-03010 FEBB AUTO PARTS 1.11275 001-30-5325 R 6 R ROTOR V OIL 6 AIR FILTERS 000000 4,95 99 03010 `,iIEBB AUTO PART? 33416 001-30-5325 R 6 M MOTOR V OIL G FUEL FILTuP,,AhiTT FREEZE 000000 9,70 99-03010 FEBB AUTO PARTS is-33534 001-30-5325 R & M ROTOR V ANCO REILLS 000000 12,42 99-05420 BANGER AUTO PARTS I-58408 001-30-5325 R 6 M MOTOR i �SANGER AUTO PARTS 000000 19,36 DEPAE'rTiSENT 33 STREETS TOTALS 4,(64,36 �ir��2aal 6;33 �1t� URNDOR S�3T: 99 r �� Pi�1 GRRKRP�I� E'L'ND UrrhRTl�iRl'�; 32 PhRi{S RPGUI,t1R ORP�R"tPiKN� PA4'tdKNT RRGTSTKR PAGR; 9 UR�aDOR NAF3M3 I�'E�R � G/S� t�CC011N'T Nhi�K DRSCRTP'PIOPd CE{RCY� A1�OUi3'S 99-Pi364� PRO STI'PCfl I-33385 2�31-32-325� (�KARIiJG APPAR SHIR'PS 4�l y�r�ga,CAP� 02i06P�� 113,��t DL�PRR1t=�RP�T 32 PARKR Y TOT(1G; 1.1B,5Pi < ' 111912001 8;33 AN, REGULAR DIPAR TiENT PAYfENT REGISTER PAGE. 10 VENDOR SET. 99 } I I001 GENERAL FUND DE ARTCENT; 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE UEl00R NANL'' ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKI ANOUN% 99-00580 CINTAS COPR, 0492 1-4920 636 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP SHOP TONELS,FENDER COVERS 000000 11,27 994j1310 JI1t NCNATT CHEVROLET 1-33525 001-36-5325 R A N MOTOR V 6 STATE INSPECTIONS 000000 6,25 99-01550 TEN GAS 1-33638 001-3655'15 ELECTRIC 6 GA GAS USAGE 000000 284483 99-03010 4olEBB AUTO PARTS 1-33410 001-36-5325 R & ii NOTOR V OIL 6 FUEL FILTER,ANIT FREEZE 000000 4,82 99 03420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 1-38909 001-36-5325 R A ht NOTOR V NALE FEMALE PLUGS & SKIN 000000 9,21 94 07900 JOHN O'KEEFE 141673 001 30 5375 I11. EQULPRE TIRE CHANGER 000000 2,147,50 11EPARTNENT 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE TOTAL: 2,463,88 11/19/2001 8;33 A21 REGULAR DE'PARTt4ENT PAYMEN'r REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 i 008 ENTERPRISE FUND D) eARTHENT; 36 Vehicle Naint.enailce PAGE; 13 VENDOR NAME I'rEH G!L ACCOUNT NACfiE DESCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT 99-00580 CIN"TAS COPR, 0492 I-49261636 008-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP SHOP TO'HELS,FENDER COVERS 000000 11,28 994D1310 JTt1 HCNATT CHEVROLET I-33525 008-36-5325 R & H ROTOR V 6 STATE INSPECTIONS 000000 6125 99-01550 TXU GAS I-33638 008-36-5515 ELECTRIC 6 GA GAS USAGE 000000 284,82 99-03010 FlEBB AUTO PARTS I-33416 000-36-5325 R 6 H MOTOR V OIL & FUEL FILTER,ANIT FREEZE 000000 4,83 99-05120 SANGER AUI'O PARTS 138909 008-36-5325 R A M HOTOR V FILTER KIT, PLUGS 000000 9120 99-01900 JOHN O'KERFE I-41613 008-36-5315 N NOR EQ'JIPHE TIRE CHANGER 000000 21147,50 DEPARTHENT 36 Vehicle HainLenance 'r0'rAL, 2,463,SE) i/19/2001 M 3 AN VENDOR SET, 99 001 GENERAL FUND hri RMENT, 40 SULLIVAN CENTER REGUIJAR DEPARTILENT PAYh4ENT REGISTER PAGE; 11 VENDOR PlA14E TTEi1 1 GlL ACCOUNT P1Ai4E DESCRTPTTON CCiECK� Al10UNT 99-00200 ADARS EXTERIMIA'ING CO. T-97243 001-40-E310 R t� i1 BUI%DCN EXTERMIINATING 000000 30,00 99 00910 C�h 3APdITORAL G SUPPLY I 15994 00i 40 924A OThER OPERATI CZERNING ;UPPLIES 000000 32,�3 DEPARTt1EN'" 40 SULLI�tAi1 CEid'IER TOTAL; u2.A3 111912001 8,33 AIi REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYIENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 1 , 001 GENERAL FUND hva2TMENT; 42 Library PAGE; 12 VENDOR NAME I'TEt, 4 Wu ACCOUNT MANE DESCRIPTION CHECKS ANOUP,T 99-00200 ADANS EXTERMINATING CO, I-87243 001-42-5310 R & N BUILDIN EXTERMINATING 000000 30,00 49-00690 DALLAS MORNING NEWS I-33438 001-42-5225 MAGAZINES & S SUBSCIPTION 000000 156100 9940850 DENTON RECORD -CHRONICLE I-3343'1 001-42-5225 MAGAZINES & S SUBSCRIPTION 000000 114 M 9942170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-92080 001-42-5265 CLEANING SUPP CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 37439 99-04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC4 I-10830 001-42-6050 BOOKS 9 BOOKS 000000 144,43 DEPARTMENT 42 11br.ary TOTAL; 481.82 II19126101 8;33 AK VENDOR SET; 99 001 GENERAL FUND I1 rARTIIENI`; 44 Community Center REGULAR DEPARTfIENT PAYMENT REGIf1TCft PAGE; 13 VENDOR NA14E I'.IEi=t R GIL ACCOUNT 1dAf4E DESCRIPTION CRECI{� Aii0U11T 99-00200 AD1114S EXTERMINATING CO. I-87243 001-41-5310 RAN BUILDIN EXTERNiINATTNG 000,000 3030 99-0Q410 Cxii „ANITORAL A SUPPLY I-111_i3 031-44-5213 BUILDING SUPP CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 31,19 9MI M TAU GAS I-33638 001 44-5515 ELECTRIC fa GA GAS USAGE 000000 104,93 DEPAft.t1ENT 44 Comnunit; Cep -ter iOTRL; 166,12 I1191Zoo I 5:33 A14 VENDOR SETt 99 001 GENERAL FUND DEMR'TREN'T; 64 Ambulance Seuice REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYKENT REGISTER PAGE; 14 VEi1DOR NAMEITE14 G/L ACCOUNT 11Al4E DESCRIP'TiON CRECK A14OUN'T 99-06590 CITY OF DENTON i-0101 1301-64.5420 CONTRACTUAL S 1ST A MID QTRI,Y PAYRENTS 900000 261500 M DEPARTFiENT 64 Ambulance SeG�rice TOTAL; 26,5DS.aD VENDOR SET DS1 GENERAL FUtiD TOTALS 41,355,I0 ti,: 1I191200Z 8;33 A(IL VENDOR SET; 99 008 ENTERPRISE FUND D6et1BTMENT; 19 Data Processing REGULAR DEPARTIIEN, PAYPIENT REGISTER PAGE; 17 JENDOR NA}4t, ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKI AiIOUNT 99-00720 DATAMATIC,COM, LTD, 1�35657 008-19-5315 R M MACHINE I4ONTHLY )IAINTENANCE 00G000 I41,78 99-01220 iNCODE 99-02120 QU'IL1, 99-02120 Q(11..LL I-33643 006-1g-5�r20 i-2731472 008-14-52Z6 T M 1472 00B-19-5205 CONTRACTUAL S RESTORE GL Fi.LC3'S 060000 OFFICE BUFFET PAPER, PENS,BTNDBRS,CAIC RIBBON 000000 DATA PROCESSI CALCULATOR 000000 100,G?0 355,'i5 66,SB DEPARTiIEI1T Z9 Data Processing TOTAL; 714,%1 I119/20101 8 o 3 3 A1T VENDOR SET; 99 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DoARTMENT, 50 Water REGUI',AR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 19 VENDOR NAVE ITEM GlL ACCOUNT' NAME DESCRIPTIOtd C1.IECK AMOUNT 9910390 BILL UTTER FORD, INC, 1-33415 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V RADIAT'OR,LAMP ASY 000000 36,65 99-0P450 BUP.RUS I-33497 00B-50-5215 FOOD COFFEE 000000 13,49 94 004'10 C&H JAIvM RAL & SUPPLY I-1`1213 008-50-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 31,95 99-00500 CARROLL COURTS BUILDING C-01011BCU 008-50-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP CARROLL COURTS BUILDING 003000 510,00- 99-00500 CARROLG COURTS BUILDING 1-229630 008-50-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP 10 I M ES CL2 000000 510,00 i:i"n mnnmrlin MnnmTlln t1f1/Anan I I f1Q 9� kUJyJ t2.l1Y UN I.)GICIuN I-Jj3gy Mj'3v-j511 Miir3R lbol.C;U 6fil.lGttLUljUULUKL IfiDlINti UVVUUo iJ'),fJV 99-01010 FOSTER'S SADDLE SHOP I-33354 008-50-5255 WEARING APPAR 5PR JEANS 000000 165,75 99-010I0 FOSTER'S SADDLE SHOP E-33359 008-50-5255 WEARING APPAR 10PR JEANS 000000 219,50 99 01G10 POSTER'S SADDLE SHOP 133361 008-50-5255 WEARING APPAR IOPR JEANS 000000 199,50 99-11310 JI14 MCNATT CHEVROLET 1-33525 00B-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V 6 STATE INSPECTIONS 000000 12,50 99-01310 JIM MCNAT'T CHEVROLET 1.