01/02/2001-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2001 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements Citizen's Input. CONSENT AGENDA December 18, 2000 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Savings Account for the Fire Department Pay, 5. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation of the Following Described Property: ABSTRACT 725, B.F. LYNCH SURVEY, PART OF TRACT 13 & 14, BEING A TOTAL OF 217.40 ACRES. 6. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from Agriculture to SF3 (Single Family 3) on the Residential part and from Agriculture to B2 (Business 2) on the Commercial part of Property Legally Described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total of 42.52 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the corner of Belz and Stemmons Road. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from Agriculture to SF3 (Single Family 3) on the Residential part "Ald from Agriculture to B2 (Business 2) on the Commercial part of Property Legally Described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total of 42.52 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the corner of Belz and Stemmons Road. La Any Other Such Mt a1� Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City [tea a I Z . `15 �:�► . Date &Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 189 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Electric Foreman Mike Prater, Fire Chief Jeff Morris, Grace Garza, Shari Trusty, Kelby Trusty 1. 1V1ilyUl' l,il11CU 1r1CC6111� 6U V1 UGt, �.UU111;11111Qll lTai �a icu 6IIG 111V V�.a61V11, 1Vi1V 11 Vla vJ the Pledge of Allegiance CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: December 18, 2000 b) Disbursements Councilman Higgs made change to minutes on page 5, and indicated he did not vote against that item, it should be Councilman Ervin. Discussion regarding legal fees far Bolivar. Councilman McNeill expressed concerns regarding the lift station on Cowling Rd. Councilman Waggoner moved to accept the Consent Agenda as corrected. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from Agriculture to SF3 (Single Family 3)on property legally described as Abstract 1024 R. Prather Survey, Part of Tract 2 & 3, being a total of 12.25 Acres. Property is located off of FM 455. Shari Trusty, 602 South Magnolia, Aubrey Texas, indicated they were going to put in a housing subdivision with approximately 541ots. She indicated they would like to have City water and sewer services. Mayor asked if they had discussed this with Bolivar Water and explained the problem of the CCN's that they have with Bolivar. Ms. rusty indicated they had not discussed this with Bolivar, but would try to get with then this week. Ise-Ussion regal•diux the sitt!atio!1. ayor judicateu they dici not feel they cotaid cOiltlatue to pay isoi➢var foi' service ill tilers a rea. �isctlssao 1 ci;ardizg ptishitlg this issnc with the Lc isOattlrc0 'ollncilmailic�Veill slaggested tabling this item for a month or so. Tll,. �„!� ssrn4-�t 4�s®ass Ll.�I.UjJ1Vil ._2' n 1'G�[ll lilll`�' LVliv �:��. [Ll o s%i'viii, .v�� uuu =anoneia�ln �.avooaivaa.. ezarnra4aus�ernr_ ua.�,V eau eavuo •. a.,u �aa�.au. mayor e?�plained it will ta>ze years for ±he �'ity ±o get it's anoney bacl� on one of these sU"divisions. �risctission regarding the size of the kits iai tFle larolaoseci saah�livision. r�ayol' postponed itea-n na=itii 19'ls. � rusty eotlid meet with Bolivar. �. C'oiisader said Possible �c±ion �egardiiig Pay for the l�oltanteer Pire �epartiiieiit. .ietf iviorris indicated they used to ruts two [2 Hour Shifts 00 tine Weekelid, now they run one 24hour shift. The pay has changed from $1>.00 to $30.00 for those shifts. �otaiacill7nan IIvJ�cileill asl�ed if the a%1J.€1€1 psi• shift tivoltid 1•eina4n the same. NIr. Sani±h indicated it �votald stay the wane. �ottncilillail Garza asked if it vvottid be better' to piiy this eaih nioalth instead of once ? year t[i make sOrP file money is there, pity lE/Faalager indicated they could ti'y pttttiilg it ill a savings account 1-iloiithlya l�iscatssioii on how long they Have been paying paying this. 13isCilsslan on saving the ,Money. €:otlneilinan Mcll�eill indicated they cotald staggest to I�r. �inith that he start a savings accoaant for this in the f€attare. �.`otiiiciliiiaii Higgs moved to set tip a fund to pact 1/12 of the budgetedamount in this fond each month to be paid the first I`dlonday in l�eceanber. City Manager indicated you can not do 1/12 of the budget amount because of the way that it fails, isci!ssion regarding accumuffition of the money. CouiicilMilani lliggs suggested /i2 of the Cui'reiit budget. Councilman Biggs amended his motion ±o be f/12 of the budget and tray the amount due at this time. t�'o�ancilman +Larza seconded. �''neasscY➢lo.aast 19��14Tt=➢�3 c➢➢a€�i3�4at: Ott :iistiCt= ➢sts :�€� fte�ti�c fits' i�P ii"a'C4 �i3fif' tiitii�tli�. tii' ii will be short, ii'i�tgQ'i$ Cari�i�d i[n[iniru�oiisly. ti, Consider and possible r4ction regarding the interioeal agreement ltetween i)enton County and the City of Sanger to Deconstruct Rising Star Road. %ity Manager indicated we Have this money in the bank in the i �t3� road funds. Coi:nciliiian lE�cl"teitt asl�ed if they have the II.v ='�'. City Manager indicated they did. Councitman �ai•�n roved to approve this if the It,®.�=J. is there. Coiincilii�aii Ie✓Icl�eill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider end I°ossil�lc tAactioii an I:esoltitionSetting Irate an€1 �iiTii .nd ,Mace for r ublic r carings on uposecl lwXnnexations. Mayor read Iiesolioii as follo�€s: UTHORIZINTG AND DIRECTING THE PUBLI%f.`ATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH -1 =;.. - HEARINGS - l�'tIW THERE FOREW, BE IT RESO f.VI'JD I3Y THE CITY COU1lIi,II1 OF THI+ t.,I'I'Y 'That such Public hearings will be held by the governing Body of the City of Sanger, in the City Dall at 7:4Q D.I�I. on ,Ianiiary 2, ZQQ1 aaYd .Ianuary I�, Zd�l consicleriiig annexation into the City limits of the following described property. py TOTAL OIF 211.40 ACRES, L�AS3v1-L-# ANC III Iv_rR " v �v -UN, this f8th clay of Decembe-•; _ �onncilntall rvin muv%e l to approve solntion 12-��-0�. �ouncilnian Garza seconded. motion Carried unanimously. €. C'onsidcr and ;'ossiblc Action Itcardin €�rdina�acc #42-2�-€1 - An�:c�►ing P� opc� ty Legally Described as. A��'I'pA�"'I' 29,1PiL1�' ��N �El�l✓1E �irTl��v, 'i"?�.��:"Q' SSA, 35.!��p A�:?'�ES, AI`d'a? XHICH 14.35 ACRES ARE ALREADY Its THE CITY �iSClYBsioI1 regarding tl�e part Of tue tract in tPoe pity linlitS. �ounefll�na€� l�'fcl`legll addressed the ser:'�ce plan. lie s ndi`�'ated the street l:glEtfug was not the C.1tyls, the electric was in CoServ's CCN. discussion rega�•ding the �er��ice i?'lan on the proposed annexation. �;o�encilsnaa� MeNcill expresser concerns regarding the Maintenance of roads, streets, and street lightings discussion regarding developme�:t in tits area surrounding danger. �'ounciiman �sc�pill asi�ed what the last ianpa•ovement on the water tank cost, �,"ity l�lana�;e�• indi;.atcd I.� n;il6€on dollars. iY�ayor ta�bletl item. fior possible changes to service flan. 9. Any €ether �ucl; lE�atters. i�i. 1Vieetiijg r�cliourned. 121,2912000 12;41 Hit REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE. 1 VENDOR SET; 99 "" ; 001 GENERAL FUND b. 6 RTMENT s 15 ADMINISTRATION VENDOR NAME 1TER 4 GIL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHEM AROUNT 99-00180 MI20N WIRELESS 1-33516 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER PAGERS 0000,00 16,32 99-00850 DENTON RECORD -CHRONICLE 1-33508 001-151-5225 MAPS & SUHSCR 3 MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION HMO 14,7,5 99-02480 SPRI1�T 1.33513 001-15-5510 TE1,1jPHONE SER L01d(; D18TANCE 000000 106,58 99-03230 ,JESWOOD 011, CO, 1-3:3515 001-15-5240 TRAVEL EXPENS JESWOOD OIL CO, 000000 :E13 7 rvr„n,rm r,ir rt rrr�n mrn„ mmm�r tAt ,�[� UI�t'tt1T1Pi�C?! 17 tlJC1klV1p11'U'i1.4lJiV .LVLtlL; !Y1,GO 12/ 29(2000 12.41 PM VENDOR SET; 99 001 GENERAL FUND 1,u40IRENT; 20 POLICE REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE. 2 VENDOR NA!"4E ITFiR ;I G(I, ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK& AMOUNT 99-00180 VERI20N WIRELESS I-33!i16 001-20-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 129.15 94-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-0203124 001-20-532a R & iR N0'TOR V RISC SUPPLIES 000000 18"80 99-02480 SPRINT 1-33513 001-20-5510 TELEPHONE SER LONG DISTANCE 000000 68211 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-I132 001-20-5325 R & M 110'TOR V OIL & AIR FILTER,SPRAY MOTTLE 000000 8,20 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-1215 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL FILTER,ANCO 000000 12 M 9913010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-33410 001-20-5325 R & IR ROTOR V AIR HOSE,FUEG FILTER 000000 5198 99-03230 JESWOOD OIL CO" I-33515 001-20-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE JESWOOD OIL CO, 000000 914,00 99-03530 JANES WOOD AUTOPARK, IN I-60907 001-20-5325 R & M. ROTOR 0 GENER REN 000000 I60"30 99-03730 COLLIE CO" COM1R, COLLIG 1-33505 001-20-5240 TRAVEL EXPENS INT SPANISH CLASS KISH) 000000 25"00 9944590 CHIEF SUPPLY CORP" I-33507 001-20-5265 DRUG PREVENTI BIO-HAND CLEANER 000000 46,B2 99-06580 GREAT NORTH AMERICAN CO I-01099350 001-20-5265 DRUG !'�REVENTI 1000 PENCILS 0i00000 "205,02 9Q46850 COMMUNITY PHARMACY I-33391 001-20-5376 HEPATITIS B S 7 REP B SHOTS 000000 357,49 6B50 COMMUNITY PHARMACY I-33493 001-20-5376 HEPATITIS B S HER B SHOTS 000000 357.49 99-06850 COMMUNITY PHARMACY I-33494 001-20-5376 HEPATITIS B S HER B SHOTS 000000 357,49 99-08240 SIRCHIR FINGER )'RIMY LA I-02383?.7 00120-5375 iRI--NOR EQIIIPME NiP,HYDRTN ��PRAY & PUMP 000000 50"9G DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL; 2.,717"66 1212912000 121141 Pid R(GU(,AR DEPAR'TMEN'J' PA4'IdENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 001 GENERAL FUND Diiii- tITMENT; 24 VIRE DEPARTMENT PAGE; 3 VPAIli uR NAME ITEM if G11, ACCOIIN"i NAME DF�SCRIPI'ION CHECK AMOUNT 99-00180 001-24-552.5 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 13,72. 9910450 BURRUS I-33277 001-24-5215 FOOD PAPER PLATES 000000 8,34 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS 1-0203729 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V RISC SUPPLIES 000000 18680 9942190 RITE -WELD I-993949 001-24-5375 MINOR EQUIPME MEDICAL OXYGEN 000000 24100 99-02480 SPRINT I-33513 001-24-5510 TELEPHONE SER LONG DISTANCE 000000 8239 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-1132 001-24-5325 R & 'R MOTOR V 011, & AIR FILTER,SPRAY BOTTLE 000000 8,20 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-33410 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V AIR HOSE,FUEL FILTER 000000 541)8 99-03230 JESWOOD OIL CO, I-33515 001-24-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE JESWOOD OIL CO, 000000 B2$21 99-03640 PRO STITCH 1-33280 001-24-5 M 'HEARING APPAR JACKETS FOR AWARD BANQUET 000000 176,00 99-03730 COLLIN CO, CORM, COLLEG 1-1252 001-24-5235 DUES & REGIST INTO FF6 SLONE,ROLDER,UNDERW00 000000 140,00 99-04660 DISCOUNT TROPHIES I-332B2 001-24-5375 MINOR EQUIPME 9 ENGRAVING; AND PLAQUES 000000 166100 16850 COMMUNITY PHARMACY I-33279 001-2.4-5376 REP, B IMMUNI REP B SHOTS 000000 2455135 99-06850 C014MUhlITY PHARRACY 133`281 001-01 24-5316 REP, B IMMUNT REP B SHOTS G§00000 204,28 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL; 1,111,21 12/29/2000 12;41 hld VENDOR SET; 99 001 GENERAL FUND U.ILARTl1FNT; 26 KUNICIPAL COUNT R(;GULAft Uh ARIHILNI PAYf1HNT RHG16IHR pAGH; 4 !1RI'll DOR MANE IIEN GIL ACCUUIIT NAf4[, DESCRIRTION CHECCt A1t0Ut�9' 99-02090 CHRISTY GOODE 1-33904 001-26-9240 TRAVEL EXPENS 14ILAGE TO NTCCA MEETING 000000 22A 0 DEPARTIiHNT 26 IIUNICIRA[, COURI TOTAL; 22,40 12/29/2000 12;11 PN REGULAR DEPARGIRt T PAYRENT REGISTER VENDOR SET: 99 r 001 GENERAL FUND 1�,�tRT116N'T; 28 1sN ORCERE;MINSPECTIOd PAGE. 5 VENDOR NAl1E 1TEh9 G/L ACCOUI?T NA1dE DESCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT 99-001BO VERH ON (WIRELESS I-33516 001-2M525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 13 M 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I4203129 001-2B-5325 R A N VEHICLE RISC SUPPLIES 000000 18180 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-1132 001-28-5325 R & M VEHICLE OIL & AIR FILTER,SPRAY BOTTLE 000000 81?01 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-33110 001-28-5325 R 6 it! VEHICLE AIR HOSE,FURL FILTER 000000 5.98 99-03230 JESWOOD OIL CO, I-33§15 001-28-5320 VCHICLC FUEL JESIlOOD OIL CO, 000000 66.1 DEPARI'f1ENT 28 ENFORCEfnEIdTIINSPECTION 9:OTAL; 113,�16 12129/2000 12,41 PR REGULAR DEPARTRENT PAYRENT REGISTER PAGE; 6 VENDOR SET; 99 001 GENERAL FUND DnedTMEIM 30 STREETS VENDOR NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECIQ AMOUNT 99-00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVED I-33378 001-30-5370 STREET MAINTE FLEX/}SASE 000000 522898 99-00180 VERI0ON WIRELESS I-33516 001-30-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 12,33 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-0203729 0DI-30-5325 R A 11 f1OTOR V NISC SUPPLIES 000000 18180 99-02190 RADIO SHACK I-1190 001-30-5325 R 6 N MOTOR V Y-ADAPTER 000000 5,99 99-03010 WEP,H AUTO PARTS 1-1132 001-30-5325 R A 11 ROTOR V OIL AIR I+ILTER,SPRAY POTTLE 000000 8,20 99-100i0 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-334isi i70i 30 5325 R & M iUWa 1i AIR HOHIM1, rIL'iER 06�0000 5,98 99 03230 JE"WOOD UIL CO, I-33515 001 30 5320 11OTOR VEHICLE 3ESWOOD OIL CO, 000000 333,11 99-01240 HS-PERFORM PRODUCTS I402771, 001-30-5370 STREET RAINTE COLD PATCH 000000 11759,80 DEPARTI�ENT 30 STREETS TUTAL: 2,666.72 12/29/2000 12;91 PM VENDOR SET; 99 jit'll a001 GENERAL FUND b_. RTRENT, 32 PARKS REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 7 VEIIDOR 11A19E ITEM 0 G/L ACCOUNT NAi€E DEuCIiIPTION CE{GCIt� A140U1d`I' 99-00180 VERIZON WIRELESS I-33516 001-32-5525 1)AGERIS PAGERS 000000 12,32 99-013'10 K-�-IART I-33061 001-32-5221 BEAUTIFICATIO HOLIDAY DECORATIONS 00600@ 36,91 99- 03 230 JLSWOOD OIL CO, 33515 001-32-5320 ROTOR VEHICLE JESWOOD OIL CO, 00Q,000 333413 99-08280 A-1 PORTA PRIVY I-33377 001-32-5222 BOARDS & COMM 4 PORTABLE RENTALS 000000 225,00 nnnnnmitnnro �h nr, nva mnmar Cn. It d9 UGC tlRAl9ClR1 JG Cl'9RI10 AV Afi1�; uC+J Ya M291,2000 12;41 PM RI1,GULAR DEPARTMENT PAY"IENT 1'.E;GISTER PAGE; 8 VENDOR SET; 99 001 GENERAL FUND hcARTMENT; 36 VEHIM RAINTENANCE VENDOR NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAVE DESCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT 99-00580 CINTAS COPR, 4492 1.49267032 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP TOWELS,FENDER COVER,MOP 000000 12,40 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-0203729 001-36-5325 R A R MOTOR V MISC SUPPLIES 000000 9,40 99-02480 SPRINT I-33513 001-36-5510 TELEPHONE SER LONG DISTANCE 000000 2222 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-1132 001-36-5325 R G M. ROTOR V OIL & AIR FILTER,SPRAY BOTTLE 000000 4110 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-33410 001-36-5325 R is M ROTOR V AIR HOSE,FUEL FILTER 000000 2,91 rr nm 99-103'M J1,5kM Wli CU, 1-33519 RUM.( SfSti UTA, dNbauuU u1b We uvvuvo oo,yn 99-05530 SEARS 1-33369 001-36-5375 MINOR EQUIPME TOOL BOX 000000 149,98 99.07900 JOHN O'KEEFE 1-42461 001"36-5245 RECHANIC SHOP THERMTR,WRENCH RACKS 000000 19,33 DEPARTMENT 36 UEHTCLI4 MAINTENANCE TO'PA1,; 267,78 12/29/2000 12;41 PR REGULAR DEPART14EN'T HUNK REGISTER. PAG[aa: 9 VENDOR BET; 99 r',, ' i i 001 GENERAL FUND b,.IARTRENT; 42 Library VENDOR NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT IIA14E DESCRIPTION CHECii& AMOUNT 9942480 SPRINT 1-33513 001-42-5510 TELEPHONE SBR LONG DISTANCE 000000 1414 99-03930 THE LIBRARY STORE 1-279471 001-42�5270 PROGRAMS AND VIDEO CASBB,DATE DUB BLIPS 000000 60IB5 99-05430 RANGER RICK I-33435 001-42-5225 MAGAZINES & S SUBSCRIPTION 000000 I1,00 DBPARThiBNT 42 Library TOTAL; 19,59 VENDOR BET 001 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 1,729,50 12/29/2000 l214l PR VENDOR SET; 99 r : 008 DheARTNENP, 00 ENNTERPRISE FUND NON-DEPARTNENTAL REGULAR DEPARTRENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 30 VENDOR MANE ITE19 ef G/I, ACCOUNT NAf4E DESCRIPTION CHECRa AMOUNT 99-023BO ROBERT A, SINGLETARY, I') 1-00-08 008-00-7410 TEXAS CAPITAL DIST CENTER PROJECT ENG FEES 000000 1,990*93 DE3PAftTtIEP1T 06 NON-DEPART1iENTAL TOTAL: 1,990,93 1212912000 12;41 Pit VENDOR SET; 99 " t"? ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND b"o.ARTRENT: 15 Administration REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE. 11 VENDOR MANE i.TEll # I ACCOUNT 1aAME DESCRIPTION CEIECI{ A140UN'1 99-00180 VERIZO11 WIRELESS I-33516 008-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER PAGERS 000000 16,33 99-00850 DENTON RECORD -CHRONICLE I-335a8 008-15-5225 NAPS SUBSCR 3 MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION 000000 14,25 99-02480 SPRINT I-33513 008-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER LONG DISTANCE 000000 106,58 99-,032.30 1ESWOOD OIL CO, I-33515 008-15-5240 TRAVEL E;IPENS JESWOOD OIL CO, 000000 4,13 UAC(1 ltA i'i A71Y1 .4J f7ll Illl lll.7t4Ul.l Ult ).V1[Iu� A'T! �4J 12/29/2000 12.91 Fla VENDOR SM 99 E188 El°°?"ERPRISE FllidD DNvART11ENT, 19 Data Processing REGULAII DEPAIMIENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 12 �tHIM( 1dN11E I`TEl1 0 G/L ACCOIIIlT IdAl1E DESCRIPTION CHE('K� AIdGUNT 9M2910 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS I-33322 008-19-6210 01+FICE NMI NUMB LABELS HOON, 23,99 99-�314Q DATA FLOIr I-1663Q ASS-19-62D6 DATA PROCESSI GI-2 A U-2 EN�IELOPES DC06�d 41,36 DE1'ARTIIENT 19 Data Processin�� 'TOTAL; 75,35 12/29/2000 12041 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 VENDOR SET, 99 ""a 4008 ENTERPRISE FUND `�W-,�[tSi1ENT; 36 Vehicle Ilaintenanre VENDOR NAME ITEM # Gr'L ACCOUNT HARE DESCRIPTION CHECKI