-33525 008-50-5325 R & M. MOTOR V 6 STATE INSPECTIONS 000000 12,50 99-01550 TXU GAS I-33638 008-50-5515 ELECTRIC & GA TXU GAS 000000 65617 °°,!01510 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-33358 008-50-5360 R & N OTHER 2 ROLLS TNSULATION,HEAT TAPE 000000 53,93 f1570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-33379 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V SLEDGE 000000 8,21 99-02260 S&S TELEMETRY i-1570 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER CHECKED SYSTEM,OPEN PHONE LINE 000000 180,00 99-02350 SCHLUTER ENG, & CON11, I-16357 00B-50-5255 WEARING APPAR REPAIRS ON RADIOS 000000 114,00 99-02910 UPPER TRINITY I-A270010 008-50-5377 WATER TESTING VOLUME CHARGE 000000 21237�76 99-02910 UPPER TRINITY I-A270010 00B-50-5420 CONTRACTUAL S DEMAND CHARGE 000000 B1642,00 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-12415 008-50-5325 R & M NOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS 000000 3195 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-1275 00B-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS 000000 2,00 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS T-334I6 00�8-50-5325 R & M. MOTOR V OIL G FUEL FILTER,AIIIT FREEZE 000000 9,70 99-0:522u HACE( CORPltNY 1-2575421. 008-50.-5223 CH'r1PIiCAL SUPP 12 DPD COMPOUND,CL2 IND.CATOR 000000 364,92 97-05420 SAIN, GEP Alli'0 E'AR.S 1-58,08 008-50-5325 R & cs IOTOc?. V SANGER AU'I'0 PARTS 000000 194.36 99-07260 CARROLL SUPPLY i-u10118CV 00E-50-5223 CHE1'liCAL SUPP 10 I50LES CL2 000000 5I9,00 99- 07750 HOME DEPO'P/GeCE'-v030388 008-50-5250 1I1iOR TOOLS 4 PROPANE 000000 11,52 DEPARTMEi1T 50 Water %OTAL; 13,049,36 1I19f200I 8f33 AN REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 008 ENTERPRISE FUND hi A RTMENT, 52 I!asto hater Collection PAGE; 20 VE[it DOR NAfln ITEiT G/L ACCOUNT NAEE DESCRIPTION CE{ECK AC3OUNT 99-00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CO I-33854 008-52-5223 CE0,11ICAL SUPP ODOR GRAIN 006000 810,00 94 uli !E80 AUTO PARTS r 334?.6 008 52 5325 9�a-0"1860 ACT PIPE SUPP?z`_� TI;C t-3311.3E 008-52-60'10 R & i1 ROTOR 9 OIL 6 FUEL FILT'ER,ANIT EREE2E 00000a SEI{ER i�AiPd G H" PIPE 000000 9,10 146,2.5 DEPARTkiENT 52 ldaste Hater Collection TOTAL, 1,025,95 1/19/2001 8;33 An REHEAR D!.UARTNE;NT PAYE{M REGISTH VENDOR SET; 99 008 ENTERPRISE FUND D�eiRTiiDi1T'; 54 [1Iaate later Treatiilent PAGE; 21 VEINDOR NAME t'TE71bqC/L ACCOUNT NAiI DESCR:[PTION CHECitI AMOUNT 99-00800 CoSer,ve Electric T-0101 008-54-5515 ELECTRIC & CA ELECT SERVICE 000000 481446 94,02260 SfiS TFLEEIETRY I-1569 008-54-5324 9942260 SH TELEMETRY 11569 008-54-15329 94-03060 WILLIMS ElASTEWATER LAB I-50115fi 008-54-54210 R V hi SEEtER P WORM GEAR, DRIVE PIOTOR,C,ASItET 000000 642,00r R hi SHER R 1HR LABOR 000000 420,00 LA80RATOftY SU MOE?TRGY ElASTE �rIATER `PEST 000000 525,00 DEPARTMENT 54 ldast:e liat2r. Treatment TO'PAL; 2,068,46 1/19/2001 8433 Ai VENDOR SET; 99 008 D;s ARTPIENT; 58 NTERrR.ISF PUNU Electric Department REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 22 VENDOR NAME LTEP4 0 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIrTION CHECK4 AiiOUN`" 99-00150 DEALER'S ELECTRIC SUPPL I"21.4073 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 60 UNISTRUTS 000000 66,53 9940750 DEALER'S ELECTRIC SUPPL I-214073 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS ADAPTER PLUGS 000000 18,24 99-00750 DEALER'S BLECTRIC SUPPL I-214073 IMPROVEMENT'S 25 4"COLLARS 000000 56,99 99-00750 DEALER'S ELECTRIC SUPPL I-2142092 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS ARPROBE ACD12 000000 119,00 99-01.250 ITi`IERSTATE BATTER%E5`_-280029`19 008-58-5325 ft & fYi 110TOR V BATTERIES 000000 62,95 �9 01.310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET 1-174233 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V 2 STATE INSPECTIONS 000000 25.00 riinnn A n n n An 7 i fan �/. u�) 6IW �,t�, t1 riIa rl i�ii5 l.U.+ Ii4l,. I"914I1� �U Uti'aii-7Lt717 0t91161P ny U.Lf mL 14n lJjluv'G jil fin61 99"01500 LA'!SON PRODUCTS i-0203130 008-5B-6L320 IMPROVEMENTS RESTOCK 000000 32B158 99-02300 SANGER COURIER 111540 008-58-5450 ECONOMIC DEVE DECEMBER SPORTS PAGE 000000 50.00 99�02300 SANGER COURIER I-11540 008"58 5450 ECONOMIC DEVE THANK YOU TO MCDONALDS 000000 30,00 99-02.300 SANGER COURIER I-11540 008-58�5450 ECONOMIC DEVE HAPPY HOLIDAYS 000000 50400 99-03010 ;,EBB AUTO PARTS I-33416 OGB-58-5325 R & M PIOTOR V OIL & Fl1EL FILTER,AP?iT FREEZE 000000 9,10 99-03020 CtzESCO I-'165215 008-58-6020 IMrR0VEP4EP;TS 50 PHOTO CELL COPd`TROLS 000000 190.00 c'"-.03020 NESCO I-765215 008-58-n020 IMPROVEMENTS 5 MY( HEAD ONLY 000000 139,00 �3 020 IE5C0 1167483 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 4 GANG METER SOCKET-200 A'P 000000 245,00 99-03020 'r2SC0 1-767493 008-58-6020 !MPROV'EMEP;TS 5 GANG METER SOCKET-200 A11P 000000 320100 99.=;3020 iIESC0 I-169332 00€) 58-6020 IMPROVEMEI?'TS 15 HPS LAM1PS 000000 164.25 99-0302.0 VESCO 1-771438 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 2 HOT MAX METER MAGNETS 000,000 46.00 99-0101.0'oil ESC0 I-'171453 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 15 HPS LAMPS 000000 164,25 99-03020 (,fESCO 1771462 008 58 5020 IMPROVEMENTS 50 ROLLS BLACK TAPE 000000 125450 99-04000 RED KAP INDU8IRTF.S/5636/000 008-58-5255 WIE1ARL,1G APPAR 8 FLAME, RETARDANT SHIRTS 000000 386,04 99-05350 TX EXCAVATION SAFETY SY I-5038 008"58 5420 CONTRACTUAL S NOVEMBER MESSAGE FEES 000000 22,96 99-05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS i.-39011 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V AUTO MICRO-V BELT 000000 34,9'1 99-05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 1-50,08 008-58-5325 R & M. MOTOR V SANGER AUTO PARTS 000000 19136 gu_064`t.0 AIF(CftAFT DYNAP4IC8 CORP, I-59006 008-58-5345 LEASE EQUIPME 24 ROBOLIGH'lS 000000 264:00 99-06930 TX ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE I--ID040 008 58 5365 TRANSFORMERS REPAIR TRANSFORMER 000000 204,34 99-07150 HOME DEPO`IIGECF i-4I30841 008-58-6020 111PROVEP4EP}TS 2 SQUARE FOXES 000000 2.22 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-4130841 00B-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS SOUARE BREAKER 000000 12,15 99-01750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-4130841 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS BREAKERS 000000 16,41 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-4130841 00B-50-6020 IMPROVEMENTS STEEL & HANDY BOXES 000000 11,66 DEPARTMENT 58 Electric Department TOTAL; 31209,10 VENDOR SET 008 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL; 2416.36.31 REPORT GRAND TOTAL; 65,991,47 111912001 8133 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 23 G(L ACCOUNT TOTALS #4 Wes._.__=W✓::LINE ITEM==-=-�_�� ANNUAL BUDGET OVER YEAR ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDC 2000-2001 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 43,36 900 768,48 001.-10-5225 MAPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 553600 450 103,00 Y 001-10-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 825,00 41950 4,115,00 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76,57 750 443,04 001-15-5230 ADVERTISING 153475 31000 11388,91 001-15-5235 DUES AND REGISTRATION 12,50 11000 452,78 ne nr WoI-I)-)ZU JRNJIUMinij S PPLIES 2v3,43 I,v0v Jost, I J 001-15-5310 R & M BUILDING 97,36 11125 11012,64 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 43.00 41660 21778,25 001-15-5515 ELECTRIC AND GAS UTILITIES 91,64 2,000 11187165 001-20-5240 TRAVEL EXPENSE 25,00 61000 51561,70 001-20-5245 OPERATING SUPPLIES 64,33 1,000 851,64 001-20-5265 DRUG PREVENTION 29199 9,800 9,116<30 001-20-5310 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE BLDG, 257,92 700 362,08 001-20 5311 R & " EQUIPMENT 45,96 21500 21446,50 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 517,38 12,000 91449,96 00I-20-5345 LEASE PQUIPMENT 11390,01 31,700 25,242472 001-22-5248 DOG POUND EXPENSE 116,49 3,500 2,466,04 001-24-5145 PENSIOIN FUND 1,96434 6,/440 21142,96 001-24-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 50,59 2,750 21572,03 001-24-5215 FOOD 145,86 600 319,45 001-24 5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 47,55 4,000 3/798103 001-24-53'15 MINOR EQUIPMENT 32,00 13,800 121174,42 001 26 5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 30499 21000 11834,57 901-28-5325 R & M VEHICLE 9,70 11200 976,89 001128-5515 ELECTRIC/GAS UTILITIES 65,1'1 200 99,66 00i-30-5255 EIEARING APPAREL 861410 4,000 31138,90 001-30-5310 R & M. BUILDING 80,00 2,000 11845,62 001-30-5325 R & Ni MOTOR VEHICLE 827,37 1,000 111.95,75 001-30-5370 STREET MAINTENANCE 21541,75 50,000 44,369,56 001-30-5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT 97,92 1,500 1,402,0E 001-30-5515 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES 255,92; 40,000 3i,312,51 001-32-5255 NEARING APPAREL 118,50 1,000 881450 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPPLIES 11,27 500 370216 001-36-5325 R & M i10TOR VEHICLE 20,28 700 5B7,44 001-36 5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2,147,50 41525 2,205,2'i 001-36-5515 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES 2B4,83 1,400 693423 001-40-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 32,53 500 441,3E 001-40-5310 R & M BUILDING 30,00 11000 802,00 001--42-5225 MIAGA7INES & SUBSCRTPTTONS 270,00 990 302,42 001-42-5265 CLEANING SUPPLIES 37,39 400 314118 001-42-5310 R & M BU7LD1NG 30,00 11600 11540,00 001-42-6050 BOOKS 144,43 6,00E 41351,52 001-44-52.13 BUILDING SUPPLTEa' 31,'14 1,50E 1,440,89 001.-44-5310 R & M BUILDING 30,0E 1,500 11432,04 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET OVEE AVAILABLE BUDC II1412@BI Bs33 AiI REGi)i,AR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGIST�E;R PAGE; 21 YEAR ACCOUNT �x G(L ACCOUNT TOTALS x� -_--___:�=TINE ANNUAL NA��E A��oUNI� BUDGET BUDGET OVER AVAILABLE BURG DUI-4�-55I5 ELEC'PR�iC &GAS ti'iJGIT�IP`S 1G�,43 i,YiBO 568,56 a61-o�..5926 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 26,56P,6U 52,BU'�r 1-5,10�,06 n�i8-1O-52ICi OCPICE SUPPLIES 43,3� 966 15a,I2 0�i6-I9-5225 PAPS & SUBSCRIP'.CI!)NS 553,9Q 456 I63,6a- '? O86-IB-547p� CONTRACTUAL SE�PVICES 925,PCi �,95U 4,175,PiE Q�B-15-5216 0[~E'ICE SUPPLIES 76,56 15Q 443,U2 6CiB 15-51.30 ADVER'IISIfIG 153,15 3,6UCi I,388,�39 aQ&-15-5235 DUBS & REGiSTE�.ATIONS 12,56 I,6Q6 5a2,11 nn nan en i aaa cnn na �306-15-52ua CAiv'ii'vRini, Sue"eLie,� t,�a,�� �,vv�r .rso,�i nS6-I5-5310 R & t' BIJIGDINC 91,36 1,I25 1,a12,64 P�PO-15-5510 TELi�'PHONE SERVICES 43,@C r:,66P 2,'11L�,26 066-15-55I5 ELECTRIC � GAS UTILITIES 91,65 ?.,06a 1,161,63 BQB-14�-5265 DATA PROCESSING SUPFLZES G6<68 4,ICiP� 3,266,91 QDH-19-521� ON`EICE SUPPLIES 355,15 2,50�3 2,BI1,29 OQB-19-5315 R & M i�ACHINES 191,16 11,21D 9,692,66 OCS-19-542U CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 169,d6� 1n6 666,06 DPi8-36-5265 CLEANING SUPPLIES I1,28 5DO 37a,15 U68-36-5325 R 6 td i�iOTOR VEHICLE 26,20 16&i 549,93 6GS-3G-5315 1ITNOR "QUIPMEC�dT 2,141,5a H,525 2,2a5,28 bu6-36-55I5 ELECTRIC ii GAS UTILITIE5 264,92 1_,4flQ 693,24 QQB-5G�5215 i�00D I3,49 35O 23�I,31 6�6-56-5223 CHEf�1ICAL SUPPfiES B"r4,92 5,646 3,531,22 666-5U-5245 dANITORIP,L SUPPLIES 31,95 35Pi 29I,93 066-56-5256 MINOR TOOLS I1,52 �,QBd 3,563,66 6Q�6�_56-5255 f�'EAftTNG APPAREL 698,15 3,669 2,122.15 6@8-5@-5325 R & iI tIOTOR VEHICLE Iu4,61 3,50E 1,9�r5,24 CiD8-59-5360 P 6 M OTHER 233,93 50,DU0' 2I,861,11 BBB-511-5311 riATER TE5TiNG 2,312,16 6,9C6i 3,361,24 aPi8-5O-5�22� COki'PRACTOAL SERVICES 6,642,U6 137,666 109,563,68 BSB-5d-55I5 ELECTRIC G GAS UTILITIES 65,11 25,9a0 i6,912,1A aS�8-5?-5223 CHE7�iICAL SUPPLIES B'16,QD 4,O6Yi �,64h6,34 609-52-5325 R & t�i MOTOR VEHICi,E 9,7Q 2,aaQ 1,ES4,66 GmS-52-G0'76 SEYI6R MAIN 6 1iANHO�GES 1��b,?.5 3,0Pi9 2,853.15 666-54-521U LABORATORY SUPPLIES 525,ti6 B,DU6 5,6�9,61 6G8-5z-532n R A i�i S2GiER PLANT I,O62,C+6 3,BaYi 1,936,6E BU6-54-5515 ELECTRIC 6 GAS UTILITIES 4i3i,46 36,606 21,135,I1 BP�B-58-525G C^�INOId TOOLS 119,Qm 5,58U �,562,94 U06-59-5255 41EARING APPAREL 366,U4 6,615 �k,239,51 D66�-58-5?.6Ci SAEE'1Y EQU�IPi'E11T 2�,6Ci �,250� 2,539,21i 6Q8-56-5325 R A 1I 1IOTOR UBHICGE I51,96 Ia,2�BU 9,383,66 OGB-56-5345 t,EASE EQUIPI<<ENT 26�,66 1C3,9G6 !6,212<06 U08-5B-5365 TRANSE'ORMERS 2SS,34 33,QQd 32,195,66 PrPiS�-56-542U CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 27.,96 24,606 7,3,566<4H u968-56-54�56 ECONOMIC DEVELOPkI3NT 136,60 1,6Q0 5,351,5U @66-58�GG2U IMPROUPMENTS I,961,38 14D,6Q6 1I6,198,52 _--===-GROUP ANPIUAL BUDGET BUDGET=====- BUDGET OSIER AVAILABLE BUDG FY 266G-2001 YEAR TOTALS �� 65,991,91 F, �'' '' °' ; DTPARTiiEPdT TOTALS n Ht; j J i';ARE AMUU111), 111912001 8,33 Ail REGULAR DEPARTMENT PA'IMENT REGISi'ER 'x DEPARTMENT TOTALS ACCT NA14E AMOUPIT 001.-10 !�,AYOR �, CITY COUNCIL 1,421,36 001-15 ADMINISTRATION 683,25 001-20 POLICE 2,330o59 001-22 ANiMAL CONTROL 116,49 001.24 FIRE DEPARTMENT 21240404 001-26 MUP?iCIPAL COURT 30,99 001-28 ENFORCEMENTIINSPECTION 74.87 001-30 STREETS 41664,06 001-32 PARRS 118450 001-36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 21463,86 ou x Trr s, 17 nmimnn 1" 1 C I U'U1'y'kl �7UL1t1'!tt!V katYl;1G1C WGaJ7 001 42 Library 481,82 QQI 44 Community Center 166,72 001-64 Ambulance Service 261500m 001 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 41,355,10 u08-10 !4ayar. and City Council 1,421.34 008-15 Administration 683,27 008-19 Data Processing 714.41 008-36 Vehicle Maintenance 2,46338 068-50 Water 13,049,36 008-52 Naste Water Collection 11025,95 008-54 Waste Water Treatment 21068,46 008-58 Electric Department 31209,70 008 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUND 241636,37 x TOTAL 65,991,47 P10 ERRORS �:' END OF REPORT �� PAGE, 25 January 18, 2001 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item # 4 -Annexation This is the Second Public Hearing for Annexation of the Walmart property. January 18, 2001 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #5 & #6 The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval on this request. r,�A�� ,, .,. �, R&R Ranching and Real Estate P.O. Box 992 Sanger, Texas 76266 94045&7398 12-18-00 To: City Manager, Planning &Zoning Board, and City Council, Re: Zoning change on lot located N.E. corner of Plum and Seventh Street Business I (BI) to Two Family (2F) This lot is currently zoned Business I, the block is used for the Schertz Farming head quarters and for single family homes. The lot across Seventh St. is used for a single family home. The lot across Plum street currently has a duplex. We would like to build a two unit town house. This could serve as a buffer between single family residential and business property, We would appreciate your cooperation in this change. Thank You, Frank & Sue Rodgers Kenny & Shelley Ruland C rt (D rot Seventh Street r 85 feet w O rt rt z L, m r+ �n L cn O o rD (D 3 ml � o 33.50 feet N —h Mol 3r V) -I O N art o Q rt to N o C = s r+ _� Q n 77 C� Ln (A :v O x p co QO i t�(o� 00(to N IV W PU LnA3 N W N r�'r MOP ( Ln X n O N � n Mol N 11/15/2000 13@09 817-834-3941 PAGE 02 ao o COLLINS,HARRIS & KEY wit �t _It. 0 il/15/2000 13:09 817-834-3941 COLLINS,HARRIS &KEY i h PAGE 03 0 �D I A- � o= � —L�� 17�` - - '�-� �.;,��i s� ��J 11/15/2000 13*09 817-834-3941 COLLINS,HARRIS & KEY PAGE 04 11/15/2000 13009 817-834-3941 COLLINS,HARRIS & KEY 11/15/2000 13:09 817-834-3941 COLLINS,HARRIS $ KEY PAGE 01 •+ OL LINT\ N u b .