AMOUNT 99-00580 CINTAS COPR, 4492 I-49267032 008-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP MllELS,FENDER COVER,MOP 000000 12140 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-0203729 008-36-5325 R A N ROTOR V MISC SUPPLIES 000000 9140 99-02480 SPRINT I-33513 008-36-5510 TELEPHONE SER LONG DISTANCE 000000 2022 99 03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-1132 008-36-5325 R A M MOTOR V OIL G AIR FILTER,SPRAY BOTTLE 000000 4r10 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-33410 00B-36-5325 R G 14 MOTOR V AIR HOSE,FUEL FILTER 000000 2697 n nr.rnnn nrx nn nnnnnn rr n, 4`1-@.9L,iV� JfSUWUUU ULL CU, 1-SSJ1J V7V?If'Sd-�3LY7 ('iUiutt UGtt1l.h� J6xiNi000 UJ.L t,U, uuuvvu uuxr 99-05530 SEARS I-33369 008-36-5375 MINOR EQUIP14E TOOL BOX 000000 149 M 99-07900 JOHN O'KEEFR I-42461 008-36-5245 MECHANIC SHOP THERMTR,WRENCH RACKS 000000 19r72 DEPRRTMENT 36 Vehicle Maintenance TOTALS 267,75 12129/2000 12,4I Pill VENDOR SET, 99 ''` 008 ENTERPRISE FUND L"_;iRTMENT; 50 dater REGULAR DEPARTi1EK PAY11EE REGISTER Pr�GE; 14 UEiiDOR hiA}fE ITEN ff G/L ACCOUNT NA11E DESCRIPTION CHEC[{ ANOUN'i 99-00180 UERIZOId WIRELESS I-33516 008-50-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 '11420 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-0203729 008-50-5325 R & i1 110TOft U i1ISC SUPPLIES 000000 94-02230 SARGEidT-SOWELL, INC. I:-1661859 008-50-5260 SAFETY EQUIPII 2000 WA'PER � SEWER FLAGS 000000 99-02230 SARGENT SOWELL INC. 12000219 008 50 57.60 SAFETY EQUIPM 1000 4X5 FLAGS 000000 99-02410 UPPER TRINITY I-210012 008-50-5385 WATER PURCHAS UOLUIIE CHARGE 000000 r,nn ;r�� r, „n,n r „h� nnn �n r.��r n r v vmm�n rr nrr r am nrrrrrrn onnnv nnmmro noanaa y`i'tJ,)P11U iJCS�JU ttUlU Cf1C(J.t7 1."i1JL LIUU"JU"JJLJ Lt 4' L'L t`IVLULt J ULll li ttLLI CLIILISl1,UCl1ri1 uVLdULY VVVVVV 99-03010 WRHE AUTO PARTS I-33410 008 50 5325 R 6 11 MOTOR U AIR HOSE,FUEL FILTER 000,000 99-03I70 FUTURE EQUIPidENT I-62.3035 008-50-5325 R & i1 i10TOR U TOP DOOR GLA35,HYD CYLINDER 000000 99-03130 �ESWOOD OIL (:0, I-3351�i 008-50-53'l0 140'1'OR VEHICLE J1sSW00D OIL CO, 000000 99-05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS I-31'}95 008"50-5325 ft & N NOTOR U ELECTRIC RUEL PUMP 000000 18.80 218100 268192 2 462,04 n V 5198 in iLV 292,63 832.14 55,13 DEPARTi9EiiT 50 Water TOTAL, 4,233,0�i 12/29/2000 1.2*41 Pl REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT Ri'�GiSTER VENDOR SET. 99 rP t, �' ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DULfiRTMENT1 52 Waste Water Collection PAGE; 15 VENDOR NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NA1iE DESCRIPTION CHECC{� A►lOUNT 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCT'S 1-0203729 008-52-5325 R & M MOTOR V MISC SUPPLIES 000000 19480 99 03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 11132 008 52 5325 H M MOTOR V OIL & AiR FILTER, SPRAY BOTTLE 000060 8,20 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-33410 008-52-5325 R A M MOTOR V AIR HOSSJUEL FILTER 000000 5,98 DEPARTMENT 52 Uaste Hater Collection TOTAL; 33,98 12/29(20�9 12;41 PIA VENDOR SET; 99 0D8 ENTERPRISE FUND lie._arATRENT; 54 !Taste dater Treatment REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 16 UENDOR ITrill it Gl1 ACCOUNT IdA1liE DESCRIP'TIOId CHECK# A140UN'T 99-02480 SPRINT I-33 M 0D8-54-5510 TELEPHONE SER LONG DISTANCE DDDDDB 1,14 99-58270 INR CORPORATION I-�6i9 0D8-54-5223 CNEIIiCAL SUPP 5GI AQUA -TREAT 00E0a9 687.t�ti8 DI�PARTIlE1IT 54 Taste hater I'reatment TOTAL; E88.62 12/29/2000 12,41 PM REGULAR DEPIW WENT PANMU REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 008 ENTERPRISE FUND Dhi!ARTRENT, 58 Electric Department PAGE: 17 VPi?DOR fdAIIE I`TEf4 � Gl L P,CCOUIIT NAME DESCRIPTION C11EC1;# Af10UNT 99-00180 VERI20N WIRELESS 1-33516 008-58-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000, 105,25 99-00560 CHAf1BER OR C01dfiERCE I-33512 008-58-5235 99-009l0 ELLIOTT ELEC'TR1C 9R 01490 LAWPd LAND 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS 99-02480 SPRINT I-10329 @08-58-5"l60 .r.-33349 t)08-58-5250 1-0203729 008-58-5325 I-33513 008-58-5516 99-02730 TEXAS f4E'TER f1 DEVICE I-21686 008W58-5355 99-02970 VIKiNG OFFICE PRODUCTS I865201 008-56�521Q 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-1132 008-58-5325 99-03010 14EBB AUTO PARTS 1-33410 008-58-5325 99-03020 WESCO 33230 JESWOOD OIL CO I-761485 008-58-6020 I-33515 00A 58-53`l0 DUES G REGr_ST f{Ef1BERSHIP DUES 000000 256,00 5A1°t1`i'Y Ii�IUTPi4 10PR SAFETY GLASuRS 0000Gi� 99,90 f'INOR TOOLS BLADE SE{ARPENER,CHAINSAW BLADE 0000@0 63,35 R � f4 f10!'OR V fIISC SUPPLIES 000000 1'},74 TELEPHOfdE SEIi LONG DISTANCE 000000 4,17 f41TER h1AI11TEid TEST A REPAIR f4ETERS 000000 5'2G,05 OFFICE BUFFET LABEL TAPE 000000 23,9E R A N li0'TOR V OIL & A1R FILTER, SPRAY BOTTLE 000000 8,20 ft f� 14 ROTOR If AIR HOSE,FUEL FILTER 000000 5,98 If9PROVEMENTS BREAK AWAY BASE STREET LIGHTS 000000 710,00 ROTOR VEHICLE UESWOOD OIL CO, 00Q060 408,03 99-04160 COhfET CLEANE'R8 I-334'l2 008-58-5255 WEARING APPAR ELECT DEFT CLEANIfdG 000000 53,4E 99-07750 HOfIE DEPOTIGECF I-705191.8 008-58-6@20 I''iPftOVEf4ENT5 ZIP TIES 00000E 4,17 99-07150 lIONE DEPOTIGECF 1-7051918 008-58-607.0 INPROUEf4ENTS EXT'E1d5I0N CORDS 000000 15,10 99-07750 HOME DEPOTIGECF 1-7051918 008 58-6020 MPROVEf4ENTS PLASTIC LARPS 00000E 7191 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF 1:-7051918 008-58-6020 1h{PROVE'MEflTS i<<OU1?T PAD 000000 19,00 99-08190 DISPLAY SALES I-8602 0?r858-60?.0 1f1PROVEMEN1'S BULBS FOR HOLIDAY LIGHTS 0000S1Q 201,95 08290 LAKE CITIES SMALL C�NGIN 1 33348 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS POWER PRUNER 000000 499,99 DEPARTfdENT 58 Electric Depaet�tent TOi'AL; 3,624,81 VENDOR SET 008 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL, REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 10455,77 , 18,185,35 ''J 1212912000 12,41 PH REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 18 G(L ACCOUNT TOTALS ANNUAL BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER YEAR ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 2000-20011 001-15-5225 NAPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 14,25 100 B5.'15 001-15-5240 TRAVEL EXPENSE 4,13 11200 81310B 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 122,90 41660 21821,25 001-20-5240 TRAVEL EXPENSE 25,90 61000 51586,70 001-20-5265 DRUG PREVENTI01? 251,84 9,B00 91146,29 001-20-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 914,00 10,000 61754,29 001-20-5325 R & 14 HUM( VEHiCLFs 206,1.3 i2 0v,0 9,967,34 001-20-5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT 50,96 4,000 31226,24 001-20-5376 HEPATITIS B SHOTS 11072,47 11125 52853 001-20-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 68,11 21500 1174011B 001-20-5525 PAGERS 129,15 11440 11037,56 001-24-5215 FOOD B,34 600 465,31 001-24-5235 DUES & REGISTRATION 140,00 7,600 31235,00 001-24-5255 WEARING APPAREL 176,00 81975 B1693,50 001-24--5320 ROTOR VEHICLE FUEL 82021 2.,500 1,643,BB 001-24-5325 R & M 140TOR VEHICLE 32,98 41000 31B45,58 001-24-5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT 190,00 13,800 12,631,46 001-24-5376 REP, B IMMUNIZATIONS 459,63 500 10,70- Y 001-24-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 8,39 500 328839 001-24-552.5 PAGERS 13,72 11200 11131,75 001-26-5240 TRAVEL EXPENSE 22,40 600 402 M 001-28-5320 VEHICLE FUEL 66,78 11200 1,000024 001-28-5325 R & i4 VEHICLE 32,98 1 200 986,59 001-28-5525 PAGERS 13,70 M 170,73 001-30-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 333614 3,450 2,102,46 001-30-5325 R & N 'ROTOR VEHICLE 38,97 7,000 21023,12 001-30-5370 STREET NAINTENAI10E 2,282,2B 50,000 46,911,31. 001-30-5525 PAGERS 12,33 400 347,97 001-32-52.21 BEAUTIFICATION BOARD 38,97 2,200 961,16 001-32-5222 BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 225,00 300 45,00 001-32-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 333,13 31000 1,652,49 0011132-5525 PAGERS 12,32 500 441,99 001-36:-5245 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 19,73 600 46233 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPPLIES 12,40 500 381,43 001-36-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 66498 400 236850 001-36-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 16,47 700 607,12 001-36-5375 Nlldt)R EQUIPMENT 149 M 4,525 4,352,77 001-36-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 2422 50 41,14 001-42-5225 (fAGAZINES & SUBSCRIPTIO118 17,00 990 572,42 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND LIBRARY SUPPL 60,85 2,000 1,874,73 001-42-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 1,74 11500 1,046,87 008-00-7410 TEXAS CAPITAL FD EXPENSES 11990,93 0 9180233- Y 008-15-5225 NAPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 14,25 100 85075 00B-15-5240 TRAVEL EXPENSE 4,13 11200 839,47 008-15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 122,91 4,660 21621,26 t 121,29/2000 12,41 Pil REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 19 GlL ACCOUNT TOTALS ANNUAL BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER YEAR ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 008-19-5205 DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES 47,36 41100 31407,77 0OB-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 27,99 21500 21373.04 008-36-5245 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 19,72 600 437,88 008-36-5265 CLEANING SUPPLIES 12,40 500 381,43 008-36-5320 140TOR VEHICLE FUEL 66.97 400 236.52 008-36-5325 R k it ROTOR VEHICLE 16,47 700 620.2l 008.36-5315 MINOR EQUIPMENT 149,91 4,525 4,352,78 008.36-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 2,22 50 41,14 nnn cn [9ra On TIVOW UM IT MINIM A0C 09 G F0.a 1 010 Vi v 0-JrI-JLU VI L)Cl 1'IYS1 19 v O.LL rl0 LlI ']UV. JL V, JVV V, VAJ,Vu 008-50-5320 ROTOR VEHICLE FUEL 832,14 10,000 7,37B,91 008-50-5325 R G i4 140TOR VEHICLE 380,74 3,500 21050.11 008-50-5385 WATER PURCHASE 2,46234 60,000 441810,46 008-50-5525 PAGERS 71.20 820 511.88 008-52-5325 R A it idOTOR VEHICLE 33,98 2,000 11B94,58 OOB-54-5223 CHEAMIL SUPPLIES 687,48 51000 41312,52 008-54-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 1114 900 593,17 008-58-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 23,96 21000 1,884,84 008-58-5 M DUES G REGISTRATIONS 250,00 18,450 18,200,00 008-58.5250 14I111OR TOOLS 563034 51500 41621,94 008-58-5255 (WEARING APPAREL 53,46 6,615 41625,61 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 99,90 4,250 21813o20 008-58-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 40833 41500 31048,29 0O8-5B-5325 R 6 14 MOTOR VEHICLE 31.92 101000 91535,06 008-58-5355 METER i4AINTENANCE 526.05 10,000 71681,20 OOB-58-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 4,?.7 1,000 611,92 008-58-5525 PAGERS 105.25 11500 11050,51 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 958,73 140,000 112,705,90 �' 2000-2001 YEAR TOTALS t k 18,185,35 ''� DEPARTMENT TOTALS �� ACCT NAME i3140UNT 001-15 AD141.:NISTRATION 141,28 OO1-'!.0 POLICE 2,717.66 001-24 FIRE DEPARTRE2 1,1II127 001-26 MUNTCIPAL COURT 22.40 001-28 ENFORCERENTII_NSPECTION 113,46 001-30 STREETS 21666,72 001-32 PARKS 609,42 001-36 VEHICLE MAINTEIIANCE 267,78 001142 Library 79,59 12/29/2000 i2.41 Pad REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 20 DEPARTMENT TOTALS UA19E ANOUIIT 001 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,129.58 008 00 NON DEPARTMENTAL 1,990,93 008-15 Administration 141,29 008-19 Data Processing 75,35 008-36 Vehicle Maintenance 267 J5 008-50 (dater 4,233.04 008-52 Waste dater Collection 33498 008-54 Haste Water Treatment 68B,62 008-58 Eiectcic DeDa�tiiieiit ,,, 3,��a,o� 00B TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUND 10,455,1? u TOTAL ° 18,185.35 P10 ERROftB x` END OF REPOP�T �` December 28, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #4 -Savings Account At the last Council Meeting the City Council instructed staff to set up a savings account and to deposit monthly the monies for the annual volunteer fire