\ ��tncnrNs rr'�ortb,t°�s` COLLINS, HARRIS & KEY DESIGNERS 623 N6.Chandler FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76111 817434.2097 81M34-3941 Date: r_ i hiS transmission consists of :::D pages, including cover sheet ATTENTION: FAX NO. FROM: FAX NO. 8�17-8�4-394� MESSAGE: 1�&rt C1N1� f�--owol� l-iy,, of ill" Lev, 4o97 71 2TL" 1 24-I �� ►► ►moo �t--E- 1 ( " ' � P&Z 01/11/01 CC 011k /01 ZONING REQUEST To consider a Zoning Change from Bl (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. corner of Plum and Seventh Streets If vnu [jisannrnvP th;c Rarn,nn+ W -- rr-- - ...-� �.�.�u. ��, pi,.aakv UQ, III auciivattce at the scheduled meetings. Please chec one: Comments: .TUBE jerr�� T approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request �c/iEr�Z Please Print Your Name DATE January 18, 2001 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #7 A member of the Beautification Board will be present at the meeting to address this item. l f . 4 5 January 18, 2001 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manger Re: Item #8 Attached is a copy of the proposed contract if the Council decides to approve this item. This is from the Hotel/Motel occupancy tax and should be spent for tourism, and currently we are holding it. THIS CONTRACT, this day made and entered into between the City of Sanger, Texas„ a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called "City" and the Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce, a Texas nonprofit corporation, hereinafter called "Chamber" upon the following terms and conditions; WITNESSETH SECTION 1 -The City does hereby agree to pay quarterly to the Chamber 90% of all Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds for the public purposes of: (a) establishing and maintaining a `°Tourist Information Center" (b) providing general promotional and tourist advertising of the City and its vicinity; and (c) conducting a solicitation and operating program to attract conventions and visitors to the City. Said monies shall be paid by the City to the Chamber by November 10, February 10, May 10 and August 10 of each year. SECTION Z - In approving and authorizing the execution of this contract, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, does hereby find and deterine that the provisi mon by the Chamber of the services contemplated herein for the accomplishment of the public purposes hereinabove set forth, and the ministerial and administrative work related to the provision of such services and to the expenditure of the funds provided by the City for said purposes, are in the public interest and beneficial to the City and its inhabitants, and further more, that said funds can be better expended and said public purposes more effectively accomplished through the Chamber, acting through its Board of Directors with facilities, officers and employees skilled and experienced in said work and services, by means of this Contract. SECTION 3 - In connection with the funds to be paid by the City to the Chamber under the terms of this Contract, the following terms and conditions shall apply: (a} Said funds shall be deposited in a special fund by the Chamber and shall be expended only for the purpose hereinabove set forth and shall be disbursed under the direction of the Tourism's Board of Directors and an accurate account shall be kept thereon. (b) On or before July 1 of each fiscal year during the term of this Contract, the Chamber shall submit to the City the following: (1) a report, showing in reasonable detail, how the funds received by the Chamber during the current fiscal year are projected to be expended; and (2) a proposed budget for the use of the funds to be paid by the City to the Chamber for the next fiscal year. (c) The Chamber shall, upon request by the City, make available to the City's auditor(s) all of its books and records relative to the monies to be paid by the City to the Chamber under this Contract. SECTION 4 - In the manner provided below a committee of five (5) members shall be selected to carry out the terms of this contract for and on behalf, and as the representative of the Chamber, and the City will look to and deal only with said committee in its relations with the Chamber under this contract. It is agreed that in this regard the actions of said committee shall be binding on the Chamber. (a) The Tourism Board will be composed of five (5) members made up of two (2) Chamber directors or Chamber members, two (2) City Council or City employee members and one (1) at -large member chosen by the City Council from a list of at -large names submitted by the Chamber. (b) The Tourism Board will serve one (1) year terms and the Board will be ratified each year at budget time by the City Council. (e) The Tourism Board will conduct every meeting in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Government Code, the Texas Open Meeting Law. SECTION 5 -The term of the Contract shall be from the date of its execution until terminated, as hereinafter provided. In this regard, it is specifically understood and agreed that either party may terminate this contract at any time with thirty (30) days written notice. SECTION 6 -The relationship of the Chamber under the terms of this Contract shall be that of an independent contractor of the City. Relative thereto, the City shall not be liable for any claims or demands for damages, monetary or otherwise, that may grow out of or arise from the Chambers actions in carrying out its duties under the terms of this Contract, and the Chamber does hereby agree and shall hold the City harmless from and 'indemnify it against all such claims and demands. SECTION 7 -The foregoing sets forth the entire Contract between the parties, which maybe modified only by written amendment executed by each of the parties hereto. Signed: day of Mayor City of Sanger President Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce 2001. IV. Economic Development Through Tourism A city with a population over 200,000 is also required to spend at least 50 percent of the hotel occupancy tax collected by the city on advertising and conducting solicitations and promotional programs to attract tourists to the city or its vicinity. However, it should be noted that if a city takes in over 2 million dollars annually in hotel taxes, it is not subject to this 50 percent requirement.saa Cities with Populations Between 125,000 and 200,000 The rules for allocation of the hotel occupancy tax revenues for cities with populations between 125,000 and 200,000 depend on the hotel occupancy tax rate adopted by the city.sas If the city adopted a hotel occupancy tax rate of not more than three percent, at least one-half of one percent of the rate must be spent on advertising and promotion of the city and its vicinity. If the city adopted a hotel occupancy tax rate that exceeds three percent, at least one percent of the rate iliust be spent on advertising and promotion of the city and its vicinity. Cities with populations between 125,000 and 200,000 are also limited to a set percentage of the hotel occupancy tax that may be spent for certain categories of expenditures. For example, with regard to arts programs, such cities may not spend more than 15 percent of their hotel occupancy tax revenues or no more than the amount of tax generated by the city at the tax rate of one percent of the cost of a room, whichever is greater. Also, such cities may spend no more than 15 percent of their hotel occupancy tax on historical restoration and preservation programs. Cities With Populations of Less than 125,000 The rules for allocation of the hotel occupancy tax revenues for cities with populations of less than 125,000 similarly depend on the hotel occupancy tax rate adopted by the city.s�b If the city adopted a hotel occupancy tax rate of not more than three percent, at least one-half of one percent of the rate must be spent on advertising and promotion of the city and its vicinity. If the city adopted a hotel occupancy tax rate that exceeds three percent, at least one percent of the rate must be spent on advertising and promotion of the city and its vicinity. Cities with a population under 125,000 are also limited to a set percentage of the hotel occupancy tax that may be spent for arts programs (maximum of 15 percent of the total revenue produced by the tax or the amount of tax generated by the city that is equal to one percent of the cost of a room, whichever is greater). Additionally, a city of under 125,000 may, in certain cases, need to allocate at least some of its hotel tax money for acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining, or operating a convention center or a visitor information center. If a city fails to allocate money for this purpose, the Tax Code prohibits that city from allocating more than 50 percent of its hotel occupancy tax for historical restoration or preservation projects.s�' If the city does spend some of its hotel occupancy tax on a convention center, there is no statutory limitation on expenditures for historic preservation and restoration. 2000 Economic Development Handbook •Office of the Attorney General 133 IV. Economic Development Through Tourism Delegating the Management of Funded Activities The governing body of a city may, by written contract, delegate the management or supervision of programs and activities funded with revenue from the hotel occupancy tax.548 This delegation may be made to a person, another governmental entity, or to a private organization."' The delegation of this authority is often made to the local chamber of commerce or to the convention and visitor bureau. A sample contract for this delegation and a sample hotel occupancy tax ordinance are available upon request from the Texas Municipal League (TML). Requests for this packet should be made to the TML legal department at (512) 719-6300. There are a number of procedural requirements which the legislature has imposed on entities that undertake management of these funds. For example, the city is required to approve in writing the portion of an entity's annual budget that involves expenditure of hotel ^occupancy tax, funds. This Pair approval must be sought in advance of the expenditures. Fumed cII««�� IIIUOL u.sJ�cs� -=--�- city council on their expenditures of the tax revenues. The reports must list quarterly reports to the c all expenditures made by the entity from the hotel occupancy taxes provided by the city. The entity is also required to keep complete and accurate financial records of each expenditure of hotel occupancy tax revenue. These records must be made available for inspection and review upon the request of the governing body or upon a request from any other person. kfidciary duty The entity which is delegated authority to manage these funded programs undertaes a u with respect to this revenue. Such entities are also required to maintain the city hotel occupancy tax revenue in a separate bank account established for that purpose. This account may not be commingled with any other account. It does not appear that these requirements apply to individual organizations such as an arts group that receives fundinges not distribute for its own programs but do the funding to other entities. 2000 Economic Development Handbook • Office of the Attorney General 134 January 18, 2001 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manger Re: Item #9 Attached is the letter and other information sent from the school regarding this request. Jack Biggerstaff, Superintendent Rick Clements, Assistant Superintendent Elaine Rulla, Curriculum Director BANGER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT January 1$9 2001 Mr. Jack Smith Sanger City Manager 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Smith, This letter is to inform you of the Sanger Independent School District's intent to lay a water line to the new Sanger High School, which is currently under construction. Plans call for a twelve -inch water line to be laid from the City's overhead storage tank on McReynolds Road north to the site of the new school (see Attachment 1). The line will run approximately 4,300 linear feet. The line from the water tower to school property (approximately 2,500 linear feet) will be laid just east of a road/utility easement obtained from Mr. Ed Lane. The plan also calls for the construction of an eight -inch water tap on the west side of the proposed road to meet our contractual obligations to Mr. Don Sable, who owns the property west of the new school site. The District has contracted with Walker Utilities Inc., to lay this line. I am requesting the City's written approval of this plan and approval to tap on to the line at the water tower on McReynolds Road prior to starting construction, which is scheduled to begin February 1, 2001. Per your request, I have included cost estimates for over -sizing the water line to eighteen inches to accommodate future growth (see Attachment 2). This estimate also includes approximately 500 linear feet of line running north from the northernmost tap at the school site to FM 455. The City would bear all costs for any over -sizing and all the cost of the line running north from the school to FM 455. Please notify me as soon as possible with any concerns you may have project. If I can be of further assistance or can answer any questions please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, U 'Jack Biggerst Superintendent of Schools cc: Arthur Kramer Tommy Kincaid regarding this you may have, 601 Ehn Street PO Box 2399 "A TEA Recognized School District" Phone: 940-4584438 Fax: 940458-5140 Z' Sonqu Indoponenl School District Volume 1841, Page 722 Called 23 440 Acret S Margord FVIIV Ion Sole Cltrrs Fits /93-R00277s2 Attachment (1) F3 THENCE North 89 Degrw 14 Mnu1N 58 Seconds West, along the south ling of the cored 35.000 acre Iroct a 6tla5t* Of 133,81 feel to o V2' topped'ron rod eel; THENCE N"Nroedery along a curve to the N11, having o control angle 16756750, o rodeo of 450.00 feel, an Nc Nrlgth Of 133.03 INI and what* Chord boors North 54 Degrees 44 Mnulec 25 Seconds Wart a distance 01 152.34 fell, fo a V2' topped ion rod get; TfEFICE NorlitrtelNty along a curve to the right, having a Cgnlrul artyg of to Oggraoo 36 Mnunos 02 Secondo, wool• Of 1550400 Fall, on WC length of 449.08 fool and •note chars boors North 54 Degrees 54 ALtulso 32 Sgconda Weil a astfonc* of 447,52 feel, 10 a V2' Cooped it" rod let, lade being it the wool en* OF the cdtgd 35,000 ace Iroct; iRENCE North d OegN* 42 M<tudg 27 Seconds Eaat, along IM reel In* of IM cd*d 35.000 Ocn Irod a f�slancI of 67,86 loll to a 1/24iron rod Found, said point being IM moot toulMry camr of IM cured 23,441 on* host; THENCE North 44 Oerns 53 M.rg11t OS Saondg weer, Yong IM southwN Hrly M of tM cotgd 23440 U«I o diolanc* of 139179 led to Inv POINT OF BEGG*#" and Como"m opproac1e17 3.15 ocrN of hand. _1 J.E. THOMPSON R.