pay. I know that this is an important issue, bu t I would like for Council to realize that in this year's budget there is only $26,250.00. I can assure the Council that I can put the difference that was left over, which was $7,415.00 from this year's budget into the savings account. However, if the Council still feels that we need to make up the entire amount then the budget has to be amended and we have to figure out where to get the revenues. I want to remind the Council that this year has been a very difficult budget year. In the prior years there has never been a problem as I have encountered the first few months of this budget year. The only reason the funds were not available on December 6, 2000 for the Fire Pay was due to the note payable of $68,164.33 for the Sanger Facility building, which half of that came out of this year's budget. December 28, 2000 To: Fr: Re: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Rose Chavez, City Secretary Item #5 -Public for annexation This is the First Public Hearing on the annexation for Walmart6 This is a voluntary annexation, December 28, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Citv Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary This will go before the Planning and Zoning Commission tonight. We will have the recommendation at the meeting. This property has not been final platted, however is in the process. The zoning needs to be in place before the plat can be approved. Attached is more information regarding this request. List of Property Owners - Bridle Path Estates Ron Williamson Quarter Horses 1132 Bay St. Ste 702 Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S274 Christ the Great Shephard Church Jack L. Garland 1607 Jennifer Circle Sanger, TX 76266 Dorwin Sargent 10090 Tom Maxwell Road Aubrey, XT 76227 Sanger Ranch 2083 N. Collins Blvd. Richardson, TX 75080 Margaret Porter P.O. Box 876 Sanger, TX 762666 Timothy Piatt 3119 Belz Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Ronald Beard 308? Belz Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Hudson R, Williams 4821 Belz Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 P&Z 11/30/00 CC 12/04/00 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from Agriculture to SF3 (Single Family 3) on the Residential part, and from Agriculture to B2 (Business 2) on the commercial part of property Legally Described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total of 91.822 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the corner of Belz and Stemmons Road. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: V Comments: SIGNATURE I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Please Print Your Name DATE LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 70.00 P.M. and the City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, January 2, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Agriculture to SF3 (Single Family 3)on the Residential part, and B2 (Business 2) on the Commercial part of property legally described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total of 91.822 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the corner of Belz and Stemmons Road. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary 12/05/00 16:57 FAX 9404822911 BRUCE R PENNELL 1603 32.12 ACRES COMMERCIAL TRACT FIELD NOTES to all that certain tract of land situated in the Henry Tlerwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241 Denton County, Texas and being a part of the called 91.822 acre tract and 2.000 acre tract described in the quitclaim deed from James Babcock et.ux. to Mito Commander USA, Inc., recorded in Volume 2483 Page 594 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; the subject tract being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING for the Northeast corner of the tract being described herein at a capped iron rod found for the Northeast comer of said 91.822 acre tract on the West line of Interstate Highway 35W; THENCE South 01 Degrees 00 Minutes 23 Seconds West along said Highway along and near a fence a distance of 800.00 feet to capped iron rod found; THENCE South 08 Degrees 47 Minutes 48 Seconds West continuing along said line a distance of 152.81 feet to a 3/8" iron rod found for the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 236.6 feet; THENCE along the arc of said curve an arc distance of 247.38 feet (chord bearing of South 31 Degrees 00 Minutes 02 Seconds West a distance of 236.27 feet) to a 3/8" iron rod found for the end of said curve and the beginning of another curve to the left having a radius of 336.6 feet; THENCE along the arc of said curve along said highway an arc distance of 705.59 feet (chord bearing of South 01 Degrees 07 Minutes 08 Seconds West a distance of 583.32 feet) to the end of said curve; THENCE South 01 Degrees 03 Minutes 50 Seconds West a distance of 146.15 feet to a 3/8" iron rod found for the Southeast corner of said 91.822-acre tract, THENCE North 88 Degrees 51 Minutes 19 Seconds West with the South line thereof now in Selz Road a distance of 695.58 feet to the Southwest comer of the herein described tract; THENCE North 00 Degrees 33 Minutes 44 Seconds East a distance of 1871.00 feet to a corner in the North line of said 91.822 acre tract; THENCE South 89 Degrees 51 Minutes 38 Seconds East with said North line along and near a fence a distance of 850.30 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and enclosing 32.12 acres of land. PREPARED BY: KERN SURVEYING PO BOX 507 KRUM TEXAS 76249 940482-6723 JOB# 981617 12/05/00 16:57 FAX 9404822911 BRUCE R PENNELL RESIDENTIAL FIELD NOTES to ail that certain tract of land situated in the HenryTierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241 Denton County, Texas and being a part of the called 91.822 acre tract described in the quitclaim deed from James Babcock et.ux. to Mito Commander USA, Inc., recorded in Volume 2483 Page 594 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; the