�4857 Gate CURVE over /� \ R■ Ibb0.0q L■ 449,08 CH■ N 54•3 '3�2*W IR 44T S22 Sanggr Ind*penenl School Oio lricl Volume *ago 662 Called 35.000 Acres CURVED jA ACCESS EASEMENT CH■N 22• 312p'W 4,66 ACRES 364635 DOn eg that Certain sale frost N Parted of bur situated in the R. Draft SurioT. Aaaffect Hunter 29. Donlan Counly, Teen, we be" pail of trial cotton filial of Iota N 01" 22•E dittr-0ed N Trial roar n deed to EAU Larva nc. ncardid a Volume 2055. Pegs 565 Red Nop*ry Restarts of Dmttn Cournly, Tam, aM b" mare particularly «roves 25400,IRS/� n reg I 6EC»wA et * V2' sapped wen red eel, Irtm .Nona 2'von pppo faro n IM north I fry gt * used MwN oppaonl pubis "e pelpl n NCRgnolds Rpad d IM RwIMa11 N 01•b6'39'W—'�' <«nor .f 1:4 Tr«I Fort ear>< s e6Tso'or E, * s,lenoe *f b9.44 L.1; 200.36' THENCE North a8 Oeroat 30 Mtules Of ' Soctnei West with 1M north eyes of said McReynolds Road a dislat<t of 76.00 feel It a V2' <opotd sari red tor; IRS/CA TiCMX North Ot Degrees 29 Mnulas 22 Sicands East owing a molar lento tNmr at 2 *.92 feel, with a force far 9T.60 feet, and eantatuatq on sad tourte a fetal dia lance of 922.00 feel to 0V2' copped red red tot! THENCE North 01 Oagresl 56 MnWee 39 Besmear West t distance of tG0.36 tool to 0 VL4 a""# ran red Soh THENCE North Of Otrtos 29 Mnulee 22 Seconds East o diolmco d 25.00 feel to o V2' come won red eel; THEME Nortnweetory a" a Curve to the left, h"ng a canard of 47 Degrees 43 Wristlet 40 Soconn, a rod" of 450.00 test, an are Mrgtb of 75.1 fool, artd •Mee ciwd ears North 22 Degrees 23 Mnutot 28 Soeanda West a diafence of ]64,35 fool to o V2' c%9d r" red Role and pool travel n IM aMth inn of Ihal <Nlaws fr«I it Imd oil" 4 n died to Soi etdipomonl so" Districts called to n 35.000 otter, removal it Vo1mo state Pogo 662 d the Roar ►ropNry Records at Den IN Caunly, Tot": THENCE Seulh 89 Dorets 14 lrulrr SD Stcart i Cost along IM south Fur of laid 35.000 Bare Ir«I a dislonce of 133.81 feel to a V2' topped red woo set; THENCE Southeasterly atartg * Curve to IM rignl, having 0 contra vq f 37 Otgreea E.M 3o Mndee 50 3ttorHl, t reAuR of 550.00 NH, an we Itnglh d 360.05 feel. eM Volume 1 .hoes ttyrd boas Stele IT Degrees tS Wrybs 33 Soeatda E"1 a distance of 353.66 I T lad to a V0' capped wan red ors: THENCE SNIh 01 Oor"e 29 farrrlN 22 Secande Wart, a dtlanoe of 23.00 lots to e V2' assets wan red an; THENCE South 04 Oapoee SS Mnulai 26 Snends well. • dislenoe of 200.36 led to t V2'regatta 'won red eel; O TlEPO Sautes 01 Oeroa and ortlo 22Se<eMa wan, a disfenta of ywa Inn It O tM PONT OF BEO+d+et0 aid ranloitir,g agps:rnotry 4.66 scree or bM I N tot J.E THOMPSON R.P. 4857 Date I Oil �1 I �qb y G F9F �9 I o; » sew :......11041 .Nis.aN J.E. THOMPSON eNNeNtNeae.eNteset rsea %�� 4857 �P:� Wolof .g OF29'22'W �3 04•bb'2¢'W 200e36 RS/CAP I Jan-18-01 12:48A Walker Utilities Inc 817 498 6784 P.02 WALKER U 1I1.111 S, INUA 720 W. ilarwood, Suite 400 P.Q. Box 54122 Hurst, TX. 7605:54 Ph: 81746&2518 Fx: 8174W5784 Date; 1-17-01. 1'ro_ject; Sanger 11i�h School 43U0 if 1 ea I ea 1 ca 1 ea 2 ea 1 Is 4 ea 4 ea 1 ea. I is 1 Is 11s 18" pvc ] 8" clip 16" x 16" tapping sleeve 15" tapping valve 18" x 16" reducer 1 R" 45 degree bends blocking 1 R" x 8" tee's $" valves 8" x 4" tee survey charge haut off band C: ity $ 1 6400 $ 130.00 $ 600 000 $ 700900 550600 $ 800.00 $ 30().00 $ 750000 $ 325.U0 $ 6WOO $ 3500000 750,00 $ 500600 Tots�l $ 68,880 M $ 130*00 $ 600000 700.0o $ 550000 $ 300,00 3 7000 000 $ 130300.00 t500 e 00 $ 3500400 750000 $ 600.00 MEMO January 18, 2001 To: City Council From: Street Supervisor Subject: Community Center .1'.�em'�"1° I need to express a concern in regards to the use of our community center. In the past we have allowed some non-profit organizations to use the center at no cost; however I feel that these organizations need to pay for the use of that facility. I have checked with the City of Pilot Point and they charge everyone. Their non-profit organizations are charged half the rate. The City of Denton charges everyone. I would like for the council to consider charging these organizations half the rate for the use of the building, and to require that a deposit must also be place to guarantee the building will be cleaned. .) � �� � 1 J l_� t J January IOs 2001 To: Tommy Kincaid Craig Waggoner Glenn Ervin Andy Garza aivc I nyyo Carroll McNeill Rose Chavez From: Jack Smith Subject: Sanger ISD Attached you will find a copy of a letter from Jack Biggerstaff to me. Jack, myself and Mr. Art Kramer met in Jack's office and discussed the items referenced in the letter. Following up on the situation, the School Board met Tuesday and decided to wait on any decision until their attorney has had time to review any possible litigation. Jack Biggerstaff, Superintendent Rick Clements, Assistant Superintendent Elaine Rulla, Curriculum Director BANGER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT January 59 2001 Jack Smith Sanger City der 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Smith, A meeting with individuals representing the City of Sanger, the Sanger Independent School District, and property owner Mr. Don Sable was held Thursday afternoon, January 4, 2001 in the Sanger ISD administration building. At this meeting, Sanger City Manager, Jack Smith, represented the city, Superintendent, Jack Biggerstaff, represented the Sanger ISD, and Mr. Sable was represented by realtor, Arthur Kramer. The purpose A the meeting was to ascertain if the three representatives could reach agreement on issues pertaining to the construction of the new Sanger High School on FM 455 east of Sanger. Three major issues were discussed: road and sewer easements that are on property owned by Mr. Sable, paragraph 10, pertaining to utility infrastructure and tie -on fees, of the addendum to the sale contract of 23.44 acres of Mr. Sable's property sold to the Sanger ISD in 1986, and the City's current tie-in fees of $1,500 for water and $1,500 for sewer. A fourth issue surfaced during discussions — the City's practice of prorating costs borne by a developer who must pay for city utilities to be run to the new development if they do not already exist. A developer who has paid the total cost to have city water and sewer laid to the new development has the right to recover up to fifty percent of his cost from other developers who want to tie-in to the utility lines. The developer has the right of recovery for ten years from the time that the utility lines have been laid and go into use. Agreement was reached on the above issues and the representatives will recommend that Mr. Sable, the Board of Trustees of the Sanger Independent School District, and the Sanger City Council approve the provisions of this agreement. The following provisions were agreed to. 1. Mr. Sable shall grant an easement of approximately 1.5 acres for the necessary right -of --way for the construction of a road providing ingress and egress to and from the new Sanger High School off FM 455. Mr. Sable shall also grant a utility easement (location of which to be approved by the owners prior to the laying of the line) for a sewer line running to the new school. 601 Elm Street PO Box 2399 Sanger, TX 76266 Phone: 940-458-7438 Fax: 940-458-5140 "A TEA Recognized School District" 2. The Sanger ISD shall construct or cause to be constructed a water and sewer line as described in paragraph 10 of the addendum to the sale contract for 23.44 acres of Mr. Sable's property sold to the Sanger ISD in 1986. Mr. Sable shall not be accessed any charge to tie-in to the water or sewer line laid to the new high school. To comply with other provisions found in paragraph 10, the Sanger ISD will not seek to recover from Mr. Sable, his assigns or successors, any portion of costs incurred by the District to construct water and sewer lines to the new high school. In other words, when Mr. Sable's property is developed, the Sanger ISD will not invoke the city's ordinance that allows it to recover up to fifty percent of its costs to construct water and sewer utilities from developers wanting to tie-in to its lines. The cost to run water and sewer to the new school is estimated to be $300,000. Thus, the savings to Mr. Sable is estimated to be $150,000. 3. The City of Sanger's tie-in fees for the development of residential lots, multi -family zoning, and retail zoning on the approximately one hundred thirty-five acres owned by Mr. Sable shall be $1100 for sewer and $1150 for water. If any inaccuracies are found please contact me at your earliest convenience. Please let me know the outcome of your presentation of this agreement to the Sanger City Council. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sin��cerepply, OO�, 9J;grI�� Superintendent of Schools CITY OF SANGER CANDIDATE CALENDAR FOR MAY 59 2001 ELECTION DATE ACTION Feb. 5 ISSUE ELECTION ORDER and POST NOTICE of ELECTION on bulletin board. Feb. 19 First day that candidates may file application for a place on the ballot and first day for write in candidates to file application. T�/Tarrh ti First �a�r fnr ar�r►lvincr to rPePivP a hallnt fnr Parly vntinu by mail March 12 Recommended period for APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES. March 19 City Secretary posts notice of drawing for order of names on ballot. March 21 Last day for candidate to file application for a place on the ballot. DEADLINE -- 5:00 P.M. CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE March 23 City Secretary conducts drawing for order of names on the ballot in City Council Staff Room. TIME--10*00 A,M. March 26 Last day for write-in candidate to declare candidacy. DEADLINE -- 5:00 P.M. CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE March 30 Last day for candidate to withdraw candidacy. March 31 Recommended Date to print Ballots (even though a Saturday) April 5 First day of period to publish notice of City election and last day to request list of Registered Voters. April 5 Due date for ding statement of campaign contributions and expenditures of opposed candidates, certain specific purpose of committees, and all general purpose committees, and all general purpose committee's not filing monthly. DEADLINE -- 5:00 P.M. CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE April 5 Last day voter may register to vote in May 5 election. April 17 Last day for City Secretary to receive applications in person for a ballot to be voted by mail. DEADLINE -- 5900 P.M. CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE 2000 CANDIDATE CALENDAR -- PAGE 2 April 18 First day "I Voting by personal appearance. SANGER CITY HALL -- M-F, 8:00 A.M. TO 5*00 P.M. April 27 Last day for City Secretary to receive applications by mail for a ballot to be voted by mail by 12 noon or close of business. April 77 True date fc►r filinu aecnnd ren�rt of carnnai�n contrihutions and expenditures. DEADLINE -- 5*00 P.M. CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE May 1 Last day for regular Early Voting by personal appearance. DEADLINE -- 5:00 P.M. CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE May 5 2:00 p.m. deadline to apply for voters who became ill or disabled Apri126th or later. May 5 ELECTION DAY -Voting at the City Hall in Sanger 7:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. May 8 Earliest day for Official Canvas of Election Results by City Council. May 8 Mayor issues Certification of Election to newly elected officials. May 11 First day newly elected officials may qualify and assume duties of office. Swearing in of officials at City Hall by City Secretary -- July 16 Last day for timely tiling of Semi-annual report of campaign contributions and expenditures. DEADLINE -- 5:00 P.M. CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY DECEMBER 2000 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The Friends of the Library sponsored a "booth" at Sanger's first "Holiday in the Park". Actually, since it was so cold outside, the "Holiday" organizers allowed the Library activities to be held in the library meeting room. A story and craft day was held. A new story and a different craft was featured each hour. There was at least one child each hour. Top attendance was 13 children at 4:00. A total of 45 children came for the day. For a first attempt, the turnout was good, especially considering the cold weather. ADMINISTRATION: Evaluated bids for connecting the library to the School District's TM Internet connection. Awarded the fiber optic connection bid to Powers Services and the "inside the walls" work to True Technology Solutions. Work will begin as soon as the city crews have laid the cable between the Linda Tutt Learning Center and the Library. Ordered the computers from the Gates Foundation. Signed up for the training required by the TIF grant. CIRCULATION: Began deleting patron records for those that expire in 2000. PROGRAMS: Two Storytime programs were cancelled because no one came, probably due to bad weather. The one storytime that was held was titled "We Celebrate by Sharing". Each child made a Christmas decoration to keep and one to give away. MONTHLY STATISTICS Dec 1999 Dec 2000 BORROWER CARDS Last month 3180 3086 New cards 24 26 Cards withdrawn 0 40 Cards reactivated 4 0 TOTAL 3242 3119 CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction 198 189 Nonfiction Videos 21 16 Adult Fiction 125 139 Interlibrary Loan 2 9 Misc. Uncataloged 134 236 Junior Biography 4 1 