subject tract being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING for the Northwest comer of the tract being described herein at a wood fence Comer post for the occupied Northwest Corner of said 91.822-acre tract; THENCE South 89 Degrees 51 Minutes 38 Seconds East with the North line thereof, along and near a fence a distance of 1446.72 feet to the Northeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE South 00 Degrees 33 Minutes 44 Seconds West a distance of 1871.00 feet; THENCE North 88 Degrees 51 Minutes 19 Seconds West a distance of 1446.75 feet to a 3/8" iron rod found for the Southwest comer of said 91.822-Acre tract; THENCE North 00 Degrees 33 Minutes 44 Seconds East a distance of 1845.62 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and enclosing 61.72 acres of land. Save and Except a tract of land described as follows: BEGINNING for the Northwest corner of the tract being described herein from which a wood fence comer post at the occupied Northwest corner of the aforementioned 91.822-acre tract bears North 77 Degrees 06 Minutes 15 Seconds West a distance of 769.90 feet; THENCE South 89 degrees 51 minutes 38 Seconds East a distance of 524.55 feet to a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 33 Minutes 44 Seconds West a distance of 942.97 feet to a corner; THENCE North 88 Degrees 51 Minutes 19 Seconds West a distance of 534.06 feet to a comer from which a 3/8" Iron Rod Found at the Southwest of the said 91.822-ac. tract that bears South 45 Degrees 22 Minutes 32 Seconds West a distance of 1053.69 feet; THENCE North 01 Degrees 08 Minutes 41 Seconds East a distance of 933.72 feet to a corner being the PLACE OF BEGINNING and enclosing 10.40 acres of land. PREPARED BY: SENT Corp 1621 AMANDA CT. PONDER, TX 76259 940482-2906 r CITY -RELATED BILLS FILED fter all the excitement on November 13 when pre -filing of bills slowed considerably. Nevertheless, new city -related bills continue described below. December 15, 2000 Number 9 began , the pace has to surface; they are H.B. 256 (Gallego) —Sales Taxes: would provide a sales tax exemption for building materials used to repair uninsured damage to residential homesteads in state or federal disaster areas. H.B. 272 (Berman) —Sales Taxes: would provide a sales tax exemption for blood transfusion equipment used during surgery. agriculturally -a - Property Taxes: would repeal the land that changes to a non-agricultural use. "rollback" tax imposed on H.B. 279 (Berman) —Stolen Property: Ayould allow a police officer to release stolen property to a person who establishes ownership of the property if the officer recovers the property within 24 hours of the time the property was reported stolen. H.B. 280 (Christian) —Police Animals: would make it a criminal offense for a person to taunt, torment, throw objects at, or interfere with a police service animal; and would exempt police service animals from the rabies quarantine requirements if the animal bites a person while the animal is under routine veterinary care or the animal is being used for law enforcement purposes in a jail or prison. H.B. 282 (Homer) —Economic Development: would prohibit a 4B economic development corporation from selling an asset to a business for less than the development corporation paid for the asset if. (1) the business has not previously transacted business within the city, and (2) the business would compete with other local businesses. A.B. 288 (Maxey) —Health Departments: would allow a local health authority or other organization to establish harm -reduction programs that would address the issues of: (1) prevention and transmission of AIDS/HIV and hepatitis B and C; (2) providing free and anonymous exchange of used needles and syringes; and (3) assisting persons to obtain drug treatment services. H.B. 295.L1 hompsonL Employment Discrimination: would make it unlawful for an employer to require an applicant for employment to disclose the applicant's sexual orientation; and would Note. when you receive this TML Legislative Update, please make copies of it and distribute them to members of the governing body and to depart- ment heads as appropriate. TML sends only one copy to each city, and we rely on those who receive it to distribute it. Thanks for your help. Published by the Texas Municipal League J � 1 8 2 1 Rutherford lane , Suite 4 0 0, Austin , Texas 7 0 7 5 4 5 1 2 0 (5 1 1► prohibit an employer from asking a third party, including a former employer, to offer an assessment of the applicant's sexual orientation. and minimum wage. /awe: would tie the Texas minimum wage to fair market rent, pay the greater of the Texas minimum wage or the federal H.B. 30'7 (Hupp) —Motor Vehicle Information: would require a city to obtain written consent from a person before the city could release any personal information about the person that is contained in a motor vehicle record that the city has been requested to release to the public. H.B. 309 (D. Ellis —Fire Codes: would allow all counties to adopt fire codes. (Note: under current law, only a county with a population of 250,000 or more or a county located next to a county with a population of 250,000 or more may adopt a fire code.) A R Z7n lTillvrvl — Fll'P FiahtPrc• wrnitrl allow fire fivhterc to meet and rnnfPr with a nnlitical subdivision regarding wages, salaries, hours of work, and other terms of employment. A H.B. 324 (Cuellar) —Sales Taxes: would provide a sales tax exemption for college textbooks purchased by students. H.B. 329 (G. Lewis —Maternity Benefits: would require a health provider to extend coverage to women for necessary medical expenses incurred as a result of pregnancy or childbirth despite any preexisting conditions; and would provide that the benefits would be subject to annual deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance required for other benefits under the plan, but would not be subject to a dollar limitation other than the plan's lifetime maximum benefits. H.B• 