Junior Fiction 91 75 Children's Nonfiction 115 103 C:hildren'c Fintinn 0) 74 1 nc Paperback Fiction 171 126 Crystal 1 1 Videos 291 230 Video Players 1 0 Audio Tapes 45 65 TOTAL 1477 1385 INTERNET USERS 93 97 PROGRAMS Children's Programs 4 2 Children Attending 57 53 Adults Attending 22 5 Other Programs 3 0 Number Attending 15 0 VOLUNTEERS Number of adults 3 3 Number of juniors 5 3 Number of hours 52 25 COLLECTION Last month 15312 15575 Books Added 222 51 Books Withdrawn 109 0 Total Books 15425 15626 Paperback Fiction 2626 2565 Video Materials 606 643 Audio Materials 190 231 TOTAL COLLECTION 18847 19065 REVENUE Fines $ 96.05 $ 70.35 Copies 29.90 37.15 ILL 3.08 10.39 Lost Materials 3.00 12.95 New Cards 2.25 .25 TOTAL $134.28 $131.09 current< ibest-seller Iis s. Currently on the eighth book, "The Mark," this series is a collaboration between Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. The "Left Behind' books have sold more than 30 million copies, are the subject of an upcoming film and'even have their own website: www.leftbehind.com. The series begins with the rapture of believers into heaven, as predicted in the Bible. This follows. a firestorm over Israel which had been predicted in the book of Ezekiel. The simultaneous disappearance of millions of people worldwide has led to massive confusion and turmoil, as remaining populations battle for survival While the theological premise is based solidly on the book of Revelations, no prior biblical knowledge is assumed or needed. Book 8, 'The Mark," opens at the second halfaof the seven-year period of chaos known as the Great Tribulation. The leader of the entire world, known as his Excellency Global Community Potentate, is Nicole Carpathia. He has just risen (with the help of Satan) after three days of death, and now orders life-sized or larger statues of himself to erected irk all cities for people to worship. In addition, there will be no more pretense of worship and obedience to Carpathia, the time has come for the "Mark of the Beast" as * predicted in Revelations. Each person must make a once and final decision to have an ID number on a microchip embedded on his forehead or right hand. Those who refuse will be beheaded by the "loyalty enforcement facillitator," or guillotine. Looming ahead is the desecration of the temple in Jerusalem, as prophesied by Daniel, John, Jesus and Paul. The primary story lines are taken straight from Revelations, so readers who are well- grounded theologically will find few major surprises. The well - paced action and likeable, realistic characters should appeal to many readers. There are a few conversion stories, which' seem sincere and believable rather than mawkish, and match the tone of the entire series. These are not the books you thiA of 'as "religious" books, but they are, and in a -manner that speaks to unbelievers as well as believers. "The Mark" lives up to the reputation of its predecessors, and those who read it are likely to eagerly anticipate the next actiornpacked book in the series, 'expected around October of 2001. January 9, 2001 LAST CHANCE FOR YOU TO REGISTER! DON'T MISS THIS VERY Il"ORTANT BRIEFING! PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS MEMO TO YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS! TO: All TML Member Cities FROM: TML Staff SUBJECT: 2001 TML Legislative Briefing and Luncheon Each legislative year, TML sponsors a legislative briefing and luncheon. For 2001, our briefing will be held on Monday, February 5, at the Austin Marriott at the Capitol (701 East 11� Street). Now is the time for you to make your plans to attend by registering for the briefing and making your hotel reservations. Enclosed with this memo are the following: 1. A registration form for the briefing and luncheon. Please complete this form and return it to TAIL as soon as possible, but no later than January 229 2001. Please note that the registration fee is 590.00 per person. Also note that we encourage you to invite your state representative(s) and state senator(s) to the luncheon. If you plan to issue these invitations, please let us know on the registration form, but do not. pay a registration fee for lour representative(s) or senator(s). 2. Hotel information. Please note that reservations must be made by January 15. Reservations made after that date will be subject to space and rate availability. Please contact the Marriott directly, by calling (512) 4781111, or use the hotel's toll - free number (800) 22&9290. 3. A preliminary program agenda. A final program, along with a packet of additional registration material, will be provided to all registrants on February 5. Registrations will be limited to the first 600 registrants. We encourage you to attend this important event. We look forward to seeing you. City officials only, please. wrylqn Monday,February 5,2001 Austin Marriott at the Ca itol Pi Capitol Ballroom TMON esident11 y:l� — lU:1J a.m. 1.eSlslauve rrUcess Joe Gagen, Legislative Consultant 10:15 -10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 —11:30 a.m. The TML Legislative Pro�am Frank Stur4 Executive Director, EVIL 11:45 —12:15 p.m. Break Registration Form Texas Municipal League Legislative Briefing and Luncheon Monday, February 512001 Marriott at the Capitol Austin, Texas City: Mailing Address: The following officials from our city will be attending the Legislative Briefing and Luncheon: Title (Please make duplicate copies of this form if you want to register additional persons.) I (we) will be inviting the following representative(s)Isenator(s) to the luncheon: The registration fee for the Legislative Briefing and Luncheon is $90/person. Please enclose your check or money order for all persons planning to attend, but do NOT include registration fees for any representative or senator you invite. No cancellations or refunds will be processed after January 22, 2001. f If paying by check, make your check payable to: TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE an :N\.i t7 Vi\7�i 1 ICY F9 Exp. Data d return to: Texas Municipal League Administrative Services 1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 400 Austin, Texas 78754-5128 C�li1 xvx vlri<►c>✓ use ! City of cult A ---- BEAUTIFICATION BOARD a3 Lsiii:�i_J iiJ� cr iftil e..:::c:=:rsc '� '-�; tea_:= _'$:•_�4c-5:-s:i rg i✓ifN i:i aiv'a:-i �0.3 Cfai�vi wi fi a+v iv Cfii�,i i i.i ti..• i_rvci iivii .0. box 1729 lr2r�5- jVl.ili� �`he Sanger beautification Board would like to express gratitude S:^C• ^t^..`�. _:it•:• v0=1Aw v f F�L": ��f'.^ L^YL :C tT='L Ll%0 9i i 'r ti1'v i.Cfiiff.fvl.iL (..i'v UViiv ULU 42 �TA^I. 0.s= •aa & -..3: .-.r.. =`c :::a': ^vv^r:#it:v-t_ _ ..-�._ aiiSi;i''- lie j.iuiis� iia.:.-.z .. e.a• y:y'v c.. iv�Titl-iout your help and long hoLairs of work, tie city would not i ei%v i:vf.ev €iiv vifJ �i.3�3�3 ^t {-_-. T 1.-:...��-.:. � �_' .. •�C:: �: :Lt' _ .. �-�-•2-sue' .-.ram.-. :'�fi a ia.uvc.+ i Liif� L'J 1 vi.f Cia fiii'viif �-`T:.^-3Y.^_ V Cii viiiv s,i v i.iiCii licit iJl 6ii_li ariii:i ft}. S iicfii:l u�,uiii liii Cf �..7 V S i�i. i i v if 1--Ielen 1<�iirb�, Secretary L•.. �-..r ....2.= *r a- a-_`.^tt 'rats•: SivCi 'ii-itui P.O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76�66 940-458-7930