337 (Hawlex) —Liquor Licenses: would allow the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission to cancel or deny a permit to sell or serve alcoholic beverages to a person who has not paid delinquent property taxes on the premises where alcohol will be sold or served. H.B. 343 (Longoria) —Health Care Services: would prohibit a health benefit plan from having a contractual provision penalizing the health care provider or praconer for referring patients for additional treatments by a specialist or using his or her best judgement in prescribing certain medication, treatment, or device. H.B. 345 (Keel) — Alcohol -Related Offenses: would require a peace officer to take a blood or breath specimen of a person involved in a motor vehicle or watercraft accident if the officer, at the time of arrest, reasonably believes that an individual has died, or will die, or has suffered serious bodily injury as a direct result of the accident. H.J.R. 22 (Wilson) —Sovereign Immunity: would waive and abolish the sovereign immunity of the state and political subdivisions of the state and allow a person to sue the state or a political subdivision for damages in the same manner that a person would sue a private person or entity. S.B. 155 (Truan, — Design -Build: would allow a city to use adesign-build contract only for a project that is projected to cost $50 million or more and only if the following procedures are followed: (1) the city must prepare a request for qualifications and a design criteria package; (2) the city must evaluate proposals by, first, examining qualifications and, secondarily, considering other factors including costing methodology; (3) the city may not require offerors to submit detailed engineering or architectural design; (4) following selection, the selected firm shall complete the design; and (5) the city must contract for independent inspection and testing services. TLINE NATIONAL AGEN 1Vii,1111 ► A board -based coalition of 26 organizations — ranging from local government, youth advocates, public interest groups and community -based organizations, to home builders, retailers, organized labor, and the legal profession — has prepared a far-reaching strategy for Investing in Communities to send to the new Administration and Congress as a leadership plan to build a strong and prosperous future for America. Developed through ayear-long process of consultation, information -gathering, and meetings coordinated by the National League of Cities (NLC), the plan represents a shared commitment by the coalition partners — working on behalf of millions of citizens throughout the United States — to bring the resources of government at all levels together with the talents, skills, and energy that exist throughout the country. It calls upon the federal government to participate as a partner and a principal force in developing strategies and supporting investments in physical assets, such as transportation, technology, and affordable housing, and in social assets, such as education, public safety, and racial justice. Former NLC President Bob Knight, Republican mayor of Wichita, Kansas, and current NLC President Dennis Archer, Democratic mayor of Detroit, Michigan, forwarded the document to the leadership of the new 107`h Congress on behalf of the coalition. Copies also will be sent to the president-elect, leaders of his transition staff, and all members of the House and Senate. The Investing in Communities agenda outlines six priorities for federal action. The six priorities focus on. • reducing poverty by improving public education, job training, and public transportation; • revitalizing existing communities including investing in affordable low-income and moderate -income housing; • providing financing and investments incentives to build and maintain infrastructure; • investing in youth and providing support for families and children to promote their full and healthy development; • supporting local governments by recognizing responsibilities and related revenue requirements; and • promoting equal opportunities for all Americans and supporting efforts to reduce racism. The coalition identified a set of key values that provide a framework for carrying out the Investing in Communities agenda. The concepts include new civic alliances and government leadership, fairness and regional action, embracing technology, making wise investments, and establishing high standards. "We will aim high, and we will hold ourselves and others accountable for the results," the statement says. "The goals we share are within our reach — but only if we work together to envision and build a successful future." Noting the extraordinarily close outcome of this year's national elections, Mayor Knight and Mayor Archer described the plan as a model for initiatives that can achieve bipartisan support. Organizations that have joined the Investing in Communities coalition include the American Bar Association; the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees; the National Association of Counties; the National Association of Home Builders; the National Education Association; and the United States Conference of Mayors. Don't Miss The Upcoming TML gislattve Briefing February 5, 2001 Austin Marriott At The Capitol Registrntiort material will be rnniled to TA4L Member es in mid -December. 1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78754-5128 • 512-7I9-6300 • www.tml.org TML member cities tray tese the material herein for any purpose. No other person or entity may reproduce, duplicate, or distribute any part of this document without the written authorization of the Texas Municipal League. Executive Director -Frank Sturzl General Counsel -Susan Horton Director of legislative Services -Sharma Igo Legislative Associate =Snapper tar'r For further information contact the TML legislative Services Department 1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78754-5128 (512) 7 1 9 - 6 3 0 0 , Fax (512) 7 1 9 - 6 3 9 0